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Index Project

1 Horror vacui 1-6 Collection, taxonomy and 2 2-3 Ants 2-3 Courbet, Gustave, The Origin of the World 2-3 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Caprice, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters 2-3 Spitzweg, Carl, The Naturalist 2-3 Still Life, as collection 2-3 Still Life, as occasion for concentrated gaze 2-4 Still Life, as occasion for contemplation 2-4 Still Life, variety and singularity in 2-5 Collectors, addictions developed by 2-5 Collectors, obsessions of 2-6 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 2-15 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 3 Collectors, retention practiced by Cook, Captain James, on naming as claiming Encyclopedia, miniaturization and Encyclopedia, supermarket versions 3-4 Pal, George, The Time Machine 3-5 Collectors, as foragers 3-5 Encyclopedia of Pictured Knowledge 3-6 Encyclopedia, taxonomy and 3-6 Horror vacui 3-6 Museums, taxonomy and 3-6 Zoo, taxonomy and 4 Collectors, predatory habits of Lofting, Hugh, The Story of Dr. Dolittle 4-5 Encyclopedia, The World Book Encyclopedia 4-9 Still Life, history of 5 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy German cockroaches 5-6 World We Live In, The 5-7 Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia 5-7 Encyclopedia, Diderots 5-9 Still Life, as genre 6 Ants 6-7 Bton, Robert, on collecting 6-7 Diderot, Denis, on collection 6-8 Collection, as recollection 6-9 Diderot, Denis, on encyclopedic enterprise 7 Diderot, Denis, Index Diderot, Denis, Preface Libraries, taxonomy and 7-8 Foucault, Michel, The Order of Things 7-9 Verne, Jules, Journey to the Center of the Earth 8 Foucault, Michel, on taxonomy German cockroaches Horror vacui 8-10 Diderot, Denis, on relations between picture and word 8-10 Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, Nautiluss library and drawing room 9


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10 Brueghel, Jan, Allegory of Sight Foucault, Michel, The Order of Things Foucault, Michel, on taxonomy 10-11 Encyclopedia, relations of pictures and texts in 10-12 Encyclopedia, taxonomy and 10-12 Museums, taxonomy and 10-16 Horror vacui 11 Encyclopedia, miniaturization and Linnaeus, Carolus, Philosophia Botanica Sve, J.E. De, drawings for Encyclopdie Methodique 11-12 Peale, Charles Wilson, The Artist in His Museum 11-13 German cockroaches 11-13 Linnaeus, Carolus, on taxonomy 12 Ants 12-15 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 13 Encyclopedia, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Encyclopedia, profusion and diversity in 14 Cook, Captain James, on naming as claiming Linnaeus, Carolus, Philosophia Botanica 14-15 Time-Life Books 14-17 Alpers, Svetlana: The Art of Describing: on construction of subject matter 15 15-17 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on collecting 15-17 Soane, Sir John, on collecting 16 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on taxonomy Still Life, as genre Still Life, history of Still Life, as occasion for concentrated gaze 16-17 Gould, Stephen Jay, on taxonomy 16-17 Still Life, as occasion for contemplation 16-18 Still Life as microcosm 16-19 Alpers, Svetlana: The Art of Describing: on depiction as theoretical enterprise 16-19 Still Life, depiction and 16-19 Still Life, as description 17 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 18 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy Harbison, Robert, Eccentric Spaces 18-22 Zoo, taxonomy and 18-23 Collectors, obsessions of 19 Diderot, Denis, Preface Encyclopedia, Diderots 20 Harbison, Robert, Eccentric Spaces 21 Brueghel, Jan, Allegory of Sight Brueghel, Jan, depiction as theoretical enterprise in Fuseli, John Henry, on demons, incubi and succubi Horror vacui 22 22-24 Zoological illustration, as genre 23 Anatomical illustration: as genre Aquarium, taxonomy and Botanical illustration, as genre Medical photography, as genre Paleontological illustration, as genre 23-25 Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan


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23-26 Museums, depictions of 24 German cockroaches Obsessive-compulsive disorders 25 26 German cockroaches Horror vacui Obsessive-compulsive disorders 27 Sskind, Patrick, The Pigeon 27-29 Johnson, Samuel, on collecting 27-29 View-Master, as collection 28 29 Collection, as catalogue Obsessive-compulsive disorders View-Master, as encyclopedic array 29-34 German cockroaches 30 31 Ants Obsessive-compulsive disorders 31-33 Horror vacui 32 33 33-36 Libraries, as allegory 33-36 Museums, as allegory 34 Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, taxonomy and Libraries, of Alexandria Libraries, public 34-35 Flaubert, Gustave, Bouvard and Pcuchet as amateur cataloguers 34-35 Museums, as sanctuary 34-36 Libraries, as metaphor 34-37 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 35 Boorstin, Daniel J., tables of contents of Index, as table of contents Journey to the Center of Time (D. L. Hewitt), river as time line sequences 35-37 Museums, of Natural History 35-37 Museums, as wunderkammer 36 Boorstin, Daniel J., indexes of Index, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Index, as model Index, as taxonomy Libraries, of Babel Museums, nooks and crannies of 36-37 Museums, as exposition 36-38 Museums, attics and basements of 37 Museums, Victoria and Albert Pliny the elder (Caus Plinius Secundus), Historia Naturalis 37-38 Millhauser, Stephen, on romance of adolescent obsessions 37-39 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 37-39 Millhauser, Stephen, Portrait of a Romantic 38 Curiosity cabinet, taxonomy and Murray, James Augustus Henry, as collector of words Murray, James Augustus Henry, pigeonholes 39 Ballard, J.G., Index 39-41 Horror vacui 40


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41 German cockroaches 42 Index, as outline Index, as table of contents 42-44 Index, as genre 42-45 Index, as metaphor 42-47 Index, as network of associations 43 Brueghel, Jan, as listmaker Brueghel, Jan, naming in Brueghel, Jan, profusion and singularity in Brueghel, Jan, as listmaker Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, on collecting 43-46 Naming, description as 44 German cockroaches Index, as model Index, naming and Old MacDonald, naming and Still Life, as collection 44-46 Index, as collection 44-47 Eden, Garden of, depictions of 45 Naming, as invention 46 Lexicography, as genre Naming, as depiction as Oarfish 46-49 Botanical gardens, taxonomy and 46-49 Index, as genre 46-51 Index, arbitrariness of 47 Hicks, Edward, The Peaceable Kingdom 48 Botanical gardens, as lexicon Collection, as lexicon Eden, Garden of, descriptions of Encyclopedia, as lexicon Encyclopedia, taxonomy and Index, as concrete poem Index, as lexicon Index, as metaphor Index, as taxonomy Lexicography, as genre Lexicography, history of, in 20th century America Lexicography, as taxonomy Museums, taxonomy and Peterson, Roger Tory, as illustrator Peterson, Roger Tory, on naming Zoo, as lexicon 48-52 Adam, naming of animals 48-52 Old MacDonald, naming and 49 German cockroaches Horror vacui Eden, Garden of, as metaphor Botanical gardens, as Eden Botanical gardens, naming and Botanical gardens, seed catalogue as Eden, Garden of, as allegory Gide, Andr, green rose beetle and red rose Lexicography, in theory


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Still Life, as collection 49-50 Eden, Garden of, depictions of 49-52Adam, depictions of 49-52 Zoo, naming and 50 Hicks, Edward, The Peaceable Kingdom 50-51 Zoo, as metaphor 50-52 Adam, descriptions of 50-52 Index, exclusion and inclusion in selection for 50-52 Naming, as claiming 51 Ants Obsessive-compulsive disorders Still Life, naming and 52 Ballard, J.G., The Day of Creation Brueghel, Jan, Adam and Eve in Paradise (with Peter Reubens) Brueghel, Jan, naming in Brueghel, Jan, variety and singularity in Eden, Garden of, as occasion for listmaking and naming Aardvark Adam, as an occasion for listmaking Eden, Garden of, depictions Hyena, as metaphor Reubens, Peter Paul, Adam and Eve in Paradise (with Jan Brueghel) Vulture 52-53 Naming, depiction as 52-53 Noah, as occasion for listmaking 52-55 Kipling, Rudyard, Just So Stories 53 54 Books of Hours, as list Books of Hours, profusion and diversity in Drer, Albrecht, description as inscription in Obsessive-compulsive disorders 54-55 Ark, The, taxonomy and 54-55 Kessel, Jan van, naming in 54-56 Books of Hours, naming in 55 Eden, Garden of, variety and singularity in 55-56 Larson, Gary, The Far Side, God Creates the Animals, Hmmmmmm...not bad, not bad at all....Well, now I guess Id better make some things to eat you guys 55-57 Ark, The, as occasion for grouping and naming 56 Adam Eakins, Thomas, The Agnew Clinic Horror vacui Kessel, Jan van, The Creation of the Birds and the Fishes 56-57 Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, naming in 56-58 Adam 56-58 German cockroaches 56-58 Noah, taxonomy and 56-58 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 57 Adam Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, naming in Ark, The, as an occasion for listmaking Eden, Garden of, as occasion for listmaking and naming Ergo, Englebert, Noah Gathering the Animals Marchal, Nicolas, La Mnagerie du Museum National dHistorie Naturelle Mites


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Noah, as occasion for listmaking Pomalid wasp Shortnosed cattle louse Still Life, as collection Still Life, variety and singularity in Ticks Vulture Worms Zoo, as Ark Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 57-58 Packrat 58 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 59 60 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 61 Audubon, John James, on naming 61-63 Collectors, obsessions 62-63 Collection, as closed and/or open set 63 Collection, exclusion and inclusion in selection of Obsessive-compulsive disorders 63-64 Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens, The, as theme park 64 65 Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 66 67 Ants Horror Vacui Obsessive-compulsive disorders 68 69 Aquarium, as list Botanical gardens, as list Collection, as list Index, as taxonomy 69-77 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 70 71 Horror vacui 72 73 German cockroaches 74 75 76 Horror vacui 77 78 78-84 Horror vacui 79 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 80 81 82 83 83-85 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 84 85 86 87 88 88-93 Obsessive-compulsive disorders


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89 Aquarium, presentation of specimens in German cockroaches 90 91 92 Flying gurnard 93 94 95 Horror vacui Obsessive-compulsive disorders 96 Ark, The, symmetry in Still Life, as allegory 96-97 Oosten, Isaac van, Paradise, creatures included and excluded by 96-97 Still Life, as collection 96-98 Ark, The, depictions of 96-98 Noah, depictions of 96-98 Barnes, Julian, on Noah aboard the Ark 96-98 Orpheus, compared to Adam and Noah 97Addams, Charles, Noahs Ark Ark, The, as allegory Ark, The, descriptions of Ark, The, Eden and Ark, The, profusion and diversity in Bosch, Hieronymus, The Garden of Earthly Delights Bosch, Hieronymus, naming in Collection, variety and singularity in Collectors, selection processes of Eden, Garden of, as allegory Eden, Garden of, The Ark as Eden, Garden of, as metaphor Eden, Garden of, profusion and diversity in Encyclopedia, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Encyclopedia, relations of pictures and texts in Gaboon viper Gecko Hicks, Edward, Noahs Ark Locust Museums, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Noah, taxonomy and Orpheus, depictions of Orpheus, descriptions of Still Life, selection as subject matter in Yak Zoo, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Zoo, profusion and diversity in Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 97-98 Adam, naming of animals 97-98 Eden, Garden of, descriptions of 97-98 Encyclopedia, profusion and diversity in 97-98 Still Life, as metaphor 98 Ants Bed-bug Encyclopedia, taxonomy and Fleas Mites


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Museums, depictions of Museums, taxonomy and Obsessive-compulsive disorders Ticks 98-108 Ovid (Plubius Ovidsu Naso), The Art of Love 99 Dodo, as cultural archetype of extinction Horror vacui Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), on transformation 99-100 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso) Chaos and Creation 99-111 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso) Metamorphoses 100 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), translations of 100-103 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 100-104 McCay, Winsor, The Centaurs 101 Actaeon, descriptions of Pegasus, as constellation Pegasus, descriptions of 101-102 Actaeon, his dogs, his death 101-103 German cockroaches 101-104 Ants 101-108 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on transformation 102 Bcklin, Arnold: Centaur and Nymph Bcklin, Arnold, hybrids in Actaeon, depictions of Bcklin, Arnold, Niade Moreau, Gustave, Dead Poet Borne by a Centaur Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Actaeon Samaras, Lucas, as satyr 103 Antelope-kangaroo Centaur, depictions of Centaur, descriptions of Centaur, in myth Orpheus, animals charmed by Orpheus, Cerberus calmed by Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), illustrations of Savery, Roelandt, Orpheus Charming the Animals Underworld, The 103-105 Orpheus, depictions of 103-105 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Orpheus and Eurydice 104 Bouguereau, William, rendering of flesh and fleece in Nymphs and Satyr 104-105 Manet, Edouard, Afternoon of a Faun 104-105 Orpheus, descriptions of 104-106 Bouguereau, William, The Education of Bacchus 104-106 Horror vacui 105 Cosimo, Piero di, The Discovery of Honey by Bacchus 105-106 The Invention of Fire 106 Bluebottle fly Cerberus, descriptions of Narcissus, depictions of Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Echo and Narcissus Spanish fly 106-107 Narcissus, descriptions of 107 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), illustrations of Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Trista 107-109 Obsessive-compulsive disorders


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108 Daphne, depictions of Daphne, descriptions of Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Apollo and Daphne 109 Horror vacui Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Trista 110 Gide, Andr, Theseus 111 Ddalus, depictions of Horror vacui Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso) The Art of Love Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso) Ddalus and Icarus Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso) Echo and Narcissus Pentheus, depictions of Pentheus, descriptions of 111-113 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 112 112-113 Narcissus, depictions of 112-113 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Echo and Narcissus 112-114 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 113 113-115 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on transformation 114 Ddalus, depictions of Narcissus, descriptions of Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso) Ddalus and Icarus 114-116 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Perseus 114-116 Pegasus, depictions of 114-116 Pegasus, descriptions of 114-116 Perseus, depictions of 114-116 Perseus, descriptions of 114-117 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 115 116 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 117 118 German cockroaches Grotesque, The, as product of imagination Obsessive-compulsive disorders 119 119-121 Walt Disney Productions, anthropomorphism and 120 120-122 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 120-123 Horror vacui 120-122 Walt Disney Productions, Fantasia, dinosaurs in Rite of Spring sequence 120-123 Horror vacui 121 Cosimo, Piero di, The Invention of Fire Golden Fleece, The, as agent of transformation Golden Fleece, The, depictions of Golden Fleece, The, as metaphor 122 Arachne, descriptions of Arachne, her tapestry: Ceres and the Stallion Calvino, Italo, Italian Folk Tales Harris, Joel Chandler, Uncle Remus, His Sayings and his Songs, The Fate of Mr. Jack Sparrow Hyacinthus, descriptions of Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, whales belly sequence Walt Disney Productions, The Wayward Canary 122-124 Anthropomorphism, fables and


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122-124 Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, animal pictures of 122-124 Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio 122-126 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Arachne 122-126 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 123 Anthropomorphism, myth and German cockroaches Walt Disney Productions, Bambi, forest fire sequence 124-128 Arachne, depictions of 124-129 Arachne, descriptions of 124 Anthropomorphism, as metaphor Ants Arachne, her tapestry as lexicon Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, The Monkey Painter Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, donkey transformation sequence Walt Disney Productions, The Ugly Duckling Walt Disney Productions, Who Killed Cock Robin? 124-125 Harris, Joel Chandler, How Mr. Rabbitt Lost his Fine Bushy Tail 124-126 Walt Disney Productions, Bambi, Drip drip drop little April showers sequence 125 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Perseus Perseus, depictions of 125-126 Arachne, her tapestry: Erigone and the Grapes 126 Arachne, her tapestry: Antiope and the Satyr Cocteau, Jean, The Eagle with Two Heads Marmoset Pegasus, depictions of Perseus, descriptions of 126-137 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 127 Arachne, her tapestry: Proserpine and the Snake Horror vacui 128 Arachne, her tapestry: Asterie and the Eagle Arachne, her transformation Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), anthropomorphism in Obsessive-compulsive disorders 128-129 Arachne, her tapestry: The Rape of Europa 128-131 Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), Another World 129 Ants 129-132 Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), Scenes from the Public and Private Lives of Animals 129-133 Grahame, Kenneth, The Wind in the Willows 130 131 Horror vacui 132 132-134 Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), as translator 133 Ernst, Max, The Eye of Silence Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isidore Grard), The Fables of La Fontaine 134 Grimm, Jacob and William, The Girl Without Hands Grimm, Jacob and William, The Hare and the Hedgehog Grimm, Jacob and William, as collectors Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), If I Ran the Zoo 134-135 German cockroaches 135 Centaur, depictions of Grimm, Jacob and William, The Owl Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), Bartholomew and the Oobleck Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), Horton Hatches the Egg


