Verb To Be

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Present tense of the verb “to be”

1. Completa con la conjugación correcta del verbo to be (am, is, are) en la forma afirmativa. Si
quieres, Puedes usar contracciones (‘re, ‘s, ‘m):

a) I ___ an English student. f) The car ___ black

b) You ___ a good person. g) Dan ___ happy

c) We ___ singers. h) Lissa ___ tall

d) He ___ a teacher. i) The movie ___ funny

e) They ___ angry. j) Lissa and Martha ___ nice

2. Ahora, re-escribe las oraciones anteriores, pero esta vez usando la forma negativa del
presente del verbo

to be (am not, is not, are not). Si lo deseas, puedes usar las contracciones (isn’t, aren’t).

a)______________________ f)__________________________

b) ______________________ g)__________________________

c)________________________ h)__________________________

d) _______________________ i)_____________________________

e) _________________________ j)_____________________________

'To be': Presente simple interrogativo

Elige la forma correcta del presente simple interrogativo del verbo to be. Encierra en un círculo.
1 ____ this my house? 6 ____ they not your parents?
Am Isn't
Is Aren't
Are Are

2 ____ you sad? 7 ____ Susan and her sister

Am hungry?
Is Am
Are Is

8 ____ his family happy?

3 ____ Mary at home? Am not
Am Isn't
Isn't Aren't

4 ____ I a good friend? 9 ____ his new boyfriend

Am German?
Is Is
Are Am

5 ____ that city in Europe? 10 ____ a bit fat?

Am not Am not I
Isn't Am I
Aren't I'm

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