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1. Describe "evolution" and "fitness" using your data.

- Based on our data, Evolution can be defined as a change over time with the data per
generation. The results show that as the generation proceeds to one after the other, the
prey’s result decreases. Fitness is described as the ability to compete and cooperate. The
data we acquired shows the Relative Fitness between each generation, wherein the
population can be observed and predicted if it will be extinct or not in the next

2. Which among the varieties of seeds were the first ones to disappear? Why? What could be the
reason or reasons as to why other seeds will live to propagate in future generations? What about
those that disappeared?

- The first variety of seed to disappear is the white seed. In the seventh generation, the
white seeds started to disappear and became extinct by the 10th generation. The red
seeds started to disappear at the eighth generation and became extinct by the 10th
generation. The reason why different varieties of seeds are most likely to propagate or
vanish is their physical properties. The texture, size and shape may be a factor in
survival or extinction. The seeds that are more likely to survive in the generations have a
physical property that the predators have trouble grasping or killing. The seeds that are
more likely to vanish after 10 generations are those who have a physical property that
the predators easily grasp or kill.

3. Which among the varieties of predators were the first ones to disappear? Why? What could be
the reason or reasons as to why other predators will live to propagate in future generations?
What about those that disappeared?

- Among the varieties of predators, the knife were the first ones to disappear. It started to
go extinct during the 7th generation for the reason that it was not able to properly take
hold of the prey, especially those with large sizes, and put it in the cups or “stomach.”
Other predators, however, may have the capacity to live and propagate in future
generations, because they could grasp prey as much as they can due to their physical
characteristics, while those that disappeared may not since they are not present anymore
and their physical characteristics are not able to catch prey that easily.

4. What advantages do the successful predators have over those predators that are still alive but are
low in number and/or those that have gone extinct? Compare and contrast these predators.

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Hypothetically speaking and based on your observations and given some background on
evolution, is there a way for the predators with low population numbers to still increase in
number or even be the dominant predators around? How can this happen?

- The advantages of the successful predators compared to the predators that are still alive
but are low in number and/or those that have gone extinct may have a higher number of
getting more prey. As well as having an easier strategy in comparison to other predators
who have limited possibility of capturing the prey. For the predators with a low
population, there is no chance for it to still increase in number because the least predator
was already extinct during the 7th Generation. Therefore the dominant predators will
still transcend the predator with a low population.

5. What advantages do the successful seeds have over those seeds that are still alive but are low in
number and/or those that disappeared? Compare and contrast these seeds. Hypothetically
speaking and based on your observations and given some background on evolution, is there a
way for the seeds with low population numbers to still increase in number or even be the
dominant prey around? How can this happen?

- The advantage of successful seeds is the lack of predation pressure as more prey to
survive and consequently the prey population will then increase. Predators proliferate as
their food source does. The amount of prey decreases as there are enough predators.
When there is a food shortage, the number of predators drops, therefore there is a chance
for prey with low populations to increase as the cycle is repeated.

6. How do predator populations "mold" prey populations? Support your answer with evidence from
your data.

- Predator numbers grow and exert a top-down control on prey populations, putting more
stress on them and driving them toward decrease. Hence, the size of prey populations is
influenced by both the availability of resources and the level of predation. [evidence]

7. How do prey populations "mold" predator populations? Support your answer with evidence from
your data.

- The prey population “molded” the predator population because of how much prey it is
for the predator and how little there is to the population for the predators. [evidence]

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8. Is the concept of predator-prey, which you learned here, applicable to humans? Discuss your

- In human society, morality will inevitably collide with such a neutral stance. This is
because of the social construction of "predator-prey" relationships among people rather
than their biological basis. As a result, they will always be open to negotiation, moral
evaluation, opposition, and rebellion.

9. Considering the different types of selection, what type of selection could have already affected
the current simulation? How is this made evident? Propose a mechanism to show more clearly a
specific type of selection process within the games.

10. Why is the cutoff rising?

- Cutoff rises as total kills increase, at which point total kills will depend on the initial
population of each prey per generation.

11. Which predator(s) are likely to go extinct? What are the possible reasons these predators are more
extinction prone?

- The predators that are likely to go extinct are the knife and fork. These predators are more
extinction prone because they are not able to catch prey as much as they can and as
quickly as possible due to their physical characteristics, causing them to decline as the
generations pass by. The knife has a smooth, straight surface with no gaps in between
which makes it difficult for them to grasp prey since the prey could slide from them,
while the fork has a pointed and narrow branch-like structure that may be the reason why
it is also difficult for them to grasp prey with large and small sizes.

12. Which predator will be the last one to die? What are the possible reasons for the endurance of this

- The predator that will be the last one to die will be the hand. It is because the hand is
connected to the arm that helps it reach a broad and deeper area to be able to grasp a large
number of prey.

13. Top two most efficient hunters, 2 worst hunters? What makes them efficient or not efficient?

- The two most efficient hunters are hands and forceps. According to the data, it shows
that… It is because both predators exhibit characteristics like a claw that can grasp and

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hold prey firmly without fear of slippage. On the other hand, the worst two hunters are
the knife and fork. As seen in the data… Due to their structure, they are open, which is
why prey can easily get away.

14. Which are the two top seeds most likely to vanish? Why?

- The two top seeds most likely to vanish are the white and red seeds. The white seeds
started to disappear at the seventh generation while the red seeds started to disappear at
the eighth generation. The red and white seeds are most likely to disappear at the
beginning of 7th and 8th generation because of its physical attributes such as the shape
and roughness. The red and white are both smooth, while the red seeds are thinner yet
bigger in appearance. The white seeds are smaller and smoother than the other seeds.

15. Which are the two top seeds most likely to persist? Why?

- The top two seeds that are most likely to persist are the Black and Green seeds. The black
and green seeds persist until the 10th generation while other varieties of seeds vanish.
Both seeds are most likely to persist since they are easier to grasp rather than the other
seeds. The black seeds are rougher in texture and have a thicker shape than the other
seeds, while the green seeds are also rougher in texture, and have a thicker shape than the
rest of the seeds. With their rough texture and thicker body shape, these seeds are more
likely easier to grasp than the rest of the seed variation.

16. Which predator is best for each prey variety? Why?

- The best predator for each prey variety is hands. For this reason, hands can grasp better
compared to the other predators who have limited capabilities in capturing the prey.
Specifically if the seed is bigger or brighter in color, then the hands will be more able to
get it.

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