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April 18 , 2023

Rose Andrea Quinag, Ph. D.N.

Director of Quality Assurance/ Vice President for Academic Affair
Dr. Francisco L. Calingasan Memorial Colleges Foundation Inc.

Dear Maam,

College Department is said to be the most memorable and fleeting stage in the life of a student. It is a stage of
building one’s personality and individuality through various activities allowing them to interact with others and
understand themselves better. College Department Life wouldn’t be truly complete without experiencing College

College Night is more than just wearing beautiful dresses and tuxedos. This events provides an opportunity for the
students to express and present themselves with confident while having class in their chosen outfits. It will provide
an opportunity for Camaraderie between the students through music and dancing. It will also lessen their stress and
burden brought by academic pressure.

In connection with this, the department would like to propose the conduct of College Night with the Theme
Hollywood Attire, to be participated by College students. This night will not only provide opportunities for students
to showcase their selves but will also help school in raising funds for its improvements. The proceeds of this event
will be use for the Repaint of the covered court project of the college department.

Considering the Would-be expenses for the preparation, students/ participants are required to have a participation
fee of 500 pesos each. Which will be use for the decoration/ catering services, food, lights, and sound system, and
prizes for the winner, e.g., King and Queen of the Hollywood’s night.

Payments for this event must be collected on or before May 12, 2023. A ticket as a token of their payment will be
given to them and must present it to the actual ball. Parental consent form must also be accomplish and submitted
by the students prior to the date of the event. The tentative date of these College night, Friday at Dr. Francisco L.
Calingasan Memorial Colleges Foundation Inc. Nasugbu, Batangas at covered court from 6pm to 12am. Respective
advisers are also required to attend to monitor their students.

Attach here in the program for the event. Committee and Assigned Teachers to the event are to be polished if this
proposal will be approved.

We are Anticipating the approval of your humble office and this proposal. whatever your decision will be truly
appreciated by yours truly. Thank You very much and God Bless!

Your Truly ,

College Department


Dean of College
Dr. Francisco L. Calingasan Memorial Colleges Foundation Inc.
Camp Avejar, Nasugbu , Batangas

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