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Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), Thidwick, the Big Hearted Moose Stubbs, George, The Moose 135-137 Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), The Fables of La Fontaine 136 Grimm, Jacob and William, Collected Folk Tales, Cat and Mouse in Partnership Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish 136-138 Kessel, Jan van, The Reversed World (Showing the Aftermath of the Hares Defeat of the Human Race 136-139 Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), Scenes from the Public and Private Lives of Animals 136-146 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 137 Dor, Paul-Gustave, The Fables of La Fontaine Gnu Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), The Lively Flowers 137-138 Fontaine, Jean de La, Fables, The Jay Dressed Up in the Peacocks Feathers 137-138 Kipling, Rudyard, Just So Stories 138 Calvino, Italo, as collector Fontaine, Jean de La, Fables, The Lion Libelled by Man Potter, Beatrix, The Tale of Pigling Bland 138-139 Potter, Beatrix, The Roly-Poly Pudding or The Tale of Samuel Whiskers 138-140 Cosimo, Piero di, The Battle of Lapiths and Centaurs 138-140 Danforth, Jim, stop-motion animation for When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 138-142 Kipling, Rudyard, The Jungle Book 139 Calvino, Italo, The Dragon with Seven Heads Cosimo, Piero di, Death of Procris Fontaine, Jean de La, Fables, The Hare and the Tortoise Potter, Beatrix, food chain dynamics in 139-142 Dor, Paul-Gustave, The Fables of La Fontaine 140 140-141 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 140-145 Calvino, Italo, Italian Folk Tales 141 Calvino, Italo, The Parrot Cosimo, Piero di, The Discovery of Honey by Bacchus 142 Calvino, Italo, The Feathered Ogre Horror vacui Kipling, Rudyard, anthropomorphism in St. Francis of Assisi, depictions of 142-143 Calvino, Italo, The Crab with the Golden Eggs 143 Cosimo, Piero di, The Discovery of Honey by Bacchus 143 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), cake and elixir as agents of transformation 143-144 Moreau, Gustave, The Country Mouse and the City Mouse 143-145 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Alices Adventures in Wonderland 144 Calvino, Italo, The Crystal Rooster Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Caterpillar Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), The Lively Flowers Horror vacui 145 Anthropomorphism, fables and Calvino, Italo, Buffalo Head Potter, Beatrix, anthropomorphism in Tortoise, Mr. Alderman Ptolomy 146 sop, The Grasshopper and the Owl sop, The Peacock and the Crane Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Cheshire Cat Fuseli, John Henry, Titanias Awakening and other translations of scenes from A Midsummer Nights Dream


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Tenniel, John, illustrations of Lewis Carroll texts 147 sop, The Ant and the Beetle sop, illustrations of Fontaine, Jean de La, The Lion Libelled by Man Freleng, Isadore Fritz, A Wiggly Tale Uccello, Paolo, stylization of horses in The Battle of San Romano 147-148 St. Francis of Assisi, descriptions of 147-148 Tenniel, John, as translator 147-151 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Alices Adventures in Wonderland 148 Arachne, her tapestry: Leda and the Swan Bird-eating spider Brooks, Adam, Little Red Riding Hood Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Tiger Lily Dor, Paul-Gustave, Little Red Riding Hood Leda, depictions of Leda, descriptions of St. Francis of Assisi, depictions of Ticks 148-149 Golden Fleece, The, depictions of 148-151 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There 148-149 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), hyphenation in 148 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Mock Turtle Daphne, depictions of Forest of No Return, The Golden Fleece, The, descriptions of Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Saturn Devouring his Children Little Red Riding Hood, depictions of 148-149 Little Red Riding Hood, descriptions of 149 Arachne, depictions of Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Jabberwock Moreau, Gustave, Dead Poet Borne by a Centaur Tenniel, John, The Jabberwock 149-151 Gargoyle 149-151 Horror vacui 150 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), The Hunting of the Snark Moreau, Gustave, Prometheus 151 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Rocking Horsefly Golden Fleece, The, descriptions of Reubens, Peter Paul, Two Satyrs Tenniel, John, illustrations for Lewis Carroll texts 151-152 Reubens, Peter Paul, Diana and the Nymphs Assailed by Satyrs 151-152 Reubens, Peter Paul, Drunken Sailenus 151-153 Centaur, descriptions of 151-156 Narcissus, descriptions of 151-158 Gide, Andr, The Treatise of Narcissus 152 Bcklin, Arnold: The Foam Sprite Bcklin, Arnold, hybrids in Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), shape shifting in Io McCay, Winsor, The Centaurs 152-154 Romano, Giulio, Eros and Psyche Hall as still life with satyrs 153 Bcklin, Arnold, Triton and Nereide Fleas Rackham, Arthur, Gulliver in Brobdignag, Attacked by Bees


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Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver meets Brobdignagian bees, toad and fleas 153-155 Swift, Jonathan, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, on disorientation caused by shifts in scale 154 Bcklin, Arnold, Niade Centaur, as constellation Centaur, as metaphor Romano, Giulio, profusion and diversity in 155 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 155-157 Harpies, The, description of 156 Centaur, in myth Gide, Andr, green rose beetle and red rose Hydra, The, teeth as agents of transformation Jekyll, Gertrude, on colors of roses Knight, Charles R., Tylosaurus chasing a Primitive Tarpon through the Surf 156-157 Hydra, The, descriptions of 157 Ants Centaur, depictions of Dali, Salvadore, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus Dali, Salvadore, shapeshifting in Harpies, The, depictions of Medusa, depictions of Medusa, descriptions of Narcissus, depictions of Narcissus, transformation of Peraa Sphinx, The, descriptions of 158 Harpies, The, powers attributed to Hermaphrodites, depictions of Hydra, The, depictions of Moreau, Gustave, Hercules and the Hydra Polyphemus, depictions of Polyphemus, descriptions of Sphinx, The, androgyny of Star-anise 158-159 Sphinx, The, as hybrid 158-160 Hermaphrodites, in myth 158-162 Sphinx, The, depictions of 159 Knopff, Fernand, Art or The Caresses Moreau, Gustave, Galatea 159-161 Sphinx, The, as allegory 159-161 Moreau, Gustave, androgyny and hybridization in 159-161 Sphinx, The, descriptions of 159-162 Hermaphrodites, as dieties 160 Fitzgerald, John Anster, The Dreamer Fuchs, Ernst, The Sphinx Hermaphrodites, descriptions of Horror vacui Knopf, Fernand, Sphinx Sphinx, The, as emblem Vedder, Elihu, Sphinx of the Seashore 160-162 Polyphemus, descriptions of 160-163 Sphinx, The, riddles of 161 Anthropomorphism, history of in Antiquity Crane, Walter, webbed hooves in The Horses of Neptune


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German cockroaches Giant forget-me-nots Moreau, Gustave, Oedipus and the Sphinx Moreau, Gustave, winged creatures in Poe, Edgar Allan, The Sphinx Polyphemus, depictions of Sea horse, androgyny of Sea horse, as emblem Triplewart seadevil Vedder, Elihu, The Lair of the Sea Serpent 161-162 Dor, Paul-Gustave, The Enigma (Death and the Sphinx competing for the Souls of Dead Soldiers) 161-162 Fitzgerald, John Anster, The Chase of the White Mice 160-162 Vedder, Elihu, The Rocs Egg 161-163 Dadd, Richard, acorns, blades of grass, daisies, dewdrops in 161-163 Dadd, Richard, Titania Sleeping and other pictures based on A Midsummer Nights Dream 161-168 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 162 Anubis, in legend Dadd, Richard, The Fairey Fellers Master Stroke Rops, Felicien, The Sphinx Sphinx, The, as metaphor 162-164 Jonah, in the whale, depictions of 163 Anubis, depictions of Cerberus, depictions of Cerberus, descriptions of Dadd, Richard, disorienting effects of scale shifts and miniaturization in Harryhausen, Ray, Roc chick hatching sequence for The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad Jonah, in the whale, descriptions of Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, whales belly sequence 163-164 Anubis, descriptions of 163-164 Millhauser, Stephen, The Eight Voyage of Sinbad 164 Anubis, as metaphor Cannibalism, depictions of tpeng, Hamilcar, as Anubis, Eater of the Dead 164-165 Sphinx, The, secrets of 165 Anthropomorphism, myth and Cannibalism, descriptions of Gaud, Antonio, griffins in Ciudadela Park Griffin, depictions of Proteus, as old man feeding ambrosia to seals 165-166 Proteus, protean nature of 166 Ants Proteus, as ant Proteus, as bee Proteus, as dragon Proteus, as eel Proteus, as fire Proteus, as flea Proteus, as hydra Proteus, as ice Proteus, as spider Proteus, as tiger Proteus, as viper Proteus, as water


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167 Aye-aye Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Gryphon Creature from the Black Lagoon (Jack Arnold) Dragonslayer (Matthew Robbins) Proteus, as old man feeding ambrosia to seals 168 Horror vacui Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 169 170 Horror vacui St. George, as dragonslayer, depictions of St. Michael, as dragonslayer, depictions of 170-171 St. George, as dragonslayer, descriptions of 171 Jason and the Argonauts (Jon Chaffey) Rosa, Salvatore, Jason and the Dragon St. Michael, as dragonslayer, descriptions of 172 Lotus-eaters 173 Hyacinthus, depictions of St. George, as dragon slayer, descriptions of 173-174 Hyacinthus, descriptions of 174 German cockroaches Hyacinthus, transformation of Watts, George Frederick, The Minotaur of the Labyrinth 175 Fuseli, John Henry, Thor Battering the Midgard Serpent Galapagos Islands, descriptions of 176 German cockroaches Obsessive-compulsive disorders 177 177-179 Perseus, descriptions of 177-179 Wtelwael, Joachim, Perseus and Andromeda 178 Ants Caenus Obsessive-compulsive disorders 178-179 Cosimo, Piero di, The Rescue of Andromeda 178-179 Perseus, depictions of 178-179 Wtelwael, Joachim, Perseus and Andromeda, variety of shells and bones littering foreground shore 178-183 Horror vacui 179 Ddalus, depictions of Icarus, depictions of Reubens, Peter Paul, Perseus and Andromeda Wtelwael, Joachim, Perseus and Andromeda, pinks of conch and tritons trumpet 180 Icarus, description of 181 181-183 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 182 182-184 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 183 184 Mermaids, in legend 184-186 Mermaids, descriptions of 185-187 Alighieri, Dante: The Inferno, translations of as word 185-187 Sirens, The, descriptions of 186 Alighieri, Dante: The Inferno: translations of in picture Dor, Paul-Gustave, as translator of The Divine Comedy Mermaids, depictions of


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186-188 Ddalus, wings designed by 186-188 Icarus, wings of 186-188 Sirens, The, depictions of 187 188 188-189 The sirens 189 Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence: The Roses of Heliogabalus 190 German cockroaches 191 Horror vacui 192 193 194 195 196-197 Circe, descriptions of 197 Swift, Jonathan, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, on disorientation caused by shifts in scale 197-198 Swift, Jonathan, illustrations of 198 Circe, depictions of 198-200 German cockroaches 198-204 Circe, Odysseuss crew as animals 199 Horror vacui 199-202 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 200 200-201 Circe, depictions of 200-203 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, The Witches Sabbath 201 Ehrenberg, Wilhelm Schubert van, Ulysses at the Palace of Circe 201-203 Underworld, The 202 St. Antony, as visionary St. Antonys Fire, as agent of transformation 202-205 Swift, Jonathan, Houyhnhnms described 203 Still Life, atmosphere as subject matter in 203-204 Sirens, The, descriptions of 203-205 Sirens, The, their songs as agent of transformation 203-205 Swift, Jonathan, illustrations 203-214 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), The Isenheim Altarpiece, The Entombment 204 Ddalus, wings designed by Icarus, wings of St. Antony, as visionary 205 206 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), crown of thorns 206-209 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), Christs wounds 207 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), thorn in Christs ear Horror vacui 208 208-209 Nerval, Grard de (Grard Labrunie), on hashish as agent of transformation 209 209-211 Nerval, Grard de (Grard Labrunie), The Subterranean Kingdom 209-216 Horror vacui 210 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 211 Medusa, as agent of transformation Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 211-213 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), Huysmans description of dried blood and infected lesions on forehead and mangled hands 211-213 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, on Grnewald


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212 Hermaphrodites, mysteries surrounding Medusa, depictions of Medusa, as metaphor Mermaids, descriptions of Mermaids, in legend Morris, Jan (James), as shape-shifter Obsessive-compulsive disorders Russell, Ken, Gothic 213 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Dog Buried in the Sand 213-214 Medusa, descriptions of 214 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Caprice, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters Obsessive-compulsive disorders Orpheus, Cerberus calmed by Underworld, The 215 216 217 German cockroaches Herzog, Werner, shapeshifters and lizards in Fata Morgana Medusa, descriptions of 218 Gibson, William, on agents of information 219 219-222 Rosa, Salvator, atmosphere as subject matter in 220 221 Jaguar, as diety Magnificent frigate bird 221-222 Pontormo, Jacopo da, exaggeration and extension in 222 Horror vacui Jackal, as diety 222-224 Jackal, powers attributed to 222-224 Tobacco, as agent of transformation 223 Fusuli, John Henry, on demons, incubi and succubi German cockroaches Incubi, depictions of Rops, Felicien, bones and wings in Diaboli Virtus in Lombis Succubi, depictions of Underworld, The 223-226 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on Moreau 224 Huxley, Aldous, The Doors of Perception, mescaline as agent of transformation 225 Harpies, The, powers attributed to 225-227 Circe, as agent of transformation 226 Centaur, as metaphor Rosa, Salvator, atmosphere as subject matter in Tobacco, as agent of transformation 227 Wildebeest, descriptions of 227-231 Titanias Awakening and other translations from A Midsummer Nights Dream 228 228-234 Horror vacui 229 Werewolf, descriptions of 229-231 Nosferatu (F.W. Marnau) 229-231 Rosa, Salvatore, Witches and their Incantations 229-232 Rice, Anne, The Vampire Chronicles 230 Werewolf, as metaphor 230-231 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), illustrations of 230-231 Rice, Ann, on flesh and blood


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230-231 Vampyr (Carl Theodore Dreyer) 230-231 Werewolf, in legend 231 Obsessive-compulsive disorders Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), translations of 231-232 Herzog, Werner, Nosferatu 232 232-233 Gaud, Antonio, melting form in 232-233 Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, whales belly sequence 233 Ligorio, Piero, decompposition as composition in 234-235 Chameleon, powers attributed to 235 235-237 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 236-239 Ants 237 237-238 St. Antony, as visionary 237-243 St. Antony, depictions of 237-243 St. Antony, descriptions of 238 Gaud, Antonio, dragons, frogs, lizards, spiders, toads in Gaud, Antonio, Gell Park St. Antony, temptation of, as allegory St. Antony, as occasion for listing and hyphenating Wizard of Oz, The (Victor Fleming), flying monkeys in 238-239 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), rock formations 238-239 Succubi, descriptions of 238-241 Fuseli, John Henry, The Nightmare 238-244 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), St. Antony visiting St. Paul in the Wilderness 239 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), moss on trees St. Antonys Fire, visions accompanying 239-242 Flaubert, Gustave, The Temptation of St. Antony 239-242 Fuseli, John Henry, on demons, incubi and succubi 239-242 Incubi, depictions of 239-242 Succubi, depictions of 240 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), palm fronds Index, as library Jekyll, Gertrude, on colors of roses Majore, Frank, The Temptation of St. Antony St. Antony, temptation of, as allegory Teniers, David the Younger, The Temptation of St. Antony 240-241 Fatin-Latour, Henri, The Temptation of St. Antony 240-242 Bosch, Hieronymus, The Temptation of St. Antony 240-242 Callot, Jacques, The Temptation of St. Antony 240-243 Incubi, descriptions of 240-244 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 240-247 Horror vacui 241 Collection, private Index, as lexicon Obsessive-compulsive disorders Succubi, descriptions Succubi, as metaphor 242 Eden, Garden of, depictions of Hawkweed St. Antony, temptation of, as allegory St. Antony, as visionary Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), on sheep and shepherds


