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being a disciple of apostate

Dan68; 1Kin218; Esth312 -What does the Bible present as the  receiving the beast’s mark in his forehead
object of a sign, or seal? (i.e. being in support of Sunday
Rom411 -In the Bible the words “sign” and worshipping)
“seal” are used interchangeably  receiving the beast’s mark in his hand
What are the three essentials to an official seal/stamp? (i.e. partaking in Sunday worshipping)
1. Name of the official
2. Position of official (i.e. title, authority, right to rule) Rev1217 -What will be the central issue in the final conflict?
3. Territory or the extent of official’s dominion & jurisdiction Rev149-11; 1412 -What two contrasting groups of people [the players
in this conflict] is the world divided into?
Isa816; Dt64-8 -With what is God’s seal connected?
Heb87-13; Jer3133 - Law written in the “mind” and on the “heart”  “Mark of the beast” is the opposite of the “seal of God”.
Ex208–11 -Which commandment contains the 3 essentials of Since the seal of God is the Sabbath so the mark of the
an official seal? beast must be a contrary day!
1. Name >: Lord
2. Position >: Creator (i.e. “made”) Mt2412 What will characterise most of the final generations?
3. Territory >: Heaven, earth, sea Ans: Lawlessness!
Ex3117, 13; Eze2020 -The Sabbath is the sign, or mark, or seal, of the Isa245-6 Why is the earth defiled under its inhabitants?
true God, the Creator. An artist signs the linen at the  The inhabitants have transgressed the laws
end of his work - it identifies the artist. The  Changed the ordinance
Sabbath is the signature that identifies the author  Broken the everlasting covenant
of creation.

Rev132 How is the sea beast described?

Ans: partly-Leopard, partly-Bear, partly-Lion
Dan72-7 How did Daniel describe the four creatures he saw?
Ans: They came from the sea
Ans: 1st- Lion; 2nd- Bear; 3rd- Leopard; 4th- undescribable

NB: A study of Daniel2, 3, 7-8, Rev13 alongside past history

reveals that:
 This beast (from the sea) represents the Papacy.
 The two-horned beast is understood to represent the

Rom228-29; Rev2112; 111-2 To whom does salvation belong? What does the Papacy set forth as the mark/sign of its power and
Ans: Israelites. authority? (Refer to Catholic quotation below)
In this sense, a “Jew” refers to “spiritual” Israel. "Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her
Similarly, Gentiles are “spiritual” Gentiles, meaning all act . . . and the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power."
non-believers. -From the office of Cardinal Gibbons, through
Rev71–4; Eze91–6 -A special sealing work is to take place just before Chancellor H.F. Thomas, November 11, 1895.
the letting loose of the winds of destruction upon the
Rev141 -What did John see on saved saints standing on the
“mountain of God”, Mt Zion?
Ans: Foreheads written [sealed with] the
“Father’s name”.
Isa564-7 -According to Isaiah, what led these saints to be
written an “everlasting name” and brought to this
“God’s mountain”?
> The seal is the sign or stamp of perfection, and God’s
name stands for His character, which is perfection. When
this seal is finally placed upon God’s people, it will be the
evidence that His grace and His sanctifying power have
done their work, and fitted them for heaven. In the world to
come, all will keep the Sabbath, and will therefore have this
seal or mark of sanctification, holiness, and perfection of
character (Isa6622-23)
Rev14 12 -How is the remnant church described?
Rev149-10 -Against what four things does the third angel of
Revelation 14 warn men?
 worshipping the beast
(i.e. being a disciple of Papal authority)
 worshipping the beast’s image
2Thes23-4 How does Paul put forward the same idea?
What do Catholics say of the observance of Sunday by Protestants? Dan725 How does Daniel describe the little horn?
(Refer to Catholic quotation below) 1. Speaks great words against God;
“A word about Sunday. God said: ‘Remember that thou keep 2. Occupying God’s place, to the point of changing God’s laws
holy the Sabbath day!’ The Sabbath was Saturday, not
Sunday; why, then, do we keep Sunday holy instead of Dan811 What else did the little horn do?
Saturday? The Church altered the observance of the Rev135 How does John describe further the sea beast?
Sabbath to the observance of Sunday. . . Protestants who say Rev1317-18 What is related to the name of the sea beast?
that they go by the Bible and the Bible only, and that they do Ans: Can be represented by a number,
not believe anything that is not in the Bible, must be rather which when calculated, will give 666.
puzzled by the keeping of Sunday when God distinctly said, Rev1916 Is the name a proper name or a title?
‘Keep holy the Sabbath day.’ The word Sunday does not come Rev1318 How is this Scripture said in the different versions
anywhere in the Bible so, without knowing it, they are obeying of Bibles?
the authority of the Catholic Church.”
-Henry T. Cafferata, The Catechism Simply Living Bible: “Here is a puzzle that calls for careful
Explained (London: Burns Oates & thought to solve it. Let those who are
Washbourne Ltd., 1938), p. 89. able, interpret this code: the numerical
values of the letters in his name add to
New English Bible: “The number represents a man’s name,
and the numerical value of its letters is
six hundred and sixty-six.”
Roman Catholic Douay Version:
“The numeral letters of his name shall
make up this number.”

