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A Research Proposal Presented to

Lourdes National High School,

Panglao, Bohol

In partial Fulfillment of the

Requirements for the

English Project


Ablay, Sighmond Lee Fudolin, Marc Bryan

Andamon, Mary Joy Gubalane, Princess Jane

Bompat, Wynie Lanzaderas, Gerald

Benedicta, Joshua Lood, Jeaneth

Cespon, Alpheus Ofonda, Robin

Cumamao, Rae Francine Pening, Ashley

Estomo, Paul Gideon

Group 2

Grade-10 Loyalty

June 2023

TITLE PAGE……………………………………………………………………………. i

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT………………………………………………………………. ii

DEDICATION………………………………………………………………………...… iii

TABLE OF CONTENTS…………………………………………………………...…...iv

LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………………………………...…v





Theoretical Background………………………………..…….2

Review of Related Literature………………………….…….3

Review of Related studies……………………………….…..4

Conceptual Framework………………………………...……5


Statement of the problem…………………………………..…6

Scope of Limitation…………………………………………….7

Significant of the Study………………………………………..8


Research Design…………………………………………….…9

Research Instrument…………………………………………...9

Research Respondents………………………………………...9
Research Environment………………………………………9


Appendex A……………………………………………………10

Appendex B……………………………………………………11

Appendex C……………………………………………………12


Curriculum Vitae……………………………………………….13

First and Foremost, praises and thanks to God , the Almighty for His

showers of blessings throughout our research and it’s successful completion.

The researcher’s would also like to express our deep and sincere

gratitude to our research adviser, for providing us invaluable supervision, support, and

tutelage during the course of our research study. We would also like to thank him for his

empathy, patience, and knowledge that he imparts unto us. It was a great privilege and

honor to work and study under his guidance.

Our thanks and appreciations also go to our respondents who willingly

helped with their full cooperation which has made the research study achieve its smooth


Last but not the least, to our dearest parents for their deep

consideration for the finances and undying support throughout the making of the

research study. As well as for their words of encouragement.


This research is dedicated to our encouraging and inspiring

parents, who supported and inspired us to perform this study. They never left our

side through the procedure, giving us courage and hope when we were ready to

give up. They instilled in us a strong feeling of determination and to keep going.

This research would not have been feasible without their affection and


Moreover, I dedicate this research paper to my subject teacher,

Mrs. Marichile G. Biosano, who constantly guiding and teaching us to make this

study even better who help us on how to improve this study. We are grateful to

our family for their encouragement and to our friends who have assisted us in

carrying out this project. We value your words of wisdom and your ongoing

moral, emotional, and financial support.

Finally, we dedicate this study paper to Almighty God, who gives

us strength, intelligence, thinking power, security, competence, and excellent

health while doing this research. We offer you all of these.

Theoretical Background

According to Luciana (2018) said that “Online gaming can lead to

addiction when it is being played frequently and for long periods of time”. It states that

once you are being exposed to a game frequently and for long period of time it can

cause the addiction which is hard to stop. In this context, the present study although

many studies said that online gaming can lead to addiction. Hence, here are some of

the emotional signs or symptoms of video game addiction include; feeling of

restlessness and/or irritability when unable to play. Preoccupation with thoughts of

previous online activity or anticipation of the next online session lying to friends or family

members regarding the amount of time spent playing.

In this theory, we viewed that online gaming really affects the

academic performance of a students once they are being exposed to mobile phones

and other gadgets. For some students it is said that playing online mobile games has a

number of reasons to be played for it can be a competition, relaxation, enjoyment, social

interaction, and even mentally escaping from the real world. They play these games

without knowing what would be the possible effects of the online gaming may bring onto


“Online gaming has become a very popular platform for

entertainment, especially among adolescents”. Griffiths, & Chappell, (2004).

Some adolescents have even gone to the extent of confessing that

without online gaming, their life would be boring and dark. Some showcased an
unconscious need for power and achievement, which resulted in them resorting to

compulsive online gaming. This study talks about the adolescents who confess that

without online games they’re life would be gloom. It says that they can’t live without the

internet. Online gaming really affects the thinking of many gamer especially the students

who plays games constantly.





Technology continues to evolve. Computer, smartphones, mobile phones

where the greatest things ever invented by man itself. Development in technologies

brings many things that people don’t have many years back. One of those things is

online gaming that is provided by the internet. Gaming is one of the widely used

relaxation activities by many people.

In this era of technology, online gaming has become more popular

among teenager as it can be played anywhere at anytime. Range of age are now

possible to give more attention and to playing online games which at the end of the day

they become less care about their performance at school and also their social life

Oliveros & Sapio (2018).

