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Universidad de Especialidades Espíritu Santo

Facultad de Ingeniería

Grupo #4

Estudiantes: Erick León – Josue Cueva – Ariel Hidalgo

Carrera: Ingeniería Civil

Project Management

Profesor: Rafael Alejandro Coello Narvaez

Fecha: 6 de Junio, del 2023


The project scope is a traffic flow analysis of the avenue at the UEES campus entrance, focused
on finding a solution to the traffic problem from 6:30 am to 8:00 am. Traffic congestion is a
widespread issue that affects cities and communities around the world, leading to increased travel
times, frustration, and negative environmental impacts. In this study, we aim to identify the
underlying causes of the traffic problem and propose effective solutions to alleviate congestion
and improve the overall flow of vehicles at the UEES entrance.

Through careful examination of traffic patterns, road infrastructure, and driver behavior, we will
analyze the specific factors contributing to the congestion in the target area. By collecting and
analyzing relevant data, such as traffic volume, peak hours, and bottlenecks, we can gain valuable
insights into the root causes of the problem.

With this analysis, we seek to provide evidence-based recommendations and implementable

strategies that can bring about tangible improvements to traffic conditions. Our goal is to identify
measures that can enhance traffic flow, optimize signal timings, promote alternative transportation
options, and potentially redesign road layouts or implement new technologies.

By addressing the traffic problem head-on, we aim to enhance the daily commute for residents,
reduce carbon emissions, and create a more livable and sustainable urban environment. Together,
we can work towards a future where traffic congestion is minimized, and the transportation system
efficiently supports the needs of the community.

Join us in this journey of analyzing and finding innovative solutions to tackle the traffic challenges
that lie ahead. Together, we can pave the way towards a smoother, more efficient, and enjoyable
commuting experience for everyone.

We are presenting two contingency plan proposals aimed at addressing traffic congestion and
improving the overall flow of vehicles in the target area. Our analysis incorporates extensive data
collection, rigorous analysis techniques, and a comprehensive understanding of the local traffic
patterns to develop effective strategies.

Contingency plans are crucial in tackling unexpected situations and ensuring the smooth operation
of transportation systems. With a focus on flexibility and adaptability, our proposals offer practical
solutions that can be implemented in response to varying traffic conditions, emergencies, or events
that may disrupt the regular flow of vehicles.

Proposal 1:
Our first contingency plan focuses on dynamic traffic management. By utilizing real-time data and
advanced traffic control technologies, this proposal aims to optimize traffic signal timings, adjust
lane configurations, and implement dynamic lane management strategies. Through the integration
of intelligent transportation systems, we can respond swiftly to changing traffic demands, reducing
congestion, and improving overall traffic flow efficiency.

Proposal 2:
Our second contingency plan centers around promoting alternative transportation options and
encouraging modal shifts. By enhancing public transportation infrastructure, implementing
incentives for carpooling, and promoting active transportation modes such as walking and cycling,
we aim to reduce the number of single-occupancy vehicles on the road. This proposal also includes
strategies for improving accessibility and connectivity, creating a comprehensive and sustainable
transportation network.

These contingency plan proposals are designed to complement existing traffic management
strategies and provide adaptable solutions to meet the evolving needs of the target area. By
implementing these plans, we anticipate a significant reduction in congestion, improved travel
times, and a more sustainable and resilient transportation system.
Through our comprehensive traffic flow analysis and these contingency plan proposals, we strive
to pave the way for a future with efficient and reliable transportation, ensuring the smooth
movement of people and goods while promoting sustainable practices. Together, we can make a
positive impact on the community and create a more livable and vibrant urban environment.



PROJECT Traffic flow analysis at the entrance to the UEES campus from 6:30 am
NAME to 8:00
PROJECTO PROJECT Erick Leon – Ariel Hidalgo
UEES authorities
Creation of a contingency plan based on a previous analysis carried
SCOPE out by the students of group 4 of the project management course in
DESCRIPTION order to improve the traffic flow at the entrance to the UEES campus
from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m.

PROJECT 1 traffic flow analysis

DELIVERABLES 2 contingency plan proposals

With this project we want to give to the UEES authorities a successful

development of the traffic flow analysis for the creation of solution
plan for the heavy traffic flow from 6:30 am to 8:00 am with an
exhausting analysis. Our solution will try to give a fluid traffic to the
entrance to the UEES campus.

PROJECT we exclude the execution as such of the project, permits from the CTE
EXCLUSIONS and control of the project

Our possible constraints could be multiple whether changes that

might affect our time scope for the analysis

- Traffic Signal Optimization: One of the primary focus areas of our plan is the optimization
of traffic signals. By conducting a thorough analysis of traffic patterns and utilizing real-
time data, we will adjust signal timings to better accommodate the peak morning traffic.
This will help streamline the flow of vehicles and reduce congestion at the entrance,
ensuring a smoother and more efficient entry process.
- Enhanced Traffic Guidance: To facilitate a more organized traffic flow, we propose the
implementation of enhanced traffic guidance measures. This includes clear signage, lane
markings, and instructions to guide drivers entering the campus. By providing clear
directions and information, we can minimize confusion and improve overall traffic
- Alternative Entry Points: In order to distribute the traffic load, we suggest exploring the
possibility of opening alternative entry points to the UEES campus during peak hours. This
could involve identifying nearby access routes or coordinating with local authorities to
temporarily designate additional entry points. This strategy aims to alleviate congestion at
the main entrance by diverting some traffic to alternative routes.
- Promoting Carpooling and Alternative Transportation: We recommend implementing
initiatives to promote carpooling and encourage the use of alternative transportation modes.
This could involve establishing designated carpooling zones, providing incentives for
carpooling, and improving facilities for cyclists and pedestrians. By reducing the number
of single-occupancy vehicles, we can effectively decrease traffic volume during peak


