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No.CE-CDSD-PLM-CE1/2023/78 Dated: 16.06.



Sub: Desiltation of Reservoirs of KSEBL – Standard Operating Procedure for the

reservoirs of KSEBL – Modified based on remarks from Irrigation Dept. – approval
from GOK- requesting - regarding.
Ref: 1. BO(FT D)No. 663/2021(DGC/AEE-II/Desiltation/2015) dated 19.07.2021.
2. DGC/AEE II/DS/Desiltation/2015/327 dated 27.09.2021 of the CMD, KSEBL.
3. Letter No. 104/B2/21/PD dated 07.04.2021 from power (B) Department, GoK.
4. Letter No. MP2/98/2021-WRD dated 14.07.2022 of the Under Secretary, Water
Resources Dept., GOK received vide e-mail dated 26th July 2022.
5. Letter No. DGC/AEE II/Desiltation SOP/2022 (1) dated 17.05.2022 of the Director
(Generation – Civil), KSEBL addressed to the Principal Secretary to GOK, Power
6. Letter No. PLI(A) Mon/12539/03/Vol.IV dated 27.05.23 of the CE (I&A), Irrigation

T he Standard O pera ng P rocedure (S O P ) for Desilta on of KS EB L reservoirs, approved vide B O

dated 17.09.21 (reference 1), was submi ed to the Power Department, G ovt. of Kerala for
approval throug h le er referred (2) above. T he major chang es made in the S O P of KS EB L from
the S O P published by G ovt. of Kerala were listed in 25 points and submi ed as Annexure I to the
above letter.

Certain remarks from Irrig a on Department on the S O P, submi ed by KS EB L, were received vide
reference (3) above. Irrig a on department had ag reed to the chang es made by KS EB L in S O P
except for items in their remarks under Sl. no. 2,5,9, 10, 18, 20, 22 and 23. T he comments from
KSEBL on the above remarks were furnished to the Power Department vide reference (5).

Irrig a on Department has accepted all the comments from KS EB L except the comments under Sl
No. 2,5 & 18 and their modified remarks were communicated vide letter referred (6) above.

Now the S O P is modified in compliance with the comments from Irrig a on Department and is
submitted herewith.

The chang es made in SOP as per the remarks is tabulated as Annexure I.

It is requested that the modified S O P may kindly be approved and submi ed to the Power
Department, GOK for approval by the Empowered committee.
Chief Engineer (Civil - Dam Safety & DRIP)
IV Office of the Chief Engineer'
No. PLl(A) Moni 12539/03 Vol' Irri gation and Administration'
Dated: 27 -05.2023

- ffiEh'rraF,,: i: ;+r (C; r,rl;
l'he Cliief Engineer ilill
D6m ii*iei.r ir
IterCa Sta r fli+;rir;:. I
T Chief Engineer ( Civil- Dam Safety
I Daur S a1'etY Organizatiotr,
Keraia State Electricity Board Lirniteci'
Pallcu. Koi[aYatu,

3) That office en'rzLil dared 011412023

submitting our
drafl Sop flor desirtatio. of clarns/reservoirs under KSEBI- for
has L-reen submitted . Now
vide reference (3) the
cornments, vicre (2) the same
Department has been
comrnents submitted by Imigation
remi*ks of KSF.BL with respect to trre
of 25 comments
by I(SBEL consist of 25 crauses. out
received. In the draft sop submitted
ent 22 comments wele accepted
by I(SE'BL' The details of
sr"rbmitted b1. trrigzrtion Departnr
the modit-red remalks of the Irrigati'n
clauses wi-iicri ar,.) not acceptecl b1, KSEBL, aro.g rvith

Department aLttac*red as al1fiexure'

This is fbl kind information'