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243 Gaud, Antonio, Gell Park Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), flora and fauna in St. Antonys Fire, visions accompanying 244 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by Fuseli, John Henry, Titanias Awakening and other translations of scenes from A Midsummer Nights Dream Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), raven Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), talons on hands of bird-bodied beast Incubi, as metaphor 244-246 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), antlers, ears and fangs of cross-eyed demon 244-248 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), The Temptation of St. Antony 245 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis, Neithardt), tactility of Antonys beard St. Antonys Fire, visions accompanying 246 Ddalus, depictions of Ddalus, as hyphenator Icarus, depictions of 247 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis, Neithardt), tactility of Antonys beard 247-248 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis, Neithardt), teeth of gum-lipped creature 247-248 St. Antonys Fire, as agent of transformation 248 Brueghel, Jan, The Four Seasons Griffin, in myth Harbison, Robert, Eccentric Spaces St. Antony, depictions of 248-249 Ddalus, as agent of transformation 248-249 Index, as collection 248-250 Griffin, descriptions of 248-250 St. Antonys Fire, visions accompanying 249 Botanical illustration, history of in antiquity 249-251 St. Antony, descriptions 249-253 Gaud, Antonio, dragons, frogs, lizards, spiders, toads in 250 Books of Hours, detail in Botanical illustration, history of in 14th century France St. Antony, depictions of 251 Ants Museums, of Natural History Museums, Victoria and Albert 251-252 Griffin, as metaphor 251-253 Bestiary, as genre 252 sop, illustrations of sop, translations of Gaud, Antonio, griffins in Ciudadela Park Griffin, depictions of Griffin, descriptions of Horror vacui Praying mantis 253 Lexicography, as genre 253-256 Books of Hours, history of in 15th century France and Spain 254 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, on black cats Books of Hours, fauna and flora in Books of Hours, profusion and diversity in Eden, Garden of, bestiaries as Eden, Garden of, as occasion for listmaking and naming Hicks, Edward, Noahs Ark Honeysuckle


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Poe, Edgar Allan, The Black Cat 254-255 Noah, descriptions of 254-256 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 254-258 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 254-260 Noah, as collector 254-255 Books of Hours, naming in 254-256 Bestiary, history of in antiquity 254-256 Orpheus, compared to Adam and Noah 254-259 Adam 254-260 Ark, The, depictions of 255 Anatomical illustration, processional and/or recessional readings of Bestiary, as collection Collection, as catalogue Collection, as compilation Collection, taxonomy and Eden, Garden of, descriptions of Eden, Garden of, as metaphor Grotesque, The, as genre Index, as taxonomy Leda, descriptions of Pegasus, depictions of Redon, Odilon, Pegasus Captive Zoological illustration, as genre Zoological illustration, processional and/or recessional readings of 255-256 Botanical gardens, depictions of 255-256 Collection, private 255-257 Books of Hours, history of in 13th and 14th century France 255-257 Eden, Garden of, depictions of 255-257 Still Life, as collection 255-257 Uccello, Paolo, stylization of horses in The Battle of San Romano 255-258 Books of Hours, as genre 256 Anatomical illustration, as product of imagination Anthropomorphism, history of in Medieval France Bestiary, as genre Collector, obsessions of Emblems and the Emblematic, differentiated from pictures and the pictorial Jackal, as emblem Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on origin of species Poe, Edgar Allan, The Gold-Bug Vinci, Leonardo da, Lady with an Ermine, little eyes of Werewolf, as metaphor Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 256-257 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, emblematic language of 256-257 Hermaphrodites, descriptions of 256-257 Zoo, bestiary as 256-258 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), illustrations of 256-258 Yggdrasil 256-258 Zoological illustration, history of, in Antiquity 257 Beaver Bestiary, as product of imagination Books of Hours, history of in 14th century Venice Books of Hours, history of in 16th century Italy Encyclopedia, as lexicon Gnu


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Grotesque, The, as product of imagination Hermaphrodites, as constellations Hermaphrodites, as emblems Jaguar, as emblem Katydid Lavender Naming, description as Paleontological illustration, as product of imagination 257-259 Lofting, Hugh, The Story of Dr. Dolittle 257-260 Botanical illustration as product of imagination 258 Basilisk Bestiary, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Bestiary, history of in Antiquity Bestiary, history of in 3rd century Byzantium Bestiary, as lexicon Books of Hours, as collection Encyclopedia, as compilation Encyclopedia, taxonomy and Fleas Frilled Lizard Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), The Lively Flowers Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), lack of thorns Jaguar, depictions of Ligorio, Piero, moss-covered fountains at Villa dEste Linnaeus, Carolus, Hortus Cliffortianus Locust Museums, taxonomy and Proteus, as flea Zoological illustration, history of, in 12th century India 258-259 Bestiary, history of in 10th Persia 258-259 Jaguar, descriptions of 258-260 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), The Mystic Rose 258-261 Theobald, Bishop, Physiologus, a Metrical Bestiary 258-261 Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), illustrations of 258-262 Zoological illustration, history of, in 8th century Persia 259-266 Bestiary, variety of accompanying texts 259 Books of Hours, history of in 13th and 14th century France Cornucopia, as emblem Majore, Frank, Two Roses Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), translations of 259-260 Grnewald, Mathis (Mathis Neithardt), raindrops on petals as tears 259-260 Hugo, Victor, on gargoyles in The Hunchback of Notre Dame 259-261 Lexicography, history of, in 20th century America 259-261 Naming, description as 259-262 Gargoyle 259-262 Rosa, Salvator, on emblems and the Emblematic 259-266 Zoological illustration, variety of accompanying texts 260 sop, illustrations of Anatomical illustration, as product of imagination Friedrich, Caspar David, Owl in a Gothic Window, as emblem Galen Griffin, as emblem Sphinx, The, as emblem Werewolf, depictions of


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Werewolf of London (Stuart Walker), wolfbane by full moonlight still life sequence Winnebago decal, as emblem 260-261 Winnebago decal, rainbow trout as 260-263 Gaud, Antonio, on emblems and the Emblematic 260-264 Fabritius, Carel, The Goldfinch, as both emblem and picture 260-268 Emblems and the Emblematic, differentiated from pictures and the pictorial 261 Barnes, Julian, The Flaubert Bestiary Chameleon, as emblem Chameleon, powers attributed to Cookbooks, as collection Golden Fleece, The, as emblem Golden Fleece, The, as metaphor Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), The Lively Flowers Horror vacui Sve, J.E. De, Flying Dragon Taxidermy, history of, in 12th century Avignon Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), translations of Zoological illustration, history of, in 16th century Italy 261-262 Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Elements 261-262 Friedrich, Caspar David, Owl in a Gothic Window, as metaphor 261-263 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 261-263 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 261-264 Botanical illustration, history of in 14th century France 261-264 Flaubert, Gustave, The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitator 262 Ark, The, bestiaries and Bestiary, history of in 14th century France Eyewitness Books Flaubert, Gustave, slaughter of animals Friedrich, Caspar David, Owl in a Gothic Window, as emblem Friedrich, Caspar David, as picture Hoefnagel, Joris, The Four Elements Hyacinth Lexicography, history of, in 6th century China Lexicography, history of, in 12th century Japan Peterson, Roger Tory, A Field Guide to the Birds Salamander, as emblem Salamander, as metaphor Time-Life Books Zoological illustration, history of, in 10th century China 262-263 Salamander, as unwitting victim 262-263 Shattuck, William, The Keeper of Salamanders Order 262-264 Botanical illustration, variety of accompanying texts 263 Chameleon, as metaphor Flaubert, Gustave, scent of lepers decomposing flesh Geometric tortoise, as occasion for speculation on random patterning and linearity in natural form Hunt, William Holman, The Scapegoat Medusa, as emblem Sea horse, as emblem Sve, J.E. De, Geometric Tortoise Snakes-head iris 263-264 Flaubert, Gustave, carnage described 263-264 Lexicography, history of, in 14th century France 263-264 St. George, as dragonslayer, depictions of 263-264 Uccello, Paolo, St. George and the Dragon


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264 Anatomical illustration, history of in Avignon Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Seasons Friedrich, Caspar David, Owl in a Gothic Window, as window Horror vacui St. Michael, as dragonslayer, depictions of Sphinx, The, as metaphor Uccello, Paolo, St. George and the Dragon, collar and leash Uccello, Paolo, St. George and the Dragon, decorative markings on wings Uccello, Paolo, St. George and the Dragon, viscosity of blood 264-265 Hyena, as emblem 264-265 Hyena, as metaphor 264-266 Bestiary, history of in 14th century France 265 Ark, The, descriptions of Belladonna Naming, description as Noah, descriptions of Orpheus, compared to Adam and Noah St. Antony, as occasion for listing and hyphenating St. Francis of Assisi, as occasion for gathering animals 265-266 St. Antony, depictions of 265-266 Yellow-crested flycatcher 266 Bestiary, history of in 15th century India Bestiary, history of in 17th century China 267 Bestiary, collections of Deer-mouse German cockroaches King of Saxony bird of paradise Obsessive-compulsive disorders Poison ivy Proteus, as hydra Zoological illustration, history of, in 17th century Germany 267-269 Bestiary, history of in 16th century Florence 267-269 Hydra, The, descriptions of 267-270 Morris, Jan (James), A Venetian Bestiary 268 Bestiary, history of in 18th century Germany Centaur, in myth Pegasus, as emblem Wildebeest, depictions of Zoological illustration, collections of 268-269 Hydra, The, depictions of 268-269 Wildebeest, in Bavarian folklore 268-269 Wildebeest, descriptions of 269 Bestiary, as genre Orpheus, animals charmed by Savery, Roelandt, Orpheus Charming the Animals Silverfish Teju Triplewart seadevil Vulture Wildebeest, Irish myth Yellow-bellied sapsucker 270 Bestiary, history of in 20th century America Grotesque, The, as product of imagination 271 Obsessive-compulsive disorders


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272 272-273 Whistler, James McNeill, The Peacock Room 273 Horror vacui 274 275 Fur 276 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 277 Dragonfly Gall, Emile, Dragonfly Vase Horror vacui 278 279 279-282 Horror vacui 280 281 German cockroaches 282 283 284 Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Continents German cockroaches 284-286 Swift, Jonathan, Travels into Several Remote Nations of the World by Lemuel Gulliver, on disorientation caused by shifts in scale 285 Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Elements Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Seasons Rackham, Arthur, as translator 285-288 Rackham, Arthur, illustrations of 286 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 286-288 Swift, Jonathan, illustrations of 287 Horror vacui Index, miniaturization and Rackham, Arthur, Gulliver in Brobdignag, Attacked by Bees Swift, Jonathan, Gulliver meets Brobdignagian bees, toad and fleas 287-288 Rachkham, Arthur, on relations of word and picture 288 288-292 Harbison, Robert, miniaturization and mapping 289 Pal, George, Tom Thumb 289-293 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 289-299 Ants 290 291 292 292-293 Horror vacui 293 294 295 296 297 297-300 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 298 299 299-303 Verne, Jules, The Mysterious Island 300 301 Bestiary, history of in 16th century Florence Levi-Strauss, Claude, The Raw and the Cooked 302 Murch, Walter, Cooked Eel Murch, Walter, Red Cabbage


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Pismo clam Tarragon Vanilla beans Watermelon Zurbarn, Francisco de, Lemons, Oranges and a Rose 302-304 Cannibalism, descriptions of 301-304 Cookbooks, taxonomy in 303 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, on food in 17th century Flemish painting Cookbooks, as menu Horror vacui Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), kelp 303-304 Brueghel, Jan, Neptunes Feast 303-307 Still Life, as genre 304 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, The Physiology of Taste Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, Consider Oyster Flaubert, Gustave, feast scenes in Salammb Nasturtium Snyders, Frans, Still Life with Meat Basket Taxidermy, history of, in 19th century Brazil 304-305 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, on tables laid 305 Beard, William Holbrook, The Fishmonger Bray, Joseph de, In Praise of Herring Brillat-Savarin, Jean Amthelme, descriptions of grilled animal flesh by Brueghel, Jan, The Four Seasons Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Mock Turtle Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, on carving fowl Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, How to Cook a Wolf Horror vacui 305-306 Brueghel, Jan, naming in 306 Brueghel, Jan, The Four Elements Brueghel, Jan, obsessive layering of detail in Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, An Alphabet for Gourmets Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, Consider the Oyster Harnett, William Michael, For Sundays Dinner Quail eggs Romano, Giulio, Eros and Psyche Hall as still life with satyrs Strangler fig Walscapelle, Jacob van, Spices from the New Indies Yellow-tipped stingfish 306-307 Walscapelle, Jacob van, Plums and Figs Ripening on a Windowsill, Attracting Flies and Bees 307 German cockroaches Index, as menu Landseer, Sir Edwin, Looking for Crumbs from the rich Mans Table Lavender Olfactory glands Ovenbird Priapus Sea urchin 307-310 Horror vacui 308 309 Harris, Joel Chandler, Turnip Salad as a Text Parasites 310 Beard, William Holbrook, Carving the Turkey


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Sskind, Patrick, Perfume 310-311 Manet, Edouard, Salmon, Pike and Shrimp 310-312 Bcklin, Arnold, Satyr Feasting 311 Manet, Edouard, Asparagus Still Life, as genre 312 Ark, The, as occasion for grouping and naming Heem, Cornelis de, A Still Life of Fruit with Grapes, Cherries, Raspberries, Peaches, a Peeled Orange and a Bowl of Plums, on a Ledge Heem, Cornelis de, A Still Life of Fruits and Oysters on a Pewter Plate and in a Blue and White Bowl, All on a Ledge Still Life, as collection Witte, Emmanuel De, Fish Market 313 314 315 Horror vacui 316 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, on gardens and gardening Way, Andrew John Henry, Red Grapes and Green Grapes 317 Collection, private Obsessive-compulsive disorders Paddlefish Peale, Rembrandt, A Desert Verhoesen, Albertus, Poultry by a Ruin in an Extensive Landscape 317-318 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, Allegory of the Four Elements 317-318 Horror vacui 318 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, Allegory of the Four Seasons Cookbooks, as lexicon Passion fruit 319 Peto, John Frederick, Back from the Hunt Rijn, Rembrandt Harmensz van, Slaughtered Ox Spring peeper 319-320 Tufted titmouse, Billat-Savarin on the roasted flesh of 319-121 Greenaway, Peter, banquet sequences in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife and Her Lover 319-322 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, The Physiology of Taste 320 321 Aquarium, Allegory of Water as Aquarium, profusion and diversity in Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, on pleasures of a well-laid table Majore, Frank, Beyond the Reef Majore, Frank, Scent Redon, Odilon, Animals of the Sea Redon, Odilon, Sea Anemones 321-322 Brueghel, Jan, Allegory of Sight 322 Obsessive-compulsive disorders Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Actaeon 322-323 Actaeon 322-323 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 323 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, editorializing in Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, naming in Whistler, James McNeill, The Peacock Room 323-324 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, humor of 324 Actaeon Ants Cookbooks, profusion and diversity in 324-325 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, Big Fish Eat Little Fish


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324-326 Bosch, Hieronymus, beaks, claws, tails and teeth in 325 Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, Here Let Us Feast 325-326 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, The Magpie on the Gallows 326 Brueghel, Jan, naming in Ginger root Horror vacui Larson, Gary, The Far Side, God Creates the Animals, Hmmmmmm...not bad, not bad at all....Well, now I guess Id better make some things to eat you guys Larson, Gary, Now Edgars gone....Something must be going on around here Valkenburg, Dirck, Dead Hare Hanging from a Hook 327 Bomarzo Park Brueghel, Jan, as collector Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, naming in Grottoes Ligorio, Piero, decomposition as composition in Peraa Signorelli, Luca, deformation and transformation in 327-329 Brueghel, Jan, Allegory of Sight 328 Brueghel, Jan, depiction as theoretical enterprise in 329 329-331 Kessel, Jan van, The Reversed World (Showing the Aftermath of the Hares Defeat of the Human Race 330 331 Honeysuckle 332 Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, naming in Carracci, Annibale, The Butchers Shop 332-334 Horror vacui 333 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, The Physiology of Taste Obsessive-compulsive disorders 333-334 Brueghel, Jan, shell-littered shore in Jonah Rising from the Mouth of the Whale 333-334 Yellow snapper 334 Crivelli, Carlo, liquidity of blood and tears in Jonah, in the whale, depictions of 334-337 Crivelli, Carlo, exaggerated naturalism of fauna and flora by 335 Crivelli, Carlo, flies and gourds Jonah, in the whale, descriptions of Vulture 336 Crivelli, Carlo, garlands in Madonna and Child 337 Cornucopia, descriptions of Crivelli, Carlo, flies and gourds Obsessive-compulsive disorders 338 Cornucopia, depictions of Leemans, Johannes, Hunting Implements Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), on sheep and shepherds 339 Vinci, Leonardo da, Lady with an Ermine, little eyes of 339-340 Vinci, Leonardo da, Lady with an Ermine 339-342 Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), Georgics, on bees and beekeeping 340 Reubens, Peter Paul, crocodile in Hippopotamus Hunt 340-341 Signorelli, Luca, tactility of flesh in The Last Judgment 340-342 Reubens, Peter Paul, rendering of claws, gums, hooves, teeth and tongues in Boar Hunt and Lion Hunt compared 340-344 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 341 Bomarzo Park Grottoes


