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A product of Avocado Educational and Consultancy Services

Copyright is an exclusive right granted for literary work. The Business Plan Implementation
Workbook is one of the products of Avocado Educational and Consultancy Services. The
copyright application is an important step to protect the workbook. The workbook is intended to
guide students taking Business Implementation under the BS Entrep Curriculum. The course is
mandated by CMO 18, series of 2017 as a requirement prior to graduation. The material was
developed and contextualized in rural setting. It is intended to be sold to schools offering Entrep
program. Copyright is being sought to ensure that no unauthorized use will take place and the
author can maximize the profit out of intellectual creation.
The accompanying form was properly filled out assuming that the filer is the owner. It is also
assumed that the copyright registration is that of a small business. The author is a Filipino and
the material being applied for copyright is a book.

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