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There’s a huge amount of competition today, so businesses need to go the extra mile of ensuring

they stand out in a crowd. To do this, you should invest in creating a strong brand that will get and
keep people’s attention. With the right branding, you have the chance to get some control over how
people perceive your business, so you don’t want to overlook this.

More People Will Recognize Your Business

One of the most obvious reasons that businesses need branding is to help them get recognized more
often. If you have strong branding for your business, people will naturally take note of it much more
than they would a business without it. A business that doesn’t really have any cohesive branding
isn’t going to stay in someone’s mind for very long.

However, a business with elements such as a distinct logo, attractive colors and other visual
elements will be much more memorable. Someone might see your brand for only a moment, but if it
sticks out in a positive way, there’s a good chance they won’t forget it, even if this person isn’t ready
to use your products or services just yet. Eventually, when they’re ready to take the next steps, if
your branding has stuck with them, they’ll come back to you.

Branding Can Help Build Trust

Trust from your audience is one of the most important things you can have as a business, but this
isn’t always easy to gain. A business that’s missing key elements of branding will have an even
harder time getting people to trust them.

Branding is something many of us expect to see when we look at businesses in any industry, and
missing this could be a red flag to some. Without branding, you have very little to show for your

If you had to choose between a business with clear, professional-looking branding and a business
that hasn’t made this effort, you probably know which one you’d trust more. Branding helps you
show potential customers that you’re an established, credible business. You can use this to tell
people very early on what they can expect from your business. This is an investment your business is
making to improve itself, and potential customers will recognize that you put in the work to create
your brand.
You Can Improve Your Advertising
Your business won’t be able to get very far without advertising. Branding and advertising go hand in
hand. If you want to have better advertising for your business, you’re going to need to work on
creating a brand first.

When you’re advertising your business, you want everything to be cohesive and represent your
business’s identity and values. This can be a challenge when you haven’t taken the time to form your
brand. If you’re advertising without solid branding, you’re missing out on a lot of great opportunities
to create an effective campaign. Incorporating branding into your advertising will help increase
recognition of your brand when it’s all tied together.

It’s Great for Your Employees

Branding provides value inside of your company as well. Of course, you want your employees to love
working for your company and feel like they’re a part of a team. A company with great branding will
have an easier time getting employees to feel like they’re involved with something more than just a

In addition to branding that can help draw in new customers, you also want to invest in the aspects
of branding that keep your team motivated. This includes little things like branded apparel and
merchandise, but also the look of your entire office space. If you can motivate your employees by
creating a sense of unity through branding, you could end up seeing great results all around.

Branding Creates Loyal Customers

You don’t just want customers who recognize your brand and use your business once — you want to
create customers who continue to come back. With good branding, you can give your brand a more
human side, which your customers can relate to more than a company that’s strictly all business.

In many ways, you can appeal to people’s emotions through branding and make them feel more
connected to your company. Branding allows you to build relationships with your audience, which
can eventually turn them into loyal customers. You can create a brand that people actually care
about and put yourself ahead of businesses that aren’t using this to their advantage.

1. Can you think of a brand which appeals to you? What do you like about it?
2. What is involved in creating a successful brand?
3. Why do companies spend so much money promoting their brand?
4. How important is a good name to a brand?
5. How important is an attractive logo to a brand?
6. In what way can a brand be damaged?
7. How would you calculate the value of a brand?
8. What would you say is the most successful brand in the world?
9. What would you say is the world’s oldest brand?
10. Can you think of a brand which has been unsuccessful?
11. Is it possible to mislead your customers with your brand?
12. Have you any idea what a concept brand is?

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