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Ligorio, Piero, on hyphenation Northern sea robin Signorelli, Luca, wings rendered by Talons 342 Dogfish 343 Larvae 344 Grotesque, The, exaggeration as Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), transformation sequences 344-344 Ligorio, Piero, painted and sculpted grotesques at Villa Pea 344-347 Gaud, Antonio, on the Grotesque 344-347 Inbreeding, deformities, eccentricities and singularities produced by 344-345 Grotesque, The, deformity as 344-346 Mirbeau, Octave, Torture Garden 344-351 Grotesque, The, as genre 344-356 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 345 Cocteau, Jean, on the Grotesque Creature from the Black Lagoon (Jack London) Gaud, Antonio, Guell, Park German cockroaches Heade, Martin Johnson, Gremlins in the Studio (with Frederic Church) It Came from Beneath the Sea (Robert Gordon) Mermaids, hyphenations and Mirbeau, Octave, bloodstain on moss Pentheus, depictions of Pentheus, descriptions of Rosa, Salvator, on the Grotesque Slugs 345-346 Centaur, depictions of 345-346 Mirbeau, Octave, on variety of tortures employing starving rodents 345-347 Centaur, as hybrid 345-348 Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Caprice, The Sleep of Reason Produces Monsters 346 Ants Giger, H.R., designs for Alien Grotesque, The, singularity as Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), transformation sequences Mirbeau, Octave, flesh-eating peacocks 346-347 Gaud, Antonio, dragons, frogs, lizards, spiders, toads in 346-347 Ghirlandaio, Domenico, grandfathers nose in Portrait of an Old Man and his Grandson 347 Albright, Ivan, surface as scar tissue in Ark, The, exclusion and inclusion in Grotesque, The, difference as Grotesque, The, individuality as Hugo, Victor, singularity as deformity Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Scent-imental Over You Knopff, Fernand, Medusa Asleep Ligorio, Piero, painted and sculpted grotesques at Villa Pia Maggots Mirbeau, Octave, maggots Pontormo, Jacopo da, and the Grotesque 347-348 Wizard of Oz, The (Victor Fleming), flying monkeys in 347-348 Wizard of Oz, The (Victor Fleming), talking apple trees in 347-349 Grotesque, The, as product of imagination 347-349 Succubi, depictions 348 Rosa, Salvatore, on the Grotesque


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348-350 Succubi, as metaphor 349 Adam Autopsies, depictions Grotesque, The, hyphenation as Inbreeding, deformities, eccentricities and singularities produced by Adam, and serpent Daphne, descriptions of Horror vacui Troglodyte Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (Peter Bogdanovich as Derek Thomas) 349-354 St. Antony, hybrids in 349-354 St. Antonys Fire, as agent of transformation 350 Arachne, her transformation Succubi, descriptions of 351 Actaeon, transformation of Assassin bug Slime 351-353 St. Antonys Fire, visions accompanying 352 Alighieri, Dante: The Inferno: translations of in picture Arachne, descriptions of Arachne, her tapestry: Melantho and the Dolphin 352-353 Vinci, Leonardo da, Leda 352-354 Kafka, Franz, on transformation 352-357 Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 353 Arachne, her tapestry: Leda and the Swan Leda, depictions of Perseus, descriptions of 353-354 Arachne, her tapestry: Ceres and the Stallion 353-355 Alighieri, Dante: The Inferno: translations of in word 354 Ddalus, descriptions of Fellini, Federico, on the Grotesque Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, wings and webbed feet in The Flying Dog Horror vacui Icarus, description of Kafka, Franz, descriptions of insects by Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, descriptions of insects by 354-355 Hermaphrodites, as hybrids 355-357 Arachne, depictions of 355 Arachne, her tapestry: Antiope and the Satyre Bosch, Hieronymus, The Temptation of St. Antony Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, hybrids in Chameleon, as shape-shifter Encyclopedia, as depository Gall, Emile, Dragonfly Vase Gaud, Antonio, on the Grotesque Gaud, Antonio, on hybrids Gibson, William, hybrids in Griffin, as hybrid Hermaphrodites, mysteries surrounding Jackal, as hybrid Landseer, Thomas, Lion-Tiger Hybrid Medusa, as hybrid Moreau, Gustave, androgyny and hybridization in Moreau, Gustave, winged creatures in


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Morris, Jan (James), as shape-shifter Pegasus, descriptions of Pew, Pep le, experiments in inter-species breeding by Poe, Edgar Allan, Four Beasts in One Poe, Edgar Allan, The Homo-Camelopard Quest for Fire (Jean-Jacques Annaud) Samaras, Lucas, as satyr Sphinx, The, as hybrid Swanwick, Michael, on variety of off-planet life forms 355-356 Grotesque, The, hybrids as 355-356 Samaras, Lucas, as shapeshifter 355-356 Samaras, Lucas, Transformations 356 Arachne, her tapestry: The Rape of Europa Bottin, Rob, transformation sequences for The Howling Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), cake and elixir as agents of transformation Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), on disorientation caused by shifts in scale Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), shape shifting in Ddalus, as agent of transformation Ddalus, wings designed by Hermaphrodites, depictions of Hermaphrodites, hyphenation and Icarus, wings of Hermaphrodites, as mixed metaphor Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Ddalus and Icarus Samaras, Lucas, as hermaphrodite Werewolf, depictions of Werewolf, descriptions of 356-357 Fellini, Federico, hermaphrodite sequence in Satyricon 356-358 German cockroaches 357 Arachne, her transformation Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Cheshire Cat Dor, Paul-Gustave, Little Red Riding Hood Gaud, Antonio, on hybrids Leda, hybrids and Little Red Riding Hood, depicitons of Little Red Riding Hood, descriptions of Redon, Odilon, Pegasus Captive Redon, Odilon, The Spider Stink bug 357-358 Rops, Felicien, hybrids in 357-358 Redon, Odilon, hyphenation and 358 Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, hybrids in Cosimo, Piero di, hybrids in Duck, Daffy, transformations of Rops, Felicien, grafting in 359 Ballard, J.G., composition and decomposition in Duck, Daffy, beak, feet and wings of Horror vacui Nutty Professor, The (Jerry Lewis), pet mynah as hybrid Pal, George, The Time Machine, blue fruit in future garden 360 Dali, Salvadore, shapeshifting in St. George, as dragon slayer, depictions of St. George, as dragon slayer, descriptions of 361 Albinos


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Belladonna 361-363 Freaks (Tod Browning) 361-374 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 362 Bosch, Hieronymus, hyphenation in Centaur, hyphenation and Mermaids, descriptions of Mermaids, as hybrids 362-363 St. Michael, as dragonslayer, descriptions of 363 Cat People (Jacques Tourneur), transformation sequences St. Michael, as dragonslayer, depicitons of 364 364-365 Griffin, hyphenation and 365 366 Bcklin, Arnold, hybrid in 367 Clampett, Bob, Porky in Wackyland Horror vacui Pontormo, Jacopo da, rendering of eyes and nails by 368 Cocoons Lynch, David, bloodlust, pus and pustules in Dune Lynch, David, The Elephant Man Polyphemus, descriptions 368-369 Polyphemus, depictions of 368-369 Polyphemus, eyebrow, various solutions to rendering of 369 369-370 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 370 371 372 372-373 Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Don Siegel), transformation sequences 373 Baker, Rick, transformation sequences for An American Werewolf in London Herzog, Werner, shapeshifters and lizards in Fata Morgana Invasion of the Body Snatchers (Philip Kaufman), transformation sequences Orpheus, descriptions of Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Orpheus and Eurydice Proteus, as shape-shifter Werewolf, depictions of 373-375 Kafka, Franz, on transformation 373-375 Proteus, protean nature of 373-376 Proteus, as transformation personified 374 Hydra, The, teeth as agents of transformation Jeter, K.W., Dr. Adder, experiments and innovations by Narcissus, transformation of Ovid (Publius Ovidus Naso), Meleager and the Boar Proteus, secrets of the deep known by Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, donkey transformation sequence 374-375 Jeter, K.W., Dr. Adder, Adder as agent of transformation 374-376 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 374-376 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on transformation 374-378 Bosch, Hieronymus, The Garden of Earthly Delights 375-376 Ants 375-378 Circe, depictions of 375 Cerberus, as mutation Dali, Salvadore, ants in Gargoyle


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Gould, Stephen Jay, on sibling mating Hyacinthus, transformation of Incredible Shrinking Man, The (Jack Arnold), luminescent mist sequence Kafka, Franz, descriptions of insects by Russel, Ken, Altered States Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 376 Circe, descriptions of Medusa, as agent of transformation Narcissus, descriptions of Russell, Ken, Gothic Swift, Jonathan, Houyhnhnms described Winston, Stan, transformation sequence for T2 376-377 Medusa, depictions of 376-377 Merisi, Michelangelo (Caravaggio), Medusa 377 Gargoyle Medusa, descriptions of 377-379 Nutty Professor, The (Jerry Lewis), elixir as agent of transformation 378 Circe, as agent of transformation Russell, Ken, The Devils 378-379 Pierce, Jack P., transformation sequence for The Werewolf of London 378-379 Werewolf, depictions of 378-380 Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), flora and fauna in Gibson, William 378-380 Werewolf, descriptions of 379 Howling, The (Joe Dante) Obsessive-compulsive disorders Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses 379-382 Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), atmosphere in 380 Fuseli, John Henry, Titanias Awakening and other translations from A Midsummer Nights Dream Rosa, Salvatore, Witches and their Incantations Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 380-384 Horror Vacui 381 381-382 Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), dew drops in 382 Dadd, Richard, Titania Sleeping and other pictures based on A Midsummer Nights Dream Nutty Professor, The (Jerry Lewis), elixir as agent of transformation 383 384 Fly, The (Durt Neumann), Help me! sequence Fly, The (David Cronenberg), maggot birth sequence Obsessive-compulsive disorders 384-385 An American Werewolf in London (John Landis), transformation sequences 384-385 Werewolf, depictions of 385 386 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 386-387 Werewolf, descriptions of 387 388 Fuseli, John Henry, The Nightmare Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, Saturn Devouring his Children 389 Cocteau, Jean, Beauty and the Beast Succubi, depictions of 389-393 Horror vacui 390 391 392


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392-395 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 393 394 395 396 397 German cockroaches 398 Altered States (Ken Russell), hallucinatory drug as agent of evolutionary regression 399-413 Encyclopedia, as collection 400 Museum, as exposition 400-402 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 400-407 Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia 400-407 Encyclopedia, Diderots 401 Ants Collection, private Collector, The (William Wyler) Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, as collector Museums, effects of excavation on Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), as collector Soane, Sir John, as collector Still Life, as compilation Verne, Jules, specimen vitrines, paintings and shell collection 401-413 Diderot, Denis, on collection 402 Bestiary, as collection Cuvier, Georges, as collector 402-404 Diderot, Denis, collections of 402-404 Collection, exclusion and inclusion in selection of 402-404 Museums, exclusion and inclusion in selection for 402-404 Still Life, naming and 402-404 exclusion and inclusion in selection for 403 Collection, as closed and/or open set Curiosity cabinet, as set of associations Diderot, Denis, Index Encyclopedia, as list 403-405 Encyclopedia, as index 403-405 Still Life, as collection 403-409 Curiosity cabinet, as list 404 Collector, The (William Wyler) Luna moth Obsessive-compulsive disorders 404-409 Collection, as compilation 404-406 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, as collector 405 Curiosity cabinet, selection as subject matter in Encyclopedia, as depository Encyclopedia, Encyclopedia Britannica Encyclopedia, The World Book Encyclopedia Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, rock and fossil collections of 405-407 Esseintes, Duc Jean Loressas des, libraries of 405-407 Libraries, private 406 Brueghel, Jan, Allegory of Sight Curiosity cabinet, as catalogue Diderot, Denis, as collector 406-410 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy 407 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on taxonomy Horror vacui


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407-409 Ants 407-409 Noah, as collector 407-409 Encyclopedia, as list 407 Adam, naming of animals Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, as collector Collection, exclusion and inclusion in selection of Dick, Philip K., on obsessive-compulsive behavior 407-409 Ark, The, as collection 407-409 Encyclopedia, naming and 408 Galen Murray, James Augustus Henry, lexicographical theories of 408-410 Encyclopedia, profusion and diversity in 408-410 Murray, James Augustus Henry, collections of 408-411 Museums, taxonomy 408-412 Collection, presentation of specimen in 408-412 Encyclopedia, taxonomy and 408-412 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on collection 408-412 Museums, presentation of specimen in 408-412 Soane, Sir John, on collecting 408-412 Zoo, presentation of specimen in 409 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, as collector Museums, vitrines in Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), as collector Soane, Sir John, as collector 409-410 Museums, of Natural History 409-411 Zoo, as metaphor 410 Anatomical illustration, history of in Avignon Aquarium, as collection Ark, The, as occasion for listmaking Botanical gardens, as list Botanical illustration, collections of Collector, obsessions of Cookbooks, as collection Curiosity cabinet, specimen drawers as Dali, Salvadore, The Pharmacist of Ampurian in Search of Absolutely Nothing Encyclopedia, as compilation Encyclopedia, miniaturization and Horror vacui Murray, James Augustus Henry, pigeonholes Still Life, as collection View-Master, catalogue of seven-scene reels Zoo, as collection Zoo, taxonomy and 410-411 View-Master, as collection 410-412 Collection, as catalogue 410-412 Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, profusion and diversity in 410-413 Collectors, addictions developed by 411 Aquarium, preservation and Diderot, Denis, collections of Huntington Library, Art Gallery and botanical Gardens, The, as collection of collections Index, as collection Libraries, card catalogues as Libraries, as metaphor Museums, as bazaar


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Museums, vitrines in Taxidermy, collections of View-Master, profusion and diversity in Zoological illustration, collections of 411-412 Samaras, Lucas, as collector 411-413 Encyclopedia, exclusion and inclusion in selection for 412 Anatomical illustration: as genre Books of Hours, as list Botanical illustration, as genre Brueghel, Jan, as collector Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, taxonomy and Diderot, Denis, on encyclopedic enterprise Huysmans, Joris-Karl, on collecting Index, as compilation Medical photography, as genre Museums, attics and basements of Spix, Johann Baptist von, as collector Still Life, profusion and diversity in Zoological illustration, history of, in 19th century England and Germany 412-413 Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as editorial on collection and connoisseurship 412-417 Collectors, selection processes of 413 Cronenberg, David, the Brundle Museum of Natural History sequence in The Fly Diderot, Denis, on relations between picture and word Fly, The (David Cronenberg), The Brundle Museum Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as phylum 413-414 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, as collector 414 Grimm, Jacob and William, as collectors Horror vacui Index, as inventory Johnson, Samuel, on collecting Laboratories, as lists 415 Adam Anatomical illustration, history of in 18th century France Arcimboldo, Giuseppe, as listmaker Bestiary, history of in 18th century England Books of Hours, as collection Books of Hours, a list Brueghel, Jan, as listmaker Brueghel, Pieter the Elder, as listmaker Collection, as list Collectors, as packrats Cookbooks, as list Eden, Garden of, as occasion for listmaking and naming Gautier, Thophile, as listmaker Hewitson, William, C., A Catalogue of Specimens of Lycaenidia in the British Museum Huysmans, Joris-Karl, as listmaker Index, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Index, as list Index, as taxonomy Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, collections of Millhauser, Stephen, as listmaker Murray, James Augustus Henry, pigeonholes Museums, as list Noah, as occasion for listmaking


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St. Antony, descriptions of St. Antony, as occasion for listing and hyphenating Still Life, lists as Still Life, processional and recessional readings of Zoo, as list 415-416 Aquarium, as list 415-416 Collection, as closed and/or open set 415-416 Still Life, as collection 415-416 Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as list 415-422 Collection, as catalogue 416 Books of Hours, history of in 14th century Venice Buffon, Georges-Louis, Comte de, as collector Eden, Garden of, as metaphor Hackel, Ernst, Phylum Index, as checklist Lexicography, as taxonomy Museums, as data base 416-417 Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, diagrams explaining and naming 417 Aquarium, private Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, collections of Goodes, Edward Ashton, Fantasy of the Aquarium Index, as collection Obsessive-compulsive disorders Soane, Sir John, collections of Still Life, selection as subject matter in Zoo, private 417-419 Museums, depictions of 417-422 Lexicography, as genre 418 Bestiary, as lexicon Greenaway, Peter, Prosperos Books 418-422 Murray, James Augustus Henry, as collector of words 419 Adam Aquarium, as depository Ark, The, depictions of Brueghel, Jan, Adam and Eve in Paradise (with Peter Reubens) Cornucopia as list Laboratories, descriptions of Laboratories, as lexicons Lexicography, history of, in Antiquity Linnaeus, Carolus, Bibliotheca Botanica Museums, as depository Museums, of Natural History Noah, as collector Orpheus, depictions of Paleontological illustration, collections of Reubens, Peter Paul, Adam and Eve in Paradise (with Jan Brueghel) Zoo, as depository Zoo, as lexicon 419-421 Aquarium, public 419-421 Ark, The, descriptions of 419-421 Lexicography, as collecting 419-421 Index, as lexicon 419-421 Museums, Victoria and Albert 419-421 Zoo, public


