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LOAN MULUNGUSHT ONIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SCIENCE, ENGINEPRING AND TECRNOLOG DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE (SSET) SEMESTER 2 2016/2017 ACADEMIC YEAR BIO 112: MOLECULAR BIOLOGY AND GENETICS THEORY EXAMINATION THREE (3) HOURS TOTAL MARKS: 100 Dur INSTRUCTIONS 4 has 25 multiple choice yuestions carrying a total of 23 marks, Answer ALL. 1. Section 2. Scetion B has short answer iype of questions carrying at a total of 50 marks. Answer AL LS 4. Use the answer shieets provided to record all your answers. 5. For section A, multiple choice questions, record your answers by writing the letter on € has Two (2) questions cach carrying 28 marks, Atempt any ane (1) question corresponding 10 your chosen answer 6, Use ink when answering any of the 7. ‘The genetie and Chi square tables are provided on p estions. Use pencil for your illustrations only 8. You are allowed to use @ calculator in this examination paper 9, Hand in all your answer bookletis} at the end of the examination, This paper consists of ? printed pages DO NOT TURN THE PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. SECTION A: Answer atl TOTAL MARKS [2 It Meselson and Stahl experiment demonstrated that A. DNA isa double st B. DNA replicates non-co1 nded structure vatively ©, DNA replicates conservatively D. DNA replica y Vhe template strand used during transcription run in a. A. wo 5" dire B.S’ 10.3" direction C. In both direction D, Anti-parallel direction Which enzyme is involved in excision repair of thymine dimers? A. Photolyase B. Endonuclease C. DNA polymerase HIT D. Telomerase Which of the following traits is an example of a dominant sex linked trait. ni conservattiv jon \. Sickle cell anaectsi B. Huntir CC, Phenylketonuria 1D, Haemophilia Down syndrome is A. 15 ton a result of trisomy at chromosome number B. 21 b. 23 nents best describes the term penetrance? Which of the following st A. The modifying effect of the environment and the genotype on a particular phenotype. B. The degree of effect produced by a penetrant genotype CC. The masking effect of one pair of allele by another pair of allele 1. The proportion of individual with a particular gene combination which show a corresponding phenotype During base analog mutation ionized form of S-bromouracil will pair with which base? A. Cytosine B. Uraeil C. Thymine D. Adenine Addition of a 5° CAP and a 3° Poly A tail is an example of A. Transcriptional control B. Translational control C. Post transcriptional control D_ Post translational conty Groundauts plants produce purple flower when bot do 1¢ white flowers when either or both are absent, Determine the inant gene Cand P are present in the genoeype and pros phenotypic ratio trom CePp x eePp A. 3 purple: 1 white B. S purple: 3 w ©. 3 purple: 5 white D. | purple: 3 white Which of the following scenarios will tam ON the uc operon? \.. Glucose and lactose present B. Glucose and lactose absent C. Glucose absent and lactose present D. Gh nd kactose absent ‘ose present a Which of the genotype below represents a sperm that can unite with a normal egg to produce a Zygote that will develop into a normal human mate embryo. A. 2A+XY BL DA+YY © 2A+Y D. RA+X ant women occurs when. Erythroblastosis fetalis in pr \. The hushand is Rhr. wife is Rh” and offSpring is Rh B. The hushand is Rh’. wife is Rh’ and offspring is Rhy ©. The husband is Rh’, wife is Rh’ and offspring is Rl The husband is Rh’, wife is Rh and offspring is Rh Given that black is dominant (© brown, what ratio would you expect if the FT hybrid is crossed with a homozygous recessive brown parent. AJ asd B. i : D. Vhe eross in question 13 above is an example of, \. A monohybrid cross B.A test cross C. A dihybrid cross 1. Cross breeding fa husband and wife are MT 9. P42, Among the blood pe of their nny different venntypes and phenoty pes are possible, 15. The children. how mi ROO DS AN. 3 genotypes: 4 phenotypes B, 4 genotypes: 4 phenotypes