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File No.1R2/462/2017-WRD

Water Resources Department- Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)
for desiltation of reservoirs in Kerala and Desiltation of Mangalam and
Chuliyar dams as pilot projects- Approved- Orders issued.
G.O.(Ms)No. 79/2017/WRD Dated,Thiruvana
Read: 1 Minutes of the meeting convened by Honorable Chief Minister
on 7.112016
2 G.O(Rt)No.898/2016/WRD dated 18.11.2016
3 Letter No, 2300/2007/IDRB/DS2/AD2 Dated 09.12.2016 of
the Chief Engineer, IDRB, Thiruvananthapuram
4 Minutes of the meeting convened by the Chief Secretary on
03 .0 1.20 17
5 Letter No. 2300/2007/IDRB/D52/AD2 Dated 19.08.2017 of the
Chief Engineer, IDRB, Thiruvananthapuram

The original storage capacity of majority of the reservoirs in

the State has reduced over the years on account of sedimentation.
There has been a demand for desilting reservoirs so as to restore them
close to their original storage capacities. Capacity enhancement of
reservoirs is essential to meet the growing demand for Irrigation, power
• generation and drinking water supply. As a first step to assess the
feasibility of desiltation of reservoirs, Government of Kerala constituted
a Committee, based on the decision taken in the meeting chaired by
Hon. Chief Minister on 07.11.2016, as per the Government Order read as
2nd paper above to prepare draft Standard Operating Procedures(SOP)
for desiltation of the reservoirs in Kerala comprising the officials of
various departments viz, Water Resources Department, KSEB, Port
Department, Forest Department, Kerala Water Authority, Mining and
Geology Department, National Centre for Earth Science Studies (NCESS)
and Centre for Water Resources Development and Management
The Committee in its meetings held on 24.11.2016 and
03.12.2016 considered all the aspects to be included in the SOP as per
the decision taken in the meeting convened by Hon. Chief Minister on
07.11.2016. Accordingly the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Design and
Research Board as per letter read as 3rdpaper above submitted a
draft Standard Operating Procedure to Government for consideration.
The meeting chaired by the Chief Secretary on 03.01.2017 discussed the
File No.1R2/462/2017-WRD

SOP in detail and took the following decisions.

Desilting shall be carried out as pilots in two dams viz, Mangalam

and Chuliyar, one by adopting the work contract method and the
other by turnkey method, to authenticate the process described
in the SOP as well as the technology. The pilots are to be
undertaken as proof of concept and to fine-tune the process and
technology further in case the pilots are successful.
The SOP shall be put in public domain for one month for comments
from the public/activists. For this multiple Government websites as
well as press release may be used.
The SOP shall be forwarded to nationally acclaimed experts
(individuals/institutions) for their scrutiny and suggestions.

Accordingly draft Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)was

published in the official website of Government and the websites of
Water Resources Department, Revenue Department, Power Department,
Industries Department, Chief Engineer (Irrigation and Administration) and
Chief Engineer (Irrigation Design and Research Board) for comments
from the pub lic/a ctivists/e xpe rts/sta keholder Departments.
The comments received from the various institute s/pub lic have
been discussed in detail in the meeting of the Technical Committee held
on 08/05/2017 and necessary changes made in the SOP. The revised
SOP submitted by the Committee was evaluated in the joint meeting of
Hon. Minister, Finance and Minister, Water Resources held on 14.06.2017
and based on the suggestions made in the meeting the draft SOP was
again modified.
Subsequently, the Chief Engineer, Irrigation Design and
Research Board modified the draft Standard Operating Procedures in
accordance with the observations of Chief Technical Examiner and
submitted revised draft SOP to Government as per letter read as 5th
paper above.
Government, after having examined the matter in detail, are
pleased to approve the Standard Operating Procedures (SOP),
appended to this Order, for desiltation of reservoirs in Kerala and to
accord sanction to carry out desiltation in Mangalam and Chuliyar dams
as pilot projects, one by adopting the work contract method and the
other by turnkey method.
Since the purpose of the desilting is to enhance reservoir
capacity, Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is not required in
these cases. However, since the dams/reservoirs are located in
ecologically sensitive locations and are in the midst of regions with high
density of population, it is critical that a comprehensive Environment
Management Plan (EMP) be prepared before commencing the desilting
operation. The Chief Engineer IDRB shall ensure that the Environment
Management Plan (EMP) is prepared separately for the two dams by a
nationally accredited agency.
File No.1R2/462/2017-WRD

