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SS5 CPB CONTRACTORS SYDNEY METRO - WESTERN SYDNEY AIRPORT STATION BOXES AND TUNNELLING WORKS Procedure Title: Compressed Air Work Document Number: SMWSASBT-CPG-SWD-TU000-HS-PRO-265215 Revision Date 21/04/2023 Document Approval Rew Date Prepared by Reviewed by ‘Approved by ye Mutant 00 ——-2owra0z3 Massimiliano Tere Tommaso Gros80 Wt Freelander Robbie Hoase otwsbron Ton ke - 7 ya ae Signature: Wiest Syaney Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 26 September 2022 Commercalin Confidence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 1 of 85 Procedure — Compressed Air Works TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. 5 1. OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF WORK 6 2. KEY DELIVERABLES.. 7 3. WORKFLOW. 8 4. DEFINITIONS 9 5. PROCEDURE 10 5.2.1, Compressed Air Operations Supervisor (CAS). ii 6. COMPETENCY AND TRAINING. 15 7. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS. 18 8, STOP WORK AUTHORITY. . 19 9. MANNED INTERVENTION DOCUMENTATION 20 Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Procedure — Compressed Air Works 9.2, Intervention Log Sheet. 20 9.3. Air Compressor and Generator Attendant Record 20 9.4. Bends Watch Record Sheet. 21 9.5. Hyperbaric Workers Identification Badge. 21 9.6. Hyperbaric Workers Logbook 22 10, PROHIBITION OF ENTRY INTO COMPRESSED AIR 22 10.1, Maximum Period in Compressed Air. 22 41, SITE INSTALLATION AND COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT 23 11.1. Compressed air requirements for breathing air 23 11.2. Air Receivers. 23 113. Air Dryer. 23 114, filter Stations... 23 115. Pipe Work. 24 116. Air Quality 24 11.7. Samson System, 24 11.8. Built-in Breathing Apparatus (BIBS) 24 119. Air Locks (on TBM) 25 11.10. Medical Lock 26 11.11, Other Facilities 26 12, WORKING IN COMPRESSED AIR 27 12.1. Decision to enter in Compressed Air 27 12.2. Emptying the Cutterhead for a Compressed Air intervention 27 12.3. __Pre-Intervention Procedures 27 12.4. Personnel Compression Procedures 28 413, WORKING PROCEDURES. 29 14. DECOMPRESSION PROCEDURES. 32 14.1. Post Decompression Procedure. 32 14.2. Compression and Decompression of a single person. 33 14.3. Decompression Tables 33 14.4. Decompression illness 34 145. Treatment of Decompression illness (DCI) 34 Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Page 0'68 Staton Boxee & Tonneling Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Comp Commercial n Confidenc 0d Ar Work inted Cops are Uncontrolled Procedure — Compressed Air Works 45, GENERAL RULES FOR COMPRESSION AND DECOMPRESSION OF MANNED INTERVENTION PERSONNEL. 35 16. COMMUNICATIONS 36 16.3. Genephones (Secondary). 36 17, SAFETY IN COMPRESSED AIR.. 37 18. INCIDENT INVESTIGATION AND REPORTING 43 19. FLOWCHARTS FOR EMERGENCY PROCEDURES. 44 19.2. Manlock - Emergency Procedures (EP) 44 20. REFERENCES 49 APPENDICES... lessee os oe 50 APPENDIX 1 FRENCH DECOMPRESSION TABLES. . 50 APPENDIX 2 CANADIAN (DCIEM) DECOMPRESSION TABLES 64 Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Procedure — Compressed Air Works EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ‘The purpose of this document is to ensure that work carried out on the TBM under compressed air is ‘conducted in a safe and efficient manner and in conformance with the relevant regulations, codes and standards controlling compressed air work Wiest Syaney Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Page so Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 26 September 2022 Commercalin Confidence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Procedure — Compressed Air Works 1. OVERVIEW AND SCOPE OF WORK ‘The scope of this document covers works in the TBM Shields and Excavation / Cutterhead chamber under compressed air. Compressed air work is expected to be undertaken where maintenance on the ‘TBM Cutterhead is required in areas of soft ground where the tunnel face is unable to support itself. In this procedure there are documented procedures for the planning and conduct of compressed air work including (@) Responsibilities, duties, and competency of those involved in the compressed air work. (©) Operation of the plant and equipment used in this work. () Details of the compressed air system (@) Conduct of the compressed air work including compression and decompression procedures (e) Emergency response plans All procedures described in this document have been specifically designed to meet the requirements of the Australian Standard AS4774,1 -2003, Work in compressed air and hyperbaric facilities, Part 1 Work in tunnels, shafts, and caissons, ‘This procedure is to be read in conjunction with the Hyperbaric Workers and Hyperbaric Lock Operators Training Course Handbooks. In the event there are anomalies or conflicts between Acts, Regulations and Standards the precedence will prevail in the following order: (@) Legislative Requirements — Acts, Regulations, Statutory Notices (b) SafeWork NSW Approved Codes of Practice (©) Australian Standards (d) CPBG Operating Standards (©) SafeWork NSW Guidelines Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 6 of 86 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 2. KEY DELIVERABLES ‘Consult the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 for notifiable disease classifications and safety data sheets for health and safety precautions Risk assessments have been conducted to identify potential exposure to communicable diseases that may be associated with the location and type of work performed, Control strategies are implemented where there is a reasonable probability of exposure to a ‘communicable disease source. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 7 of 85 een | CPB Procedure — Compressed Air Works 3. WORKFLOW No specific workflow for this procedure Wiest Syaney Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 26 September 2022 Commercalin Confidence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 8 of 86 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 4. DEFINITIONS ADAS - Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme AMP - Appointed Medical Practitioner AQF — Australian Qualification Framework BIBS — Builtin Breathing System CAOS - Compressed Air Operations Supervisor CO ~ Carbon Monoxide (€02~ Carbon Dioxide DCI — Decompression lines DCIEM — Defence and Civil Institute Environmental Medicine HK = Herrenknecht (CPBG — CPB Contractors Ghella JV KPA. Kilopascal LO —Lock Operator MIS —Manned intervention Supervisor (02 -Oxygen PFO — Patent Foraman Ovale PPE — Personal Protective Equipment RPD — Respiratory Protection Devices 'SWA - Stop Work Authority SWMS ~ Safe Work Method Statement ‘TBM — Tunnel Boring Machine ‘TSE Works ~ Tunnels & Stations Excavation Works CAP Construction Area Plan CAPRA - Construction Area Risk Assessment WMS — Work Method Statement \WPK = Work Pack WPKRA — Work Pack Risk Assessment Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 8 of 85 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 5. PROCEDURE 5.1, ORGANISATION CHART ‘Atmospheric ens Pressure Operations Supervisor Cots) Medical Lock Operator Appointed Medical Practtition ‘TBM Lock Operator Compressed Plant Manager Compressor Watch Guard Emergency Intervention Worker Electrical Watch Guard Hyperbaric Environment ‘Manned Intervention Worker Manned Intervention Worker ‘Manned Intervention Worker Manned Intervention Worker gure 1 Compressed Ais Work Organisation Chart Wiest Syaney Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 26 September 2022 Commercalin Confidence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 10 0 88 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 5.2. KEY PERSONNEL AND RESPONSIBILITIES 5.2.1. COMPRESSED AIR OPERATIONS SUPERVISOR (CAOS) This is the designated person in overall command of the intervention operation in accordance with the regulations. The CAOS' responsibilities include the following + Informing the AMP of a planned intervention before the intervention (24 hours’ notice if possible) + Maintaining all emergency exit and entry routes from the TBM, tunnel and TSE worksite during the intervention; + Controlling the recompression of any person with DCI (Decompression Iiiness) in liaison with the AMP, Lock Operator and Supervisor, and + Overall control of emergency situations if they arise while an intervention is in progress including coordinating the rescue of any injured person ‘The CAOS will be the Tunnel Manager, Superintendent, Foreman or Engineer who has detailed knowledge of the tunnel environment. 4 list of qualified persons who can be appointed as the CAOS will be made available on-site by the Project Manager. One person nominated as the CAOS must be ‘on site, outside of the tunnel, for every intervention. In the event that the person nominated as the CAOS needs to be changed during intervention all relevant personnel must be notified before the change. This as a minimum must include the Manned Intervention Supervisor, the Lock Operators and the Team Leaders, 6.2.2. APPOINTED MEDICAL PRACTITIONER ‘The Appointed Medical Practitioner will be a legally qualified specialist hyperbaric doctor with ‘experience in hyperbaric medicine. The AMP will be available in case of emergency or accident and will coordinate and direct the treatment of a person with DCI. The AMP will be certified as fit to enter ‘compressed air when necessary. The duties of the AMP will include: * Conducting the medical examinations for all compressed air personnel, including coordinating X-ray examinations and issue of certificates of fitness for work in compressed air, + Consultation and approval of Medical and First Aid equipment for compressed air work; ‘+ Periodical medical examination of compressed air personnel when required: * Coordination of treatment for DCI; and * Liaison and coordination with emergency services and authorities before commencement of compressed air operations, Note: The AMP can vary between successive interventions and could be a different AMP fram the AMP who has conducted the compressed air personnel's medical examinations. 