How do we get a number from a name?

 The answer lies in the fact that in ancient times numbers were
written with the letters of the alphabet. This practice,
referred to as gematria, was used in Hebrew, Greek and
Latin. This means that when the letters of the beast’s
blasphemous name are given their respective numerical
value the total will be 666.

Jn1920 What evidence is given that it is from these 3 languages we

get the name?

What is the official language of the Roman Catholic Church?

Ans: Latin.
 It is important to realize that the noun “man” has no definite
Rev131 What is the nature of the sea beast’s name? article. This means that qualitatively the beast is a system that
Ans: Blasphemous is centered in man. It is noteworthy that the little horn has
Jn1033, 36 (30); 197; 149 What is meant by “blaspheming” God? eyes like a man, the apostate one of 2Thess2 is called the
1. Claiming to be equal to God man of sin and here the beast has the number of a man.
2. Claiming to be a representative (vicar) of God (i.e. vicarious This is certainly a system that is based on the power and
Dei) prowess of man.
“But the supreme teacher in the Church is the Roman Pontiff.
Union of minds, therefore, requires, together with a perfect
accord in the one faith, complete submission and obedience of Qsn: What is the title of Roman Catholic Church leader, the Pope?
will to the Church and to the Roman Pontiff, as to God Himself.” Ans: Vicarious Filii Dei
-The Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, p. 193
Qsn: What does Vicarious Filii Dei stand for?
Mk25, 7 How is “blasphemy” also defined?
Ans: “In place of the Son of God”
Ans: By claiming to exercise the prerogatives of God
Qsn: Does the Roman Catholic Church use this title today, publicly?
“We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty.”
Ans: No. It ceased to use this title due to embarrassment from this
- The Great Encyclical Letters of Leo XIII, p. 304,
“It is evident that the popes can neither be bound nor unbound
Qsn: What is the title currently used for the Pope publicly?
by any earthly power, nor even by that of the apostle [Peter],
Ans: Vicarius Christi
if he should return upon the earth; since Constantine the Great
has recognized that the pontiffs held the place of God upon
Qsn: What does Vicarius Christ mean?
earth, divinity not being able to be judged by any living man.
Ans: In place of Christ
We are, then, infallible, and whatever may be our acts, we are
not accountable for them but to ourselves.”
Qsn: Does Vicarius Christi anything different from Vicarius Filli Dei?
-Pope Nicholas I [Cormenin, History of the
Ans: No. They just mean the same.
Popes, p. 243, as cited in R. W. Thompson, The
Papacy and the Civil Power, p. 248]
In the April 18, 1915 edition of Our Sunday Visitor this information
The Donation of Constantine which was used by at least ten popes to was confirmed once again. The question was:
justify their claims to temporal power contains this very title: “What are the letters supposed to be in the Pope’s crown, and
“. . . as the Blessed Peter is seen to have been constituted what do they signify, if anything?”
vicar of the Son of God [“vicarius filii Dei” - in the original The answer was explicit:
Latin] on the earth, so the Pontiffs who are the representatives “The letters inscribed in the Pope’s mitre are these: Vicarius
of that same chief of the apostles, should obtain from us and Filii Dei, which is the Latin for the Vicar of the Son of God.
our empire the power of a supremacy greater than the Catholics hold that the church which is a visible society must
clemency of our earthly imperial serenity is seen to have have a visible head. Christ, before His ascension into heaven,
conceded to it.” appointed St. Peter to act as His representative. Upon the
death of Peter the man who succeeded to the office of Peter
The Donation was purportedly a letter written by Constantine the as Bishop of Rome, was recognized as the head of the
Great to Pope Sylvester I. In the letter Constantine supposedly gave Church. Hence to the Bishop of Rome, as head of the Church,
temporal power to the pope. We know for certain that the Donation was given the title ‘Vicar of Christ.’”
was in existence as early as the ninth century but was used beginning
in the eleventh century to justify the outrageous temporal claims of NB: In Roman numerals, the letter “U” has the same value
the papacy. equivalents with “V”.