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419-422 Lexicography, history of, in 16th century Rome 420 Botanical gardens, as lexicon Index, as collection Lexicography, in theory Linnaeus, Carolus, taxonomies of Murray, James Augustus Henry, The Oxford English Dictionary Seba, Albert, Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri 420-421 Flaubert, Gustave, as lexicographer in Dictionary of Received Ideas 420-421 Johnson, Samuel, Preface to the English dictionary 422 Pal, George, library sequence 420-422 Collection, as lexicon 420-422 Diderot, Denis, Preface 420-422 Encyclopedia, Diderots 420-422 Encyclopedia, as lexicon 420-422 Harbison, Robert, on catalogues and museums 420-422 Lexicography, as taxonomy 420-424 Johnson, Samuel, as lexicographer 420-424 Murray, James Augustus Henry, lexicographical theories of 420-424 Museums, of Natural History 421 Aquarium, as lexicon Aquarium, as museum Collection, preservation and German cockroaches Lexicography, history of, in Antiquity Lexicography, history of, in 6th century China Linnaeus, Carolus, on taxonomy Linnaeus, Carolus, Systema Naturae Museums, preservation and Peterson, Roger Tory, as collector Peterson, Roger Tory, A Field Guide to the Birds 421-423 Still Life, as compilation 421-423 View-Master, as encyclopedic array 422 Aquarium, as library Aquarium, presentation of specimens in Botanical gardens, as library Collection, as depository Diderot, Denis, on encyclopedic enterprise Encyclopedia, taxonomy and Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, libraries of Index, arbitrariness of Johnson, Samuel, as collector Lexicography, history of, in 9th century Persia Lexicography, history of, in 12th century Japan Lexicography, history of, in 15th century Byzantium Libraries, as allegory Libraries, as collection Museums, as allegory Museums, as collection Museums, depictions of Museums, effects of excavation on Museums, taxonomy and Pal, George, The Time Machine, library sequence Still Life, variety and singularity in 422-424 Botanical gardens, as collection


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422-424 Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, Nautiluss library and drawing room 422-424 Verne, Jules, specimen vitrines, paintings and shell collection 422-425 Encyclopedia, as library 422-425 Museums, as encyclopedia 422-426 Libraries, taxonomy and 422-428 Collection, taxonomy and 423 Ants Collection, public Index, as network of associations Linnaeus, Carolus, Museum Tessinianum Murray, James Augustus Henry, The Oxford English Dictionary 424 Bton, Robert, collections of Museums, Victoria and Albert Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), as collector Peterson, Roger Tory, as collector Zoo, taxonomy and 424-425 Lexicography, as genre 424-426 Eden, Garden of, profusion and diversity in 424-426 Murray, James Augustus Henry, as collector of words 424-426 Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), collections of 425 Flaubert, Gustave, Bibliomania Lexicography, history of, in 14th century France Lexicography, history of, in 17th century Amsterdam Libraries, private 425-426 Lexicography, history of, in 20th century America 425-427 Banks, Sir Joseph, voyages of 426 Banks, Sir Joseph, as collector Bton, Robert, on collecting Bton, Robert, collections of Bton, Robert, as collector Blunt, Wilfred, The Dream King: Ludwig II of Bavaria Bride of Frankenstein, The (James Whale), Dr. Praetoriuss homunculi collection sequence Collection, as compilation Collection, as lexicon Desportes, Alexandre-Franois, Allegory of the Four Continents Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia Drer, Albrecht, Melancholia I as still life Encyclopedia, Diderots Encyclopedia, naming and Esseintes, duc Jean Floressas des, collections of Flaubert, Gustave, as collector of nouns Huysmans, Joris-Karl, as listmaker Huysmans, Joris-Karl, nouns and proper nouns in Lofting, Hugh, The Story of Dr. Dolittle Millhauser, Stephen, The Barnum Museum Obsessive-compulsive disorders Packrat Peterson, Roger Tory, A Field Guide to the Birds Soane, Sir John, collections of View-Master, as collection 426-427 Banks, Sir Joseph, collections of 426-427 Books of Hours, collections of 426-427 Millhauser, Stephen, on collecting


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426-428 Lexicography, as collecting 426-429 Gautier, Thophile, as collector of nouns 427 Curiosity cabinet, as list Levi-Strauss, Claude, as collector Lexicography, effects of excavation on Lexicography, effects of travel on Lexicography, history of, in 18th century England, Germany and France Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, as collector Still Life, inventories as Still Life, selection as subject matter in 427-429 Horror vacui 428 Books of Hours, as lexicon Cookbooks, as lexicon Obsessive-compulsive disorders Petiver, James, collections of Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as editorial on collecting and connoisseurship 428-429 Curiosity cabinet, taxonomy and 429 Bouttats, Jacob, Phylum Flaubert, Gustave, as collector of nouns 430 431 Botanical gardens, as archive Botanical gardens, depictions of Botanical gardens, descriptions of Cookbooks, description as still life in 431-433 Museums, Victoria and Albert 431-435 Museums, of Natural History 432 Botanical gardens, as museum Botanical gardens, presentation of specimen in Index, as assemblage Libraries, presentation of specimen in 433 434 German cockroaches 435 436 Collectors, eyes of 436-437 Bestiary, as collection 437 as catalogue 438 Diorama, as genre 439 Ark, The, taxonomy and Index, as gazetteer Libraries, as allegory Libraries, profusion and diversity in Museums, as allegory 440 Botanical gardens, naming and Libraries, of Babel Libraries, as metaphor 441 Libraries, off Alexandria 441-442 Libraries, public 441-442 Museums, as collection 441-448 Collection, as catalogue 441-449 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 442 Index, as archive Libraries, variety and singularity in Obsessive-compulsive disorders Zoo, as collection


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Zoo, public 442-444 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on taxonomy 443 Ark, The, as occasion for grouping and naming Horror vacui 443-448 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy 444 Still Life, as metaphor 445 445-446 Libraries, preservation and 445-456 Botanical gardens, preservation and 446 Books of Hours, as collection Index, as data base Index, as menu Museums, of Natural History 446-448 Collectors, predatory habits of 446-448 Eden, Garden of, as collection 446-448 Index, as genre 446-449 Ark, The, taxonomy and 446-449 Collector, obsessions of 447 Collectors, as foragers Index, as metaphor Linnaeus, Carolus, Philosophia Botanica Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, as collector Murray, James Augustus Henry, pigeonholes 447-448 Aquarium, taxonomy and 447-448 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, on collecting 447-449 Collectors, pathological behavior of 447-449 Linnaeus, Carolus, taxonomies of 447-451 Index, as taxonomy 448 Adam Audubon, John James, as collector Blunt, Wilfred, The Dream King: Ludwig II of Bavaria Botanical gardens, taxonomy and Brunery, Francois, The Ecclesiastical Taxidermist Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, discretion in still lifes of Collectors, retention practiced by Diderot, Denis, as collector Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia Diorama, descriptions of Diorama, still life Encyclopedia, Diderots Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on collecting Foucault, Michel, The Order of Things Foucault, Michel, as taxonomist Gould, Stephen Jay, taxonomy Harbison, Robert, Eccentric Spaces Index, as collection of Majore, Frank, Hornets Nest Murray, James Augustus Henry, collections of Museums, depictions of Noah, taxonomy and Peterson, Roger Tory, on ordering Peterson, Roger Tory, vertical listing employed by Soane, Sir John, on collecting Still Life, as collection


Index Project
Still Life, as genre Still Life, as metaphor Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as editorial on collecting and connoisseurship 448-449 Books of Hours, taxonomy and 448-449 Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, Nautiluss library and drawing room 448-449 View-Master, catalogue of seven-scene reels 448-449 View-Master, profusion and diversity in 448-450 Zoo, taxonomy and 448-452 Lexicography, as taxonomy 449 Collectors, curiosity of Cook, Captain James, on naming as claiming Cookbooks, taxonomy in Eden, Garden of, botanical gardens as Esseintes, duc Jean Floressas des, collections of Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, as collector Night of the Hunter (Charles Laughton), fauna and flora in river dream sequence Obsessive-compulsive disorders Orpheus, compared to Adam and Noah Soane, Sir John, collections of Soane, Sir John, as collector 449-450 Index, as inventory 449-451 Collection, public 449-451 Collectors, addictions developed by 449-451 Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens, The, as collection of collections 449-451 Still Life, depiction and 449-451 Still Life, as description 449-453 Curiosity cabinet, as still life 449-454 Curiosity cabinet, history of 449-454 Still Life, arrangement as subject matter in 449-454 Still Life, selection as subject matter in 449-456 Still Life, history of 450 Collection, as depository Hondecoeter, Melchior D, The Floating Feather Linnaeus, Carolus, on taxonomy 450-451 Hugo, Victor, text as texture in 450-452 Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, naming in 450-452 Cookbooks, description as still life in 450-456 Cookbooks, as list 451 Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, Dog and Game Collectors, pathological behavior of Hugo, Victor, on spreading stains Silky mudlark Water strider 451-452 Horror vacui 451-453 Curiosity cabinet, selection as subject matter in 451-453 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, tactility of prose 451-453 Still Life, as occasion for contemplation 451-454 Still Life, variety and singularity in 451-456 Still Life, atmosphere as subject matter in 452 Anatomical illustration, as product of direct observation Books of Hours, detail in Books of Hours, still life and Collection, inventories of Cookbooks, profusion and diversity in


Index Project
Curiosity cabinet, as set of associations Herzog, Werner, ergot as agent of transformation in Heart of Glass Hugo, Victor, on accidents in nature and in ink Huysmans, Joris-Karl, on naming Index, naming and Lexicography, as collecting Lexicography, as genre Lexicography, as still life Marks, Henry Stacey, genre scenes as meta-still life Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, imagistic prose of Museums, inventories and Museums, as department store Naming, as invention Paleontological illustration, graphic innovations of Paleontological illustration, history of, in late 19th century Still Life, as microcosm Still Life, preservation and Zoological illustration, as product of direct observation 452-453 Anatomical illustration, history of in 17th century Hollanc 452-453 Marks, Henry Stacey, The Ornithologist 452-453 Peto, John Frederick, processional space in 452-454 Still Life, as collection 452-459 Collection, still life as 452-461 Naming, depiction as 453 Anatomical illustration, graphic innovations of Bestiary, history of in 19th century France Curiosity cabinet, as museum Hugo, Victor, language as land in washes of Laboratories, depictions of Laboratories, as palettes Museums, The Smithsonian Institution, as curiosity cabinet Palmer, Samuel, as text in watercolors of 453-455 Still Life, naming and 453-456 Still Life, as metaphor 453-458 Still Life, depiction and 453-458 Still Life, as description 454 Chardin, Jean-Batiste-Simon, The Skate Curiosity cabinet, presentation as subject matter in Formaldehyde Fyt, Jan, spatial disorientation induced by 454-455 Barde, A.I. Leroy de, vertical listing 454-455 Fyt, Jan, Still-life with Dog and Cat 454-455 Laboratories, as still lifes 454-455 Walscapelle, Jacob van, Plums and figs Ripening on a Windowsill, Attracting Flies and Bees 454-456 Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as still life 455 Curiosity cabinet, as array of miscellany Samaras, Lucas, Boxes Still Life, as allegory Walscapelle, Jacob van, Spices from the New Indies 455-457 Still Life, processional and recessional readings of 456 Collectors, noses of 456-457 Botanical gardens, public 456-457 Waterton, Charles, Wanderings in South America, flora and fauna described 456-458 Cornucopia, depictions of


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457 Curiosity cabinet, presentation as subject matter in Fisher, Mary Francis Kennedy, on pleasures of a well-laid table German cockroaches Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, as collector Heade, Martin Johnson, naming in Huxley, Aldous, The Doors of Perception, description of Belle of Portugal rose Momper, Joost de, Still Life with Fig and Snakes Still Life, arrangement as subject matter in Still Life, as occasion for contemplation Way, Andrew John Henry, Red Grapes and Green Grapes 457-459 Merisi, Michelangelo (Caravaggio), Basket of Fruit 457-459 Still Life, as occasion for concentrated gaze 458 Naming, detail as Rouppolo, Giovan Battista, Still Life with Fruit and Lizard 458-459 Fabritius, Carel, The Goldfinch, as both emblem and picture 458-459 Index, as still life 458-462 Curiosity cabinet, variety and singularity in 459 Kessel, Jan van, naming in Merisi, Michelangelo (Caravaggio), Boy Bitten by a Lizard Schrieck, Otto Marseus van, A Still Life with Insects and Reptiles Still Life, naming and Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, as still life Zoo, as ark 459-467 Still Life, as genre 459-461 Anatomical illustration, processional and/or recessional readings of 459-461 Moreau, Gustave, land as language in watercolors of 459-461 Still Life, anatomical illustration as 459-462 Flaubert, Gustave, description as depiction in 459 Aquarium, variety and singularity in Ark, The, zoos as Bresdin, Rodolphe, description as inscription in Encyclopedia, relations of pictures and texts in Gibson, William, description as depiction in Heem, Cornelis de, A Still Life of Fruit with Grapes, Cherries, Raspberries, Peaches, a Peeled Orange and a Bowl of Plums, on a Ledge Heem, Cornelis de, Still Life with Parrots Steenwyck, Harmen, An Allegory of the Vanities of Human Life Watermelon Zoo, as Ark Zoo, variety and singularity in 459-461 Murch, Walter, texture as text in metaphysical still lifes of 459-461 Zoological illustration, processional and/or recessional readings 459-462 Gautier, Thophile, description as depiction in 460 Aquarium, as still life Bosch, Hieronymus, naming in Botanical gardens, profusion and diversity in Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, on tables laid Fatin-Latour, Henri, Roses in a Cup Heade, Martin Johnson, Magnolias Heade, Martin Johnson, Red Rose and Lilac in a Vase Libraries, profusion and diversity in Veerredael, Nicolaes van, Flowers in a Sculpted Urn with a Red Admiral Butterfly 460-463 Brueghel, Jan, depiction as theoretical enterprise in 460-463 Naming, detail as


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461 Botanical illustration, history of in 17th century Holland Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, on food in 17th century Flemish painting Collection, still life as Cornucopia, as clutter Curiosity cabinet, as assemblage Fatin-Latour, Henri, Hollyhocks Fatin-Latour, Henri, Pansies I Gall, Hieronymous, Flowers Heade, Martin Johnson, Egyptian Lotus Blossoms Heade, Martin Johnson, Orchid and Hummingbird After a Storm Huysum, Jan van, floral arrangements by Manet, Edouard, Flowers in a Glass Vase Nasturtium Peale, Rembrandt, as portrait as still life Redon, Odilon, Vase of Flowers with Butterflies Savery, Roelandt, An Arrangement of Flowers Still Life, as occasion for contemplation Vedder, Elihu, Pansies and Spirea Vinci, Leonardo da, Study of Flowers Werewolf of London (Stuart Walker), wolfbane by full moonlight still life sequence 461-462 Fabritius, Carel, as occasion for concentrated gaze 461-462 Huysum, Jan van, use of reds, yellows and greens 461-463 Alpers, Svetlana, The Art of Describing, on craft of representation 461-463 Drer, Albrecht, description as inscription in 461-463 Drer, Albrecht, Melancholia I as still life 461-463 Kessel, Jan van, Allegory of America as meta-still life 461-465 Bosch, Hieronymus, profusion and diversity in 462-464 Alpers, Svetlana, The Art of Describing, on depiction as theoretical enterprise 462 Aubriet, Claude: Peony Botanical gardens, variety and singularity in Eakins, Thomas, dissection as graphic craft Heade, Martin Johnson, Sunset, Tropical Marshes Ruysch, Rachel, A Vase of Flowers 462-463 Cornucopia, as metaphor 462-466 Ballard, J.G., description as depiction in 462-466 Still Life, as allegory 462-468 Emblems and the Emblematic, differentiated from picture and the pictorial 462-469 Collection variety and singularity in 463 Eden, Garden of, profusion and diversity in Eden, Garden of, variety and singularity in Ernst, Max, land as language in Europe After the Rain Peale, Raphaelle, Still Life Roestraten, Pieter Gerritsz van, Collection of Objects 463-464 Brueghel, Jan, variety and singularity in 464 Alma-Tadema, Sir Lawrence: The Roses of Heliogabalus Casteels, Pieter, A Gathering of Birds with a Peacock Casteels, Pieter, Swans, Ducks, Peacocks and Other Birds by an Ornamental Lake Encyclopedia, naming and Museums, as still life Tobacco, in 17th century Dutch still lifes 465 Museums, The Smithsonian Institution, as curiosity cabinet Still Life, framing as subject matter in Still Life, point of view as subject matter in 465-467 Encyclopedia, relations of pictures and texts in