5.2.3, MANNED INTERVENTION SUPERVISOR ‘This is the person supervising the manned intervention from within the tunnel. The Supervisor's responsibilities are as follows: + Ensure all preparation for manned intervention, ineluding all pre-intervention checklists, are completed; Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Page 11 of 86 Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work ao Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Procedure — Compressed Air Works + Liaise with the CAOS and Lock Operator for the recompression of any person suffering from Del; ‘+ To monitor the hyperbaric operations within the tunnel and only enter the hyperbaric environment if replaced by a designated, suitably qualified person; and + To select the intervention workers for each intervention, ‘The Manned Intervention Supervisor will have a certificate of qualification in working in compressed air and be familiar with the working environment on the TBM, ‘The Manned Intervention Supervisor will generally be the Shift Boss or nominated and qualified delegate. 5.24, TBM LOCK OPERATOR ‘The TBM lock operators will control the man lock for hyperbaric operations on the TBM during ‘compressed air works and has the following responsibiities: + Operation of the manlock in accordance with the compression and decompression standard procedures and decompression tables (French Tables); + Will complete all ime keeping for each intervention, logging compression, working and decompression times accurately and in full on the Intervention Log Sheet (SMWSASBT-CPG- (OHE-SN150-HS-RCD-257201); ‘+ Will be always present at the manlock during an intervention, and will complete no other job or task for the duration of the intervention; + Will only enter the hyperbaric environment for emergency purposes and only ifa similarly qualified and competent person can replace him, * Will ensure that no smoking or combustible materials are taken into the manlocks; + Will prevent access to the manlocks of any person suspected of being unfit for any reason including being affected by colds, fl, alcohol or drugs; + Will ensure that any person entering compressed air is suitably trained, has a current certificate of medical fitness and calculates their repetitive intervention status; ‘Fill n the intervention information in the hyperbaric workers logbooks; and + Will not control a man lock for more than 8 hours in any 24-hour period unless itis an emergency situation, ‘The Lock operator will be specifically trained for the role. 5.2.5, MEDICAL LOCK OPERATOR ‘The Medical Lock operator wil be on standby ifthe operation of the surface medical lock is required His duties include the preparation of the medical lock so that its ready for immediate use, and he ‘must remain avallable for 12 hours after intervention. The Medical Lock Operator normally supervises the "bends watch” rest period and issues the compressed air worker identification badges, ‘The medical Lock operator wil complete the same training the TBM lock operator and therefore these positions are considered as interchangeable. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 12 0f 88 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 5.2.6, MANNED INTERVENTION TEAM LEADER ‘The Manned Intervention Team Leader will be responsible for the work cartied out in the hyperbaric ‘environment and will: + Liaise directly with the Lock Operator for the duration of each intervention and follow directions given to him + Be responsible for all procedures not controlled by the Lock Operator, + Be responsible for the safety of all men while working in the hyperbaric environment paying particular attention to guiding new intervention workers during their first working shifts; and + Be an experienced, trained compressed air worker with sufficient experience to be a team leader in a compressed air working shift and who are able to guide "beginners" in their first working shifts. ‘The manned intervention Team leader will have previous experience in a hyperbaric environment and will generally be the mechanical or civil leading hand, 5.2.7, HYPERBARIC TUNNEL WORKERS ‘The hyperbaric tunnel workers will take direction from the Manned Intervention Team Leader and have the following responsibilties: ‘Will not participate in the intervention while under the influence of alcohol or drugs and will not consume alcohol for 12 hours before or after intervention; + Will not smoke or carry smoking materials or other contraband while in the tunnel or the hyperbaric environment, + Will wear the hyperbaric workers identification badge for a period of 24 hours after intervention + Will report any sickness, including DCI symptoms, to the Lock Operator or Manned Intervention Supervisor before, and if occurring during and after intervention; and + Will observe the "Blends Watch’ period 6.2.8, EMERGENCY INTERVENTION WORKER ‘The emergency intervention worker will be a compressed air trained worker on standby on the TBM ‘outside the lock with the Manned Intervention Supervisor or Lock Operator, in the event he has to center the lock. His responsibilities are the same as the Manned Intervention Worker. 