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SEMESTER Ww EXAMINATION ACADEMIC YEAR: 2021/2022 GRAMMES PROGRAMMES: ALL PRO SUSTAINABLE BEW- COURSE TITLE: ETHICS & AVIOUR IN SOCIETY COURSE CODE: BMG 101 DATE OF EXAM: 09/06/2022 TIME ALLOWED: 3hrs- GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. (1) THIS QUESTION PAPER CONTAINS “THREE @)PARTS: 1,23 UESTIONS AS PER INSTRUCTIONS PROVIDED. EAC QUESTION CARRIES ! MARK P S. WHICH QUESTIONS you HAVE ANSWERED ON THE COVER BERS INTHE ANSWER BOOKLET. FRONT PAGE AS WELL: "AS THE FLIP SIDE OF EACH BE WRITTEN IN THE PROVIDED ANSWER BOOKLET PAPER (5) ALL ANSWERS must PARTI: ETHICS ANSWER ALL THE TWENTY (20) QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION (20 MARKS) EACH QUESTION CARRIES ONE (1 MARK) ANSWER BY INDICATING AGAINST THE QUESTION NUMBER, THE LETTER(s) REPRESENTING YOUR ANSWER. Questions - (Ethics and Leadership) al Ethical issues are usually concerned with ..... [1 Mark] a. rights and duties b. principles such as fairness c. harms and benefits d. all of the above ‘The following actions are associated with bullies except..... [1 Mark] a. Spreading rumors to damage others b. Discrediting others’ ideas and opinions c. Giving credit to other's work or ideas d._ Use of emails to demean others Values have intensity and content attributes in which the content attribute says that a mode of conduct or end-state of existence is important and the intensity attribute explains how important it is. True or False? [1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE Which of the following principles is the essential principle of utilitarian school of ethics? [1 Mark] a. Greatest Health Principle b. Greatest Happiness Principle c. Greatest Wealth Principle d. Greatest Respect Principle. Which of the following is not a salient feature of an ethical dilemma? [1 Mark] a. Determined outcomes b. Has mixed consequences ¢. Has multiple choices and alternatives d. None of the above Which of the following descriptions is correct about the ethical theory of consequentialism? [] Mark} a. The theory of consequent be b. The theory of consequentialism is an evaluation of outcomes or states ~ the way world might be c. The theory of consequentialism is an evaluation of motives of the person acting d. The theory of consequentialism is an evaluation of the means that a person acts through You are appointed as the Production Manager of an oil corporation, since the industry that you work for has a lot of potential for hazard to the environment and other species, you have ‘a mandate to think about these issues carefully and come up with a draft policy to deal with ism is an evaluation of an ideal type - the way world ought to 2 10. 11. 12. such issues. In such a scenario you contemplate on the nature of the relationship between man and other species around him, and try to judge how and why man is responsible towards sustaining other species. What of the following types of ethics are you engaging in this process? [1 Mark] a. Meta Ethics b. Virtue Ethics c. Environmental Ethics d. Deontological Ethics Which of the following descriptions best describes the principle concerning professional ethics? [1 Mark] a. Professional duties must be judged by ethical standards independent of time, place and circumstance b. Judging professional duties always involves reciprocal adjustment between ends and means c. Professional duties must by nature be strictly deontological, i.e — the ends must not come at the cost of the means d. Professional duties must be judged only by what they achieve in line with the ends prescribed by the ideals of business |. Asa lawyer you are stuck in an ethical dilemma about the execution of a certain task that you find morally contestable. You refer to a well-known ‘code of ethics’ and other regulations but none of them specifically prohibit that certain course of action (which is in contestation). Under what category does the ethical dilemma fall, when the ‘code of ethics’ are not able to solve it? [1 Mark] a. Professional Ethics b. Personal Ethics c. Societal Ethics d. Business Ethics Which of the following statements are true? [1 Mark] a. Morality can be thought of as a especially broad and pervasive form of cooperation b. Morality can be thought of as an insignificant and obsolete left over of the pre modern societies c. Morality can be thought of as the champion of all things good in the world d. Morality can be thought of a hard science like physics and chemistry. Which of the following statements is true in respect to ‘business ethics’? [1 Mark] a. The common view of business as being amoral and therefore the need for a separate discourse of “ethies” in which to hold business morally accountable b. That business by nature is accountable to the institutions of government only and that by nature covers all forms of accountability, including ethical accountability. c. That business must be see only as a profit oriented enterprise and business ethics is an oxymoron d. That the only way to make up for the ethical lapse in businesses is by imposing higher taxes on them Banda always assists customers that visit MUNTU Corporation even if there are customer services personnel employed to handle that. He does not do this in order to gain credit but instead always gives credit to the customer services section. Based on the RARE leadership framework which behaviour does Banda exhibit? [1 Mark] 3 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. 