The researchers feel the need to determine the effect of online gaming to

students academic performance. The purpose of this research is to find out how online

gaming affects the grade 9 students academic performance. This research aims to

discover the possible side effects of being constantly exposed to their kind of games.

Also this papers' goal is to identify how online games change the way of students

thinking. Lastly, this research will inform Grade 9 students the possible effects of the

online gaming may bring onto them.

This paper analyzes the effect of online games to the academic

performance of Grade 9 students at Lourdes National High School. According to the

Journal TENCON 2018-IEEE region 10 conference, 1859-1864, (2018). The increase

of user’s risk or physical and psychological health problems. Video game addiction is a

part of the so-called Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) and is often associated with

Gambling addiction. In general, IGD has been linked that it can cause to a poor

academic performance of students institutions


Statement of the Problem

The Effects of Online Mobile Games to the Academic Performance of Grade 9

Students at Lourdes National High School during the academic year 2022-2023 was the

main focus of the study. It specifically sought to respond to the following questions;

1. What is the effect of online mobile games in terms of the profile of the


1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex; and

1.3 Financial Status?

2. What are the significant relationship between effects of online gaming to the

academic performance of the students?

3. What recommendations…………?

The study was conducted so that teachers, students, and the parents

will know What are the effects of Online Mobile Games to the Academic performance of

grade 9 students at LNHS. The outcome of the study is relevant to the following:

The teachers

This study may englighten their awareness in identifying the effects of

online mobile games to the academic performance of the students. They could help

each other teachers in implementing plans and helping the students to go to school and

encourage them to reduce the playing of online games.

The students

This research is conducted so that students will know what would be

the effects in playing online games. They should be aware about the consequences of

being engaged in playing various online games.

The Parents

This research is conducted for the parents to know and to inform them

what would be the outcome of their children being engaged with electronic games. Their

awareness about this issue has an important rule in order for them to prevent their

children’s fixation with online games


“Effects of Online Mobile Games to the Academic Performance of Grade 9 students”.

In this interview, we want to know what are the consequences, effects/outcomes

to the students with the use of Online Gaming to their Academic Performance .

Honests answers would be greatly appreciated.


1. Do you like playing online mobile games?

2. Do you play mobile games these days?

3. Does playing online games affects your academic performances?

4. How much money do you spend when playing online games?


Lourdes National High School

Panglao, Bohol


June 3, 2023



Lourdes national High School

Panglao, Bohol

Dear Sir,


We, 10 loyalty students from LNHS-JHS, are conducting a research

study entitled “Effects of Online Games to the Academic Performance of a

Grade 9 students” as a part of the subject english in our fourth quarter. In this

regard, we would like to request for your permission to conduct a

questionnaire on Grade 9 students of Lourdes National High School. Rest

assured that the gathered data/information will be protected and will be solely

for research purposes only. Your support and kindness on this endeavor is

highly appreciated.


The Researchers

Ablay, Sighmond Lee Fudolin, Marc Bryan

Andamon, Mary Joy Gubalane, Princess Jane

Bompat, Wynie Lanzaderas, Gerald

Benedicta, Joshua Lood, Jeaneth

Cespon, Alpheus Ofonda, Robin

Cumamao, Rae Francine Pening, Ashley

Estomo, Paul Gideon


Lourdes National High School

Panglao, Bohol


June 3, 2023.

Dear Respondents,


We, the students of Grade 10 Loyalty, are currently conducting a

research entitled “Effects of Online Mobile Games to the Academic

Performance of Grade 9 Students”.

We would like you to participate as one of our respondents given

your relevant knowledge and experience. We would like you to participate as

one of our respondents, rest assured that all the gathered information will be

handled with utmost discretion. Thank you for your cooperation.


The Researchers

Ablay, Sighmond Lee Fudolin, Marc Bryan

Andamon, Mary Joy Gubalane, Princess Jane
Bompat, Wynie Lanzaderas, Gerald
Benedicta, Joshua Lood, Jeaneth
Cespon, Alpheus Ofonda, Robin
Cumamao, Rae Francine Pening, Ashley
Estomo, Paul Gideon