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465-468 Cookbooks, profusion and diversity in 466 Collection, as catalogue Drer, Albrecht, description as inscription in Flaubert, Gustave, description as depiction in Sve, J.E. De, drawings for Encyclopdie Methodique Utrecht, Adrien van, Still Life with Cockatoo 467 Alpers, Svetlana, The Art of Describing, on depiction as theoretical enterprise Ants Botanical gardens, private Brueghel, Jan, shell-littered shore in Jonah Rising from the Mouth of the Whale Collection, private Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, collections of Fatin-Latour, Henri, Asters in a Vase Goodes, Edward Ashton, Fantasy of the Aquarium Plitteris, Jordaens, Still Life with Small Dogs Soane, Sir John, collections of Still Life, anatomical illustration as 467-469 Collection, as depository 467-469 Diderot, Denis, on encyclopedic enterprise 467-469 Libraries, as depositories 467-469 Museums, as depository 468 Aquarium, profusion and diversity in Collection, inventories of Cornucopia, as profusion and diversity Fatin-Latour, Henri, Chrysanthemums Murch, Walter, Study with Melon, Onion and Rock Museums, as bazaar 469-472 Delacroix, Eugene, The Death of Sardanapalus as still life 470 Ark, The, as still life Horror vacui 470-472 Encyclopedia, as library 471 Cornucopia, in still lifes 472 Ark, The, profusion and diversity in Collection, presentation of specimen in Museums, presentation of specimen in 473 Aquarium, variety and singularity in Harnett, William Michael, vertical listing in Zoo, variety and singularity in 474 Brillat-Savarin, Jean Anthelme, The Physiology of Taste 475 Fruit-of-the-Month Club Harnett, William Michael, After the Hunt Harnett, William Michael, For Sundays Dinner Harnett, William Michael, vertical listing in 476 Encyclopedia, taxonomy and Museums, taxonomy and 476-480 Encyclopedia, profusion and diversity in 477 Bilyius, Jacobus, rendering of paws Still Life, lists as 477-478 Bilyius, Jacobus, still lifes and game pieces of 478 Bilyius, Jacobus, rabbits underbellies in Noah, as occasion for listmaking 478-482 Still Life, profusion and diversity in 478-483 Still Life, variety and singularity 479 Goodwin, Richard Labarre, Hunting Still Life


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Horror vacui Libraries, profusion and diversity in Museums, nooks and crannies of Museums, as wunderkammer Still Life, inventories as Valkenburg, Dirck, Dead Hare Hanging from a Hook 479-481 German cockroaches 479-481 Still Life, as description 479-482 Still Life, depiction and 480 Grottoes Ligorio, Piero, moss-covered fountains at Villa dEste 480-482 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, as imagist 481 Collection, as catalogue Collection, variety and singularity in 481-483 Horror vacui 482 Huysmans, Joris-Karl, A Dish of Spice Index, profusion and diversity in Millhauser, Stephen, The Barnum Museum Peterson, Roger Tory, on profusion and diversity Zoo, profusion and diversity in 482-483 Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia 482-483 Encyclopedia, Diderots 482-484 Museums, profusion and diversity in 482-486 Still Life, framing as subject matter in 482-486 Still Life, point of view as subject matter in 482-488 Still Life, arrangement as subject matter in 483 Kessel, Jan van, profusion and diversity in Libraries, variety and singularity in 483-485 Still Life, as allegory 484 Index, as compilation 485 Museums, The Smithsonian Institution, as curiosity cabinet Samaras, Lucas, on apothecaries and flea markets as still lifes 486 Books of Hours, profusion and diversity in Hitchcock, Alfred, florists shop in Vertigo Kessel, Jan van, profusion and diversity in Libraries, presentation of specimen in Museums, as department store Pal, George, The Time Machine, library sequence 487 Collection, exclusion and inclusion in selection of Museums, depictions of Still Life, as collection Zoffany, Johann, Tibuna of the Uffizi, profusion and diversity in 487-489 Samaras, Lucas, on apothecaries and flea markets as still lifes 488 Orpheus, depictions of Still Life, depiction and Still Life, as metaphor View-Master, profusion and diversity 488-489 Lexicography, history of, in 17th century Amsterdam 488-490 Laboratories, depictions of 489 Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, as collector Index, profusion and diversity in Laboratories, as apothecaries Museums, of Natural History Museums, Victoria and Albert


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Soane, Sir John, as collector Still Life, profusion and diversity in 489-491 Ants 489-493 Drer, Albrecht, Melancholia I as still life 490 491 492 Laboratories, descriptions of 493 494 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, collections of 495 496 Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, collections of 497 Curiosity cabinet, profusion and diversity in 498 Zoological illustration, as product of direct observation 499 Collectors, obsessions of Horror vacui 499-502 Linnaeus, Carolus, Philosophia Botanica 500 501 502 Basket fungus Petiver, James, collections of Petiver, James, as collector Vinci, Leonardo da, as naturalist Zoological illustration , history of, in 16th century Italy Zoological illustration, history of, in 18th century England and France 502-503 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 502-504 Naming, description as 502-504 Pliny the elder (Caus Plinius Secundus) Historia Naturalis 502-504 Zoological illustration, as product of direct observation 503 Ants Axolotl Damesfly Naming, depiction as Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), as naturalist Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on origin of species Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 503-504 Muir, John, The Mountains of California 504 Blunt, Wilfred, The Art of Botanical Illustration Explorers Club, The 505 Zoological illustration, history of, in 18th century England and France 506 507 Horror vacui Linnaeus, Carolus, Flore Lapponica 508 509 Linnaeus, Carolus, Hortus Cliffortianus 510 Flaubert, Gustave, The Legend of St. Julian the Hospitator Zoological illustration, history of, in 17th century Germany 511 Collectors, obsessions of Horror vacui Obsessive-compulsive disorders Still Life, history of 511-512 Blunt, Wilfred, The Compleat Naturalist: A Life of Linnaeus 511-513 Smith, Bernard, European Vision and the South Pacific 512 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, as collector Collection, presentation of specimen in


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Collectors, predatory habits of Fellini, Federico, Professor Mercuriuss daughters sticking pins into insect specimens by the light of full moon sequence in Casanova German cockroaches Linnaeus, Carolus, Hortus Cliffortianus 512-513 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy 512-513 Parasites 512-514 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, as naturalist 512-514 Index, as taxonomy 512-521 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Histoire Naturelle 513 Linnaeus, Carolus, on sexuality of plants Linnaeus, Carolus, Systema Naturae 513-515 Linnaeus, Carolus, on taxonomy 514 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, rock and fossil collections of Linnaeus, Carolus, taxonomies of 514-516 Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, taxonomy and 514-518 Sve, J.E. De, illustrations for Buffons Histoire Naturelle 515 515-518 Collectors, retention practiced by 516 Linnaeus, Carolus, Bibliotheca Botanica 516-518 Blunt, Wilfred, The Art of Botanical Illustration 517 Bton, Robert, as collector Botanical illustration, collections of German cockroaches 518 519 Bauer, Francis, Exotic Plants Cultivated at Kew 519-521 Botanical illustrations, variety of accompanying texts 519-521 Linnaeus, Carolus, Flore Lapponica 520 Monnoyer, Jean-Baptiste, Still Life of Flowers in a Greek Ruin 521 522 Dogs-tooth violet Drer, Albrecht, The Great Piece of Turf 523 Armadillo Botanical illustrations, variety of accompanying texts Everard, Barbara, Wildflowers of the World Mexican Tiger-lilies Yggdrasil 523-526 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Monstrorum Historia 523-526 Botanical illustration, as genre 524 Aldrovandi, Ulisse Ornothologia Botanical gardens, descriptions of Botanical gardens, variety and singularity in Drer, Albrecht, as naturalist Hares-foot clover Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), translations of 524-525 Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), illustrations of 525 Blunt, Wilfred, The Art of Botanical Illustration Botanical gardens, depictions of Botanical illustration, history of in Antiquity Eden, Garden of, botanical gardens as Eden, Garden of, descriptions of Ehret, Georg Dionys, botanical illustrations of Gide, Andr, Travels in the Congo Huntington Library, Art Gallery and Botanical Gardens, The, as collection of collections


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Linnaeus, Carolus, Museum Tessinianum Yellow-horned poppy Zoo, presentation of specimen in 525-526 Museums, of Natural History 525-526 Museums, presentation of specimen in 525-527 Museums, Victoria and Albert 526 Bosch, Hieronymus, hybridized fauna in Botanical gardens, taxonomy and Botanical illustration, history of in 18th century Persia Buffon, George-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, Histoire Naturelle Drer, Albrecht, as naturalist 526-528 Pliny the Younger (Caus Plinius Caecilius Secundus), on villas and their gardens 527 Botanical gardens, depictions of Botanical illustration, history of in 18th century England Dadd, Richard, acorns, blades of grass, daisies, dewdrops in Dadd, Richard, The Fairey Fellers Master Stroke Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on scent Smith, Bernard, on history of botanical illustration 527-528 Bauer, Ferdinand, Illustrationes Florae Novae Hollandiae 527-529 Mirbeau, Octave, Torture Garden 528-529 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, Les Fleur du Mal 528 Bauer, Ferdinand, mysteries surrounding marginalia on plates XVII-XXIX Botanical illustration, history of in 10th century Spain Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by Encyclopedia, as collection Encyclopedia, as list Peale, Rembrandt, Rubens Peale with a Geranium 528-529 Emplems and the Emblematic, differentiated from pictures and the pictorial 528-529 Botanical illustration, history of in 19th and 20th century America 529 Ballard, J.G., fauna and flora in Belladonna Botanical gardens, as Eden Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, illustrations for Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Tiger Lily Collection, presentation of specimen in Corpse flower Cosimo, Piero di, horns and hornet nests in Hyacinth Midsummer Nights Dream, A (Max Reinhardt and William Dieterle), flora and fauna in Mirbeau, Octave, mutated flowers Redout, Pierre-Joseph, botanical illustrations of Still Life, as collection 529-531 Eden, Garden of, profusion and diversity in 529-531 Still Life, processional and recessional readings of 529-532 Botanical illustration, effects of exploration on 530 Ballard, J.G., fauna and flora in Botanical illustration, history of in 15th and 16th century Italy Botanical illustration, history of in 17th century Holland Botanical illustration, as product of direct observation Still Life, naming and Voodoo lily 530-532 Parkinson, Sydney, compositional and presentational modes developed by 530-534 Parkinson, Sydney, botanical drawings of 531 Bosch, Hieronymus, hybridized fauna in


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Eyewitness Books Fatin-Latour, Henri, Dahlias Kiwi Narcissus, descriptions of Red spider flower Time-Life Books 531-533 Botanical illustration, graphic innovations of 531-533 Botanical illustration, processional and/or recessional readings of 531-533 Still Life, botanical illustration as 532 Botanical illustration, as product of imagination 532-533 Botanical illustration, history of in 14th century France 532-533 Venus flytrap 532-534 Bosch, Hieronymus, imaginary flora in 533 Bates, Henry, The Naturalist on the River Amazon Botanical illustration, history of in 18th century England Botanical illustration, variety of accompanying texts Bouttats, Jacob, Phylum Buffon, Georges-Louis Leclerc, Comte de, illustrations for Edwards, William Henry, The Butterflies of North America Emblems and the Emblematic, differentiated from pictures and the pictorial Index, as collection Index, phylum as Magnificent frigate-bird Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), Metamorphoses Smith, Bernard, on history of botanical illustration 533-534 Botanical illustration, history of in 18th century France 533-535 Hackel, Ernst, Phylum 533-535 Jekyll, Gertrude, descriptions of flora by 533-536 Botanical gardens, profusion and diversity in 534 Ants Botanical gardens, as archive Botanical illustration, effects of photography on Dissection, descriptions of King of Saxony bird of paradise Majore, Frank, Two Roses Star-anise 535 Albinus, Bernard Siegfried, Tabulae Selecti Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, on color of flowers Fatin-Latour, Henri, Chrysanthemums Jekyll, Gertrude, on scent of soil Still Life, botanical illustration as Worms 535-537 Collection, public 536 Ants Botanical gardens, presentation of specimen in Incredible Shrinking Man, The (Jack Arnold), veins of leaf sequence Sapphos comet 537 538 Diorama, depictions of 538-540 Diorama, history of, in 18th century 539 Albatross Alpers, Svetlana: The Art of Describing, on depiction as theoretical enterprise Brueghel, Jan, as phylum Curiosity cabinet, specimen drawers as


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Diorama, descriptions of Jekyll, Gertrude, descriptions of flora by Journey to the Center of the Earth (Harry Levin), giant mushroom sequence Museums, depictions of One Million Years B.C. (Don Chaffey), Archeloon on beach sequence Palmer, Samuel, giant flowers Spanish moss, as compositional device 539-540 Bresdin, Rodolphe, formation of flora in The Good Samaritan 539-540 Bresdin, Rodolphe, texture and tactility of ink in 539-540 Yggdrasil 540 Collectors, retention practiced by Diorama, history of in 19th century 540-541 Diorama, museums and 540-541 Museums, dioramas in 541 541-544 Fungus 542 Collectors, predatory habits of Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), as collector Verne, Jules, specimen vitrines, paintings and shell collection 542-545 Verne, Jules, 20,000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, Nautiluss library and drawing room 542-547 Diorama, history of in 20th century 543 Cannibalism, descriptions of Collection, exclusion and inclusion in selection of German cockroaches Leafhopper Lexicographer, history of, in 18th century England, Germany and France Museums, exclusion and inclusion in selection for Museums, of Hunting and Nature Museums, as wunderkammer Uredospore 543-545 Naming, as claiming 543-546 Levi-Straus, Claude, as collector 544 Cocoons Cousteau, Jacques, undersea world of Museums, dioramas in 544-547 Diorama, museums and 545 Gothe, Johann Wolfgang von, Travels in Italy Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), as collector Verne, Jules, specimen vitrines, paintings and shell collection 545-556 Collection, taxonomy 546 Bog orchid Horror vacui Lexicography, effects of travel on 546-547 Museums, dioramas in 546-551 Cook, Captain James, voyages of 547 Cook, Captain James, shell and coral collections of Stone, Roger D., Dreams of Amazonia Verne, Jules, Journey to the Center of the Earth Wtelwael, Joachim, Perseus and Andromeda 547-549 Zoological illustration, history of, in 18th century England and France 548 Aldrovandi, Ulisse, Ornothologia Anaconda Crivelli, Carlo, exaggerated naturalism of fauna and flora by Dodo, as cultural archetype of extinction


Index Project
Dodo, metaphor for stupidity Gecko Herzog, Werner, Fitzcarraldo Hodges, William Morris, Jan (James), fauna and flora in Last Letters from Hav. Rogers, Captain Woodes, A Cruising Voyage Round the World Sloane, Sir Hans, Catalogue of Jamaican Plants Taxidermy, history of, in 18th century Europe Voyage of H.M.S. Rattlesnake, Including a Narrative of Discoveries and Surveys in New Guinea, the Louisade Archipelago, Etc., The 548-549 Zoological illustration, history of, in England and Germany 549 Brueghel, Jan, naturalism of Cook, Captain James, artists to the expeditions of Levi-Strauss, Claude, as collector Naming, as claiming Parasites Sloane, Sir Hans, Voyage to Jamaica 549-551 Kipling, Rudyard, anthropomorphism in 549-551 Anthropomorphism, history of 19th century England and Germany 549-551 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 549-552 Adam, naming of animals 549-552 Ark, The, depicitons of 549-552 Noah, as collector 549-552 Zoo, taxonomy and 549-553 Audubon, John James: The Birds of America 549-550 Audubon, John James, hunt for diversity and singularity by 550 Audubon, John James, as cataloguer Audubon, John James, The Days Catch Audubon, John James, on taxonomy California Poppy Desmarest, Anselme-Gaetan, Mannalogie Missing Link, The, African lungfish as Missing Link, The, coelocanth as Missing Link, The, lamprey as Missing Link, The, monotremes as Missing Link, The, pygmy shrew as Zoo, as metaphor 550-551 Bosch, Hieronymus, The Garden of Earthly Delights 551 Audubon, John Woodhouse, lithographs from drawings by Banks, Sir Joseph, voyages of Cook, Captain James, artists to the expeditions of Deapsea dragonfish Dodo, depictions of Gigantopithecus Gila monster Golden Field Guides Index, as taxonomy Lemming, mass hysteria and collective death of Lofting, Hugh, The Story of Dr. Dolittle McKimson, Bob, Swallow the Leader Missing Link, The, horseshoe crab as Pond scum Potter, Beatrix, anthropomorphism in Tortoise, Mr. Alderman Ptolomy


