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You have two minutes to prepare for the discussion AND ten minutes for discussion. In your discussion,
you may support or oppose the other candidates' views. At the end of the discussion, come out with a
group decision.

Situation 1
The advancement of technology has given a great impact on our lives. In your group, discuss which of the
technologies has the greatest impact on the way we live.

(i) educational technology

(ii) medical technology
(iii) communication technology
(iv) transportation technology
(v) digital technologies

Situation 2
There are many ways for an individual to be happy and live his or her life to the fullest. In your group,
discuss which one of the following aspects is the most important aspect of our life in order to be happy.

(i) family
(ii) friends
(iii) career
(iv) mental health
(v) money

Situation 3
In choosing a university to further your studies, there are many important aspects that you need to
consider. In your group, discuss which one of the following aspects is the most important aspect in
choosing a good university.

(i) Good reputation

(ii) Cheaper study fees
(iii) Good location
(iv) Good facilities
(v) Good course
Situation 4
Global warming is a serious concern for many countries all around the world. In conjunction with the
Earth Day at your university, you are participating in a forum on ways to reduce global warming. Discuss
which one of the following ways is the most effective to reduce global warming.

(i) Control logging operations and plant more trees

(ii) Control factory emissions
(iii) Ban open burning
(iv) Encourage people to carpool or use public transport
(v) Do more campaigns

Situation 5
It is definitely not easy for the poor to survive in these days with economic downturn. Many of them are
still struggling to improve their standard of living. In your group, discuss which one of the following
ways is the most effective to help the poor.

(i) Giving donations

(ii) Providing homework guidance and free tuition classes
(iii) Providing some useful skills to the parents
(iv) Getting sponsorships for children's education
(v) Send their children for adoption

Situation 6
Nowadays, many young people love to travel abroad for a holiday. In your group, discuss the most
attractive factor that would influence your choice of a destination.

(i) The culture of the people

(ii) The weather
(iii) The shopping opportunities
(iv) The food
(v) The language

Situation 7
Attending a job interview requires a well preparation. Employers would definitely seek for the best
candidate to work for them. In your group, discuss which of the aspects is the most important aspect
quality would be paid attention by the employer in selecting an employee.

(i) Interpersonal skills

(ii) Personal grooming
(iii) General knowledge
(iv) Oral communication skills
(v) Technological skills

Situation 8
Recycling has become a necessity to keep our world ticking. The more people that are on board with
recycling, the better our world will continue to become. In your group, discuss which of the following
methods is the most effective way to encourage our community to recycle.

(i) Every state should have a Recycling Club.

(ii) More recycling bins should be added in public areas.
(iii) Focus should be given to educate students about recycling.
(iv) More articles about recycling should be written in mass media.
(v) Law enforcement

Situation 9
In order to be proficient in English language, students need to continuously practice and use the language.
In your group, discuss which of the following ways is the best method to improve our English language.

(i) Use the Internet

(ii) Talk to friends
(iii) Watch movies
(iv) Attend classes
(v) Read books

Situation 10
Bullying is an issue that is difficult to be eliminated in schools. Bully activity in school is a discipline
problem and may interrupt the teaching and learning process. In your group, discuss the most significant
root cause of this issue.

(i) The Internet

(ii) Peer influence
(iii) Violent movies
(iv) Family problem
(v) Ignorant society

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