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Dr/ Sarah Mohamed

1) Upper Respiratory Tract:
nose , pharynx , larynx
 2)Lower Respiratory Tract:

trachea , bronchi , lungs


1. supplies the body with oxygen and disposes of

carbon dioxide.
2. filters inspired air.
3. produces sound.
4. Smell sensation.
5. rids the body of some excess water and heat.
 The nose is divided into two regions:
1*The external nose having external nasal opening
2*The internal nasal cavity:
.Lies posterior to the external nose
.Is divided by a midline nasal septum into 2
.Opens posteriorly into the naso-pharynx via
internal nasal opening.
 Internal nasal cavity (cont.):
The cavity has:
1-floor : is formed by the hard and soft palates
separating it from oral cavity below.
2- roof : it is bony separating it form cranial cavity
3-medial wall: is called nasal septum .
4-lateral wall: is bony and receives the opening of
paranasal sinuses.
 Internal nasal cavity (cont.):
It is lined by vascular mucous membrane. The upper
part of this mucosa contains smell receptors and so
called (olfactory
 Paranasal Sinuses
Four bones of the skull contain paired air spaces
called the paranasal sinuses – (frontal, ethmoidal,
sphenoidal, maxillary).
 Function:
1-Decrease skull bone weight
2-Warm, moisten and filter incoming air
3-Add resonance to voice.
 Communicate with the nasal cavity by ducts.

*Common space used by both the respiratory

and digestive systems.
*Commonly called the throat.
*It is muscular tube between nose and
*Common pathway for both air and food
 Pharynx is divided into 3 parts:
1- Nasopharynx: lies behind the nose, showing 2
a)nasopharyngeal tonsil (adenoids): lies
behind the nose. When enlarge it cause nasal
b)Opening of eustachian tube which
connect it with middle ear.
2-Oropharynx : continues with oral cavity (contain
3-Laryngeopharynx : continues with larynx.
*Site : front of neck .
*Structure: formed of group of cartilages connected
to each other by fibrous membrane and small
On swallowing , the laryngeal inlet is closed by
epiglottis (one of laryngeal cartilages) , so the
food passes into the esophagus not larynx.
Inside larynx there is 2 vocal cords which are
mucous membrane folds , their vibration produce
the sound.
Length: 10 -12cm.
Site : its upper part in neck while lower in thorax.
in front of esophagus.
Beginning : in the neck at the lower border of
End : in the thorax at level of thoracic vertebrae 4
where it divides into right & left bronchus (level
of bifurcation).
Structure: it is formed of incomplete rings of
cartilage arranged above each other to keep
trachea open all the time.
 Bronchi :
Trachea divides into 2 main bronchi (right and
Right main bronchus divides into 2 bronchi before
entering the lung while the left bronchus divides
after enter lung.
After entering the lung each bronchus undergoes
repeated branching , the final and smallest
branches are called the bronchioles.
Bronchioles are connected to alveoli , which are
surrounded by a net work of blood capillaries.
Alveoli are the site of gas exchange.
 Lung :
Shape: cone shaped with apex above the level of
clavicle and base downwards on diaphragm.
Site : in the thoracic cavity.
Hilum of lung : it present in the medial surface of
lung showing passage of :
2-pulmonary artery
3-pulmonary vein.
Lobes of lungs:
Each lung is divided into lobes , right one
divides into 3 lobes while left divides into two.
Pleura :
It is the covering of lung.
pleura is formed of 2 layers :
1- parietal layer: outer , lines the thoracic cavity.
2- visceral layer: inner , covers the lungs.
Pleural cavity: it present between the 2 layer ,
containing serous fluid which act as lubricant.

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