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Ces ‘Translations The diagram shows the graphs of two functions that difer nly by a constant pest -2e4 pest-aves \When the s-coordinates onthe two graphs are the sume (: coordinates differ by3 (y= +3) x) the Tis means tha the two curves have exactly the same shape bat chat they are separated by 3 units inthe postive y divetion, Hence the graph of y = s2~ 2x +4 iva translation of the graph of y =? — 2841 orev (2) [Now consider the two functions: pest -2etl pee 3P 260-341 ‘Weobtain th second function by replacing x by x3 inthe rst Function, “The graphs of these wo Functions are “The curveshave exactly the same shape but this time they are separated by units inthe positive x-direction, You may be surprised that the curve has moved in the postive s-irection, Nets, however, that a way of obtaining y= isto have x =3 or equivalently x = x+3.Thit means thatthe two eurves are at the sume eight when the red curves 3 units tothe tight of the bine curve Hence, he graph of y = (= 3 ~20¢~3) +1 isa translation ofthe graph ef ext -2r4) vector | > yea -aco yess] Ena gee phen ttndinat pm =f be 3) ‘Combining these two results gives: Geena “The graph of y= 7 «Sx is translated 2 unis tothe right. Find the equation ofthe resulting graph. Give your answer in the form y= ac? tix te. none = 8455 Replace al occurences of x by x= 2. pete-2F +e Expand and sisiy wane “The ea of y= EF intranet y the vector (3) Find he gation of he eka raph, = = T+ Replace x by x +5,and add 3 tothe resulting Function, 1 Find the equation of each graph after the given transformation, tothe graph y (othe graph y= x9 #20? 4 tothe graph y e+ 30041) tothe graph y= tothe graph y= VIE. s tothegraph y= 5 ays10 : eF 3 The diagram shows the graph of y=), ‘Sketch the graphs ofeach of the folowing functions aa4 x2) fist -5 4 @ Onthesame diagram, sketch the graphs of y 2x andy by 20 ean betrafomalo y=25¢2 bya nation of (2) Find the value of cam be transformed 10 +2 bya translation of (°} Find the value of 5. 5. Acubicgraph hasequation y 4 3) 2Xe-3). Find, in the form y= ax? + bx +e, the equation of he resulting graph Oe ee bres 3} ‘Tho esulting graphis y = 2s? — 11s 10, Find the value of o the value of and the valve of 2.6 Reflections Te diagram shows the graphs ofthe two functions ta2eth 4h 2eed) ‘When the x-coordinates onthe two graphs are the same ( are negative ofeach other (y= =) ‘This means that, when the x-coordinate are the same, the red curve isthe sane 9, the y-coordinates ‘vertical distance fom the x-aieas the blue carve butt som the opposite sie ofthe Hence the graph of » = (32 —2x +1) ia reflection ofthe graph of in the canis, -2e41 Giemies Now consider the to functions Po 2eth ye Gx ex) 41 ‘We obtain the second faneton by replacing by —x in the st Function. “The graphs of these two functions ae demonstrate in the diagram, “Ty the Beton the Ine rere on ‘Mathematics websice Cae eee LC ee eee ea es The curves are atthe same height (y= 7) when x or equivalently This means that the heights ofthe two graphs are the same when the ed graph has the same horizontal displacement from the y-axis the be graph but is om the eppsite side ofthe y-axis 2-041 in Hence, the graph of y= (-3)? = 2(-3)+1 isa reflection ofthe graph of the yas [ she araph of y = tex) ia eestion ofthe praph y= fl) inthe pais | (aaa | The quadratic raph y= f(x) has minimam tthe point (5,~7). Find th coordinates ofthe vertex and state ‘whether it isa maximum oF minispum ofthe graph foreach ofthe folowing graphs a yen) b yates) y=) isa reflection of y= fs} in the canis The tuening points (5,7). Iisa maximum poin by F-3) isa reflection of j= fs) the pais, Tho turning point is (-S, 7) 1a minimum point. 4Inecagram snows the graph ot = gl) ‘Sketch the graphs of esch ofthe following functions, 2 y=-200 b y=ea 2. Find the equation of ech graph after the given transformation, 2 y= Se after seflection inthe a-axis by =2s4 after reflection inthe y-axis, © yee =Rr 41 after reflection in the y-axis 6 y=5420—3e after reflection in the x-axis 2. Describe the transformation that maps the graph 8 y=s247x=3 ontothegraph y=—x? —7e43 b yast=3et4 onto the graph y= x8 +e Pd © ye 2y~Se? ontothe graph y d y=842s2 = 3041 onto the graph p= x23 +3 27 Stretches “The diagram shows the graphs of the two Functions: 2-293 0? 