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Model 2: Bentuk Interviem

Interviewing Ben (An Exchange Student From America):

Memorable Experience And Message To Learn.

1. Results Of Interviews From Class……. Taken On ………..(Day/Date):

Kesi : Why Choose Indonesia………………..? (Just a Question, No Mention Needed
Your Name).
Ben: Yes, My Grandfather...

1. What Food Do You Like? L Like a Lot Of There s Lots Of Favorite Indonesian
Food I Have But The One Say Is Maybe Migore Like Indomie
2. Have You Ever Traveled To Indonesia? First Visit Indonesia I Havent Been
Here Okay This Is The First Second Question
3. What Do You Think About The School Atmosphere In Indonesia? Atmosphere
Inindonesia Like More Relaxed And Fun In America It s Strict And Always
Study More Like Relaxed People Can More Have Fun Yeah
4. Like Being Here? If Yes How Did It Is One Of My Favorite Foods Okay Tastes
Delicious Strange At First But Delicious
5. Yeah Hi Babe Do Your Best Friend? From About Seven Years Old Till 12 So
Like Nine Years Or Something I But Now But Now Play a Little Bit Of Volleyball
6. Second Question Do You Have Anything That You Like To Do The Old
Passionate Way ?
Like What Yeah Something I Want To Do Is I Want To Get a Phone That s Just
7. What Kind Of Test Music You Like Music?Are Like Old R And B Old Hip Hop
Yeah That Also Answers Your Question I
8. Is What Indonesian Artists Do You Like? Okay You Like The Song
9. What Is The Attitude Of The Indonesian People That You Dont Like? Feed
Them Right Since I Really Sometimes People Make In School They Make Like
Uh Drama Out Of Very Small
10.What Are The Plants Plans To Do Before Returnig To America Whoa ? Before
Few Leaving
11.Ventures The Voice Okay Ben Though You Fiy On Again Do You Play Games
Like? You Re Good At Playing Malaysian No No No I m Very Bad Okay The
Are Good At Playing Mobile Legends I m Very Bad They
12.I m Very Bad They Say Fml What Is ? The Name Is Terraria What Is That It s
Like I Don’t Know How To Explain Like Mobile Game Yeah
13. During School Holidays Excuse Me? I Go Out With Friends Often I Go Out
With Friends Especially
14. What Are You Complaining About Television? A Toilet Its Very Dirty So I
Have To Tell You This Because Our School Is Actually a New Building Oh Yeah
So Uh l Can Say That Actually a

15.Do You Like This ?Before It s Like Just Relax And Be Fun Okay No Stress Yes
He Likes Were Here Okay
16.Yeah Know One Direction Yes? I Only Know Harry Styles Harry Styles l Don’t
Know l Don’t Know The Rest Okay Is Nt Yeah l Don’t Know One Direction Is
Famous Here Right
17.Which Of The Songs ? Just Know Just But Yeah I Don’t Know Yeah Yeah
18.Whats Your Favorit Movie And Why Movie Talking About Movie? Walter
Mitty And I Like Yeah Like Adventure
19.What Makes You Interested In An Exchange Program And How Do You Get
Good? Question So Something That Makes Me Interested In Exchange
Program Is Because I m Still Young I m Still 16 Years Old Theres
20.How Do You Feel When You Re When You Were Put Indonesia How ? Do You
Fell Felt Relieved Because I Already Knew a Lot About Indonesia Study
Indonesia So Yeah Lm Happy
21.Your Favorite Ands His Favorite Season Here America ? My Least Favorite
Season Maybe Summer Summer Yeah Its Just Always Like Hot And You Kind Of
In Utah People Just Like Stay Inside Because Its Hot And My Favorite Maybe
Fall You Autumn Because
22.Week Sorry ? So Many Things That I Get To Do And Leam About For My Age
Especially And I m Very Happy About It Yeah
23.Least Favorite ? Maybe I Don’t Know You Don’t Know The Name Geography
24.And What Indonesian This Is Help You This Is Dessert? This Way Dessert You
Know This Is No l Don’t Know Okay Lets Food Seafood
25.How Do You Feel During Ramadan ? Yeah Also By The Way Yeah Fastin
26.What Do You Like About The Syria? See Yes Oh You Re Asking About The Sea
The Acean Yeah Do l Like The Ocean But No Ocean Here Right Oh
27.Are There Any Experience In Indonesia That You Feel The Same As In
America? Same Experiences They Have All Different The Same Experience Like
28.This Friendship In Indonesia Really Much ? l Will Miss a Lot Of People a Lot

2.Message To Learn From The Interview
After Interviewing Ben, I Learn That ?

Message To Learn From Interviews

After Interviewing Ben, I Came To Know What Ben's Favorite Food Is And Ben Has
Also Traveled To Bali And I Am Proud To Be An Indonesian Citizen.

3. Enclosure (Lampiran)

A. Picture

B. Video
Description Of Picture: Thank You Ben For Going To School At Sman 11 Jakarta
Here Is The Link Of Video When l Interviewed Ben: Link
Https://Youtu.Be/Zuoeqh4zsnw (1)
Https://Youtu.Be/-t9zyz9rc-c (2)
Https://Youtu.Be/Jebi1Zjjozm (3)

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