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CHAT GPT – programmed response to essay questions

I wanted to see how well it would do... so I gave the bot the prompt that we used in
a practice exam:
Here is the essay (370 words) that it produced - instantly!

‘To what extent is problem solving an important skill for university studies?’

Problem-solving is a crucial skill that is essential for success at university. In fact, it is one
of the most important skills that students can develop during their time at university, as it
is applicable to a wide range of subjects and career paths.

One reason why problem-solving is so important at university is that it helps students to

think critically and independently. At university, students are expected to take a more
active role in their own learning, and this requires them to be able to think for themselves
and come up with solutions to problems on their own. For example, when faced with a
difficult math problem, a student who is skilled at problem-solving may be able to break
down the problem into smaller parts and work through each part one at a time, rather
than becoming overwhelmed by the complexity of the problem.

Another reason why problem-solving is important at university is that it helps students to

be more adaptable and resilient. University can be a challenging environment, and
students are likely to encounter a variety of obstacles and setbacks along the way.
However, those who are skilled at problem-solving are more likely to be able to find
creative solutions to these challenges, rather than becoming discouraged or giving up.
For example, if a student is struggling to understand a particular concept in a course, they
may be able to seek help from a tutor or peer, or try approaching the problem from a
different angle.

Problem-solving is also important in university because it helps students to be more

productive and efficient. When faced with a problem, students who are skilled at
problem-solving are able to identify the most important factors and prioritize their efforts
accordingly. This can help them to make the most of their time and resources, and ensure
that they are able to complete their work to the best of their ability.

In conclusion, problem-solving is an essential skill for success at university. It helps

students to think critically and independently, be more adaptable and resilient, and be
more productive and efficient. By developing their problem-solving skills, students can
better prepare themselves for the challenges and opportunities that they will encounter
at university and beyond.

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