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Example: illustrates retrieved data from each actuator into the CB.

This is the page where operating

use is stored and the following parameters are monitored.
Activations In / Out
Number of actuator activations
inwards and outwards direction
(number of activations each a
control button has been activayed)

Endstops In / Out Replace

Number of end-stops registered Activating this button applies the
during use opportunity to replace the actuator,
e.g. in a situation where the original
Overload In / Out actuator (the first one) is damaged
Indicates if overload occurred WARNING! and needs to be replaced. If the
during use Do not press any actuator is removed and a new one is
“REPLACE” buttons mounted the data for that specific
Acc. Work [A*s] In / Out unless you are 100% channel / actuator can be re-initiated
Shows accumulated work sure you want to reset to start from scratch. If “replace” is
(Current x time) = True condition all data shown for the not activated the CB believes the
given actuator – it is not existing actuator is still mounted.
Acc. Duration [s] In / Out possible to revoke the
Shows accumulated duration of data.
activity (time)

Position Lost

Position Error
Shows if a Position error happened

Endstop Error
Shows if an Endstop error

Example of retreived – see next page

Example, interpretation of data retrieved:

A user gets the following read out picture
Leading to the following question:
what would cause the 3 below errors to occur?
1. Position lost?
2. Position error?
3. Endstop error?

Re. 1. - Position lost (if actuator has feedback):
Detected and counted each time a channel
observes position lost - when the system is
powered up. At delivery all systems typically
has no positions registered, i.e. running a new
system the first time will automatically increase
the counter from „0‟ to „1‟ (because the system
is not yet initialized). You should therefore
expect to observe the value „1‟ as minimum.

Re. 2. - Position error:

Counted each the software detect a Position
error (The condition depends on the feedback
system in the actuator)
Position error: Are counted up +1 if a balance error occurs (missing hall
signal from one hall sensor)
Re. 3. - End-stop error:
End-stop error: Are counted up +1 if voltage exceeding the normal range is
Counted each time the software detects an
detected (only for actuators with analog encoded end-stop, e.g. LA27….A).
End-stop error (the condition depends on the
end-stop system in the actuator)

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