Index Project
Zoo, naming and 551-553 Collection, presentation of specimen in 551-553 Gould, Stephen Jay, on ontogeny and phylogeny 551-553 Zoo, preservation and 552 Ark, The, descriptions of Audubon, John James, as collector Audubon, John James, on naming Buuel, Luis, use of insects by Coatimundi Collection, as depository Collection, private Dali, Salvadore, ants in Descriptions of Gould, Stephen Jay, Biological Homage to Mickey Mouse Lexicography, history of, in 20th century America Maggots Noah, descriptions of Tiger mosquito Tsetse Fly 552-554 Bosch, Hieronymus, beaks, claws, tails and teeth in 552-554 Gould, Stephen Jay, on taxonomy 552-559 Darwin, Charles, The Descent of Man 552-559 Galapagos Islands, descriptions 553 Audubon, John James, as listmaker Boll weevil Dodo, depictions of Marks, Henry Stacey, The Ornithologist Seba, Albert, Locupletissimi Rerum Naturalium Thesauri Taxidermy, history of, in 16th century Portugal Ticks 553-555 Barde, A.I. Leroy de, Strange Birds Placed in Different Cases 554 Barde, A.I. Leroy de, processional space in Bosch, Hieronymus, hybridized fauna in Chambers, Robert, Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation Ddalus, wings designed by Icarus, wings of Pal, George, Loch Ness monster transformation sequence in 7 Faces of Dr. Lao World We Live In, The Zoo, naming and 554-555 Ovid (Plubius Ovidus Naso), on origin of species 554-556 Gould, Stephen Jay, biological Homage to Mickey Mouse 554-556 Vinci, Leonardo da, as naturalist 555 Chameleon, independent eye movements of Geometric tortoise, as occasion for speculation on random patterning and linearity in natural form Gould, Stephen Jay, on punctuated equilibrium Horror vacui Vinci, Leonardo da, Water Currents and Reeds 555-557 Anatomical illustration, as product of direct observation 556 Courbet, Gustave, After the Hunt Courbet, Gustave, Fox in the Snow Courbet, Gustave, Stag Landseer, Sir Edwin, The Hunted Stag Landseer, Sir Edwin, Looking for Crumbs from the Rich Mans Table Landseer, Thomas, Lion-Tiger Hybrid


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Parasites Red batfish Vinci, Leonardo da, Study of Horses Whip scorpion 556-557 Merian, Mathaeus, Historia Naturalis de Quadrupedibus 556-558 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 556-561 Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 556-567 Verne, Jules, The Mysterious Island 557 Edwards, William Henry, The Butterflies of North America Gould, Stephen Jay, on sibling mating Larvae Xenopus, claws on hind legs of 557-558 Topsell, Edward, History of Four-footed Beasts and Serpents and Insects 557-569 Eden, Garden of, depictions of 558-563 Bakker, Robert, paleontological studies of 558 Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, on albatross Bestiary, history of in 20th century America Courbet, Gustave, The Trout Gessner, Conrad, Historia Animalium Marchal, Nicolas, La Mnagerie du Museum National dHistorie Naturelle Merian, Maria Sibylla, Les Transformations des Insects de Surinam 559-561 Adam 559 Bakker, Robert, on color Courbet, Gustave, The Origin of the World Dodo, descriptions of Formaldehyde Fur Galapagos Islands, depictions of Greystoke, The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the apes (Hugh Hudson) Horror vacui Keulemans, John Gerrard, Ring-tailed Lemur Mudskipper Peterson, Roger Tory, as illustrator Peterson, Roger Tory, vertical listing employed by Seuss, Dr. (Theodore Geisel), If I Ran the Zoo 559-561 Zoo, exclusion and inclusion in selection for 559-562 Paleontological illustration, collections of 560 Ark, The, zoos as Keulemans, John Gerrard, Ruffed Lemur Zoo, as Ark Zoo, as list Zoo, taxonomy and 560-562 Cuvier, Georges, zoological studies of 560-562 Zoo, as lexicon 560-563 Bestiary, history of in 19th century France 561 Adam Ark, The, depictions of Bakker, Robert, on predatory behavior Beastiary, as collection Darwin, Charles, The Descent of Man Dung beetle Eden, Garden of, variety and singularity Ergo, Englebert, Noah Gathering the Animals Galapagos Islands, descriptions of


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Iguana Noah, as collector Obsessive-compulsive disorders Orpheus, descriptions of Peale, Charles Wilson, The Artist in His Museum 561-562 Museums, of Natural History 561-562 Orpheus, depictions of 561-562 Paleontological illustration, effects of excavation on 561-562 Peale, Charles Wilson, Disinternment of the Mastodon 561-564 Zoo, as metaphor 562 Kafka, Franz, descriptions of insects by Manet, Edouard, The Raven Bakker, Robert, on blood temperature Baudelaire, Charles Pierre, A Preface to Poes The Raven Bestiary, history of in 17th century China Drer, Albrecht, A Young Spring Hare Eckhout, Albert, Study of Two Brazillian Savanna Tortoises Mexican Leaf Frog Paleontological illustration, as genre Paleontological illustration, history of, in 20th century Paleontological illustration, as product of imagination Poe, Edgar Allan, The Raven Wildebeest, descriptions of Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Mammals Zoo, bestiary as 562-563 Galapagos Islands, depictions of 562-563 Paleontological illustration, graphic innovations of 562-564 Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Reptiles 562-564 Zoo, presentation of specimen in 562-565 Anatomical illustration, variety of accompanying texts 562-565 Medical photography, variety of accompanying texts 562-573 Anatomical illustration, as genre 562-573 Medical photography, as genre 563 Drer, Albrecht, Head of a Walrus Drer, Albrecht, Rhinoceros Katydid Longhi, Pietro, Exhibition of a Rhinoceros at Venice Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, descriptions of insects by Museums, Victoria and Albert Paleontological illustration, history of, in late 19th century Paleontological illustration, variety of accompanying texts Spix, Johann Baptist von, as collector Wildebeest, depictions of Yellow-eyed loris Zoo, public Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan 563-564 Spix, Johann Baptist von, Delectus Animalium Articulatorum 563-565 Anthropomorphism, in theory 563-567 Bestiary, variety of accompanying texts 563-567 Zoological illustration, variety of accompnaying texts 563-571 Darwin, Charles, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection 564 Anatomical illustration, history of in late 20th century Japan Grandville, J.J. (Jean Ignace Isadore Grard), Scenes from the Public and Private Lives of Animals Medical photography, history of, in 20th century


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Paleontological illustration, collections of Paleontological illustration, as product of imagination Zoo, as collection Zoo, exclusion and inclusion in selection for 565 Paleontological illustration, history of, in late 19th century Paleontological illustration, as product of extrapolation 565-567 Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), development of methods to increase size of mollusks and crustaceans by 566 Delacroix, Eugene, Trophies of the Hunt Delacroix, Eugene, Woman and Crocodiles Drer, Albrecht, Lobster Drer, Albrecht, Stag Beetle Nerval, Grard de (Grard Labrunie), pet lobster of 567 Bestiary, effects of photography on Bestiary, history of in 18th century Germany Bestiary, history of in 18th century England Bestiary, history of in 20th century America Checkered elephant shrew Delacroix, Eugene, Royal Tiger Delacroix, Eugene, Tiger Cub Playing with its Mother Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy Fleas German cockroaches Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), collections of Nemo, Captain (Prince Dakkar of Bundelkund), kelp Stubbs, George, Horse Devoured by a Lion Stubbs, George, A Lion Attacking a Horse Stubbs, George, The Moose Zoological illustration, as product of imagination 567-568 Gray, John, Edward, zoological studies of 568-570 Anatomical illustration, history of in 15th century Italy 568 Anatomical illustration,history of in 20th century America Drer, Albrecht, Head of a Walrus Gericault, Thodore, Study of Hooves Goosefish Heade, Martin Johnson, Orchid and Hummingbird After a Storm Mata-mata Vinci, Leonardo da, Study of Horses 568-569 Paleontological illustration, as genre 568-569 Paleontological illustration, as product of imagination 568-570 Vinci, Leonardo da, as anatomist 568-572 Paleontological illustration, variety of accompanying texts 569 Anatomical illustration, as product of imagination Beaver Gericault, Thodore, Lion Devouring a Horse Goya y Lucientes, Francisco de, wings and webbed feet in The Flying Dog Taxidermy, history of, in Antiquity Zoological illustration, history of, in Antiquity Zoological illustration, history of, in 8th century Persia 569-570 Taxidermy, history of, in 8th century Macedonian monasteries 569-571 Diorama, museums and 569-571 Zoological illustration, as genre 569-572 Taxidermy, as genre 569-572 Zoological illustration, as product of imagination


Index Project
570 Bride of Frankenstein, The (James Whale), Dr. Praetoriuss homunculi collection sequence Collection, public Deepsea hatchetfish Diorama, taxidermy and Flaubert, Gustave, stuffed parrot in A Simple Heart Taxidermy, dioramas and Taxidermy, history of, in 12th century Avignon Taxidermy, history of, in 14th century Venice Yak Zoo, preservation and Zoological illustration, taxidermy as 570-571 Taxidermy, collections of 570-571 Taxidermy, history of, in 15th century Spain 570-571 Taxidermy, preservation and 570-572 Brunery, Francois, The Ecclesiastical Taxidermist 571 Collectors, as packrats Still Life, as collection Taxidermy, history of, in 16th century Portugal Taxidermy, history of, in 18th century Europe Taxidermy, history of, in 19th century Brazil Taxidermy, history of, in 20th century Mexico Zoo, presentation of specimen in 572 Anatomical illustration, history of in 5th century China Anatomical illustration, history of in Avignon Horror vacui Jonah, in the whale, depictions of Knight, Charles R., bas reliefs and murals for Page Museum at Rancho La Brea Tar Pits Sweet, Robert, Flora Australasica Zoological illustration, history of, in 12th century India Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan 572-573 Knight, Charles R., Tyrannosaurus Prepares to Attack Family of Tricerotops 572-573 Still Life, processional and recessional readings in 572-574 Gurche, John, Daspletosaurus and Styracosaurus 572-574 Jonah, descriptions of 572-574 Zoological illustration, history of, in 10th century China 572-574 Zoological illustration, history of, in 17th century Germany 572-574 Zoological illustration, history of, in 19th century England and Germany 572-576 Anatomical illustration, variety of accompanying texts 572-576 Medical photography, variety of accompanying texts 573 Anatomical illustration, history of in 18th century France Gurche, John, Archaeopteryx with Sauropod Knight, Charles R., Tylosaurus Chasing a Primitive Tarpon through the Surf Museums, of Comparative Anatomy Yellow-throated whistler Zoological illustration, history of, in 18th century England and France Zoological illustration, variety of accompanying texts 573-575 Gurche, John, Barasarus Rears Back to Defend Her Baby Against Allosaurus 573-576 Anatomical illustration, processional and/or recessional readings of 574 Ailanthus Anatomical illustration,history of in 17th century Holland Knight, Charles R., Dinicthys and Primitive Sharks 574-576 Anatomical illustration, history of in 19th century England 574-576 Knight, Charles R., Allosaurus Devouring Apatosaurus


Index Project
574-576 Medical photography, history of, in 19th century 575 Medical photography, preservation and Obsessive-compulsive disorders Zoological illustration, collections of Zoological illustration, history of, in 16th century Italy 575-577 Zoological illustration, as product of direct observation 576 Ants 576-577 Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan 576-578 Zoological illustration, effects of exploration on 577 Gossamer winged butterfly Zoological illustration, history of, in 18th century England and France 578 Barnes, Julian, Flauberts Parrot Collectors, selection processes of Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 579 Ballard, J.G., The Day of Creation Hylonome Susenier, Abraham, Still Life with Hanging Fish Zoological illustration, collections of 579-580 Zoological illustration, history of, in 19th century England and Germany 579-580 Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan 579-583 Zoological illustration, as genre 580 581 Anatomical illustration, graphic innovations of German cockroaches 581-583 Cuvier, Georges, comparative anatomical theories of 581-583 Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Mammals 581-584 Zoological illustration, collections of 582 Anatomical illustration, as genre Medical photography, as genre Triceratops Zalinger, Rudolph, The Age of Reptiles 583 584 Anatomical illustration: collections of 584-585 Medical photography, collections of 584-585 Anatomical illustration: effects of technology on 584-587 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 585 Anatomical illustration: effects of photography on Medical photography, effects on anatomical illustration Bakker, Robert, paleontological studies of Zoological illustration, effects of photography on Zoological illustration, as genre 585-587 Autopsies, depictions of 586 Anatomical illustration, history of in Antiquity Horror vacui Poison dart frog Surinam toad 587 Autopsies, descriptions of Medical photography, as genre Anatomical illustration: as genre 587-589 Still Life, medical photography as 588 Susenier, Abraham, Still Life with Hanging Fish 589 Albinos Anschutz, Thomas, Art Students Dissecting A Horse Archimboldo, Giuseppe, Allegory of the Four Elements


Index Project
Autopsies, depictions of Esseintes, Duc Jean Floressas des, pet tortoise of 590 590-593 Galen 591 Autopsies, descriptions of First Men in the Moon (Nathan Juran), moon calf sequence Medical photography, history of, in 19th century 592 Anatomical illustration, history of in 17th century Holland Laboratories, descriptions of Stevenson, Robert Louis, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 593 Dissection, depictions of Gavial 593-600 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 594 Dissection, descriptions Lynch, David, The Elephant Man Medical photography, variety of accompanying texts 594-596 Fantastic Voyage (Richard Fleischer) medical photography and 595 Dissection, as graphic craft Eakins, Thomas, dissection as graphic craft Fantastic Voyage (Richard Fleischer), brain and lung sequences Gooseflesh 595-597 Dissection, as inscription 596 Corpse flower Fantastic Voyage (Richard Fleischer), miniaturization and Medical photography, effects on anatomical illustration Zoological illustration,effects of photography on 596-597 Rijn, Rembrandt Harmensz van, The Anatomy Lesson of Professor Tulp 596-598 Dissection, anatomical illustration and 596-598 Gericault, Thodore, studies of severed limbs by 596-599 Eakins, Thomas, dissection as inscription 597 Autopsies, descriptions of Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Fish Footman Dissection, depictions of Flaubert, Gustave, scent of lepers decomposing flesh Laboratories, descriptions of Medical photography, as genre Nutty Professor, The (Jerry Lewis), laboratory sequences Still Life, medical photography as 597-598 Eakins, Thomas, dissection as graphic craft 598 Autopsies, as excavation 598-601 Jeter, K.W., Dr. Adder, experiments and innovations by 598-602 Eakins, Thomas, blood and shimmer of light on steel scalpel in The Gross Clinic 599 Bouguereau, William, rendering of flesh and fleece in Nymphs and Satyre Fur 599-602 Ants 600 600-604 Horror vacui 601 602 602-603 Paleontological illustration, as genre 602-605 Paleontological illustration, graphic innovations of 603 604 Addams, Charles, Nightcrawlers


Index Project
Addams, Charles, Have you got a minute, Dr. Headly? We think we may have found a new carnivorous specimen 604-606 German cockroaches 604-607 Paleontological illustration, variety of accompanying texts 605 Addams, Charles, Goodness Murray, it wouldnt be a picnic without ants 606 607 Megatherium 608 Pacific viperfish Triceratops 609 Ants Titanotherium 609-611 Harryhausen, Ray, Gwangi ambushing Ornithomimus sequence for Valley of Gwangi 609-612 Knight, Charles R., bas reliefs and murals for Page Museum at Rancho La Brea Tar Pits 610 610-613 Knight, Charles R., Tyrannosaurus Prepares to Attack Family of Tricerotops 611 Gurche, John, Daspletosaurus and Styracosaurus Horror vacui Sloth 612 Obsessive-compulsive disorders Pachycephalosaurus Paleontological illustration, collections of Paleontological illustration, as genre Paleontological illustration, variety of accompanying texts Walt Disney Productions, Fantasia, dinosaurs in Rite of Spring sequence World We Live In, The Yellow-footed rock wallaby Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Reptiles Zoological illustration, variety of accompanying texts 612-614 Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Mammals 612-616 Gurche, John, Archaeopteryx with Sauropod 612-616 Paleontological illustration, history of, in 20th century 613 Horror vacui 613-615 Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Reptiles 613-616 Paleontological illustration, as product of extrapolation 614 Knight, Charles R., Allosaurus Devouring Apatosaurus Knight, Charles R., bas reliefs and murals for Page Museum at Rancho La Brea Tar Pits Knight, Charles R., Tylosaurus Chasing a Primitive Tarpon through the Surf 615 Dincthys, depictions and descriptions of fossilized remains 616 Gurche, John, Barasarus Rears Back to Defend Her Baby Against Allosaurus 617 Bohrod, Aaron, still lifes of Obsessive-compulsive disorders 618 Danforth, Jim, stop-motion animation for When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth Paleontological illustration, variety of accompanying texts Rhamphorhynchus 619 McGrath, Patrick, The Grotesque McGrath, Patrick, Spide Obsessive-compulsive disorders Paleontological illustration, graphic innovations of 620 620-622 Sterling, Bruce, The Artificial Kid 621 622 Swanwick, Michael, on variety of off-planet life forms 622-624 Giger, H.R., biological/technological fusion 622-624 Industrial Light and Magic