Though it is true that the Donation was a forgery, it is also beyond

dispute that the Donation was panned off as authentic and official VICARIUS FILII DEI (666)
by various popes and Roman Catholic theologians for hundreds of
years to sustain the temporal power of the papacy. Though a forgery, V = 5 F = 0 D = 500
it was used as an official document by these popes to sustain their I = 1 I = 1 E = 0
claims to temporal power. C = 100 L = 50 I = 1
A = 0 I = 1
Cardinal Edward Manning in his book The Temporal Power of the
R = 0 I = 1
Vicar of Jesus Christ (1862). In the first statement, Manning indicts
the Roman Catholic nations of Europe of his day for their failure to I = 1
defend the temporal power of the pope: U/V = 5
“’See this Catholic Church, this Church of God, feeble and S = 0
weak, rejected even by the very nations called Catholic. There 112 + 53 + 501 = 666
is Catholic France, and Catholic Germany, and Catholic Italy
giving up this exploded figment of the temporal power of the  The calculation discovery was made by Andreas Helwig who
Vicar of Jesus Christ.’ And so, because the Church seems lived from 1572 to 1643. Frustrated by this discovery, the
weak, and the Vicar of the Son of God is renewing the popery strived to “change” the title to destroy every evidence of
Passion of his Master upon earth, therefore we are “Vicarius Filii Dei” to the currently used “Vicarius Christi”,
scandalized, therefore we turn our faces from him.” (pp. 140, which means “Vicar of Christ” or simply “In place of the Son
141) of God”. But to say “Vicar of Christ” and “Vicarius Filii Dei”
mean the same thing; the e is actually no difference. However,
In his immensely popular book, Crossing the Threshold of Hope, p. is secret papers they continue to use Vicarius Filii Dei.
3, Pope John Paul II explained what he understood to be the source
of the power of his office: It is true that in Greek the preposition anti can mean ‘against.’ But it
“The leader of the Catholic Church is defined by the faith as is equally true that this preposition can mean ‘instead of,’ or ‘in
the Vicar of Jesus Christ (and is accepted as such by place of.’
believers). The Pope is considered the man on earth who  In the New Testament, the name Herod Antipas means that
represents the Son of God, who ‘takes the place’ of the Herod ruled ‘in place of’ his father.’ (Rev213)
Second Person of the omnipotent God of the Trinity.”  The word antitype means ‘that which takes the place of the
type.’ Christ is spoken of as having given His life as a ransom
Professor Johannes Quasten one of the greatest patristic scholars of in place of (antilutron) all (1Tim26)
all time once affirmed:
"The title Vicarius Christi, as well as the title Vicarius Filii Dei Thus the word antichristos in Greek and Vicarius Filii Dei in Latin bear
is very common as the title of the Pope" a very similar meaning!
In the November 15, 1914 edition of Our Sunday Visitor (the official Our Sunday Visitor, which previously published an article in testifying
organ of the Archdiocese of Baltimore) the following question was about Vicarius Filii Dei (as above), did an about face and totally
addressed to the Bureau of Information: changed its tune on September 16, 1917 (and also again on August 3,
“Is it true that the words of the Apocalypse in the 13th chapter, 1941):
18th verse refer to the Pope?” “The words Vicarius Filii Dei are not the name of the Pope,
The answer was as follows: they do not even constitute his official title.”
“The words referred to are these ‘Here is wisdom. He that hath
understanding, let him count the number of the beast. For it is
the number of a man: and the number of him is six hundred The Bible makes it crystal clear that the Holy Spirit is the Vicar of the
sixty-six.’ The Title of the Pope in Rome is Vicarius Filii Dei. Son of God. Before Jesus left He promised His disciples:
This is inscribed on his mitre; and if you take the letters of “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another
his title which represent Latin numerals and add them together Helper, that He may abide with you forever--the Spirit of truth,
they come to 666.” whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him
nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and
will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you.” NB: Note the contrast below:
(Jn1416-18). 1. Sabbath:
“the day of the Lord” = “the day of [worshipping] the Lord”

