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1. C. Discipline of Communication
2. A. Social Position
3. D. is achieved when a person is made to respond and act on a stimulus.
4. D. Legitimate Power
5. C. Psychological Frame of Reference
6. D. Primary Language
7. C. Mobilization
8. A. Empathy
9. A. Message
10. C. Telecommunication
11. C. Arts and Entertainment
12. B. Our ability of speech
13. B. Interviewing
14. D. Civil Society
15. B. Performing Arts
16. A. Education
17. A. True
18. B. Community
19. D. Productions and Managerial Arts
20. B. Through mise-en-scene for film and television for entertainment

1. How is communication helpful in promoting public opinion through persuasion?
 We underestimate the power of words until it affects us. Words are powerful when it
comes to persuasion and communication. Let’s use a very familiar reference,
elections and campaigns. Politicians are very known for their platforms as a tool to
persuade people to vote them. And, we could see how effective it would when
election results come out after votations. Words are influential, especially when it is
said by an influential tongue also. Communication is powerful, we just misuse it
2. Why is there a need to consider the clientele and audience of communication when deciding
what form of medium to use?
 That is the speaker being considerate to the audience and how he wants the speech to
go through. Considering who your audience would make it easier for you to know
how would you deliver you speech and how it supposed to be. You could be using
power point presentation to entertain your audience so they won’t get bored
especially if your audience are young. Considering your clientele and audience for the
medium you are going to use will maintain the success of your speech.
3. What is the significance of studying discipline of communication?
 I was more mindful of every words that would come out from my mouth after
studying the discipline of communication. I was more mindful to think of how would
it affect myself and other people. I became more mindful to considerate other’s
language when I’m in the middle of communication. Studying the discipline of
communication saved me from several miscommunications.
4. Explain the importance of integrating God’s word in the discipline of communication?
 Whenever I engage in a talk with someone I always remind myself that I am a
Christian and whenever I go, whoever I talk, and whatever I do, I am bringing the
image of Christ. Integrating God’s word in the discipline of communication means
being more than a Christian. It means that whatever you say, He is involved and

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