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Remedial Test in Science 10
Name: _________________________ Score: __________________
Mr. Lovie Kim P. Ocura Year and Section: __________
Remember: Honesty is best policy. Be Honest and don’t cheat.
I-MULTIPLE CHOICE: Select the letter of the best answer.
1. It is a pulse energy that travels quickly through the earth and through liquids.
a. Primary Waves b. Secondary Waves c. Long Surface Waves d. Body Waves
2. It is the pulse of energy that travels slower than P-waves.
a.Primary Waves b. Secondary Waves c. Long Surface Waves d. Body Waves
3. The English term of Tsunami
a. Pearl Harbor b. Harbor Waves c. Tidal Waves d. Seismic Waves
4. Earthquakes usually occur along ____________.
a. Active faults b. Inactive Fault c. The earth’s surface d. between rock layers
5. It is the underground point of origin of an earthquake.
a. Focus b. epicenter c. Waves d. Seismic waves
6. It is an instrument that detects and measures waves.
a. seismogram b. seismograph c. Richter scale d. MM intensity Scale
7. The strength of earthquake is measured according to ___________
a. MM intensity b. Richter scale c. Seismogram d. Seismograph
8. Who proposed the theory of Continental Dirft?
a. John William Strut b. A.E.H. Love c. Alfred Wegener d. Louis Rayleigh
9. If all the inner layers of the Earth are firm solid, what could have happened to Pangaea?
a. It remained as a supercontinent
b. It would have become as it is today.
c. It would have slowly disappeared in the ocean.
d. It would have stretched and covered the whole world.
10. If the Atlantic Ocean is widening at rate of 5 cm per year, how far (in KM) will it spread in a
million years?
a. 5 km b. 50 km c. 500 km d. 5000km
11. The theory used to explain the formation of Earth’s crust and its movement is called
a. Continental Drift b. Magnetic polarity c. plate tectonics d. seafloor spreading
12. Plate boundaries usually found at right angles to the mid-ocean ridges are called ________.
a. Convergent b. Divergent c. rift valleys d. transform
13. The process of the ocean floor plunging back into Earth’s interior is called ____________.
a. Conduction b. convection c. radiation d. subduction
14. Scientist have been convinced of the continental drift theory by fossil of a plant called____.
a. Carboniferous b. Glossopteris c. Gondwana d. Mesosaurus
15. It is the remains or traces of plants and animal life preserved in rock or sediments
a. Carbon b. radioactive dating c. Fossils d. Carbon imprint
16. Miners dig into the Earth in search for precious rocks and minerals. In which layer is the
deepest explorations made by miners?
a. Crust b. Inner Core c. Mantle d. Outer Core
17. What makes up of lithosphere?
a. Continental Crust c. Crust and Mantle
b. Oceanic and Continental Crust d. Upper Mantle
18. It is hypothesized that the Earth was once made up of a single landmass called Pangaea.
Which of the following theories did Wegener proposed?
a. Continental Drifting theory c. Continental Drift Theory
b. Seafloor spreading Theory d. Plate tectonics
19. A process in which new ocean floor is formed near the mid-ocean ridge and moves
a. Continental Drifting theory c. Continental Drift Theory
b. Seafloor spreading Theory d. Plate tectonics
20. It is the soft, weak layer beneath the lithosphere
a. Lithosphere b.Asthenosphere c.Mantle d.Core
21. In the process of Sea Floor spreading ________ is destroyed at the subduction zone and
melts inside the mantle.
a. Young seafloor b. old seafloor c. rocks d. sea floor
22. A deep crack that runs through the center of a mid-ocean ridge is called a _____________.
a. Rift valley b. Tectonic Plate c. Trench d. volcanic arc
23. One piece of evidence that supports the continental drift theory has been provided by
a. Coal deposit b. Convection Current c. Magnetic poles d. Ocean current
24. A ___________ is formed when the ocean floor moves on either side of a mid-ocean ridge.
a. mid-ocean ridge b. rift valley c. seafloor spreading d. trench
25. Mountain ranges are formed when________________.
a. Two plates move together
b. a plate sub-ducts in another plate
c. plates collide and fold under enormous pressure
d. magma from Earth’s interior rises through vent
26. An example of a mountain range formed through continent-continent collision is the
a. Himalayas b. Andes Mountains c. Mt. St. Helen d. Mt. Pinatubo
27. A type of plate boundary that plates slide past each other.
a. divergent b. convergent c. transform d. None
28. Convergent boundaries are also called _________?
a. Constructive boundaries b. Destructive boundaries c. Creative boundaries d. none
29. Divergent boundaries are also called __________?
a. Constructive boundaries b. Destructive boundaries c. Creative boundaries d. none
30. What will be formed if the two oceanic plates collide?
a. Trench b. volcanic arc c. Mountain ranges d. rift valley
31. If two continental plates collide each other what will be the result?
a. Trench b. volcanic arc c. Mountain ranges d. rift valley
32. Given the following statements below, which do you think correctly features
the three types of plate boundaries?
