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Humans are inherently social and curious/inquisitive creatures.

Throughout history, one of the best

ways of communication and customs’ the preservation they had was of customs has been
storytelling. Despite the fact that among over the years these stories have varied in their contexts
and most of them were fictious have been fictional, their effect in on the human brain was alwayshas
consistently been similar and beneficial. Scandals arerepresent a particular branch of storytelling,
thus humans tend to fathom their causes effortlessly and condonewhile rarely condoning them

Apparently, when people hear stories people, their brains secrete dopamine when they hear stories
which enables, enabling them to enhance their focus and actually preserve/retain vividly significant
story details. This is quite useful for the society. The numerous instances of scandal outbreaks of
scandals had shed light upon problems that were previously loosely regulated in a way no ,
surpassing the abilities of any speaker or reformer could ever do. Persons. People readily absorb
easily information in the form of tangible examples rather than steepthrough lengthy lectures. A
representative indicative/ pertinent example of thatthis is the economic outbreakcrisis that
occurredunfolded in Greece in 2015. Capital controls were activated alongimposed throughout the
whole country, and it took several years to abrogate. BeforePrior to their implementation, the Greek
government hadenjoyed the nation’snation's support to negotiate aggressively with the rest of the
Europe. Nevertheless, no Greek citizen was able to comprehend comprehended the outrageous
outcome of catastrophic ramifications of such an act like thisaction, despite the clamorswarnings of
financial analysts.

Moreover, another reason why scandals areresonate more intuitive for the with society than pure
lecturing is thedue to human curiosity and the envying of the human nature. On theinclination
towards envy. On one hand, bullet points of a PowerPoint presentation that presentspresent
scientific facts scarcely createrarely elicit the needdesire for further research. On the other hand, the
incentives and the loopholes that are attributed to a hugemajor scandal triggersprompt people to get
todig deeper into the bottom of itmatter. Some are motivated by the needpursuit of justice and,
while others aim to be conversant with the past mistakes in order not to be avoid being caught. A
brightnoteworthy incident was the divorce amongbetween the famousrenowned footballer Hakimi
and his wife. She claimed half of his fortune during their divorce proceedings, only to learndiscover
that everythingall of the young football had was footballer's assets were registered atunder his
mother’s name. In the end, she ended up giving Hakimi half of her own fortune, which created two
universal contradictory movements. Some people buttress that she has beenwas deprived of her
financial rights and, while others have started following the steps of Hakimi in orderbegun emulating
Hakimi's actions to conceal their own lavish fortunes from their wives./ spouses.

The dark sideHowever, the downside of scandals islies in the misinformation that project propagated
by the media. Most of the times the media tend to exacerbate the news and promote cogent piece
ofstories and present compelling but fallacious information that are fallacious.. Therefore, raising
awareness through ethical and organized public speaking about social problems can be more
impartial, more targeted, and less misleading. Nonetheless, what opponents fail to consider is that it
will never be as interactive and capturingcaptivating as storytelling.

In a nutshell, both sides have strongpresent compelling arguments. The misleading

projectionsportrayal of scandals throughby the media can have a disastrous impact on the public
perception view, yet their effectiveness cannot be surpassed by any other means of conveying
information. Therefore, scandals are indissolubly linkedinherently intertwined with public notification.
Be careful with your tenses- par 1

Be careful with syntax, as in most cases your information could be presented in a more concise and
precise way (see my corrections)

You have presented clear arguments with sufficient evidence to support them - well done!


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