The WBS follows a hierarchical structure, where each level represents a more detailed breakdown
of the level above it. It provides a visual representation of the project's work scope, allowing
project teams to better understand the relationships and dependencies between different

The WBS helps in project planning, resource allocation, scheduling, and tracking progress. It
provides a foundation for estimating project duration, effort, and costs. Additionally, the WBS
serves as a communication tool, facilitating effective collaboration and understanding among
project stakeholders.
Overall, a well-structured Work Breakdown Structure is a valuable project management tool that
enables effective planning, organization, and execution of complex projects.
Here is our WBS:
1. Initial meeting and discussions
1.1 Brainstorming
1.1.1 Set a meeting in the hub to argue how to project is going to get done.
1.1.2 Try to generate as many solutions as possible
1.1.3 Delegate possible job roles
1.2 Schedule certain interventions
1.2.1 Create due dates for all next task and meetings
1.3 Analyzing possible beneficiaries
1.3.1 Recognize beneficiaries
1.3.2 Survey all the beneficiaries
1.3.3 Analyze survey responses
1.3.4 Each team member must create a solution idea based on the information
1.4 Presenting possible solutions ideas to the team members
1.4.1 Arrived to the agreed meeting
1.4.2 Present to the team each solution
1.4.3 Decide on the ideal solution plan

2. Recognition of the place

2.1 Obtain exact information of the dimensions of the avenue
2.1.1 length and width of the street
2.2 Go to the avenue to collect current maximum traffic flow information.
2.2.1 from 6:30 am to 7:30 am
2.2.2 determinate the TPDS
2.3 Identify where and how traffic is generated
2.3.1 look specific spots
2.3.2 Count the delay time they generate
3. logistic and plan the analysis
3.1 Meeting with the team members
3.1.1 Analyzing the problem statement
3.1.2 discuss possible solution plan
3.1.3 determinate which is the best solution
3.1.4 create the analysis plan and due dates
3.1.5 schedule an appointment with campus authorities to present the project and
possible solutions to apply. in order to wait for approval
3.2 Budget Calculation
3.2.1 Determinate our possible investment
3.2.2 determinate if we need UEES authorities’ support

4. getting the analysis done

4.1 Start the analysis
4.1.1 go to the avenue from 6:30 am to 8:00 am during the working days of one
4.1.2 use 3 different counting points in the area
4.1.3 start counting how many cars pass by each point in 10 minutes intervals
during 1 hour.
4.1.4 collect all the information and pass it to the analysis area
4.2 create a individual TPDS for each counting point
4.2.1 plan the perfect solution to the problem with the analysis

5. Present the project

5.1 Create a presentation of the solution approach to the current problem
5.1.1 include all the information and steps to follow in the project
5.2 determinate the meeting date with authorities
5.2.1 present our solution
5.2.2 deliver our project

6. Scope Statement
6.1 Work break down structure
6.1.1 Create a organigram that breaks down on many levels the project scope
6.2 Gantt chart and milestones
6.2.1 Create a schedule with specific task determination milestones
6.3 Communication plan
6.3.1 create the plan to explain every detail
6.4 Risk management plan
6.4.1 plan with risk levels in order to be prepared in case of any problem.


to keep with
the project
members all
Whatsapp Team team
the right daily contact
messages members members
to get the
analysis done
on time
let know the
authorities all formal letters Weekly uees
the advances
of the project
let know the
of the
2 times
project that it Verbal
during the
is going to be communicati Users beneficiaries
presented to on
generate a
change in the
traffic of the

Insignificant: Minor Moderate Major Catastrophic
New pandemic Accident on the
Rare < 3% that might stop avenue that will
Chance our project plan make us stop
scope. the project
earthquate that
national strike
Unlikely 3% - prolong our
due to political
10% Chance presentation
no contingency
setbacks in the
plan accepted
Moderate 10% - vehicle analysis
and we have to
50% Chance due to bad
repeat the
Likely 50% -
90% Chance
Certain >90%


1. New pandemic that might stop our project plan scope:

We will have a contingency plan ready to be able to postpone and in the same way be
able to work with data obtained in previous analyzes and thus be able to offer proposals

2. National strike due to political problems:

In the event of a new national strike, we will postpone our analysis until further notice to
resume our work.

3. Setbacks in the vehicle analysis due to bad weather:

If bad weather causes us a setback, this will already be taken into account within our
risks, so the delivery time already includes an approximate extra time in case this
happens and thus be able to present our work in a normal way.

4. No contingency plan accepted and we have to repeat the analysis:

If our proposal is not accepted, we will have a clause where they give us an extension of
time to be able to present a 3rd and last proposal to be able to generate the project.

5. Accident on the avenue that will make us stop the project:

If in a case there is a traffic accident which closes the road, this will limit us from being
able to continue with our project and for this reason we will have to postpone our goal or
change it.

6. Earthquake that prolongs our presentation plan:

If in one case there is an earthquake or tremor that temporarily affects our social stability,
the project will be extended indefinitely until it can return to normality.

Folowing with the gantt chart, the cost brakedown structure and the resource brakedown
Our project aims to create a contingency plan for addressing traffic flow issues at the entrance to
the UEES campus. This plan is based on an in-depth analysis conducted by students from Group
4 as part of the traffic flow analysis project. The objective is to develop a comprehensive strategy
that effectively manages and improves the traffic situation at the campus entrance.

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