5.2.8, COMPRESSED AIR PLANT MANAGER ‘A competent person, who checks the pressure pipe network, compressors, filters, dryers, gauges and the Medical Lock chamber before the commencement of an intervention, during the intervention and for medical operations, ‘The Compressed Air Plant manager will generally be the surface fitter or electrical foreman. 5.2.10, COMPRESSOR WATCH GUARD ‘A competent person, who constantly checks the air compressors and the pressure pipe network at the surface and during compressed air works. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 13 0188 Procedure — Compressed Air Works ‘The Compressor Watch Guard also monitors and records the pressure gauge from the compressors {during an intervention and relates this information to the lock attendant and Manned Intervention ‘Supervisor. ‘The Compressor Watch Guard will generally be a fitter watch guard worker. 5.2.11, ELECTRICAL WATCH GUARD ‘A-competent person who constantly monitors the electrical systems, during operation of the working ‘chamber and the decompression chamber operations. ‘The person in charge will be the electrician on shift, who can delegate the watch guard responsibilty to another competent person if required. ‘The electrician on shift will also check all communication systems before commencement of each ‘compressed air works. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 14 088 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 6. COMPETENCY AND TRAINING Hyperbaric crews will comprise a minimum crew of 3 persons, 2 of which must have undergone certifed confined space entry worker training, Although this Is not required by legislation it represents ‘good practice over and above the requirements and provides added training in gas monitoring, ‘The training matrix is shown in Figure 2 below. 6.1. HYPERBARIC TUNNEL WORKER All personnel working in compressed air will undergo a ‘hyperbaric tunnel workers’ AQF accredited training course. This course is at Certificate 3 level and on successful completion will result in the award of a certificate of competency from ADAS as a ‘hyperbaric tunnel worker’ ‘The course covers the safety and operational aspects of compressed air works, the theory behind ‘compressed air effects on the body, emergency response procedures and assisting with the prevention and treatment of hyperbaric related illnesses, Prerequisites for the ‘hyperbaric tunnel workers’ training course require that an applicant has: (@) A valid certifcate of medical fitness issued by a doctor trained and experienced in underwater and hyperbaric medicine in accordance with the requirements of Section 5 of AS 4774.1 (b) A current Senior (Level 2) First Aid Certificate as a minimum and is capable of maintenance of the air way in an unconscious patient, administering therapeutic oxygen and performing CPR. (©) Trade or construction experience 6.2. TBMLOCK OPERATORS Al personnel operating the TBM locks and the surface medical lock, will undergo a ‘lock operators’ AQF accredited training course. This course is at Certificate 4 level and on successful completion will result in the award of a certificate of competency from ADAS as a ‘hyperbaric lock operator: ‘The course covers the operation of the site locks including twin-lock compression chamber, use of the hyperbaric equipment, gas analysis, compression and decompression procedures, emergency response procedures and the safety and operational aspects of being a lock operator. Prerequisites for the ‘lock operator training course require that an applicant has: (@) Holds a current Hyperbaric Tunnel Worker certification (©) A valid certificate of medical fness to dive issued by a doctor trained and experienced in underwater and hyperbaric medicine in accordance with the requirements of Section 5 of AS ATTAA, (©) Acurrent Senior (Level 2) First Aid Certificate as a minimum and is capable of maintenance of the air way in an unconscious patient, administering therapeutic oxygen and performing CPR. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Page 15 0f 6 Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work ae 15 Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Procedure — Compressed Air Works 63. MEDICAL LOCK OPERATORS Medical lock operators will need to complete the ‘lock operator’ certificate of competency and be ‘specifically trained in the operation of the medical lock Medical lock operators are to be trained to the satisfaction of the AMP in the treatment of decompression illness and emergency response procedures. Wiest Syaney Aiport Staton Boxee & Tonneling Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Page to oles Compressed Air Work ao Commercial n Confidenc inted Cops are Uncontrolled poyonuo.un ax sedoo pow = souepyueg uy eprONUED 2202 soqueidas gz eq WOH 9810 41 sO 2uoya ar passeutung - §12592-O¥d'SH-O00TU-GMS-Od0-LESYSMINS Sunuuy 9 anima woRS ody haunks waiseh sroyom ty passesduo) 40, 12— Bue, ain ‘pend oie e073 reno wore ross) “abavey wa Ny pessa.dwoD seven RL ‘ead “osnreans vonuenia power 7eiesed spor apo IO) ally passeidwieg — einpeooig Gals | #8 Procedure — Compressed Air Work 7. MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS 7A, PHYSICAL CHECKS Any person working in compressed air must be examined and passed as fit for compressed air (hyperbaric) work by the AMP. The medical examination will satisfy the requirements of Australian Standard AS 4774.1 and wil include all he necessary X-rays to identify any potential problems or ‘existing chest or bone disorders. 