Index Project
622-624 Sterling, Bruce, on biological/technological fushion 622-625 Gibson, William, biological/technological fusion in 623 Ballard, J.G., The Drowned World Ballard, J.G., fauna and flora in Curiosity cabinet, Box in a Valise Gibson, William, description as depiction in Giger, H.R., designs for Alien Samaras, Lucas, Boxes 624 Basilisk Gibson, William, hyphenation in Murch, Walter, Moon Rock Sterling, Bruce, on variety of alien life-forms Vedder, Elihu, The Lair of the Sea Serpent 624-625 Ballard, J.G., composition and decomposition in 624-625 Gibson, William, on transposition 624-625 Sterling, Bruce, The Hive 624-625 Swanwick, Michael, on variety of off-planet life forms 625-627 Ballard, J.G., atmosphere as subject matter in 625 Ballard, J.G., Index Zoological illustration, history of, in 20th century America and Japan 625-626 Giger, H.R., Necromonicon 625-626 Sterling, Bruce, on terraforming in The Schismatrix 625-626 Swanwick, Michael, on terraforming procedures 625-626 Terraforming 625-627 Swanwick, Michael, Vacuum Flowers, on artificial environments 626 Ballard, J.G., The Crystal World 626-627 Ballard, J.G., The Drowned World 627 Ballard, J.G., The Day of Creation Bonestell, Chesley World We Live In, The 628 Dali, Salvadore, ants in Dali, Salvadore, The Metamorphosis of Narcissus Dali, Salvadore, as shapeshifter Kafka, Franz, descriptions of insects by Marquez, Gabriel Garcia, descriptions of insects by Narcissus, depictions of National Geographic Magazine Time-Life Books 629 Roadkill, as indicator of indigenous species Roadkill, woodchuck as 629-630 Roadkill, Fluffy the cat as 629-630 Roadkill, raccoon as 629-630 Roadkill, squirrel as 630 Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Lickety Splat Roadkill, deer as Sve, J.E. De, Domestic Cats Willard (Daniel Mann) 631 Mutual of Omahas Wild Kingdom Perkins, Marlon 632 632-633 Quay, The Brothers, Rehearsals for Extinct Anatomies 633 634 Burchfield, Charles, accident in watecolors of Burchfield, Charles, buzzing in Song of the Telegraph


Index Project
Burchfield, Charles, The Sphinx and the Milky Way Obsessive-compulsive disorders 634-637 Duck, Daffy, adventures of 635 Ants Burchfield, Charles, decay and regeneration in Nighthawks at Twilight Duck, Daffy, beak, feet and wings of 636 Horror vacui Parrish, Maxfield, as depictions of toxic future 636-637 Parrish, Maxfield, iridescence of twilight skies by 637 Parrish, Maxfield, colors of autumn leaves by 638 Albright, Ivan, composition as decomposition in Albright, Ivan, Portrait of Dorian Gray 639 Albright, Ivan, texture and tactility in Invaders from Mars (William Cameron Menzies) 639-642 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 640 641-644 Alighieri, Dante, The Inferno, translations of on film 642 643 644 German cockroaches Obsessive-compulsive disorders 645 Horror vacui 646 647 648 Frazetta, Frank German cockroaches Herzog, Werner, monkeys in Aquirre, the Wrath of God Herzog, Werner, chickens in Even Dwarves Started Small Herzog, Werner, Fitzcarraldo Incredible Shrinking Man, The (Jack Arnold), luminescent mist sequence This Island earth (Joseph M. Newman) 649 Birds (Alfred Hitchcock) Horror vacui Incredible Shrinking Man, The (Jack Arnold), spider sequence Incredible Shrinking Man, The (Jack Arnold), veins of leaf sequence 650 651 652 652-654 Hitchcock, Alfred, The Birds 653 Buuel, Luis, use of insects by Man Who Fell to Earth, The (Nicholas Roeg), aliens yellow eyes Man Who Fell to Earth, The (Nicholas Roeg), coming through all pores sequence 654 Birds (Alfred Hitchcock) Obsessive-compulsive disorders Outer Limits, The, The Game Outer Limits, The, The Misfits Outer Limits, The, The Sixth Finger 655 Avery, Fred Tex, What Price Fleadom 655-656 Jaws (Steven Spielberg) 655-656 Twilight Zone, The, Terror at 20,000 Feet 655-667 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 656 Ants Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan of the Apes Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar


Index Project
Greenaway, Peter, banquet sequences in The Cook, The Thief, His Wife, and Her Lover Nosferatu (F.W. Marnau) Pal, George, army ants march on plantation sequence in The Naked Jungle Them! (Gordon Douglas) 657 Avery, Fred Tex, Day at the Zoo Avery, Fred Tex, Early Worm Gets the Bird Burroughs, Edgar Rice, Tarzan and the Ant Men Greenaway, Peter, composition aand decomposition in A Zed and Two Naughts Greenaway, Peter, Prosperos Books Greystoke, The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes (Hugh Hudson) Lynch, David, front lawn sequence in Blue Velvet Lynch, David, bloodlust, pus and pustules in Dune Tarzan, the Ape Man (W.S. Van Dyke) 657-660 Horror vacui 658 Meador, Joshua, special effects designed by 659 Avery, Fred Tex, exaggeration and hyper-extension in imagery of Bottin, Rob, plausibility of impossible biological forms in Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Duck Amuck 659-661 Walt Disney Productions anthropomorphism and 659-663 Anthropomorphism, animation and 660 sop, illustrations of Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Daffy Duck and the Dinosaurs Jones, Charles M. Chuck, One Froggy Evening Walt Disney Productions, Who Killed Cock Robin? 661 Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Sniffles and the Bookworm Laboratories, descriptions of Nutty Professor, The (Jerry Lewis), laboratory sequences Walt Disney Productions, The Worm Turns 661-662 Jones, Charles M. Chuck, Scent-imental Over You 662 Killer Shrews, The (Ray Kellogg), dogs in shrew costumes sequences Leghorn, Foghorn McKimson, Bob, Unnatural History Pew, Pep le, experiments in inter-species breeding by 662-663 Squirrel, Rocket J. 663 Anthropomorphism, history of in 19th and 20th century America 664 Anthropomorphism, as metaphor Clampett, Bob, Porky in Wackyland 665 Anthropomorphism, history of in 19th and 20th century America Clampett, Bob, Horton Hatches the Egg Clampett, Bob, We, the Animals, Squeak Freleng, Isadore Fritz Joe Glow the Firefly Freleng, Isadore Fritz, Little Red Riding Rabbit Freleng, Isadore Fritz, A Wiggly Tale Island of Doctor Moreau (Don Taylor) McCay, Winsor, The Centaurs Mccay, Winsor, Little Nemo 665-667 McCay, Winsor, Gertie the dinosaur 666 Freleng, Isadore Fritz, Little Red Rodent Hood Island of Lost Souls (Erle C. Kenton) 667 Barbarella (Roger Vadim), angels wings Slime 667-669 Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio 668 Cousteau, Jacques, undersea world of Fleischer, Dave and Max, Twenty Legs Under the Sea


Index Project
Walt Disney Productions, Pinnocchio, whales belly sequence 668-670 Svankmajer, Jan, innovations in animation by 669 Fleischer, Dave and Max, Child Psykolojiky Fleischer, Dave and Max, The Glow Worm Jonah, in the whale, and Pinocchio 670 Centaur, descriptions of 671 Fleischer, Dave and Max, Flies Aint Human Hitchcock, Alfred, taxidermists shop sequence in The Man Who Knew Too Much 672 Altered States (Ken Russell): hallucinatory drug as agent of evolutionary regression Chaney, Lon Sr., make-up innovations of Frankenstein (James Whale), laboratory sequence Gibson, William, on agents of transformation Laboratories, descriptions of Obsessive-compulsive disorders Outer Limits, The, The Sixth Finger Pierce, Jack P, transformation sequence for The Werewolf of London Smith, Dick, transformation sequence for Altered States Thing, The (John Carpenter) Werewolf, descriptions of Winston, Stan, dog mutation sequence for The Thing 672-673 Werewolf, depictions of 673 Alien (Ridley Scott), life cycles of opportunistic parasites in Attack of the Crab Monsters (Roger Corman) Leaf-nosed bat Creature from the Black Lagoon (Jack Arnold) It Came from Beneath the Sea (Robert Gordon) It Came from Outer Space (Jack Arnold) Swamp Thing (Wes Craven) 674 Ddalus, depictions of Ddalus, wings designed by Icarus, depictions of Icarus, wings of Island of Lost Souls (Erle C. Kenton) Pal, George, Atlantis, the Lost Continent Pal, George, The War of the Worlds Pal, George, When Worlds Collide Polyphemus, depicitonso f 674-675 Knight, Charles R., bas reliefs and murals for Page Museum at Rancho La Brea Tar Pits 675 Millhauser, Stephen, The Eight Voyage of Sinbad Pal, George, The Wonderful World of the Brothers Grimm Quartermass and the Pit or Five Million years to Earth (Raymond Baker) 676 Circe, depictions of Circe, descriptions of Harryhausen, Ray, Roc chick hatching sequence for The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad Harryhausen, Ray, Gwangi ambusing Ornithomonums sequence for Valley of Gwangi Rodan (Inoshiro Honda), hatching sequence Tsuburuya, Eigi, special effects for Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan 677 Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Alices Adventures in Wonderland Carroll, Lewis (Charles Dodgson), Caterpillar Centaur, depictions of Centaur, as metaphor Harpies, The, depictions of Harryhausen, Ray, Ymir egg hatching sequence for 20 Million Miles to Earth Horror vacui


Index Project
Hydra, The, depictions of Hydra, The, teeth as agents of transformation Jason and the Argonauts (Don Chaffey) Seventh Voyage of Sinbad, The (Nathan Juran) 678 German cockroaches Harryhausen, Ray, giant crab sequence for The Mysterious Island Verne, Jules, The Mysterious Island Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (Peter Bogdanovich as Derek Thomas) 679 Mattey, Robert A., giant squid sequence for 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Mermaids, depictions of Pegasus, depictions Pegasus, descriptions of 679-680 Mattey, Robert A., physical effects for Jaws 680 681 682 Freaks (Tod Browning) Pegasus, depictions of 683 Flipper 684 Bonestell, Chesley Dunn, Linwood, innovations and optical effects engineered by Knight, Charles R., Tyrannosaurus Prepares to Attack Family of Tricerotops Pal, George, Destination Moon Walt Disney Productions, Fantasia, dinosaurs in Rite of Spring sequence 685 685-689 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 686 Danforth, Jim, stop-motion animation for When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth 686-687 Paleontological illustration, history of, in 20th century 687 Crabbe, Byron, jungle design for Creation, King Kong and Son of Kong Delgado, Marcel, models for King Kong and The Lost World Dicken, Roger, special effects props for Alien and When Dinosaurs ruled the Earth King Kong (Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Shoedsack), atmosphere in OBrien, Willis, jungle sequences for King Kong and Son of Kong Planet of theApes (Franklin J. Schaffner) When Dinosaurs Ruled the Earth (Val Guest) Zallinger, Rudolph, The Age of Reptiles 688 Godzilla (Terry Morse) King Kong (Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Shoedsack, carnivorous Brontosaurus plucking sailor from tree sequence King Kong (Merian C. Cooper and Ernest B. Shoedsack, vultures picking at Tyrannosaurus carcaass sequence Knight, Charles R., Allosaurus Devouring Apatosaurus 688-689 Tsuburuya, Eigi, special effects for Godzilla, Mothra and Rodan 689 Cannibalism, depictions of Giant Behemoth, The (Eugene Lourie) Mothra (Inoshiro Honda and Lee Kresel) OBrien, Willis, jungle sequences for King Kong and Son of Kong Paleontological illustration, history of, in 20th century 689-690 Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, The (Eugene Louri) 690 691 Giant Behemoth, The (Eugene Lourie) Quest for Fire (Jean-Jacques Annaud) 692 Bottin, Rob, The Thing Hills Have Eyes II, The (Wes Craven), canine perspective 692-694 Journey to the Center of the Earth (Harry Levin), cavern of jewels sequence


Index Project
692-694 Underworld, The 692-694 Verne, Jules, Journey to the Center of the Earth 693 Baker, Rick, make-up and special effects for Greystoke: The Legend of Tarzan, Lord of the Apes Baker, Rick, transformation sequences for And American Werewolf in London Day of the Triffids, The (Steve Sekely) Evil Dead II (Sam Raimi), laughing deer trophy sequence Horror vacui Journey to the Center of the Earth (Harry Levin), Hanss duck Locust Q (Larry Cohen) Werewolf, depictions Wolfen (Michael Wadleigh) 694 695 German cockroaches 695 696 Danforth, Jim, jeweled dragon ear-scratching sequence for The Wonderful World of Brothers Grimm Dragonslayer (Matthews Robbins) 697 Industrial Light and Magic 697-700 Trumbull, Douglas, atmosphere and light phenomena by 698 Ants Chambers, John, make-up for Planet of the Apes 699 Edlund, Richard Obsessive-compulsive disorders 699-700 Trumbull, Douglas, death sequence for Brainstorm 700 701 Horror vacui Obsessive-compulsive disorders 702 Cronenberg, David, The Brood Cronenberg, David, parasite under armpit in Rabid Cronenberg, David, Scanners 703 704 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 705 Gargoyle Gremlins (Joe Dante), diversity and singularity in species 706 707 708 709 710 711 Ants Obsessive-compulsive disorders 712 Dick, Philip K., Do Androids Dream of Electric Sleep 713 714 Sterling, Bruce, on terraforming in The Schismatrix Swanwick, Michael, on terraforming procedures 714-715 Terraforming 714-716 Dick, Philip K., Clans of the Alphane Moon 715 Dick, Philip K., Lord Running Clam 716 717 717-719 German cockroaches 718 719 Obsessive-compulsive disorders


Index Project
720 Still Life, preservation and 720-722 Collection, preservation and 720-722 Medical photography, preservation and 720-722 Museums, preservation and 721 Botanical gardens, preservation and Horror vacui Pegasus, as sign Taxidermy, preservation and 722 723 723-724 Ants 723-724 Museums, Victoria and Albert 723-725 Museums, of Natural History 723-725 Zoo, preservatin and 723-737 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 724 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy 724-726 Lexicography, history of, in 20th century America 725 Ark, The, as model for preservation Lexicography, as taxonomy 726 Libraries, preservation and Naming, description as 727 Aquarium, preservation and Noah, descriptions of 728 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 729 Horror vacui 729-732 Collectors, selection processes of 730 731 Gould, Stephen Jay, Biological Homage to Mickey Mouse 732-735 Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by 733 734 Foucault, Michel, The Order of Things Gould, Stephen Jay, on taxonomy Horror vacui Museums, depictions of 735 736 Index, as metaphor Murray, James Augustus Henry, The Oxford English Dictionary 736-737 Museums, as wunderkammer 737 Index, as genre 737-739 Index, as collection 738 Diderot, Denis, The Encyclopedia Museums, as time capsule Still Life, as genre 738-739 Encyclopedia, Diderots 738-739 Still Life, as collection 738-741 Diderot, Denis, Index 739 Collection, as catalogue Diderot, Denis, on encyclopedic enterprise Eden, Garden of, descriptions of Index, as network of associations Obsessive-compulsive disorders 739-741 Index, as taxonomy 740 Index, as table of contents 741


Index Project
742 Obsessive-compulsive disorders Verne, Jules, specimen vitrines, paintings and shell collection 743 744 745 Ants 745-747 Obsessive-compulsive disorders 746 Still Life, as occasion for contemplation Still Life, preservation and 747 Lemming, mass hysteria and collective death of 747-749 Horror vacui 748 German cockroaches 748-749 Brueghel, Jan, depiction as theoretical enterprise in 748-749 Diderot, Denis, on taxonomy 748-749 Encyclopedia, taxonomy and 748-749 Museums, as sanctuary 748-749 Museums, taxonomy and 749 Ants Collectors, variety of taxonomies imposed by Courbet, Gustave, The Origin of the World Obsessive-compulsive disorders 750 American Museum of Natural History (see Museums) Aviary (see Zoo) Bambi (see Walt Disney Productions) Disney, Walt (see Walt Disney Productions) Fantasia (see Walt Disney Productions) Temptation of St. Antony, The (see St. Antony) Wonder Book of Pictured Knowledge, The, (see Encylopedia)


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