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eno) Experiment NO virO® (eR I IR AR ysetetekorsk tetetokeksetoatok “& Losses puro pipe fills, Sudden Lnlengesrent 4+. Contvaction 4. Objective ‘- To determine the loss of head inthe Gittings 3 different pies at tre Various water Hous rates. 2. Nm To determine the loss co-e Ficient 0 for pipe _$._ple ttt. - x %. Introductfon :- x : loss of head due to chen fo crogs ~scckiony 3 ends, elbows, Valves P f:biggs of all ypes_Fall = -tato the category of Mindy bsses in pipes Iines, € Se ut * . th x ar ie owing though a pipe, e <= Tuid experiences Some “pesishince due to which * some of the energy ol fwid is last, this loss of enevqy due friction _in_pfpes Comes. wn the _Cotergry mayor energy losses . In long # i * * ¥ # ¥ ¥ * ¥ ¥ ¥ x £ i dhe fiction fossil are mush la & than these minor lasses hence the _latter gre often neglected, But , in shorter pipelines. theiy concideration is Necessary for the correct. estimate of tosses - 7 e E =» £ & & é € é & k k k & k & & & * ® Date weno( ) SERS RR RB a eso Deak ake ak ake ak ak a eae ee ee Re ee When there fea poof bend_fa_ “pe, ee a ie eet “seganatin_of “thet! ow fron the _boundry _# pe, ne io ~_also_fornaation of eddies fakes place. thus the —enevgy Is (Ost, The _lesses of head due te bend __in_ prpe- _ hoe ky V2 24 The minor losses fn contraction can be expressed as: hes ke, Vie eA The minor losses in_enlargement can be expressed as ee vena) = 24 G Where : hue= Minor Loss ov head loss Wie loss Coefficient Vis velocity of Eluid velocity of Hurd in Pipe of small dia —\b = vanaf Fur ia pipe of large diamotte. RR AAA AOR HH ACHR I ACH IE AER I TET AR ERE RA ERB AR TR ER RT TR Mun! FHIRHA AAR AA EAA AA ese sakeae ete aaa ‘Pont No. ¢ Date : SaHE HEE EY JES ISR RR * oo Description é oy s ae E dhawt ‘om Yn" ff a oe From ae ps or Valve 2 godt valve. pressurts ings ided Inlet et eS e * table ee A “differs altel manor Gite’ tn the ne gives pressure loss due to fittings dy to the pigeling ima tin entity = rey which deliver water fin cap inlet The How oF cloter in pipeline is reuulated by Means af control valve £ Gy- Jas lve. pischaget is Measured uth the help of” measuxing tank v 6. UAH: Requived : wet Si . su ase 220 Volts, 50Hz,5 Am ith earth. 2 wosker Supply. %. Drean ; 4. space eq wared —2e2en¥_ 9-609 HHH IEE AHH RI IEE CACAO A I EE AE TE TE AE TE TE I I a aS inter Jeanne nt 2 t SERS SS aS ageNo( —) Date : FAISAL ese ea ates a oR oR F Expesimentel procedure 2: Startiog Proce dute 4. clean” the apparatus

4 5. ExperimendesA to sof heal, Wiz bh _—— ©) Yoo a &. loss co-eticien’ ° ky she 2% -— © % x % x x % % x % x x * * % # x % x % x x # x # x x x x x & x ¥ x x # & x % & x & # x # % x x *% x * # % * % x SSR SIE EEE SEI AS IEE AIC A AE TE EAE TET TIE EAS A oe A ote ee sae Me SRA ASHI A HRA AT JESS prio |) Date: se HER eR eR a ( vets ok ob a ok RE i * Jo. Observation -2 Calcuteution z *# . * _ Dako, = = Area of Measaving fanls = 0-08m* * a2 Accelasation due to guavily = Get m/sec” dic Dia oF smutter pipe = o.0l6m & doz Dia of Larger pipe = 0.028m 2 Ors Cross-sectional area of small = 2.009xi0"m> _ dia Oi Pe £ are cross -section al area of large diaz 