 The number 666 was known as “the great number of the sun.” whilst
In Babylon the sun god was called Marduk. Thus the number 666 2. Sunday:
is to be identified with Babylon and with Rome (In his letter, Paul “the day of the sun” = “the day of [worshipping] the sun”
referred to Rome as Babylon -1Pet513). Thus those who
worshipped the image would be honoring Babylon and On 31 May 1998, Pope John Paul 11 published his Apostolic Letter
worshiping the sun god whose number is 666. In general, Baal- called Dies Domini (The Day of the Lord). Consider the following
worshipping (the all-time heathen god) is sun-worshipping quotations from his Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini:
(2Chr235). “Wise pastoral intuition suggested to the Church the
Christianization of the notion of Sunday as ‘the day of the
 Sunday-keeping will again be enforced by the state worldwide. sun.”
Pope John XXIII state that: —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
“for the proper observance everywhere of Sunday as a day of Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 27, pg.
rest . . This presupposes a change of mind in society and 12]
intervention of the powers of the state. Sunday will really
be the ‘day of God’ when this comes about. It will be  Roman Catholic churches are filled with sun bursts
recognized as a social right to be enjoyed by all classes of everywhere—above the heads of saints in the form of halos,
society for the exercise of their religious duties and the on altars, on glass stained windows, on works of art, on
practicing of works of charity. The church will be happy when chalices, on vestments.
this takes place.”
—Pope John XXIII, quoted by Religious News “Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical Rerum Novarum spoke of
Service, September 21, 1961. Sunday rest as a worker’s right which the State must
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 66, pg.

The Catholic Church’s Catechism openly recognizes Sunday as the “Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation
“day of [worshipping] the sun”: respects their duty to keep Sunday holy”.
“We all gather on the day of the sun, for it is the first day [after —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
the Jewish Sabbath, but also the first day] when God, Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 67, pg.
separating matter from darkness, made the world; and on this 30]
same day Jesus Christ our Saviour rose from the dead”
—Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part 3,
Section 2, Chapter 1, Article 3, Number 2174 Eze816-17: Did it bear any relationship with the pagan “day of
the Sun”?
This supported again by an article from the Catholic World magazine: “Writing to the pagans, Saint Justin uses the language of the
“The sun was a foremost god with heathendom...there is, in time to note that Christians gather together "on the day named
truth, something royal, kingly about the sun, making it a fit after the sun"
emblem of Jesus, the Sun of Justice. Hence the Church in —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
these counties would seem to have said, “Keep that old pagan Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 27, pg.
name. It shall remain consecrated, sanctified.’ And thus the 12-13]
pagan Sunday, dedicated to Balder, because the Christian
Sunday, sacred to Jesus.”
—Catholic World, March 1994, pg809


“Christian reflection” and “[Catholic] pastoral practice”

changed it”
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, section 27, pg.

Pope holding the sun-shaped mitre. Catholicism

Pagan sun-
(Catholic Church’s religious system) is a full
“The spiritual and pastoral riches of Sunday, as it has been
inheritance and extension handed on to us by tradition, are truly great.”
of the old-time pagan sun-worshipping (i.e. Baal —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
This follows the first national Sunday law instituted by Constantine in Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 81, pg.
AD 321: 35]
“On the venerable day of the Sun let the magistrates and
people residing in cities rest, and let all the shops be closed.” Mk79, 13; How does Christ relate tradition with God’s Law?
—Constantine, AD 321
John Gilmary Shea (1824-1892) who was an important Roman Catholic
historian of his time: Louis G. Segur (1820-1881) who was a French Roman Catholic prelate
“For ages all Christian nations looked to the Catholic and apologist, and later a diplomatic and judicial official at Rome:
Church, and, as we have seen, the various states enforced "Question: What Bible authority is there for changing the
by law her ordinances as to worship and cessation of labor on Sabbath from the seventh to the first day of the
Sunday. Protestantism, in discarding the authority of the week? Who gave the Pope the authority to
Church, has no good reason for its Sunday theory, and ought change a command of God?"
logically, to keep Saturday as the Sabbath. The State in Answer: It was the Catholic Church which, by the authority of
passing laws for the due Sanctification of Sunday, is Jesus Christ, has transferred this rest to the
unwittingly acknowledging the authority of the Catholic Sunday. Thus the observance of Sunday by the
Church, and carrying out more or less faithfully its Protestants is an homage they pay, in spite of
prescription. The Sunday as a day of the week set apart for themselves, to the authority of the [Catholic]
the obligatory public worship of Almighty God is purely a Church."
creation of the Catholic Church." —Monsignor Louis Segur, Plain Talk
-John Gilmary Shea “The Observance of Sunday About the Protestantism of Today, 1868,
and Civil Laws for Its Enforcement”, in “The p. 213
American Catholic Quarterly Review”, January
1883, p. 139 From the Catholic Encyclopedia:
"Question: What is the Third Commandment?
John G. Shea, goes on to say: [NB: The fourth commandment in Protestant Bibles,
“It [Sunday] is not the Jewish Sabbath; it is, in fact, entirely because the Roman Catholic Church removed the
distinct from it, and not governed by the enactments of the Second Commandment--Ex204-6]
Mosaic law. It is part and parcel of the system of the Catholic "Answer: The Third Commandment is: ‘Remember that thou
Church as absolutely as is any other of her sacraments, her keep holy the Sabbath day."
festivals and fasts, her days of joy and mourning, her Question: Which is the Sabbath day?’ Answer: Saturday is
indulgences, and jubilees. the Sabbath day."
Question: Why do we observe Sunday instead of Saturday?"
“The Catholic Church created the Sunday and made the very Answer: The Catholic Church, after changing the day of rest
regulations which have come down on the statute books, from Saturday, the seventh day of the week, to
and she still constantly, from her pulpits, her catechists’ chairs, Sunday, the first day, made the third
and the confessional, calls on her faithful to obey them, to commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be
sanctify the day, and refrain from all that desecrates it. kept as the Lord's Day."
—Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 4, p.
For their present practice, Protestants, in general, have no 153.
authority but that of a church which they disown, and there
cannot be a greater inconsistency than theirs in asking the state Priest Thomas Enright, CSSR, President of Redemptorist College,
to enforce the Sunday laws.” Kansas City, Missouri in a lecture at Hartford, Kansas on February 18,
- ibid pg 139, 149, 152 1884:
"Prove to me from the Bible alone that I am bound to keep
Sunday holy. There is no such law in the Bible. It is a law of
Our Sunday Visitor, perhaps the most important and influential Roman the holy Catholic Church alone. The Bible says
Catholic journal in the United States: 'Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.' The Catholic
"Protestants . . . accept Sunday rather than Saturday as the Church says: No. By my divine power I abolish the
day for public worship after the Catholic Church made the Sabbath day and command you to keep holy the first day of
change . . . But the Protestant mind does not seem to realize the week. And lo! The entire civilized world bows down in
that in accepting the Bible, in observing the Sunday, they reverent obedience to the command of the Holy Catholic
are accepting the authority of the spokesman for the Church."
church, the Pope." —Printed in The Hartford Kansas Weekly Call,
—Our Sunday Visitor, Feb. 5, 1950 February 22, 1884, and the American Sentinel, a
New York Roman Catholic journal in June 1893,
page 173.