29-3) When the coordinates onthe two graphs are the same (x =-0), the pects _y-oordinateon the eed graph s double the y-coordinate onthe blue raph (= 20, “This moans that, when the x-coordiates ae the same, the red curves twice the distance ofthe Bue graph Fom the x-0xis Hence, the graph of y = 2(s? 2x ~3) isa stretch ofthe graph of| y= 3223 from the x-axis. Wesay that thas Been stretched with stretch factor 2 paralle! tothe y-axis, "Note: there are alternative ways of expressing this transformation ‘stich with sale factor 2 withthe ine y= O invariant pomstaea ‘stretch with strete fator 2 ith the xa ivatiant Asteteh with stretch factor 2 relative othe x-axis ‘vertical stretch wth stretch factor 2 past Noteif a<0, then y = of) can be considered to bea stretch of| ‘y= f(s) ith a npative see factor o as stetch with postive scale Factor flowed by a refection inthe sais Sees Now consider the two Funetons: pest-2y-3 rex -208)-3 ‘We obtain the second funetion by replacing x by 2x in the first function ‘The two curves are atthe same height ("= 1) when s = 2s orequivaently ‘This means thatthe heights ofthe wo graphs are the same when the red graph has half the horizontal displacement from the y-axis asthe blue graph, Hence, the graph of y = 2x}? ~22x)—3 isa streteh of the graph of| = 2~3 from the yeas, We sy hat thas been stretched with stretch JJ 1 factor $ paral tthex-ais Giese ‘Te gph of y= los) sasttch ofthe gph y= fs) withstateh tor paral to he “The graph of y= 5-2 inthe with rc ctor pra iothe pai Find the equation ofthe resulting graph Ansver ‘A stot parallel tothe axis factor 4, gives the functon 442). Ls fx Describe the single transformation tbat maps the graph of Answer Express 2 6r—5 in terms of The transformation isa stetch paral the x-axis with stretch factor Funeti 1 Thediagram shows the graph of y= f(s). ‘Sketch the graphs ofeach of the following functions. a yeaty b ysfau 2. Find the equation ofeach graph after the given transformation, ay =e aftera stretch parallel to the y-axis with stretch factor bys 23-1 after stretch parallel to the y-axis with stretch factor 3 €ye2" 44 afresh uate yaw see or 4 y= 20-80-10 aftera stretch parallel tothe x-axis with sec actor 2 © y= 6x ~ 36r after stretch parallel tothe x-axis with stretch ietor 13 _Deseribe the single transformation that maps the grap a ys xt +2e~$ ontothe graph p= 4x? +4r~5 bye x'-3042 ontothe graph p= 3ct 9°46 © ye2% +1 onto the graph y= 2"*442 4 y= VE=6 omothesraph y= VEE=E wed transformat In this setion you wll learn how to apply simple combinations of transformations. ‘The ansformations of the graph of y = lx) that you have studied so far car each be categorised a either vertical or horizontal ransformations ° 5 a ete) [rnin (2) ati) [pei eh toro ‘r=tte[przomal oh aor ‘When combining transformations care must be taken with the order ‘wansformatons are applied which the Apply the transformations inthe given order to triangle T and for each question comment on whether the final images are the same or different, 2 Combining two vertical transformations 0 1 21 tant (3) hen sce mth tr 4 then rani (2 & Shea wih itr tena (2) 1 Invent footer ir of vert ransratins. 2 Combining oe vertical and one horizontal transformation : 7 b Investigate for other pairs of transformations whete one is vertical andthe cirri 2 Coban te bina tins : 2 1 sectors aan? ten nie (3) 0 Investigate for other pairs of horizontal tansformations Wi tant (3) hen seh ozone 2 From the Explore activity, you should have found that: on + When vo veri! tansformation rt horizontal tasformains ae combine oder ‘a wich they ar aplied may alle the outcome + When oe horizontal and one vert trasormaton ae combined the ler wich they aresppind doesnot fet the outcome ‘Combining two vertical transformations ‘We will now consider how the graph of y= fx) is transformed ro the graph y Tis can be shown in a low diagram as: ‘stretch vertically, factor @ twanslate( scrishere gg, mie’) a> Safle) + “This eads to the important result Qiao ‘Vertical wasfocmtions follow he ‘norma ore of operations as sedi athe Combining two horizontal transformations Now consider how the graph of = f(x) is transformed to the graph y= és). : eee sephice x with x. replace with Rxyr ‘This eads to the important result Giana ‘Hovizntl wansormatos follow te epost orc tthe ‘normal ore of opsatins. 