ce ‘nolypes: 3 phenotypes D. 4 genotypes: 3 phenotypes rat 2 20 red: 42 pink: 18 Povalue is nts and observed the followin; the calculated Chi-squaa 16, You self crossed the £1 pl white, Based on the probability value obtain usi (P> 0,05), we conclude greater than 0.0; \, The hypothesis cannot be accepted B._ The hypothesis can be accepied ©. The D. The genes must be linked 17. RNA polymerase binds t0 a A, mRNA; translation B. Promoter: transcription C. Regulator: transcription D. DNA: ganslation 18. Which of the foflowing mutation is responsible for eausi ene are not assorting independently 10 initiate “ystic fibros \. Deletion B. insertion C. Substitution D. Duplication of the Jac operon codes for an enzyme that allows lactose to permeate into 19, Which the cell. A, Lac A B. a D. Tp 20. A ype of chromosomal mutation that may arise as result of synapsis in prophase fis. A. Inversion B. Deletion C. Transloes ion D. Duplication 21. Polyploidy refers to A. Extra copies of gene adjacent to each other in a chromosome 3, Translocation of one section of a chromosome to another C. An individual with extra sets of chromosome D. A chromosome which has replicated but has not divided. 22. The wpe of an individual with Klinefelter syndrome is. A. YO. B. XXY ©. XO bp. XvY 3. Which of the following would modify the 3: 1 Mendefian ratio to 2: 1 A. Lethal gene B. Co-dominance scomplete dominance D, Duplicate g 4, ave of male oflsprings produced by a father with normal vision and a colour blind mother are expected to be colour blind. A. 0% B. 25% ©. 75% D. 100% 25. Two parents, both heterazygous for blood type A produce a child. What is the probability that the child has a type A? 8.0.25 B.0.50 C075 TOTAL MARKS [50] Answer al questions. no} 1. Consider the followin; mplate segment of the DNA base seq) S°- ATG TCC GCA TGG GGA-: (a) How will the template DNA s (b) How the transcribed mRNA st te) What will om the mRNA? le nucleotide base substitution occurs changing the G at position 12 to A. the polypeptide produc (d) Ha sin: what effect will this have on the polypeptide, 2. ja} Define silent mutation. (b) Mention three types of point mutation (c) Which of the three is likely to cause si (a) Distingui cell anen between inversion mutation and translocation mutation, 3. (a State Mendel’s principle of s (b} Give a detailed monohybrid eross to iflustrate Mend. for round and (v) for wrinkled in your genetic die ntion two factors which may gcttion, 1 kaw. Use (W), [8] use deviation from the Mendelian ratios, 2} or Hor bushand Torm’s Mood 3. Safin these blond clots sarmaiiv has 9 hacmophilic a giz! and their second child was a boy clots normally. Their frst child fay What is Se {hb} What is Tor a's genotype? eI NY's genotype? fe) Use a detailed cross to show the possible genotypes of their son and daughter fo} (a) What is the probability that their son is haemophifie SECTION C TOTAL MARKS [25 Answer any One question only. 1. (a) You created an FI population of Antirrhinum majus flower by crossing red and white parents, You selfed the FI p ants and observed the following ratios: 20 red. 42 pink and 18 white, Test whether the observed values show incomplete dominance at 02.05 ievel of significa 15] tb) Disti between the /ae operon and the rp operon mechanism {10} (a) Ouiline the events of mitosis. 5] th) Explain the CAP-cAMP effect on the Jae operon in terms of switching it onand off 110) GENETIC CODE TABLE € Second Letter u c A S |uuu | Phe | ucu uaAU | Tyr |ucu | cys |u u juuc ucc | Ser | UAC usc c UUA | teu UCA UAA Stop |UGA Stop]A uuG uce UAG Stop |UGG Trp |G cuu cou caU | His |CGU u c|cuc | Leu]cce | Pro |cac cece | arg |C Ast cua cca CAA | Gin |CGA A cuG |ccG cac | ces| |G fetter! = | auu ACU AAU | Asn | AGU lies u AJAUC | tle [ACC | qr [AAC AGC }¢ AUA ACA AAA | Lys |ASA | Arg |A Met | ACG | AAG AGG G GCU GAU | Asp | GGU u Val |GCC | pala | GAC GGC | Gly |¢ GCA GAA | gly |GGA A |__| sus GCG GAG GGG G 3rd letter CHI-SQUARE TABLE

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