“If Protestants would follow the Bible, they should worship God
on the Sabbath Day. In keeping the Sunday they are following
a law of the Catholic Church.”
-Albert Smith, Chancellor of the Archdiocese of
Baltimore, replying for the Cardinal, in a letter dated
February 10, 1920.

Which day is the Lord’s Day? Sunday or Sabbath? - (Rev110)

Gen21-3 “Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the
host of them. And on the seventh day God ended His work
which He had made; and He rested on the seventh day from Why Sunday became so popular?
all His work which He had made. And God blessed the
seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it He had  On March 7, AD 321, when Emperor Constantine issued the first
rested from all His work which God created and made.” National Sunday Law in history. This was the first so-called “blue
law” to be issued by a federal government. Here is the text of
Ex1623, 25 “This is that which the Lord hath said, tomorrow is the rest Constantine’s Sunday law decree:
of the holy Sabbath unto the Lord. Today is a Sabbath unto “Let all judges and townspeople and occupations of all trades
the Lord: today ye shall not find it in the field.” rest on the venerable day of the sun [Sunday]; nevertheless,
let those who are situated in the rural districts freely and with
Ex3115 “Six days may work be done; but on the seventh is the full liberty attend to the cultivation of the fields because it
Sabbath of rest, holy to the Lord.” frequently happens that no other day may be so fitting for
plowing grains or trenching vineyards, lest at the time the
Ex352 “Six days shall work be done, but on the seventh day there advantage of the moment granted by the provision of heaven
shall be to you an holy day, a Sabbath of rest to the Lord.” be lost. Given on the Nones (seventh) of March, Crispus and
Constantine, being counsuls each of them, for the second
Ex2010 “The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord.” time.”
-The Code of Justinian, Book III, title 12, law 3.
Dt514 “The seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it
thou shalt not do any work.”  During the Dark Ages (538-1798 AD), the Catholic Church and
political leaders, made Sunday Law decrees in years AD 321, 343,
Lev233 “Ye shall do no work therein; it is the Sabbath of the Lord in 365, 386, 389, 458, 468, 538, 554, 578, 581, 589, 681, 690, and
all your dwellings.” onward. Men and women of earlier centuries gradually lost
something precious, something they loved. Rather, it [the
Isa5813 “If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath, from doing thy Sabbath] was taken from them by force, on pain of death.
pleasure on My holy day; and call the Sabbath a delight, the They had to sit in silent grief and watch as the years passed and
holy of the Lord.” their children grew up, never having had it. At last it became a
tradition until today, but without any biblical command.
Mt128 “For the Son of man is Lord even of the Sabbath day.”

