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I. If A and Bare 2 rowed square matrices such that

A+B= I [' -Ji [-2~I] AB=?

and (A - B) = S then

(a) [-7 ' i (b)[: -/J (c)[; _-I,i

I - 5 [' -Ii
(d) _ S S

2. lf [JS -2
J+2A= [S 6] thenA= ?
- 7 10

<•> [I Ji <•>[-I
- J 4-J 'i 4
(c)[_•6 ~] (d) none of these

3. lfA = oi [' -Ji

[- 3 I
-6 2
aresuchthat4A+3X = SB thenX = ?

5 4
(a) [_: -2 ] (b) [_: _\ ] (c) [-6 _\ ) (d)noneofthese

2 2 2
lf(A-2B) = [~ - ] and(2A-3B)= [- _ ] then8= ?
0 3 3

[' -•i [-• 'i

(a) - J 3 (b) - 3 - J [' -6i
(c)J -J (d) none of these

6 6
5. lf(2A-B)= [_ 4 -2 ~) and(2B+A)= -\ _7 thenA?

(o)[- 3 2
2 l - I
ll(b) [J -11
- I I
(c)[ J
- 2
- 2
- I
(d) none of these

(a)(x::-2,y=B) (b)(x: ,y=-8) (c) (x=J,y=-6) (d)(x=-3,y=6)

(a)z=3, w="I (b)z="l,w=3 (c)z=l,w=·2 (d)z,.2,w=·l

(a)x• l,y• 2 (b)x• 2,y• l (c)x• l,y-1 (d) none dthese

C•)O (b)l (c)•l (d)·2

c,i [='; ••'."]

- s in a oos a

c,i ['=• ''""]

-sma 2oosa
(d) nonedthese

11. JfA= [ ~a sina l besuchthatA+A·1 =I,thena=?

-sma r.osa

(a) ~ (b)¥ (c) ¥ (d) nonedthese

13. If A•[: : ] then adj A • ?

C•l [ J
- ha
-,i [-J bl
r - a
c,i['-, -•J
' (d) [-/ -: J
15. If A and Bare square matrices of the same order then (A+ B) (A· B) =?
(a)(A1 ·B1) (b)A1 +AB-BA-B1 (c)A1 -AB+BA-B1 (d ) noneoftnese

16. lfAandBaresquarematricesofthesameorderthen(A+ B)1 =?

(a)A1 2AB &l (b)A1 +AB+BA+&l (c)A1 a?

17. lfAandBaresquarematricesofthesameorderthen(A-B)1 • ?
(a)A1 -2AB+B1 (b)A1 ·AB-BA+e? (c)A1 -2BA+e?

(d) none of these

18. If A and Bare synvnetric matricH d the same orde- then (AB- BA) Is always
(a) a symmetric matrix (b) a skew-synvnetric matrix (c) a zero matrix

(d) an Identity matrix

19. Matrices A and Bare inverses of each other only when

(a)AB=BA (b)AB=BA=O (c)AB=O,BA=I (d)AB=BA=I

20. For square matrices A and B of the same order, we have adj (AB)=?
(a)(adJA)(adjB) (b)(adjB)(adjA) 1<1 1,.1 (d) none of these

21. If A Is a 3-rowed square matrix and IAI adj (adj 7

(b) 16A (d) none of these

22. If A is a J·rowed square matrix and IAI = 5 then i-,.tµJ= ?

(a)5 (b)25 (c)125 (d)noneofthese
23. For any two matrices A and B,
(a)AB • BA ls always true (b)AB BA ls never true

(c) sometimes AB • BA and sometimes AB -,. BA

(d) AB exists, then BA exists
(d) nonedthese

25. IfAisaninvertiblesquarematrixthen 1-4"-•1 =?

<•> I~ (b) ~ (c)1 (d)O

26. If A and Bare invertible matrices d lhe same order then( ABr 1 ,.?
(a) (A 1 x lr 1) (b) (Ax lr 1) (c) (A. 1 x BJ (d) (8·1 x A. 1)

27. If A and Bare two nonzero square matricesdlhe same order such that AB :()then

(a) 1,41 : 0or181 =0 (b) l,fi :Oand!Bl=O (c) >< Oand !Bl>< O (d)nonedlhese

28. lfAisa squarematrixsuchthat ,.OandAi-A+21=0thenA. 1 =?

(a)(J-A) (b)(I +A) (c) ½<I-A) Cd) fcr+A)

(a)2 (b)t (c)-1 (d)O

30. IfA = [ ~ O - sinO] thenA -' = ?

un O oos(}

(a)A (b}-A (c)adjA (d)-adjA

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