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Example how to move the CMOD implementation to the Enhancement Spot

Call transaction SE37 and create a new function module with the CMOD function module
EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001 as template. If necessary, create a function group for the new function module.

In detail, the following properties should be copied:

 Import parameter

 Export parameter

 Changing parameter
 Source code

Under the tab source code write INCLUDE <include name>.

Save the function module and make a double click on the include name.

A popup comes up and asks you to create an include. Press “Yes”

 Copy the source code from the include within FUNCTION EXIT_SAPLRRS0_001 to your own
include. [Please note, this document covers the simple case of a single include for customer
variable coding. In case of additional includes or, in general, a more complex variable exit
architecture, please proceed accordingly, e.g. with additional includes, etc.]

Activate your own include and your function module.

Go to transaction SE18

Select Enhancement spot: RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT

Create a new BADI Implementation:

Give a name and a description to a new Enhancement Implementation.

Create a BAdI Implemantion

Select Implemenation class and double click on method IF_RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT_BADI~PROCESS

to create it.

Use the button „Pattern“ and use CALL FUNCTION and you newly created funtion module to insert it
into the method.
Check and if necessary change the export/import parameter.

The parameters should look like in the following screenshot.

Activate it and all other non-active objects of the Enhancement and BAdI implementation.

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