Sunday occurrences in the Bible The cruelty of Catholic Popes

 Sunday is only mentioned eight times in the Bible.

a) Once: At creation:
 Gen15

b) Four times: In the Four Gospels- appearances of Christ after

resurrection when the disciples were hiding “for fear of the Jews,”
 Mt281
 Mk161-2, 9
 Lk241
 Jn201, 19

c) Twice: In Acts
1) That evening Paul (after spending a week at Traos), as
soon as Sabbath was over by sunset, waited to depart
in the coming morning, held his last religious service
with the brethren that evening (i.e. early hours of
Sunday), breaking bread (Act246). It should here be
mentioned that, even if they had held an actual
communion service that night, this would in no way
make it a holy day. The Lord’s Supper commemorates
Christ’s death, not His resurrection (1Cor1126). Later,  In the Council of Laodicea around the year A.D. 364, the Catholic
Paul then journeyed on Sunday (Act2011-14) from Church decreed 59 Canon laws. Canon law XXIX (29) clearly
morning. outlawed Seventh day Sabbath-keeping:
 Act207-8 “Christians must not judaize by resting on the
Sabbath, but must work on that day, rather
2) Only a direct command by God, in Scripture, can make honouring the Lord’s Day; and, if they can, resting
any day of the week holy then as Christians. But if any shall be found to be
 Act2015-38 judaizers, let them be anathema from Christ.”
— Canon XXIX, (Percival
d) Once: In a letter to the Corinthians Translation).
As the Sabbath will be past and a new week begins,
Paul instructs the believers to do their bookkeeping
at home on Sunday mornings.
 1Cor161-2
Consider the following issues from Catholic qoutations:
a) Pope John Paul II “It was only later, faced with the half-heartedness or negligence of
Pope John Paul II, in his Apostolic Letter, “Dies Domini”, writes: some that the Church had to make explicit the duty to attend Sunday
Given this array of new situations and the questions which they Mass: more often than not, this was done in the form of exhortation,
prompt, it seems more necessary than ever to recover the deep but at times the Church had to resort to specific canonical precepts.
doctrinal foundations underlying the [Catholic] Church's precept, so This was the case in a number of local Councils from the fourth
that the abiding value of Sunday in the Christian life will be clear to century onwards (as at the Council of Elvira of 300, which speaks not
all the faithful. In doing this, we follow in the footsteps of the age- of an obligation but of penalties after three absences and most
old tradition of the Church, powerfully restated by the Second especially from the sixth century onwards (as at the Council of Agde
Vatican Council in its teaching that on Sunday "Christian believers in 506). These decrees of local Councils led to a universal practice,
should come together, in order to commemorate the suffering, the obligatory character of which was taken as something quite
Resurrection and glory of the Lord Jesus, by hearing God's Word normal.”
and sharing the Eucharist, and to give thanks to God who has given —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
them new birth to a living hope through the Resurrection of Jesus Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 47, pg.
Christ from the dead” 22]
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
Apostolic Letter Dies Domini, section 6, pg. 3] It is clear then why, even in our own difficult times, the identity of this
day must be protected and above all must be lived in all its depth …
So, note that the Pope acknowledged that: What began as a spontaneous practice later became a juridically
a) Sunday is a Catholic Church’s precept sanctioned norm [i.e. National Sunday Law]... It was in this spirit that
b) The Catholic Church is trying to “recover” its the Second Vatican Council… declared that the Church "is prepared
historically “lost supremacy of Sunday observance” at to accept only those arrangements which preserve a week of seven
the collapse of the Dark Ages days with a Sunday"
c) The Sunday institution is an “old tradition” of the —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
Catholic Church, which it inherited from paganism, not Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 30, pg.
Biblical decree 14]