6-15 O71” z pige % t * : * ObSewadton Table :. for largemerTl * # LN | Pressure Qise of water level Time taxentorg piu" bCcm) jo frecouriag tone Rew | (Sec. T Ge) ot | boos 24-4 20 ae z * * * * * * * as * * * * * * * * * * * * x SSeS SRS SR SSSR SR ofS aie aE a a ote eae IS Em om HHH AIA AA AAA. Joeepeeeenncnd hin LL EEL Dato agge No. ( ) EEE ISR ISIE SR ak Je I IIIA AE t § obsovation “Table 0 _ find __rinoy_losses / Tiken Token for k (sec) -7 (Sec) “outs = ke (1-9098)" (249.81 Klg = 0 -105x249.8) C9038)" klig= 0-50 M k= by 24 = 0-108 X2X9-8) wt (1-92.98>% Tees osém | St.NO Losses of head h Loss coeffruent kL o\ H:10S 0.5 6m SH AAA ARI IITA IIASA LISI SASS LIS ISSA SAS A A IATA TAT ES RHA AAAI AIR AAA AA esis ao a a a Date: age No. ( ) iiiiiaiiiaiaiaiaial eR RR ROR A RSIS SR RR A : : x “_obsewation table to find minor losses ia enlaryennie : * i = * pressure dift"h | Ri wates level Time taten for k| Com) ; x Measuaing tone 2 (cm) (sec) T Gee x 24-4 20 4. FAN huge Ki (Wy -V2)* x - 24 x We Know thot Q= AKR = 0-08 X0+2 z= = 43.72 z i Qa d.658 X10 MM/S x é 4 fy We Q = 2-658xI5" * é mn = = x é - hy 016 * é ae Ba é Tu = 1.815 m/ * & * é = * fb . foY Vaz @ 2 3.65610 = f Voz 0-594 m/. z E % t Kte = Gh = * € Or = krez(1-S19- 0-594) * ‘ ax981 x z Ke = Orci 9S) = 5 * 7 eters)” z ¥ = 0. * * * x Lossesof head AL loss cozffaienl &L__| € *Lo\ 0.247 ™- 1.642 * ¥ * : e x Eafe RI RE Jeebeneeenneen him Dato weno( ) fH RR Je ER I I IIR AR A AA AE - : * “obseotation table To & inor in_conhae. »_ contraction * * su Pressure DIL" | Rise of wodtew evel time faze for ‘| No Com) fn nea sursint{ tank B (con Rlsec) IL. :Lol Bl 2b. 43.23 Y¥ite | wy we know that Q = AXA = 0-08 Or _ 42. = 3. 692K10rasls Gy vy = 2 = 2 .692%10 4 = “Fy onal 0-0287 We 0-539 Le = (o-sad™ 2x 9-8) Ukr c= 0.03610 | Loss ¢ ebhruent Kueh. 24 vit = 0.03 X 2x38! - 0.593) Chl = 1.6404 ter HAHA AAAI AEA. rage No ( ) Dato : ‘ re t ; loss Coefficienl kx £ el Ol OE Fen pares x ‘ & O.032\m 1.64O4M * t * ‘ * é * é " . * é * é * é * ‘ * é * é * é * é * é * = € ¢ AL, Noment lature : F é . i é = & (a. discharge w Is — aoe * fv = Velodby of fluid in pibe of small olameter - é f v2 = Velocity of Ltuid in Pipe of Large digueter ISec). ‘ 7 a = Grogs sectional aed of Senall Dia. pif. t t4. = Cross-Sectional) area of large pia pie. : ( Change _in kinetic eneva 4 : é kus load —_coelficiont. t , h= sreseuve dittexence, é hee kead oss, - z é R= Rise of woter level_fn measariaf dank (m)- i ‘ tsi ) koa ime _taken fo, @ (Sec : , * * * * * Ed & k k k k & & He AI IIR AR. eeeeeeneencee page No. ( ) Date : aR RAR Se ee eee JES SSSI ISIE ¥ * St 4. pe Result : #Dco-efficient of oes due fo beading = o.%&m™ a * % 29 Co-eHiient of loss due to enlarge ment = ley Ue 642m 3) Co-efliciend of toss due to contraction = L.6404Mm dt conclusion 4 try this, we Calcutote d Minor lossec in _eipe Failing, 3. also we Find ¥_co-elticiont of toes ) 4 C Wy. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * : * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * EGRESS SICH IE SE ER ER ER RR IER AR RR ER IR OR IOI SR HR HR RR IK. x x SR a ae aR ae a aie a a a ER A Jeaeeeriaceiiiae Pins fi sage Experiment NO+0 Ss: fanantic Jesse aoei skate | put ORIEL AND MOQUTHPTECE “TANK APPARATUS (open circuit) é i ; “the Spratus con ists mainly of £4) supply Tang o é oly Ean collecting Fant £3) Mouth by Rip ealea Contraction _rquage . & 53 Scale and hs Apparatus. Supply tank fs of fibexe -4lass £ lined of Size 00X44 Uo x tooo rm _hefaht i rCfuser. Cuaje glass f scale err gement with zero of the scale Coineiding with! the centre ot ‘the mouthpiece “overflow 9 autled # drain tock + with pro vision fixing for inter change able Mouth piece . g k fk e i 4. Suppl Tank 2- & JO EI IR II IR IR IR I IRE 2. Colle Hing “tank = d collecting Tank is of fibre é é k - é é é é é é é é é k é f alass Uined ok size _aodx 00x 600 O19 height. : d all é é é k £ x * ¥ ¥ ¥ yale is provided to empl “the tere 4 a drain plug is plavided 4¥_ drain the waste When thé! unit | iS-nol_ jn _use. SSS HT I ak ef RHA KARA RA EAA Jeeeeeeiesaeeacee hing i) Date: * f Orifice t # Once - ce i A set of orifices are ie ait f yoxisin for interchange abil (1) 15mm __si om men ize. cP _Mouthpie ces I= A set of pmordhpiece & orific ote are __Supplie with provision for inter- change abilit4 v U * * 4 * * * * * * * * * * * % i Ud gatib = 1 t vi Lid ratio 22-5 * * * * 4. _Micrometes__confrection é & # - i : i : * ¥ x x ¥ # * : TO measure % £ the jet diameter el the —veene conf mounted # on 1 Suitable frame. The unit _is electron * e # plated tov tus free _operasfon . f % ¥ # ¥ # ¥ # * ¥ # # # * 4 F sliding. 8 SGle md Fo__mersure the x & Y cordinate of the «je/ _Zt is ujtabla_prounte on the dank for convenence of handling * * * * * * * * * * * * E * * * x * * 7 * x *% * % * x * * * * * * * * 01 8 RHA AAA A RE Yesieakeakeakokeckeok ak ak akeaiak? A agette-( : Date ceili essence akokeaeakok teak ater a Ewenjmme nts i The apparatus is primarily des; t com duch _experionent on the cae Mic Weg pi discharge ok — ovitices of J _mauthpieces « howe _-wite Ste plovision og the micro meter contruction: eee the = AQP P907-A |-vppi0y X | gL >a] pneu ee Naf a at 90°09 - Date: e No. ( ) AAAI A AI AA ITA ATA. SSS HOR EEE abulay column = * ¥ = sky _of usoder co in th x mea axing any - ¥n : Tp mbsec = Aven of tonk_in(h) ety Diffesence ia eel awake time f seconds z & Tabutor Form : x z x orikire euge dia d: arn. * t x x BG) os ey aoe oS te 12-1 = x * Column: 4 ST No & the experiments 2. Dia meter of the _ovzih'ce a. fea of the orifice 4. Head in meters S. Time fa seconds for the Baise io level of wakes In measusing tank. 2. Actuot discharge 9 in LPS e coneifien of diacharge cd = Qlal2An & XY Co-ordinate ital am: = a Y co-0%dinade in mm. vo ea neficient o€ velocity Cv oe/4atH eu telesd fae cro < esecion ( 4auge secon) UAfea of “the choss —secton eA the Veena comtracta _O = 13. co-efficient at Contras Coz acca inter Ey Moe Remar. SS Result oe O coecHicent of di chara = 0-495 FR a> Dia Meles of ‘Ovitere = Jonni gun 3) ead of water level in Suply tack = Zocm 4 Con clucion :- Zn the Practical _we performed Poot co-efficient of digcharte of. mouthpiece orifice . x aX we Ge RHR THEIR ARR RHR A MRR SER A OS a ae a ee ae eae ae eat ae SSS ae ae a a a a ai ai a ak ea Jenaeeianiieae! hunt z F 5

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