18. a. Responsible behaviour b. Accountable behaviour c. Relevant behaviour d. Ethical behaviour Peter is the Chief Accountant at Babitu enterprise. He has a tendency to disregard the emotions of subordinates and persistently cling to the position in order to fulfil self interest. Peter also tends to embarrass subordinates. Based on the RARE leadership framework Peter would be regarded as having a behaviour accurately considered to be ....... [1 Mark] a. Uneducated b. Greedy ¢. Toxic d. Incompetent Mrs. Phiri takes ownership of decisions and avoids the blame game and making excuses for her mistakes. This is a rare behaviour. The RARE leadership framework recognizes t behavior. [1 Mark] a. Responsible b. Accountable c. Relevant d. Ethical Authentic leadership is characterized by the following: [1 Mark] a. The leader is the original author of the organisational strategies . The leader practices what she/he looks for in others c. The leader has genuine academic qualifications 4d. The leader is substantively appointed to the leadership role and not merely acting, Which one of the following is NOT a way through which social values affect leaders, according to England and Lee? [1 Mark] a. Value systems influence the leaders’ perceptions of situations and problems or challenges he/she faces. b. Leaders' values influence the solutions they generate regarding problems. c. Values are useful for calculating salaries to be paid to leaders d. Values influence perceptions of individual and organizational successes as well as achievements. . Which one of the RARE values properly reflect the following statement so as to correctly complete the sentence below? [1 Mark] sue €€N be defined as a duty or obligation to satisfactor perform or complete a task (assigned by someone, or created by one’s own promise or circumstances) that one must fulfil, and which has a consequent penalty for failure. a. Responsibility 2. Accountability b, Relevance c. Ethical values Consider the following statements about ‘whistle blowing’. Which of the following are correct? [1 Mark] a. Awhistle blower makes accusations against an Organization which call attention to alleged instances of negligence, abuse or practices that damage the public interest or harm others. 4 b. The accusation mostly single out individuals or groups within the organization as responsible for the harm being perpetrated c. Whistle blowing instances can only occur in for profit organizations d. Allof the above 19. X is a director of a Nationalized Bank in Zambia; the bank has opened up few posts for recruitment in one of their branches through lateral entry. X recommends the name of his, nephew to the selection board, the selection board members all feel under pressure and influence of X because of his status in the company. What is the ethical issue pertain to X's behavior in the matter. [1 Mark] a. Conflict of Interest b. Nepotism cc. Embezzlement d. Conflict of Competence 20. The global development of companies is very much affected by technology. Technology has been a catalyst for this development. The following are some social and ethical issues related to technology except... [1 Mark] a. Complexity and integrity b. Software piracy . Privacy d. Leadership SECTION B: QUESTION 21 - 25: TRUE OR FALSE. Each question carries 1 mark. For each statement indicate below whether it is True or False: 21. Your moral and non-moral values define you, and you always act according to your value system. (1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE 22. When evaluating whether or not something is wrong, we need to think not so much what is wrong but why it is wrong because actions are wrong because they hurt someone else. [1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE 23. Self-awareness is the inability to recognise and understand your moods, emotions and drives as well as their effect on others. [1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE 24, Leadership is a position not a process. [1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE 25. One cannot be a true, world-class leader if you as a person are authentic. [1 Mark] a. TRUE b. FALSE PART THREE (3) PART III: COMMUNICATION( INTERPERSONAL, NON-VIOLENT AND CROSS- CULTURAL COMMUNICATION. ANSWER ALL THE (20) QUESTIONS IN THIS SECTION (20 MARKS) ANSWER A OR B. 26. When is the communication process complete? [1 Mark] a) When the sender transmits the message b) When the message enters the channel c) When the message leaves the channel d) When the receiver understands the message. 2. is the first enemy of communication. [1 Mark] a) Noise b) Clarity ¢) Politeness d) Completeness 28. Which of these must be avoided for effective communication? [1 Mark] a) Sharing of activity b) Listening c) Ambiguity d) Politeness 29. Which of these is not a commandment of effective communication? [1 Mark] a) Clarity in language b) Listen poorly c) Home communication skills d) Adequate medium View Answer 30. The word communication is derived from ___ [1 Mark] * a) communicare b) comunnicare ©) comunicare 4) communnicare 31. Noticing what behaviors members of a different culture use and applying these insights to communicate in effective ways i (1 Mark} ‘A. commonplace in ethnocentrism. B. referred to as passive observation. C. an example of stereotyping. D. is communication competence. 32. Which term is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them? [1 Mark] paranoia emergency readiness statistical awareness uncertainty avoidance 33. A strategy for moving toward a more mindful, competent style of intercultural communication involving volunteering personal information to people from the other culture is (1 Mark] an active strategy. passive strategy. self-disclosure. ethnocentrism. goeP poe 34, When I first meet someone, should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a. | wait for the other person to introduce themselves. b. | introduce myself with a smile and offer a handshake. c. I hug the person. d. | tend to be serious. 