Grade7 PA1 Computer 2023-24

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PA - 1
Subject :Computer
Grade :7 Max.Marks :20
Date : / /2023

Section A
Q1. Fill in the blanks from the given hints. [04]
Decimal number , O and carry 1 , 2 , Binary, 8 , UNIVAC
1. The base of binary number system is …….
2. The base of……….. number system is 10.
3. Octal number system consists of. …….. digits.
4. In binary addition, 1+1 equals to …………….
5. ………….number system is understood by the computer system.

Q2. Write T for the true statement and for the false one, Correct the false statement and rewrite the
sentence. [03]
1. You cannot perform arithmetical operations on binary numbers
2. The decimal number system consists of 10 digits, i.e. O to 9.
3. The method to perform division of two binary numbers is not the same as that of decimal numbers.

Q3. Choose the correct option. [03]

1. ………………..Introduced the concept of 0 (Zero).
a. Ada Lovelace b. Aryabhata c. Bill Gates

2. 2. A ………..converts the decimal format into its binary equivalent.

a. Digital Computer b. Cell Phone c. Abacus

3. 3. …………….. in binary multiplication, 1x1 equals to

a.0 b.1 c. Binary

Section B
Q5. Answer the following in short. (Any 4) [04]
1. What is a number system? 
2. Name the different types of number system used.
3. Write the rules to multiply two binary digits.
4. Why do we use binary Number system in computers?
5. Who was aryabhata?

Q6. Answer in brief (Any 2) [04]

1. What are rules to convert a decimal number into a binary number?
2. Briefly explain the octal number system.
3. What do you understand by hexadecimal number system.

Q7. Convert the following decimal numbers into binary numbers. [02]
a. 68
b. 987

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