Akbar Bugti

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Nawab Akbar Shahbaz Khan Bugti (July 12, 1927–August 26, 2006) was the
Tumandar (head) of the warrior Bugti tribe, and had served as governor of the restive
Balochistan Province in Pakistan. An Oxford-educated man in a land of widespread
illiteracy, he was a towering persona in Baloch politics for several decades.

After an armed insurgency started in Balochistan in 2004, Bugti was widely perceived as
the leader, going underground in 2005. On August 26, 2006, after several attempts in the
preceding months the Pakistan army killed him in an aerial bombardment on his cave in
Kohlu, about 150 miles east of Quetta, leading to widespread unrest in the area, where he
is widely regarded as a hero and martyr.

With a wide following that crossed tribal lines across most ethnic Baloch groups, the
contradictions in this western educated feudal leader roused the strongest emotions, both
positive and negative. Despite a violent lifestyle, he had a pacifist image in many groups,
and certainly did not espouse a violent path in his early political career. In recent years,
he was accused by the Pakistani government of being a warlord, running a well-organized
militia sometimes considered to be the shadowy Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA)
numbering in the thousands. The BLA ran dozens of militant guerrilla training camps,
and was accused of hundreds of murders, torture and running private prisons and courts.
Hiding in the mountain ranges of Dera Bugti he was, according to the Pakistani
government, directing a “Fidel Castro/Che Guevara” style guerrilla war. In July 2006, it
was perceived that Pakistan had targeted him through aerial bombing; the leader of
Balochistan National Party (Mengal) Sardar Akhtar Mengal said: "The increase in bomb
attacks in the Bugti and Marri areas are meant to target Baloch nationalist rebel leader
Nawab Akbar Bugti and his associates and called upon of the international community to
take note of the situation.”

With epithets such as The Tiger of Balochistan, The Trade Unionist or Gas Man
(supposedly having ownership of many gasfields) he was a towering figure in Baloch
world. The longstanding conflict in Balochistan stems from differences in the perceived
autonomy the province was promised when they joined Pakistan in 1947. Today a large
faction is fighting for an independent Baloch nation encompassing areas in Pakistan,
Afghanistan and Iran. BLA, in the opinion of the Pakistani government, remains a "great
threat" to law and order in Balochistan and was recently banned by the Government of
Pakistan as well as by the United Kingdom, following intense lobbying by Pakistan.
• 1 Life
• 2 In Hiding
• 3 Death
• 4 Family

• 5 References

He was the son of Nawab Mehrab Khan Bugti and a grandson of Sir Shahbaz Khan
Bugti. He was born in Barkhan on July 12, 1927. A former Governor and Chief Minister
of Balochistan. He was educated at Oxford, England and Aitchison College, Lahore.
Legend has it that he killed his first man when he was only 12, and that he killed another
100 men to avenge the assassination of his son (Salal Bugti).

Bugti sitting

Nawab Akbar Bugti was elected in a by-election to the National Assembly of Pakistan in
May 1958 to fill the vacancy created as a result of the assassination of the incumbent, Dr
Khan Sahib and sat on the government benches as a member of the ruling coalition.

Bugti (Republican) served as Minister of State (Interior) in the government of Prime

Minister Malik Sir Feroz Khan Noon (Republican) from September 20, 1958 to October
7, 1958, when the cabinet was dismissed on the declaration of Martial Law by President
Iskander Mirza.

He was arrested and convicted by a Military Tribunal in 1960, and subsequently

disqualified from holding public office. As a result of his legal battles, he did not contest
the 1970 general elections. Instead, he campaigned on behalf of his younger brother,
Sardar Ahmed Nawaz Bugti, a candidate of the National Awami Party.

However, Bugti developed differences with the NAP leadership, especially the new
Balochistan Governor, Mir Ghaus Baksh Bizenjo. He informed the Federal Government
and President Zulfikar Ali Bhutto (Pakistan Peoples Party) about the alleged London
Plan, which resulted in the dismissal of the provincial governor as well as the Chief
Minister Sardar Ataullah Khan Mengal and his cabinet on February 14, 1973.

The next day, the Federal Government appointed Bugti as the Governor of Balochistan,
and the Pakistan Army was deployed in the province as part of a crackdown on the
National Awami Party.

He resigned on January 1, 1974 after disagreeing with the manner in which the Federal
Government was carrying out policies in Balochistan.

There was a lull in his activities when General Rahimuddin Khan was appointed as
Governor of Balochistan in 1978. Bugti remained silent throughout the course of
Rahimuddin's rule, which was often characterized by hostility towards the Baloch

In 1988, he joined the Balochistan National Alliance and was elected Chief Minister on
February 4, 1989. His government frequently disagreed with the Federal Government led
by the Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto (Pakistan Peoples Party).

Bugti resigned on August 6, 1990 when the provincial assembly was dissolved by
Governor of Balochistan General Muhammad Musa Khan in accordance with the
instructions of President Ghulam Ishaq Khan exercising his authority by virtue of Article
58 (2 b) of the Constitution of Pakistan.

