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Seated Meditation (Pranayama, Ujayi Breath)

2. Initial Warming (Table top, Child's Pose, do cat-cow pose, do a few more times)

3. Suryanamaskar (Classical, A3x, and B2x + humble warrior)

4. Standing Asana Externally Rotated, (Warrior 2), and then plank, chatarunga - reversed, extended side
angle, warrior three, half moon first side

5. Internally Rotated Standing Asana - (Warrior 2) - second side

6. Core work/abdominals - Sugar Cane Post

7. Arm Balances - Side plank, and then wild thing.

(Child's pose)

8. Back bends - Puppy Pose, Backbends, and the use of Wheel props.

9. Twists - seated spinal twist

10. Hip Opener - butterfly pose

11. Restorative Inversions - (basic bridge pose + supine twist)

12. Savasana

Practicum: Jun 24


1. What is mindfulness or mindfulness meditation - mindfulness meditation for me is about being aware
of the way you breathe and what thoughts are in your mind.

2. What are the four functions of the mind? Describe them in two sentences.

-balas, chitas, ahamkaras, etc.

3. What is "yoga citta vritti nirodaha" in English

4. How do you calm the vrittis or waves of the mind

5. Name at least 2 kleshas and how do you release yourself from these kleshas

6. Name at least two techniques of meditations and how do you teach it in class?

7. Yogic Art of breathing and leads to the control of emotions - Pranayama

8. It is the energy the permeates the Earth - Prana

9. Prana is otherwise known as - (a life force or vital entergy)

10. It is the movement of Prana in and upward - Prana

11. Down and out - Apana

12. Phase of pranayama that is called the voluntary controlled suspension of the breath? (Kumbaka)

13. Pranayama that balances the right and left side of the brain (nadishudana)

14. Pranayami that cools down the body (shitali, etc.)

15. One pranayama that energizes the body and how do you teach it in class?

16. Name the 14 skeletal segments.

17. Name the 10 muscle groups

18. Main muscle of respiration? (Diagphram)

19. Name at least 2 ball and socket joints?

20. Name at least 2 hinge joints? (elbows and knees)

21. This connective tissue that connects muscle to bone (Tendon)

22. Deep connective tissue that interconnects muscles and covers deeper organs (Fascia)

23. Big muscle in front of the chest, originates from the sternum and inserts into the top of the humerus
and responsible for flexion of the arm - Peck major/pectoralis major

24. 2 asanas that activates pec major - plank, crow pose, inversions, arm balances, side planks, etc.

25. Muscle that is responsible for the protraction of the shoulder blade - serratus anterior

26. Name 2 asanas where serratus anterior is activated - Plank, handstands, cat pose

27. Responsible for abduction of the arm -

28. Asanas where the arm is abducted - tree pose, high lunge, etc.
29. Muscle for retraction of scapula - rhomboids

30. Any asana that lengthens your neck -

31. Biggest muscle on the posterior part of the body - latissimus dorsae.

32. What are the 4 rotator cuffs - supra, infra, teres minor, teres major, subscapularis

33. Which rotator cuffs help the latissimus dorsae? Teres major

34. Most poweful hip flexor in the bodyand is the anatomical location of undyana bhanda - Ilyo soas

35. What muscle do you contract and avoid backbend while doing warrior 1? - to avoid arching the
back? - glutes

36. Group of muscles in the inner thighs responsible for adduction and internal rotation of the legs? -

37. Asana where the leg is internally rotated - prasarita, twists, revolving triangle

38. What muscle abduct the thigh? - gluttial medius

39. Asanas in which your thighs are abducted? , Tree pose

40. Big muscle in front of the thigh which extends the knee - quads

41. What asana strethces the quadriceps

42. How about hamstrings?

43. At least 2 functions of the hamstrings? - stretches the glutes and bends the knees

44. What muscles may press on the sciatic nerve which results on spasms and pain on the muscles under
the butt? Performis

45. Asana where the hip is externally rotated - pidgeon, goddess, etc

46. Asanas Where your hip is in flexion? - arda utanasana, etc.

47. Name at least 2 asana where spine is extended or (backbended) - camel, bow pose,

48. How do you counter pose if your were doing core strengthening?

49. Top most layer of abdonial muscles - rectus adbomineer

34/50. Connects soine to the hip - tdql/qudratus lumburum

51. Which asana lenthens the quadratus lumborum -

52. Which muscle of the spine contravts in salabhasana?

53. How does yoga help in the relxatuon of the nervous system? - activates parasympathetic nervous

54. Energy Channels - nadis

55. 3 major nadis in the body? And describe them. Ida, pingala and shumshumna

56. 5 koshas in the body and briefly describe them, phyiscal, anamaya, enrgy, mind, manuyama, etc.

57. Name 1 food group and 1 affirmation that balance each chakras

58. What part of the body corresponds to the ff. Bandhas...

59. Name at least one mudra and describe its significance to meditation

60. Who is father of modern hatha yoga

61. Authoritve text of yoga outlining the 8 limbs of yoga?

62. What are the 8 limbs of yoga

63. 5 yamas and describe them briefly.

64. 5 niyamas and describe them briefly.

65. How do you practice amhisa

66. 5 causes of suffering?

67. What is considered the root of all suffering? (Main klesha/ignorance)

68. How do you practice pratyahara?

69. What are the dominant traits for each of the three doshas? Name a yoga asana to balance them.
A.)vata, pita, kapha

70. Name at least 1 principle of 1 yoga sequencing and describe it briefly.

71. What asanas to avoid after urdvha and dhanurasana? -

72. How do you neutralize the spine after abdominal strengthener sequence?

73. How does yoga help people with scoliosis? Yoga helps in lengthening?

74. English to sanskrit - Terms

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