“… through the centuries, she [Catholic Church] has made laws

concerning Sunday rest, … and thus enable everyone to keep the Sunday emerges therefore as the natural model for understanding
Lord’s Day holy. Pope Leo XIII in his Encyclical Rerum Novarum and celebrating these feast days of the Liturgical Year, which are of
spoke of Sunday rest as a worker’s right which the State must such value for the Christian life that the Church has chosen to
guarantee.” emphasize their importance by making it obligatory for the faithful to
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The attend Mass and to observe a time of rest, even though these feast-
Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 66, pg. days may fall on variable days of the week. Their number has been
29] changed from time to time, taking into account social and economic
conditions, as also how firmly they are established in tradition, and
“Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation how well they are supported by civil legislation.
respects their duty to keep Sunday holy”. —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 79, pg.
Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 67, pg. 34]
So, note that the Pope acknowledged that:
So, note that the Pope acknowledged that: a) The Catholic Church forced people to keep Sunday by
a) The Catholic Church is making an aggressive push making it an obligation
and compelling all countries to legislate Sunday- b) The Catholic Church involved the state (civil
observation into law government) in its enforcement
c) Instituted penalties against those who did not comply
“Wise pastoral intuition suggested to the Church the with the Sunday-keeping decree
Christianization of the notion of Sunday as ‘the day of the sun.” d) The Church sought for Sunday-keeping until it
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The became “normal/tradition” through prolonged
Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 27, pg. observance.
“Therefore, dear Brother Bishops and Priests, I urge you to work
So, note that the Pope acknowledged that: tirelessly with the faithful to ensure that the value of this sacred day
a) Sunday-observation has no Christian background is understood and lived ever more deeply. This will bear rich fruit in
b) Sunday-observation is pagan sun-worshipping Christian communities, and will not fail to have a positive influence
c) The Catholic Church was advised to adopt the pagan on civil society as a whole.
precept of sun-worshipping by “Christianising it’ or —Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The
rather “introduce it into Christianity” Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 87, pg.
d) The adoption of Sunday into Christianity is a result of 37]
“human wisdom/intelligence/reasoning” to justify it so
that it would be easily accepted by Christians. [This is So, note that the Pope acknowledged that:
naked evidence that before the Catholic Church came i) As Catholics, they have to strive that Sunday-keeping
into being, Sun-day was kept by pagans alone since it become a universal charge for human being in the world
belonged to them, whilst true Christians kept the true [i.e. whether Christian or non-Christian], an issue which
Sabbath. It was the Catholic Church that “baptised will not fail.
Sunday” into Christianity].
“The Code of Canon Law of 1917 for the first time gathered this A. Some helpful lessons from the Three Hebrews of Daniel:
tradition into a universal law. The present Code reiterates this, saying a) Babylon was the ruling power in the world at the time (Dan31)
that "on Sundays and other holy days of obligation the faithful are b) God’s people were captive in Babylon (Jer5145)
bound to attend Mass". This legislation has normally been c) Nebuchadnezzar for a time lived as a beast (Dan416).
understood as entailing a grave obligation: this is the teaching of the d) Nebuchadnezzar set up an image to the beast.(Dan31)
Catechism of the Catholic Church” e) The Babylonians worshipped the sun god (Dt419, Eze816, 2314)
—Pope John Paul II, May 31, 1998. The  All worship, if not unto God, is unto the sun; nothing
Apostolic Letter, Dies Domini, section 47, pg. more!
22] f) The primary issue in this controversy was worship (Dan36, 11)
g) The question was who will you worship: the image or the true God
So, note that the Pope acknowledged that: (Dan328)
i) Once again, Sunday-keeping is only human tradition [i.e. h) The law of God is also involved, primarily the first table which has
not a Biblical requirement] to do with worship to the true God. (Ex203-4)
ii) This tradition later enacted into law through human  We worship God because He is the Creator (Ps956) and the
legislation [because it was not previously a law, as it has sign of worship to the Creator is the Sabbath (Rev147).
no Biblical enforcement] i) There was a union of church and state (Dan32)
iii) Sunday-keeping is a teaching of the Catholic Church [i.e. j) All the political rulers who were present in order of rank. All the
not from the Bible] civil powers of the Babylonian world were present there. (Dan33)
k) The government was enforcing a religious decree. To not worship
is treason against the government. (Dan3 11)
b) Ending the Climate Change Crisis l) The decree to worship was universal (Dan34)
There is a growing concern and awareness that the world’s m) Music played a vital role in connection with false worship (Dan35, 7,
climate crisis is claimed to be more of a moral issue. 10, 15)

i) Pope Francis issued an encyclical letter, “Laudato Si” n) A death decree against those who do not worship the image of the
which addresses the concern for climate change and beast (Dan36, 11, 15, 19)
how to end it.. In this ;letter, Pope Francis said: o) An insignificant remnant was faithful (Dan312)
“On Sunday, our participation in the Eucharist has p) The religious leaders accused the three young men to the civil
special importance. Sunday ... is meant to be a day power (Dan22, 4, 5, 10, 12; 39-12)
which heals our relationships with God, with q) Nebuchadnezzar attempted to intimidate the remnant who kept
ourselves, with others and with the world … And so the commandments of God and worshipped only Him (Dan315).
the day of rest, centred on the [Sunday] Eucharist, r) All the people wondered in awe at the beast’s image
sheds it light on the whole week, and motivates us to s) Time of trouble for the three young men (Dan320-23)
greater concern for nature and the poor” t) Christ Himself stood up to deliver His faithful remnant in the midst
—Pope Francis, May 25, 2015. The Encyclical of the time of trouble (Dan325, 28)
Letter, Laudato Si, section 237, pg. 172-173]
B. Now compare with the experience of the time of the end:
In response to the Pope’s concern, the letter was a) The power which will rule the world in the end-time will be Babylon
“welcomed” and “lauded” by the UN officials and (Rev171-2, 5)
numerous heads of state. b) God’s people will once again be captive in Babylon but this time
spiritually (Rev184)
Surprisingly, the Pope had a copy of the letter he c) There will be a power described as the beast (Rev131-2).
personally signed for Donald Trump (US president) d) The beast will raise up an image (Rev1311-18)
alone e) The image and mark MUST have something to do with the sun!
f) Worship will be the central issue and it will be worldwide (Rev134, 8,
ii) After more repeated calls for a worldwide combined 12, 15; 147, 9)

