Is Canada A Better Country Then It Was Before

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Danika Surkari Surkari 1

Mr. Buono
July 15th 2022

Is Canada a better Country, then it was before?

Canada's development over the years has shown us to be a remarkable nation. Events in

Canada's past have had a significant influence on the country we are now. This is a result of the

actions Canada made while it was a developing nation. It created its own identity, increased its

level of independence, and underwent internal transformations to enhance the standard of living

for Canadians.

First, our country as a whole has benefited from Canada's increased independence. We

were formerly a British colony and were governed by them. By enacting the British North

America Act, Canada declared its independence from Britain in 1867. On July 1, 1867, the

provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec became a new, internally

self-governing federation known as Canada as a result of laws enacted by the British Parliament

(MacDougall). Canada was not necessarily a horrible country while it was a part of Britain, but

once we gained independence, our power increased. Despite Canada's independence from Great

Britain in 1867, the majority of its international affairs remained under British influence.

However, the fact that Canada could sign as a sovereign state demonstrated that Great Britain

had granted it total independence. The convention where the treaty was signed "included

independent representation for Canada, marking a crucial step in the long process toward

Canadian independence from Great Britain" (Hillmer). This was Canada's first significant choice
Danika Surkari Surkari 1
Mr. Buono
July 15th 2022

over how to handle its foreign affairs, therefore it represented a significant stride in our country's


Next, The world is now a better place as a result of Canada's development of its role as a

country that maintains peace. Canada contributed significantly to bringing both World Wars I and

II to a swift conclusion, earning us the reputation of being a peacekeeping country. "Canada was

a founding member of the League of Nations, a group of nations formed in 1919 following the

conclusion of the First World War" (Veatch). They made an effort to establish an organization

that would be able to maintain peace in our globe once Canada gained independence. Although

this organization didn't succeed, it was Canada's first move toward becoming a prominent player

in peacekeeping.

Last but not least, internal changes within Canada have made it a lot better nation than it

formerly was. The first significant adjustment we made has to do with how we treat First Nations

people. Canada has always shown the First Nations little regard and has treated them horribly.

Today, Canada has made significant progress toward becoming a welcoming and appealing

location for First Nations people, which improves our nation. "There was considerable political

mobilization by First Nations across Canada when the federal government released the White

Paper asking for integration of the First Nations of Canada." The government made an effort to

obliterate the way of life of the First Nations. To integrate the youngsters, they put them in
Danika Surkari Surkari 1
Mr. Buono
July 15th 2022

residential schools. Clearly, Canada today does not experience these problems nearly as badly.

The way we as a nation regard women has also altered. This shift in perspective originates not

from outside forces but from within our own country. Canada did not treat women equally during

the 1900s, as did many other nations. " Women in the 1960s and 1970s "Women in Canadian

society wished for significant change during the 1960s and 1970s. There was an emerging new

feminism. Women were rethinking their moral responsibilities." Women are treated with greater

respect and are viewed as equals by the majority today, making Canada a far more desirable

place to live. As a result, we are unquestionably a better nation than we were before.

Overall, Canada's development over the years has shown us to be a fantastic nation. The

previous several decades of Canadian history have seen a number of events that have improved

our country, including increases to the standard of living and Canada's independence.
Danika Surkari Surkari 1
Mr. Buono
July 15th 2022


"United Nations." The Canadian Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2016.

" - History of Canadian Medicare - Credits." - History of Canadian

Medicare - Credits. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 July 2016.

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