Kuis SCM 02

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Kuis SCM 02

1. Discuss the importance of supply chain management in today's global business

2. Explain the key components of a supply chain and their roles in achieving operational
3. Analyze the benefits and challenges of implementing a lean supply chain.
4. Discuss the role of technology in optimizing supply chain operations.
5. Explain the concept of demand forecasting and its significance in supply chain
6. Discuss the different strategies for inventory management in supply chain operations.
7. Analyze the impact of globalization on supply chain management and the challenges
it presents.
8. Explain the concept of supply chain risk management and discuss effective strategies
to mitigate risks.
9. Discuss the role of collaboration and coordination in supply chain management.
10. Analyze the ethical considerations in supply chain management, particularly regarding
supplier relationships and labor practices.
11. Explain the concept of sustainability in supply chain management and discuss its
benefits and challenges.
12. Discuss the role of transportation and logistics in supply chain operations.
13. Analyze the impact of disruptions, such as natural disasters or pandemics, on supply
chain management and strategies to manage them.

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