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49° Elastic properties of rubber A strip of rubber maintained at an absolute temperature T is fastened at one end to a peg; from its other end hangs a weight wo. Assume the following. simple microscopic model for the rubber band: It consists of a linked polymer chain of NV segments joined end to end; each segment has length a and can be oriented either parallel or antiparallel to the vertical direction. Find an expres- sion for the resultant mean length L of the rubber band as a function of w. (Neglect the kinetic energies or weights of the segments themselves, or any in- teraction between the segments.) Enagy of orientation f 4 piece Ep wlbra , £- 0. @ The equilibrium situation ultimately attained after system A has absorbed some heat Q = AE thus corresponds to that where the total entropy S + S’ of the com- bined isolated system is maximum, Suppose now that A is small compared to A’ so that A’ acts as a heat reservoir at some constant absolute temperature T. The entropy change AS’ of A’ can then be expressed very simply in terms of AE and 7’. Show that (i) implies in this case that the quantity F = E — 7S tends to decrease and becomes a mini- ‘mum in the equilibrium situation, (The function F is called the Helmholtz free energy of the system A at the constant temperature 7”) sdS= & . Ge=T - aseasize, 48-220, sE~ TS <0 castes’ tank to Gece moximuln as- tod to became mestimaie ; ApeaE- ES <0 tond to became winirtm , yhvcl 1 dectem 417 Pressure and energy density of electromagnetic radiation Consider electromagnetic radiation (j.e., a gas of photons) enclosed in box of edge lengths Ls, Ly, and L,. Since a photon moves with the speed c of light, it s a relativistic particle. Hence its energy ¢is related to its momentum AK by CE AK = AK? + K+ Ky? ® ‘where the possible values of K., K,, and K, are again given by (8.13). (a) Use this expression to calculate the force F, exerted by a photon on the = 3.3 right wall of the container when the photon is in a given state r specified er Dy ne yy to Ka Ete Beam ap Lw= ve abr _.2 He e- 2x ~ an + { La ch | Cast + Fed ra re ) cha ye4 Kethe x (a+ yr “(b) By simply averaging, derive an expression for the mean force F in terms of the mean energy @ of a photon. Use the symmetry argument that K,? = = K? when the radiation is in equilibrium with the container walls. 2 ches cite ch Sa = 7 = | rel ieee le € dé 7 24 BK ) ti ag & (c) Hence show that the mean pressure f exerted on the walls by the radiation is given by p=ti Gi) where i is the mean Cee energy per unit volume of the radiation, — 2 Nie Nee = _Nehike < Nfe Neh ee _____ Meh ___ Pe = igang Q TE ~ Felyle cenit)” R - 2+ eke) 5 Na, Ni wip Note ti 1197 Flys Be 7a +. ra oe ne os oth Be P= Ss p= = Mag, Brite PRES P (@) Why is the constant of proportionality in (ji) equal to } instead of being equal to the value 3 derived in the preceding problem for a nonrelativistic gas? ponreletivsie, en p* (e= p/2m) relatistvsic, @ p (p= H/k nromentum) O\R1 4.22 Mean energy of a harmonic oscillator A harmonic oscillator has a mass and spring constant which are such that its classical angular frequency of oscillation is equal tow. In a quantum- mechanical description, such an oscillator is characterized by a set of discrete states having energies E, given by En = (n+ Hho. 0 ‘The quantum number n which labels these states can here assume all the integral values n=0,1,2,3,.... (i) A particular instance of a harmonic oscillator might, for example, be an atom vibrating about its equilibrium position in a solid, Suppose that such a harmonic oscillator is in thermal equilibrium with some heat reservoir at the absolute temperature 7. To find the mean energy E of this oscillator, proceed as follows: (@) First calculate the partition function Z, for this oscillator, using the defini- tion (ii) of Prob. 4.18. (To evaluate the sum, note that it is merely a geometric series.) Z=Deeke coder wranl? - ofl Sete ve 6 wi Aw (b) Apply the general relation (i) of Prob. 4.18 to calculate the mean energy ef of the oscillator. = —2inZ ap ze - hw _ Iti - ef) @ (c) Make a qualitative sketch showing how the mean energy E depends on the absolute temperature 7. Wy @e sy We (i) (@) Suppose that the temperature T is very small in the sense that kT fiw, Without any calculation whatever, using only the energy levels of (i), what can you say about the value of E in this case? Does the result you obtained in (b) properly approach this limiting case? Tne (nt DK wl, = = aw ot Ub): En = tiny (4+ aoe ) wth kjeiw, ; “ Awd En —> Fink 3+ 6), which En =o (©) Suppose that the temperature T'is very high so that AT>-hw. What then is the limiting value of the mean energy E obtained in (b)? How does it depend on T? How does it depend on w? a W. Hp tw ger _) > fe se EBs kT. E a7, Eau 5. (10 points) A simple harmonie one-dimensional oscillator has energy levels given by Ex = (n+ Df, where w is the characteristic (angular) frequency of the oscillator and where the quantum number » ean assume the possible integral values n = 0, 1,2, .... Suppose that such an oscillator is in thermal contact with a heat reservoir at temperature T low enough so that kT'/(hw) & 1, (a) Find the ratio of the probability of the oscillator being in the first, excited state to the probability of its being in the ground state. @) E,=(nedhw Ee: thw, B= ghw 3p ~ peep Fie pile #2 ek ahs eid coz ofhw C+ Sg HIE «Pe “C03 FW * only the ground state and first excited state a d the mean energy of fs oscillator as a funcion o W/2 Lia + oe hw o Same Fra _ = oF Li) 4de° pre) = ty 12 2 on ane 2 a7 Phw w/KT | [+ thw oe (6) Assuming th: bly ecu Es RE+RE,=

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