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Paper 2 Subjective Questions

CLASS: J23 / J24


1. This subject comprises two papers:
Paper 1 : Objective questions (40%)
Paper 2 : Subjective questions(60%)

2. Candidates are required to attempt all of the twelve


3. Each question must be answered with a new piece of paper.

4. Use only blue or black ink to write your answers and use pencil
for drawing only.

5. Do not copy the questions, only the numbering must be written


6. All the calculations method must be clearly written and the

geometry must be drawn.

7. This paper consists of 4 printed pages.

Do Not Turn Over This Page Until You Are Told To Do So

Student’s Name:________________ Student’s Number:__________

1 Page
1. (a) Calculate 350  {56  [120  (6  12  52)]}. [3%]
计算 350  {56  [120  (6  12  52)]}。

(b) Find the value of (1) 4 + 2  (1) 3 – 7  (1) 2 – 5  (1) + 6. [2%]

求(1) 4 + 2  (1) 3 – 7  (1) 2 – 5  (1) + 6 的值。

2. (a) Mr Cheng’s salary for July is RM4000. He give a quarter of his salary to his parents.
And his consumption of this month has used up three-quarters of his remaining salary.
How much money does he have left? [3%]
程先生 7 月份的薪金是 RM4000。他把薪金的 交给父母,而他这个月的消费
又用去了他剩下薪金的 。请问他还剩下多少钱?

(b) Calculate [20 – (7.5 + 1.25  0.5)]  0.1. [2%]

计算 [20 – (7.5 + 1.25  0.5)]  0.1。

3. (a) Find the amount of on a principal of RM6000 at a simple interest rate of

8% per annual after 9 months. [2%]
本金 RM6000,年利率为 8% ,若以单利息计算,9 个月后其利息是多少?

(b) Table below shows the local time for city P and city Q on a certain day.
下表为城市 P 和 Q 在某天的当地时间 。

Local time
城市 P 0945
城市 Q 1545
Miss Mary takes a flight from city P at local time 9:30 a.m. to city Q.
The plane arrived at city Q after 6 hours 20 minutes. Calculate the local time
when Miss Mary arrives at city Q. ( answer in a.m. or p.m. ) [3%]
玛丽小姐在城市 P 的当地时间 9:30 a.m. 搭乘飞机前往城市 Q。
飞机在 6 小时 20 分钟后抵达城市 Q。计算玛丽小姐抵达城市 Q 的
当地时间。( 答案以 a.m. 或 p.m.表示 )

4. (a) Uncle Bob bought 100 durians at RM850. 6% of the durians was broken. Uncle Bob
sold the remaining durians for RM15 each. How much profit did he make? [3%]
鲍叔叔以 RM850 买进 100 粒榴莲。6%的榴莲坏了。鲍叔叔以每个
RM15 售出余下的榴莲。问他赚了多少的利润?

1 1 1
(b) Find the value of ÷  . [2%]
2 4 12
1 1 1
求 ÷  的值。
2 4 12

2 Page
5. Given three iron wires with the length of 36 cm, 48cm and 60cm respectively.
If they are cut into equal length without remainder, what is the maximum length of
each wire in cm? How many pieces can be cut in total? [5%]
有三根铁丝各长 36 cm,48 cm 及 60 cm。若要把它们截成同样长的小段,
问每段最长可有多少 cm?一共可以截成多少根?

6. (a) Simplify (4x 2 + xy  y 2 ) + (x 2  2xy + 3y 2 )  (5x 2  3xy + 3y 2 ). [2%]

(b) Calculate ( x3 + 3x2 – 2x – 4)  (x + 1). [3%]

计算 ( x3 + 3x2 – 2x – 4)  (x + 1)。

7. Factorize each of the following:

(a) 6a 2 – 11a + 3 [2%]

(b) 2x2 + 14x + 20 [3%]

8. Find the value of the following:

(a)  3  2
– 1 [2%]

(b) 2+3 2 [3%]

9. Given that 2 = 1.414, 3 = 1.7321. Find the value of each of the following.
(answer in 2 decimal places)
已知 2 = 1.414, 3 = 1.7321 。求下列各式的值。(答案以两位小数表示)
(a) 75 [3%]

(b) [2%]

10. (a) Factorize x 3 – x 2 y – 4x + 4y. [3%]

因式分 x 3 – x 2 y – 4x + 4y。

(b) In Figure 1 below, find the value of n. 下图 1 中,求 n 之值。 [2%]

Figure 1

3 Page
11. (a) In Figure 2 below, ABC//DEF, BGE is an equilateral triangle. Find the value of x.
下图 2 中,ABC//DEF, BGE 是等边三角形。求 x 之值。 [3%]

Figure 2

(b) In Figure 3 below, find the value of x.

下图 3 中,求 x 之值。 [2%]

Figure 3

12. In Figure 4 below, find

下图 4 中,求
(a) ABC [2%]
(b) BDE [3%]

Figure 4

Prepared by: Lee Fan Mei Checked by: Lim Chooi Hoe
出题老师: 李芬媚师 审阅老师: 林芮好师

4 Page

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