5 edn sith. g ‘The diagram shows the graph of » ‘Sketch the graph of y= 210) 3, yan) Anover . | ~isa combination of wo vertical ransformations of» =x) Dunee the transformations follow the normal” der of operations. ‘ +) ‘Step I: Sketch the graph = 20s 4 ‘Suetch y= Rx vertically with stretch factor 2 Mathematics: Pure Mather The diagram shows the graph of » of transformations | a Find ewo diferent ways ofdserbing the combination of transformations. Write down the equation af he graph y= a(x). 2 Tasatonot (4 flowed bya rz seth sre tr ss sean sno (2) Using the fst combination of transformations : yea becomes ptr ie lee Hence, gio) = (20 — 49. Oe a ye ecue2s3 » © y=2-an) 4 eye tate) =1 ‘ eB yn ex-6) h 2 Theddingram shows the graph of y= 2), + Write dow, in terms of f(s), the uation of ; the graph of each of ee following diagrams a » > 1 « " 3. Given that y=, nd the image ofthe curve y= combinations of transformations after cach of tie following 2 estate reson wit fled by ramatony te vet 1 4 Find the equation ofthe image ofthe curve y = afer each ofthe following combinations of transformations and, in each case, sketch the graph the resuling curve, veo(§} factor? © Ona graph show the curve y=? and each of your answers to parts and b 5. Given that lx) =x? +1 find the image of y = f(x) after each ofthe allowing ‘combinations of ransformtions. © anson (3 aonb a refetonnthe ans 6 8 Thesraphor stretch factor 2 parallel othe y-axis, Weite dowo the equation ofthe resulking graph, bThegranhot y= strane ty sbeestor(_2]and tenes in the x-axis, Weite down the equation ofthe resulting graph 7 Determine the sequence of transformations that maps following Functions 1 (x) to each ofthe fox-6) d y=2hx)-8 f()43 bys? € ayed {8 Determine the sequence of transformations that maps 2 thecurve y= onto theeurve b theeurve y=x' onto thecurve € thecurve y= YF onto theeurve y= 20ST +4 9 Given that f(s) = JF, write down the equation ofthe image off) after: 2 sefeton in eax flowed [owe yin ({}ouoedyasisch pura at ass wih sete aor? + mtn (2) ety ate ce factor 2, lowed seo nthe vai lowed by ansatn( 20 Given that a) wt down the equation ofthe imagef ater + ration (J) stones ba eon ata tly anton (—)} stone asi tose yw te a stotch parallel othe y-axis with stretch fet 3, followed by translation (stows by steam inte as, ned ytanstn [> @ 11 Find ewo itterent ways of describing the combination of transformations that Ip gro) = ono te graph 20) 1"? aac te Biphecty fo) and y= a0. ®@ 22 Find two itfrent ways of describing che sequence of transformations that maps the graph of y= x) onto the graph of y= 112s +10) “Try theFransfoers source onthe Underground Mathemati webste eye ft ° tanion(!) : rant 2) ‘) ( “Trandation| “Transation| 2 4 ) ba © bat 5 ya ter die see-7) 6 ya 6e4s 1 and b=-Ke Exercise 2F Ia 2a yensé by © yedvedeel ad 3 a Reflecton inthe x-axis bb Reflecton in the y-axis fe Reflecton inthe x-axis a Reilecton i the s-axis Exercise 26 1 y=6s? b ysae yePn2 dope y= 162s? — 108 Swetch parallel to the x-axis with stretch V factor $ Swetch parallel to the y-axis with stretch factor 3 Stretch parallel to the y-axis with steteh factor 2 Swetch parallel to the s-axis with starch 1 factor! 3 Exercise 2H roa Se ca z yet 8 bh yeoste des t : 6 9 y=2g-8) boys 3atte < 71 Stretch parallel tothe y-axis wth stretch fi Reflection in the x-axis fllowed by 8 ; onl) 4 ¢ Tranton( alowed bya sete pratt L 0 the z-axis with stretch factor £ 4. Stretch parallel to the y-axis with stretch 8a Translation| 5) owed ya strc : pert ote answer 4 ransation{—)} stretch paral Tanti stich » y-axis seth ator}, oeton inthe nis ith tote fa 12, reflection in the o 8 fe-143 b y=-fta-p 2 a y=atexy » V2 v2 © y=mx-Hel | to a yaa ers? ¥2]= 44-07? +6 3 a yam ob |b yaRcoreaytezaseeeate2 2 es _paxis or reflection inthe y-axis followed by » srmaon() 2 ‘ramlaion(—1) lowed by te aa! Si eaiee 3 ° | ii f(x) = 34 VFRX, domain isx = 0 tothe saiswihetrteh tor orate | 64 (r=2P Ae k ; ib ty k=4 paral othe x-axis with stretch ator a ‘atone ytanasion(“}) WW C)=24-JFFERK, domain sx = 4 2 7 A S

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