I. New oceanic lithosphere forms divergent plate boundaries.
II. Oceanic crust is subducted at convergent plate boundaries.
III. Transform faults often offset spreading centers.
A. I and II only
B. I and III only
C. II and III only
D. I, II, and II
33.If you are tasked to predict the geologic features out of this plate boundary, what would
it be?

I. mountains
II. volcanoes
III. trenches
A. II ONLY B. II and I C. III and II DI, II and III
34. The following geologic events are indications that the crust is spreading except:
A. earthquake B. oceanic ridges C. rift valleys D. trench
35. What is formed when there is convergence of two continental plates?
A. island B. mountain C. trench D. volcano
36. What is expected to be found parallel to a trench when there is convergence of two oceanic
A. hot spot B. oceanic ridge C. rift valleys D. volcanic arc
37. Which of the following processes will be most likely to happen upon continuous
separation of plates?
A. The molten material will rise to the surface creating a volcanic island
B. No trenches, volcanoes, and islands, Sinstead mountain ranges are created.
C. There is formation of trenches that will become source of earthquakes.
D. There is formation of new material from the mantle to fill the gap.
38. Which of the following best describes the process of subduction?
A. The plate that goes downward can cause earthquakes at varying depths
where the focus is within 60 km.
B. The denser oceanic crust collides with continental crust in which it bends
towards the mantle.
C. It allows the rise of the magma to reach the crust causing volcanic
activity in the surface.
D. Since the mantle is hotter than the crust, the subducted crust melt
forming magma.
39. When two tectonic plates collide, why does oceanic crust usually subduct beneath the
continental crust?
A. Oceanic crust is less dense than continental crust.
B. Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust.
C. Oceanic crust is thicker than continental crust.
D. Oceanic crust is thinner than continental crust.
40. What is the driving force that facilitates the slow movement of lithospheric
A. convection current in the mantle
B. gravitational force of the moon
C. magnetic force at the poles
D. the force of the atmosphere
41. What is the source of heat in a mantle convection current?
A. the crust B. the core C. the Sun D. the volcanic arcs
42. Which of the following will most likely happen during convection current?
A. As the continental crust moves away from divergent boundary, it becomes
denser than the newer continental crust.
B. The hot less dense rising material spreads out as it reaches the upper
mantle causing upward and sideward forces.
C. The older seafloor sinks as the weight of a ridge pushes the oceanic crust
towards the magma.
D. Hot magma flows out of the mantle and cools down to form the new
continental crust.
43. What do you call the supercontinent landmass formed millions of years ago?
A. Asia B. Eurasia C. Gondwanaland D. Pangaea
44. Which of the following strongly support Continental Drift Theory?
A. electromagnetism B. fossil evidence C. Geology D. plate movements
45. If all the inner layers of the earth are firm solid millions of years ago, what
could have happened to Pangaea?
A. It would have stretched and covered the whole world.
B. It would have remained as a supercontinent.
C. It would have disappeared into the ocean.
D. It would become as it is today.
46. The following is the result of seafloor spreading except:
A. The East Pacific Rise is one of the active sites with more than 14 cm every
B. the pulling of continents of Australia, South America, and Antarctica
C. the creation of Red Sea
D. fossils in rocks
47. Which of the following boundaries were new oceanic lithosphere usually
A. divergent plate boundaries
B. transform plate boundaries
C. convergent oceanic-oceanic plate boundaries
D. convergent oceanic-continental plate boundaries
48. At which type of plate margin would you expect to find the most explosive
volcanic activity?
A. Divergent (constructive)
B. Convergent (oceanic-oceanic)
C. Convergent (oceanic- continental)
D. Convergent (continental-continental)
49. What do you call to the boundary between two plates moving toward each
A. divergent boundary
B. transform boundary
C. convergent boundary
D. trans-divergent boundary
50. Which of the following does East African Rift belong to?
A. mid-ocean ridge
B. divergent boundary
C. convergent boundary
D. transform boundary

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