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Course Objectives:
1. To enhance the students understanding of the marketing research industry.
2. To develop skills required by the researcher and understand different applications of
Marketing Research
3. To explore different approaches of marketing research
4. To be able to exploit Marketing Research data for management decision making
5. To identify marketing problems faced by companies and provide solutions that are
supported by good marketing research.



1. Introduction to Marketing Research & Applications of Research Designs (1.5 Hours)

(a) Meaning & role of Marketing Research

(b) Role of Information in Marketing Decisions

(c) Marketing Research – Sequence of Steps

(d) Meaning & Types of Research Designs (Exploratory, Descriptive & Causal)

2. Problem Formulation (1.5 Hours)

(a) The decision maker & the environment,

(b) Objectives of decision maker,

(c) Consequences of alternative courses of action,

(d) Translating decision problem to research problem.

3. Application of Qualitative research in marketing (1.5 Hours)

(a) Meaning of Qualitative Research

(b) Applications of Depth Interviews

(c) Focus Groups in marketing Applications of longitudinal studies in consumer



4. Scale Construction and Purification Process (3 Hours)

(a) Concepts of scale and application of concepts by designing scales of

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(i) Brand research

(ii) Attitudinal studies

(iii) Customer satisfaction research.

(b) Reliability Testing using Cronbach's alpha

(c) Validity Testing – Face Validity, Content Validity,

(d) Construct Validity (Convergent Validity & Discriminant Validity)

(e) Basics of Sampling

5. Application of Questionnaire Design (1.5 Hours)

(a) Designing questionnaires structure for different marketing research situations –

study of consumer behaviour

(b) Research Instrument to be considered in following context:

(i) Retail surveys

(ii) Channel behaviour

(iii) Mystery shopping etc.

QUIZ: It covers from Unit no 1 & 2 of the syllabus.


6. Experimentation Designs (3 Hours)

(a) Research Error and its types

(b) Experimental Designs (Pre-experimental, True experimental, Quasi-experimental

(c) Statistical designs (Randomized Block Design, Latin Square Design, and Factorial

(d) Applications related to Test Marketing

(e) Study of effectiveness of advertising & sales promotional campaigns.

CLASS TEST: It covers from Unit no 1 to 3 of the syllabus.


7. Introduction to Data Analysis (3 Hours)

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(a) Cross-Tabulation concepts

(b) Dependence & Interdependence techniques

(c) Independent sample and Paired sample t-tests

(d) n-way ANOVA and MANOVA using SPSS and interpretation of the SPSS output.

8. Multiple Regression Analysis (3 Hours)

(a) Multiple Regression Considerations: (Heteroscedasticity, Autocorrelation &


(b) Multiple Regression – Case Problems

(c) Dummy variables

(d) Outlier analysis.

9. Factor Analysis (3 Hours)

(a) Concepts, Data Requirements, Procedures

(b) Difference between EFA & PCA

(c) Interpreting factor matrix (factor loadings, communalities, Eigen value)

(d) Interpreting & naming factors

10. Cluster Analysis (3 Hours)

(a) Basic concepts and Procedure (Hierarchical and Non-Hierarchical Clustering)

(b) Type of data required, procedure

(c) Clustering methods

CASE STUDY PRESENTATION / QUIZ: It covers from Unit no 1 to 4 of the syllabus.


11. Discriminant Analysis (Two Group Case) (3 Hours)

(a) Basic Concept of Discriminant Analysis

(b) Determining the coefficients

(c) Application in prediction and risk estimation

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(d) Logistic Regression

12 Conjoint Analysis (1.5 Hours)

(a) Conceptual basis and procedure

(b) Type of data required

(c) Key decision (attributes, utility and combination)

(d) Applications to study trade off patterns of consumers as related to different levels
of marketing mix elements.

13 Perceptual Mapping (1.5 Hours)

(a) Conceptual basis

(b) Type of data required

(c) Key decision- attribute based versus non-attribute based approach, Procedure

(d) Applications related to target market selection & positioning such as MDS

END-TERM EXAMINATIONS: It covers from Unit no 1 to 5 of the syllabus.

Total (30 Hours)

Text Book:
1. Marketing Research: An Applied Orientation (8th Edition), Naresh K Malhotra
Satyabhushan Dash, Pearson.

Reference books:
1. Marketing Research; Author: G.C. Beri; 5e, McGraw Hill Education.
2. “Marketing Research: Text and Cases”; Author: Rajendra Nargundkar; Publisher: Tata
McGraw Hill; Edition: 2nd Edition (ISBN 0-07-052805-5).
3. Marketing Research by Rashmi Singh, Cengage Publication, 2021.
4. Essentials of Marketing Research; Author: Silver R., Stevens R., Wrenn B. & Loudon D.,
3 edition, Routledge.

5. Marketing research: Tools & techniques; Author: Nigel Bradley; 2nd edition; Oxford-
Indian edition.

6. Research method for Business Students; Authors: Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill; FT
Prentice Hall.

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