7.2, REPETITIVE MEDICAL CHECKS Persons involved in compressed air work on a continuous basis must be medically examined every twelve months or at shorter intervals as deemed appropriate by the AMP. Ifa hyperbaric tunnel ‘worker is absent from work for more than seven days due to illness, he will nat be allowed entry to ‘compressed air unti cleared by the AMP. 7.3. MEDICAL REPORTS Copies of the Medical Practitioner's report and certification for persons to work in compressed air will be retained by the Medical Practtioner and made accessible to the appropriate Statutory Authorities, Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 18 01 88 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 8, STOP WORK AUTHORITY ‘Stop work Authority (SWA) establishes the responsibilty and authority of any individual to stop work when an unsafe condition or act could result in an undesirable event. In general terms, the SWA process involves a stop, notify, correct and resume approach for the resolution. Wiest Syaney Aiport ‘SUNIGASET-CPG-SWO- TOMES PRODEETE- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 26 September 2022 Commercalin Confidence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 19 01 85 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 9, MANNED INTERVENTION DOCUMENTATION For the safe and efficient operation of a manned intervention and for important control of DC, itis imperative that manned intervention documentation, as described below and shown in then are fully and accurately completed. 9.1, INTERVENTION DATA SHEET AND PERMIT TO WORK ‘This form is usually prepared by the Manned Intervention Supervisor and must be approved by CAOS before any hyperbaric intervention taking place. This form lists the names of all personnel necessary {or intervention as well as the date, start time, proposed ring number, purpose, planned pressure, planned duration, maximum permitted duration and anticipated ground conditions. ‘This form, Intervention Data Sheet, and Permit (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-PRO-281037), ‘along with the following checklists form the basis of intervention planning and preparation and mandatory requirements, Checklists include: + Compressed Air Operations Supervisor Checklist (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-ITC- 267243) + Lock Operators Checklist (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-ITC-267238) ‘+ Manned Intervention Supervisors Checklist (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-ITC-267240) + TBM Lock Pre-Entry Checkiist (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-ITC-267242) ‘There is a standard form Intervention Data Sheet and Permit (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS- PRO-281037) which complies with legislation, Every form completed willbe retained in a special fle for inspection when required, 9.2, _ INTERVENTION LOG SHEET ‘This form will be a complete record covering each person on intervention showing compression, ‘working and decompression times. It wil be completed in full as the intervention progresses by the Lock Operator and never completed retrospectively ‘There is a standard form Intervention Log Sheet (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS-RCD-257201) which complies with legislation. Every form completed willbe retained in a special file for inspection when required 9.3. AIR COMPRESSOR AND GENERATOR ATTENDANT RECORD. ‘This form is designed to record the volume, pressure and temperature of the air compressors supplying the hyperbaric intervention. The attendant will assess the flow of air from the compressors, but timing the duration between periods of idling of the compressors. The CAOS will be notified in the ‘event the compressors have not idled for a continuous period of greater than 6 minutes. Ifthe limit is ‘exceeded and no operational cause can be found (eg, additional compressed air ulisation for other services), the hyperbaric intervention can be suspended untl the face stabilty is verified or will be aborted ifthe flow rate cannot be stabilised. Measurements are to be taken every 10 minutes and any ‘abnormalities must be communicated immediately to the Manned Intervention Supervisor who will inform the Lock Operator. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 20 f 8 Procedure — Compressed Air Works ‘There is a standard form Air compressor and generator attendant record (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE- SN150-HS-PRO-281065) which is to be completed by the compressor watch guard and every ‘completed form will be retained in a special file for inspection when required 9.4, BENDS WATCH RECORD SHEET ‘This sheet is designed to ensure that all hyperbaric workers observe the mandatory rest period (euphemistically known as the bends watch period) and that the hyperbaric workers identification badges are issued and returned. The sheet requires the worker to sign in at the start of the rest period ‘and out at the completion of the rest period. This will be completed by the person supervising the rest period which is usually the medical Lock Operator. (On completion the standard form Bends Watch Record Sheet (SMWSASBT-CPG-OHE-SN150-HS- RCD.257199) isto be filed in a special fle for examination when required. 9.5. HYPERBARIC WORKERS IDENTIFICATION BADGE All persons who will at any time be involved in compressed air work, are to be provided with a tally or badge attached to a chain or cord and is wor around the neck continuously for a period of 24 hours post-decompression. Clearly marked on both sides will be the following + Front. Compressed Air worker — if ll call: followed by the relevant emergency numbers. + Back. The location of the site medical lock and the nearest hospital-based treatment facility 9.6. HYPERBARIC WORKERS LOGBOOK Every hyperbaric worker will be issued with a personal logbook to record intervention details as part of the Hyperbaric Workers Course. The logbook will be kept on site and the intervention details will be ‘entered by the Lock Operatar at the completion of each intervention and counter signed by the worker. The logbook will be available to the Lock Operator before the intervention so that he can ‘check that the hyperbaric worker's medical certificate is current and whether or not the proposed intervention will be within 12 hours of a previous intervention (repetitive intervention). At the ‘completion of the project or when the worker leaves employment the logbook is to be returned to its ‘owner. Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commercialin Canfdence - Printed Copies are Uncontoled Page 21 0f 88 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 10. PROHIBITION OF ENTRY INTO COMPRESSED AIR ‘The Lock Operator will not allow entry into compressed air to any person who: 10.1, Is known to be or suspected of suffering DCI without prior instruction from the appointed Medical Practitioner and then only for treatment purposes; Is known to be suffering from sore throat, head cold or sinus complaint; ‘Shows signs of intoxication elther from alcohol or drugs; and Has been absent from work due to illness (not recreation) for more than seven days unless cleared by the AMP before return to work and certified fitfor work in compressed air. MAXIMUM PERIOD IN COMPRESSED AIR ‘The maximum time in compressed air will be the time stated as the longest exposure time in the tables for the particular working pressure (ie French Tables). Repetitive compression (ie within 12hrs ofthe previous compression) will not be planned when either compression is to a pressure greater than 2.1 bar or the total time under pressure, including decompression times, will be greater than six hours. ‘Where Repetitive compressions are undertaken in any 12-hour period the working times will be combined at the maximum pressure to determine the decompression. Under these circumstances the total time under pressure, including the decompression, will not exceed six (6) hours. Revision Date: 28 Septomber 2022 Commerialin Confdonc Wiestem Syanay Aiport ‘SWWISASET-CPG-SWO-TUDIES PRO- Staton Boxee & Tonneling Compressed Air Work inted Cops are Uncontrolled Page 22 0f 8 Procedure — Compressed Air Works 11. SITE INSTALLATION AND COMPRESSED AIR EQUIPMENT 14.1, COMPRESSED AIR REQUIREMENTS FOR BREATHING AIR ‘The Compressed Air requirements for the TBM interventions have been determined through calculations based upon: + Open Face Area of Ground being supported by the compressed air cushion; ‘+ Type of material being supported and subsequent permeability ~ ie sand / clay; and + Use of bentonite to line the face and form a near impermeable membrane against compressed air loss into the ground, if so required ie Cake membrane During an intervention there will always be two operating compressors and one standby diese! ‘compressor (in the event of breakdown or sudden air loss). The compressors must be sized such that the maximum anticipated airflow required by the TBM can be covered by a single compressor running ‘continuously and the second compressor cycling. The degree to which the second compressor is ‘cycling Is to be recorded and ifthe charge time is greater than 6mins the CAOS is to be informed and actions taken as per section 9.3 above, Inthe event of a power failure the air supply to the TBM must be guaranteed. This is achieved by having three diesel power generators, The generators are sized such that only two are required to run to provide adequate power. Ifone of the generators fails the back up (third) generator will be started, ‘The complete compressed air system, including dryer, fiter and supply line to the TBM will be

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