Academic Achievement

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For my academic achievement, I am choosing to talk about my Chemistry 12 class.

semester, I took Chemistry 12 and right from the start I could tell that was going to be a difficult
course. As the semester went on I started to lose hope in the class as my grades were falling
when I was struggling so much with the course material, however I managed to pass the class in
the end. This is meaningful to me because I was very worried and anxious about that class, and
I was sure that I was going to fail it. But, I surprised myself by getting a passing grade which
took a lot of effort and hard work from me at the end of the course. I improved on my skill of
putting in my all, and that I should not give up when I see that things aren’t seeming to go my
way. This has taught me a lesson that if in the future my plans aren’t going my way I should not
give up and I should push myself until I achieve my goal. This has also taught me a few things
about myself. I learned that if I really want to achieve something, I can do it, but it just does not
come easily. Part of me thinks that I should not have taken that Chemistry 12 course as it was
clearly very challenging for me but I also think that this course has taught me a lot of things.
Thankfully, my teacher was also very helpful and wanted me to pass her class in the end.
Sometimes I think that I struggle with asking for extra help with work in class, but I am proud
that when I saw I was struggling in that class I was able to ask my teacher for extra help. When I
took Chemistry 11 last year, I actually got a pretty good grade and managed to score a 75%. My
grade definitely dropped from last year to this year since I went from 75% to getting a 55% this
year, but I believe that happened because the course material was much more difficult this year
and involved a lot of math skills but also I may have lost some motivation when it came to
Chemistry this year. This experience could connect to my plans for the future because it has
taught me to push myself to the furthest as it will be worth it in the end, and not to lose
motivation as the more you motivate yourself the better you will do.

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