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Brazilian Holidays around the World

The Holidays in Brazil are something particular in our culture. Our traditions
can be compared with some others traditions, like the Brazilian Christmas and
Thanksgiving, because of the feast that is similar, but nothing compares to
Carnival in my Country is a “street party” that everyone is invited. In Brazil,
this celebration is considered a holiday, Because people from Rio de Janeiro(and
around the world too) thinks carnival is one of the greatest things on earth.
Carnival happens between February-March and it ends in “Wednesday of ashes” witch
means carnival is officially over.
The parades are the main character of this traditional party. They attract people
from every country and everyone who sees the show is automatically enchanted with
the colors, the melody, the sequins, the glitter, the costumes and how people who
are in the parade are happy to be there.
In my opinion, all of the Brazilian holidays are different in a good way, cause
nome of the holidays around the world can be compared with ours. Our people is
super dedicated with the subjects; decoration,food, traditions, theme songs and
even characters to represent the holidays (ex: tooth fairy, Santa Claus, Easter
bunny…) all of this exemples exist around the world, but, in my opinion, in Brazil
the way they’re in our culture is a little bit different.

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