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Task 1

The provided graph lines compare the radio and television audiences throughout the
day, in the year 1992, in the United Kingdom.
First and foremost, the use of radio reveals revealed an initial value at around 8%,
whereas the television use in was nugatory. Also, radio is was preferred at morning
hours and its ratings steadily peaks peaked with a magnitude of at 30%, actually, at
eight a.m. However, during the rest of the day its declination is was inevitable, while
television use takes over prevailed. As seen, the television use maximizesmaximized,
exactly twelve hours after the radio’s peak, at eight p.m. reaching the immense
number of 50% of the United Kingdom’s population. It is worth noting that, despite
some smooth increasing fluctuations during noon, television audiences soared
intensively intensely at in the afternoon and the graph’s incline is was very steep. Last
but not least, television, as well as radio use, plunges plunged drastically right after its
most popular hours at to almost below 5%, especially after midnight.
Overall, as the line graph demonstrates, the television is was certainly used by the
largest part of the United kingdom’s population and it its use peaks during the
afternoon, in contrast with the radio’s. Commented [AA1]: Unclear meaning – something is
Use past simple in all your verbs
Pay attention to the prepositions used

Task 2
It is widely accepted that the internet is the most powerful and the most effective tool
ever utilized by humans. However, from my point of view the use of the internet lurks
numerous dangerous a plethora of dangers, despite its tremendous benefits.
On the one hand, staunch advocates of the internet bolster their arguments by the
citation of tangible examples, where according to which the internet intervened and
altered the status quo. A typical example is the raise of all communicational barriers
and realization of immediate worldwide human contact. Today, people can interact
and perform tasks rapidly, remotely from every part of earth, without any demand of
physical presence. Another tenable example compelling reason in favour of the
internet’s use is the relentless distribution of information and knowledge. Without the
internet, specific knowledge was limited in specific books or lessons, thus only
individuals that had access to them were able to assimilate it. Nowadays, one can
become expert at a preferred subject without even leaving the comfort of his own
On the other hand, there is a significant proportion of cautious people, who still remain
skeptical about the broadened use of the internet. They think that its infinite
capabilities do not negate they severe implications that it can generate. Their
suggestions are sound, since the lack of legislation and the anonymity that is part and
parcel with the internet can be incendiary of illegal behavior. There are more than a
few cases of personal data hacking, or financial fraud that exposed helpless victims to
an unregulated digital world. Moreover, another negative aspect of the internet is the
manipulation of the mass information that is transferred within it. The freedom to
upload and distort incidents is the incubator of the plague called fake news and it is
going to be even worst with the development of internet’s AArtificial Intelligence.
In conclusion, both sides lend credence to their claims and base their arguments on
tenable grounds. The Internet for some is more of a blessing than of a curse, while for
others is a stumbling block. Humans can not avert its beneficial contribution to their
limitless communication, but also can not overlook its detrimental hazards.

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