action, on May 27 2019, Pope Francis said to the world: g) The question will be who to worship: the beast or true God
“… you will agree upon a common plan that accords (Rev152)
with climate science…above all the ethics of human h) The commandments will also be an issue, especially the first table
dignity” of the law (Rev1217)
i) There will be a union of church and state (Rev172; 183)
iii) Pope Francis’s message to UN Convention on Climate j) State leaders of the whole world will be involved (Rev1614, 172, 18)
Change, 2014: said k) The mark of the beast will be imposed by force. A death decree will
“The effective struggle against global warming will be proclaimed against God’s faithful remnant who refuse to worship
only be possible with a responsible answer, that the image of the beast (Rev1315-16)
goes beyond particular interests and behaviour and l) The death decree will be universal (Rev315- 16)
is developed free from political and economic m) Music and external display will play a significant role in the end time
pressures…The establishment of an international (Rev1822)
climate change treaty is a grave ethical and moral n) God will have a faithful remnant which will refuse to worship the
responsibility” image to the beast (Rev1217; 1412; 152-4)
o) Very few will be faithful (Mt714)
iv) The Guardian, 17 Sep 2009, has an article entitled p) Religious leaders will be the foremost to accuse the remnant of God
“Slow Sunday: The simple solution to global q) Satan will manifest his wrath (Rev1217) when the kings of the earth
warming” drink the wine of the wrath of Babylon’s fornication (Rev171-2; 183-5).
green/2009/sep/17/low-carbon-sunday r) All the people will wonder at the beast in awe (Rev133-4)
s) There will be a severe time of trouble and God’s people will appear
doomed. (Mt2421, Rev714)
t) Jesus will personally intervene to deliver His people (Dan121;

The Catholic papacy (Popes) has been working

C. The Dark Ages (AD538-1798), a forerunner experience: tirelessly to recover its lost supremacy (in 1798) for the
a) The Roman Catholic Church’s papacy rose to supremacy and ruled
the whole of Europe (mostly inhabited during the time) past century through the infiltration of its Jesuits.
b) Saints were under the authority of the papacy Very, very soon, the long waited New World Order
c) The papacy was the beast
(NWO) under one leader, the Catholic Pope, will come,
d) No need for the image of the beast by then as the beast was openly
in authority and a National Sunday Law will be instituted
e) Roman Catholic Church’s doctrine is founded upon sun-worship worldwide so that all who do not keep Sunday (Mark
principles inherited from paganism
f) The central issue was worship of the beast) and accept the leadership of Pope (666)
g) The papacy claimed exercising the authority of God (forgiveness, will be persecuted (killed, jailed, etc.) as they did
passing laws, etc.), the pope being referred to as the Father (God)
“hidden under the veil of flesh”
before during the Dark Ages (538 -1798 AD) when they
h) The law of God was challenged resulting in the deletion of the 2nd killed between 50 million and 100 million people. This
Commandment which is against idol worshipping, abolishing the means that those [Seventh-Day Adventists] who keep
Sabbath Commandment, and division of the 10th Commandment into
two. the Sabbath (Seal of God) will be the targeted people.
i) The church and state united since the days of Emperor Constantine
when he surrendered his political power to Pope Sylvester So on which side are you? Please be part of those who
j) The papacy’s reign involved all Europe’s political leaders
k) The political powers were made to enforce Sunday-keeping, under the have the seal of God before it is too late!!!
command of the papacy
l) The whole of Europe was affected by the Sunday decrees
m) Entertainment was promoted on Sunday to popularize Sunday and
boost its acceptance
n) The papacy instituted death penalty to those who were against
Sunday keeping
o) Some remained faithful unto death though many denounced their faith
p) True saints were ever accused
q) Sabbath-keepers were condemned through papacy’s decrees
r) Most of the civil people ended up looking to the papacy
s) The whole period of the dark Ages was a time of tribulation
t) God came to rescue when the papacy’s supremacy ended in February
1798 when Pope Pius VI was dethroned by General Alexander
Beirther, under Napoleon.

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