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Subject :Computer
Grade :6 Max.Marks :20
Date : / /2023

Section A
Q1. Fill in the blanks from the given hints. [04]
Machine , Assemblers , High Level , Assembly , five
1. A. ………. it a set of instructions, which tells the computer what to do.
2. ………….. language consists of binary numbers, i.e, 0 and 1.
3. ………….. convert the assembly language program into machine language.
4. ……….. language uses simple English words and Mathematical operators.

Q2. Write T for the true statement and for the false one, Correct the false statement and rewrite the
sentence. [02]
1. Machine language uses mnemonic codes.
2. Machine language is the only language, which a computer understands.

Q3. Choose the correct option. [02]

4. A program written in the assembly language is called
a. Assembler b. Source Program c.Object Program
5. An converts a high-level language program into machine language, line-by-line .
a. Assembler b.Compiler c. Interpreter

Q4.Application Based Questions. [02]

1. Kardam’s uncle was a computer programmer during the third generation of computer language.
Which kind of language did he use then?
2. Sumitra is trying his hand at Java programming, but she does not know which type of language it is.
Help her to solve his query.

Section B
Q5. Answer the following in short. (Any 4) [04]
1. What is Programming?
2. What are syntax?
3. Differentiate between Interpreter and Complier.
4. Who invited the term Software?
5. Who was Lady Ada Lovelace?

Q6. Answer in brief (Any 2) [04]

1. List any three characteristics of the fourth generation language.
2. Write the features of 5GL?
3. How is assembly language different from machine language?
4. What are the features of a high-level language?

Q7. Describe the development computer languages. [02]

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