The incoming caretaker Chief Minister Mir Humayun Khan Marri was his son-in-law.

For the 1990 General Elections, Bugti formed his own political party, the Jamhoori Watan
Party (JWP), being Balochistan's single largest party and was elected to the provincial

In 1993, he was elected to the National Assembly of Pakistan representing the JWP in
parliament. Also in 1993 Nawab Bugti announced his candidacy to be President of
Pakistan, but later withdrew his candidacy and annouced his support to the eventual
winner Sardar Farooq Ahmed Khan Leghari. In 1997, Nawab Bugti was reelected to the
National Assembly of Pakistan representing the JWP.

Bugti was involved in failed insurgencies in Balochistan in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s.
He was at the forefront of a tribal war of independence that is currently being waged in
Balochistan. He provided the public face and political support for the insurgency while
his grandson Brahamdagh Bugti leads the Bugti tribesmen.
In Hiding

The neutrality of this section is disputed.

Nawab Akbar Bugti flanked by his tribesmen; armed, loyal, and ready to die for their
Sardar (leader).
Bugti began an armed insurrection against the present establishment in Pakistan in
February 2005, seizing on the rape of a female doctor in Pakistan's Sui gas fields as a
political opportunity. He attacked gas installations in Sui and claimed the reaction to be
"appropriate and fitting". In the following months, Bugti's tribesmen launched attacks on
infrastructure and military/govt. installations while Bugti threatened the government.
Clashes continued until a ceasefire later that year.

Akbar Bugti invited the government's wrath, when it was finally decided by the powers-
that-be that negotiations with Bugti would be an excercise in futility. Consequently, the
military and Balochistan Frontier Corps sought to escalate their activities in locating and
eliminating elements which contributed to the law and order situation in Baluchistan.
Nawab Akbar Bugti consequently left his hometown of Dera Bugti Khan, and it is
speculated that he allied himself with the militant Balaach Marri, the chief of the
Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA), and was hiding in the vast mountainous, barren
deserts of Baluchistan.

While Bugti was well-loved by most Baloch's, many also pointed out his feudal
background and lamented the lack of development for his region during his stints in
power. However, his courage in standing up against an undemocratic establishment in an
environment where most politicians were either bribed or coerced into submission was
widely respected.

On Saturday August 26, 2006, around 2230 hrs (PST), Bugti, along with his grandsons
Bramdakh and Mir Ali were killed in a bombing operation that caused the cave roof to
collapse on them. His location was traced through the satellite phone he was using and
Pakistani secret service agencies pin-pointed his location.(It is not clear if he was
pinpointed through a satellite phone). The news of his death was broken to the media by
Makhdoom Amin Fahim, leader of akistan Peoples Party Parlimentarians.

Pakistani President Gen Pervez Musharraf has termed his death a victory for Pakistanis
and congratulated the secret service chief who carried out this operation. Pakistan's
Information Minister Ali Durrani, confirmed that the operation included both air and
ground assault. In a short telephonic interview made to a Private TV network, Pakistani
Information Minister said that Bugti's death occured as the cave he was in collasped.

On August 24, 2006, under controversial circumstances, some Bugti tribesmen

announced an end to the Nawabi system and requested the handing over of Nawab Bugti
to authorities. His property was seized and he was declared as a "proclaimed offender."

The highly controversial burial of Bugti in a sealed coffin. Bugti's bodily remains were
identified by the cleric conducting the funeral proceedings, and supposedly also by the
DCO of Dera Bugti.
Bugti's death was followed by rioting by hundreds of students from the state-run
Balochistan university. As the news flashed across TV screens in Pakistan, the
government deployed Rangers and paramilitary forces across major cities to prevent a
backlash and impose a curfew in the provincial capital, Quetta. Security arrangements for
the Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf have been beefed up to the highest level and his
movement has since been very restricted, fearing a retaliatory attack. Security
arrangements have been further enhanced in and around all airports of Pakistan. The
media both in Pakistan and outside have severely condemend the killing as "Military’s
second biggest blunder after Bhutto’s execution" and calling it a "political nightmare".
Others have likened it to the East Bengal crisis of 1971 where military violence
eventually led to the Bangladesh Liberation War.

On 27 August 2006, some private media broadcasted news that Bugti's grandson
Bramdakh and Mir Ali are still alive but no official confirmation has been made.

On September 1, 2006 Bugti was buried in Dera Bugti, next to the graves of his son and
brother. His family, who wanted a public funeral in Quetta, did not attend the burial.

This is one of the few instances in Asia of a government killing a political leader who had
previously served in high official positions—as a cabinet minister, Senator, and
His surviving sons are Jamil Akbar Bugti, Talal Akbar Bugti and Shahzwar Akbar Khan

Brahamdagh Bugti, Mir Aali and Tabish Bugti are Akbar Bugti's grandsons.


Submitted By:
Abdul Basit
Roll# 919
BS(CS) 2nd Semester

Submitted To:

Miss Saira

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