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University of Engineering & Technology


Civil Engineering Department

4th Semester 2023
Surveying-II Theory

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Engr.Arshad Azeemi Abdul Raouf (70)
Kamran Khan (86)
Arifullah Khan (69)
Ikramullah Khan(65)
M.Irfan ullah(55)
Survey-II (CE-229)


The motive of this project was to get Topographical map of Tarakai district Sawabi, and
Layout of any civil Structure which we get by using multiple computer based software
including Revit, Google Earth pro, GPS visualizer, Microsoft Excel, and QuickGrid. Through
coordination of these software we get the Topographical map of Tarakai, and Layout of civil

Figure 1 Topographical Map of Tarakai Sawabi

Figure 2 Layout of Civil Structure

Survey-II (CE-229)

Table of Contents
Executive Summery ................................................................................................................................... 5

Locating Tarakai: ....................................................................................................................................... 6

GPS Visualizer: .......................................................................................................................................... 6

Microsoft Excel:......................................................................................................................................... 7

Quickgrid: .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Question No 02: ......................................................................................................................................... 9

Layout of first floor for House: .............................................................................................................. 9

Survey-II (CE-229)

List of Figures
Figure 1 Topographical Map of Tarakai Sawabi ....................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 Layout of Civil Structure ............................................................................................................. 2
Figure 3Location of Taraki District Sawabi. ............................................................................................. 6
Figure 4 GPS Visualizer Results ............................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5Data Processing in Excel .............................................................................................................. 7
Figure 6 2D Topgraphical Map of Tarakai District Sawabi ..................................................................... 8
Figure 7 3D Topgraphical Map of Tarakai District Sawabi ...................................................................... 8
Figure 8 layout of House............................................................................................................................ 9
Figure 9 Plane Vie of Layout ................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 10 3D view of Layout ................................................................................................................... 11

Survey-II (CE-229)

Executive Summery

The Procedure to draw Topographical map of Tarakai district Sawabi and layout of civil

Topographical Map of Tarakai District Sawabi:

• Locate Tarakai using Google earth, and copy their coordinates to the GPS visualizer.

• GPS visualizer give us detailing about that particular area i.e latitude, longitude, altitude. In the
form of tabulated results.

• Coping that tabulated data to the excel and some modification are done to the data.

• Now to get Topographical profile of that area we required Quick Grade software for further data

• Exporting data to the Quick Grade we get required Topographical profile of Tarakai.

Layout of Civil Structure:

• Using REVIT software and different elements in Structural menu i.e Grids, Levels, Columns,
Beams, Walls, Slabs, Floor, Openings, & joinery within it I draw Plane and their respective 3D
view (layout) of House (civil Structure).which contain different elements.
a) walls
b) windows
c) Door
d) Staircase

Survey-II (CE-229)

Locating Tarakai:

We located Tatakai using Google Earth

Figure 3Location of Taraki District Sawabi.

GPS Visualizer:

Copying data from Google Earth to the GPS Visualizer we get further more detailed information
about Tarakai including Latitude, Longitude, and Altitude.

Figure 4 GPS Visualizer Results

Survey-II (CE-229)

Microsoft Excel:

For further data processing I exported the given data to the Microsoft excel where I made certain
modification within it and saved it in csv format for getting topographic profile

Figure 5Data Processing in Excel


For getting final Topographical profile of Trakai the data procced in excel are exported to the
quickgrid.and required profile are obtained. Shown in next page,

Survey-II (CE-229)

Figure 6 2D Topgraphical Map of Tarakai District Sawabi

Figure 7 3D Topgraphical Map of Tarakai District Sawabi

Survey-II (CE-229)

Question No 02:

Layout of first floor for House:

a) Using REVIT software and different elements in Structural menu i.e Grids, Levels, Columns,
Beams, Walls, Slabs, Floor, Openings, & joinery within it I draw Plane and their respective
3D view (layout) of House (civil Structure).which contain different elements.
a) walls
b) windows
c) Door
d) Staircase
e) Joinery
f) Openings

Figure 8 layout of House

Survey-II (CE-229)

Figure 9 Plane Vie of Layout

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Survey-II (CE-229)

Figure 10 3D view of Layout

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