“The influence of technology on academic distraction: “ Human behavior

and emerging technologies by Alexander Jay Dontre. The detrimental effect of

academic distraction have become increasingly problematic in recent years due to

students media multitasking. This has been greatly exacerbated with the advent of

coronavirus disease 2019 which most of the schools and situations gradually

transitioned many classes to the online learning environment, effectively reducing

teacher supervision. The effects of students smartphone and social media use on

academic distraction are more conspicous, espicially with the pervasiveness of personal

digital devices

“Using online game based platforms to improve student the performance

and engagement in history teaching”,BMC medical education Szaboles Felszeghy

(2019)The gamification increase their motivation to . The gaming approach seemed to

enable the students to overcome individual difficulties and the set up collaboration

furthermore, gamification promoted interest. In the open-ended survey, the students

viewd collaborative team and gamification based learning positively. Thiis study lends

support to the use of gamification in the teaching of histology and may provide a

foundation for designing a gamification integrated curriculum across healthcare

“Adolescent online gambling in cyprus: associated school performance

and psychopathology.” gambling studies Georgios Floros (2015). This paper presents

results from the study of gambling behaviours. The results indicate that gamblers

presented with lower school achievement and related expectations while scoring

Okconsistently higher on measures of internet addiction, parental bonding and

psychopathology. The first half profile that correspond to more explained variance was

the student with higher psychopathology, less prosocial behavior, higher internet

addiction for with higher frequencies of online activities and moderate level of trauncy

and lower expectation.

Definition of Terms
Effect. As use in this study, this refers to a change which is a result or consequence of

an action.

Academic Performance. This refers to the school measurement of achievement

whether the student may be good or not in his/her performance in school.

Online. Means of the interest or other computer.

Mobile Games. A mobile game or smartphone game, is a video game that is typically

played in a mobile phone.

Conceptual Framework


•Research on related theories

and students
• Recommendations

•Gathering of data

•Data analysis and interpretation

•Making summary of findings,

conclusion and recommendation


Scope of the study

This study is focusing on the effects of online mobile games to the academic

performance of Grade 9 students at Lourdes National High School. This copy will be

done by interviewing selected Grade 9 students and recording their response



This study will not cover any problems that are not necessarily connected on the

effects of online mobile games to the academic performance of Grade 9 students. The

respondents should be enrolled this school year 2022-2023 in Lourdes National High


Oliveros & Sapio (2018). The become less care about their performance at school and also their social

life. Retrieved from:

Berni S Fabito,et al, increase of user’s risks for physical and psychological health problems.

Retrieved from: TENCON

Luciana (2018). Online gaming can lead to addiction

Retrieved from:

Griffiths & Chappelle (2004). Gaming become popular among adolescents.

Retrieved from:

Alexanderjay Dontre (2021). The influence on academic distraction.

Retrieved from:

Szaboks Felszeghy (2019). Using online game-based to improve academic student performance

Retrieved from:

Georgis Floros (2015). Adolescent online gaming

Retrieved from:


1 Conceptual Framework 7


“Effects of Smartphones, gadgets, in life and academic performance among the

students”. By Asian of social health, behavior, and physiological effects 4(1), 36 2021, said that

with the rapid increase in the prevalence of the internet and/or mobile phones usage

worldwide may lead to negative consequences on mental and physical health among young,

and adults. The exposure to internet mobile games can cause addiction which could be the

cause of negativity to a student. Vision problems are common complaints of gamers. The most

common vision problem is eye strain, which can lead to headacher and poor concentration.

Gaming has also been associated with sleep deprivation, insomnia, and circadian shythm

disorders, depression, agression and anxiety. These negative effects could lead to decrease in

academic performance due to a constants exposure of online mobile games, lack of time

management, and poor concentration.

“The Effects of Mobile Games on Students Achievement.” The Basicedu 6(7), 308-314,

2022. The rapid increase and development of technologies evolves in this era. Development in

technologies brings many things that people don’t have many years back. One of these things is

online gaming that is provided by the internet. Research into mobile game addiction has

increased over the previous two decades. This study investigated the association between

online mobile gaming and academic performances among students. From the finding, it

conclude that academic performance was found to be negatively associated with online

gaming. This is owing to the fact that playing games for long periods of time reduces their

ability to focus and academic task. Cellphones are undeniably convenient, helpful tools for

study and can be a hurtful source of destruction depending on the attitude and use pattern of a
student. The author , however , suggests that the mobile phone designers must take into

account how young people use cellphone for educational purposes.

“Smartphone usage: A review on positive and negative effects on the students.” Asian Social

Science 14(11), 83-89, 2018. Students use their smartphones to accomplish various tasks. Reviews from

various studies revealed that students utilize smartphones for various objectives. The importance of

smartphone, it gives advanced features to the students social and educational purposes should be the

students utilization for it can be a cause for a positive effect on students performance. Meanwhile, some

students used smartphones for entertainment only. They are using smartphones without knowing what

would be the main purpose of smartphones in their studies. Some other students constantly used

smartphones for some reason. Therefore, the review of this study is important in providing the outcome

of smartphone use either it is positively or negatively effecting students life.

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