35. Which of the following is not a strategy for improving cross-cultural communication? Getting to know other cultures Developing sensitivity toward diversity. Practicing supportive communication behaviours. Applying defensive behaviour when you encounter others. pose 36. When speaking with others, should behave as follows, according to the non- violent communication standards: {1 Mark] a. [try to equalize my participation in the conversation. b. Lusually do most of the talking. c. Tusually let the other person do most of the talking. d. I tend to smile and use humor at appropriate times. 37-In conversations, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a. 1 frequently use courtesy words and phrases ~ “thank you, please, sorry.” b. Toccasionally use courtesy words and phrases. c. Inever use courtesy words and phrases. I stand five- to six-feet away from the person. 38. When starting a conversation, I usually behave as follows , according to the non- violent, communication standards: {1 Mark] 7 a. “warm-up” new conversations with small talk. b. avoid small talk and jump into more important matters. ¢. avoid starting conversations. d. stand two- to three-feet away from the person. 39. When I discuss a topic, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a, Itend to talk about and focus on positive (good) aspects. b. I tend to talk about and focus on the negative (bad) aspects. ¢ [often cross my arms over my chest. d. I stand one-foot away from the person. 40. While listening, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a. [tend to be distracted by things going on around me. b. listen for meaning and ask questions. Toften lean back and turn my body away from the speaker. d. Ilisten intently and I don’t ask questions, as it would be impolite. 41. While conversing I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: (1 Mark] a. [tend to interrupt before the other person is done speaking to show my excitement for the subje , I wait until the other person is done speaking before I speak. ¢. Ltry to talk as little as possible. 4. Loften lean slightly forward and face my body toward the speaker. 42. When I disagree with a person, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a, Ilisten first, ask questions for clarification, then disagree non-judgmentally. b. I quickly point out that they're wrong, and why. c. I say little or nothing. 43.When I have a negative opinion or comment, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a. Ijust say it. b. Ilead in with a positive comment first. ¢. Isay nothing. d. I tend to frown a lot. 44.To end a conversation, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] a. Loften just leave. .1 begin to look impatient, hoping that the person will get the hint. c. Iwrap up with a closing statement. d.I nod my head at appropriate times. 45.In conversations, I should behave as follows , according to the non- violent communication standards: [1 Mark] 8 a, Ltend to be serious and don’t smile often. b. I smile all the time. c. Ismile at appropriate times. d. I nod my head constantly. SECTION D Choose A or B the number in each statement whether it is an observation or an evaluation. 46. “John was angry with me yesterday for no reason.” [1 Mark] A. Observations: B. Evaluation 47 “Yesterday evening Nancy bit her fingernails while watching television.” [1 Mark] ‘A. Observations: B. Evaluation 48 “Sam didn’t ask for my opinion during the meeting,” [1 Mark] A. Observations: B. Evaluation 49 “My father is a good man,” [1 Mark] A. Observations: B. Evaluation 50 “Janice works too much.” [1 Mark] A. Observations: B. Evaluation 51. Which of these should communication not advance? a) Information b) Affinity ©) Reality d) Personal desires 51. Which of these is the greatest means of conveying information? a) Writing, b) Words ©) Signs d) Pictures 53, There is a barrier to communication when words are uttered in a sense. a) negative b) positive ©) polite ¢) good 54. Personal appearance is an element of non-verbal communication, a) True d) False 55. Which of these is not an element of non- verbal communication? a) Personal appearance b) Posture ©) Eye contact d) Name of the speaker 56. Which of these is a main element of non-verbal communication? a) The volume of the speaker b) Name of the speaker c) Name of the listener 4) Age of the speaker 57. For our purposes, a clear and comprehensive definition of culture is an academic term describing members of your parents’ homeland the music, location and architecture of a specific group of people. the language, values, beliefs, traditions, and customs people share and learn. demographic shifts based on communication pomp 58, Power distance refers to the extent of the gap between in-groups and out-groups influence on communication. high-context and low-context views on social classes. self-reliance and competition. social groups whose members possess resources and influence and those whose members don't pomp 59. Noticing what behaviors members of a different culture use and applying thes: communicate in effective ways is ights to commonplace in ethnocentrism. referred to as passive observation. an example of stereotyping. is communication competence Zomm 60. Which term is used to reflect the degree to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous situations and how much they try to avoid them? paranoia emergency readiness statistical awareness uncertainty avoidance Zomm END 10

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