By order of the Governor

To:- The Additional Chief Secretary, Finance Department
The Additional Chief Secretary, Power Department
The Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue Department
The Additional Chief Secretary, Industries Department
The Additional Chief Secretary, Forest and Wild Life Department
The Additional Chief Secretary, Environment Department
The Principal Secretary, Local Self Government Department
The Land Revenue Commissioner, Thiruvananthapuram
The Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Thiruvananthapuram
The Chief Engineer,(Irrigation and
Administration),Thiruva na nthapura m
The Chief Engineer, (IDRB)Thiruvananthapuram
The Chief Engineer, (Project-i), Kozhikode
The Chief Engineer,(Project-2), Thiruvananthapuram
The Director, Port Department, Thiruvananthapuram
The Director, Mining &Geology Department, Thiruvananthapuram
The Chairman and Managing Director, KSEB, Thiruvananthapuram
The Managing Director, Kerala Water Authority,
The Chief Engineer,(KSEB), Thiruvananthapuram
The Chief Engineer, (Administration), Kerala Water Authority,
The Director, National Centre for Earth Science Studies,
The Principal Accountant General (Audit/A&E), Kerala,
General Administration (SC) Department (Vide item No.1447 dated
Finance Department(Vide U.O No. 509046/Ind&PWB3/17/Fin dated
I&PR(Web and New Media) Department
Revenue Department
• Power Department
Industries Department
• Forest and Wildlife Department
Environment Department •
Local Self Government Department
Stock file/Office Copy.

Forwarded/By order

Secti n officer

(i) General

Sedimentation of storage reservoirs is the process of accumulation of silt due to

the obstruction created by the dam. This causes reduction in the storage capacity
of the reservoir. The progressive loss of capacity due to sediment accumulation
results in reduced benefits and may even cause operational problems in the
reservoir projects. Desiltation of reservoirs will help to restore the original
designed capacity of the reservoirs. The desilted sediment can be separated into
usable components like sand and clay which can be utilized for construction
purposes and brick/tile industries respectively. This will provide a solution to the
scarcity of sand in'the State. Thus the desiltation of reservoirs will help in storage
capacity restoration as well as in earning sizeable revenue to the State by way of
sale of separated components.

Estimation of quantity of deposited sediment in a reservoir

For assessing the quantity of deposited sediments in reservoirs, sedimentation

studies shall be conducted by the dam officials prior to the desiltation process
using Integrated Bathymetric System and Sub Bottom Profiling. Sub Bottom
Profiling is a method by which the thickness of underwater sediments, including
type of sediment, can be assessed from an instrument mounted on a boat. If
desired, the bidder is free to carry out detailed studies for ascertaining the quantity
of sediments and its components at his own cost. After and during the desiltation
process, Integrated Bathymetric Study as well as Sub Bottom Profiling shall be
conducted jointly by the Department and bidder to assess the quantum of
sediments removed. The Initial sounding level and final sounding level shall be
reported to the Chief Technical Examiner as per rules.

Estimation of quantity of components in the deposited sediments as well as

Estimated cost of each component material? Estimated cost of
processing and packing etc. of each component material

In order to estimate the components of deposited sediments, bore samples shall be

collected by officials of Kerala Engineering Research Institute, Peechi or Kerala
Highway Research Institute or any other reputed Central /State Government
institutions in the presence of Engineer-in-charge of the project and analysed by
the said institutes. For accurate estimation of the components, representative

Page 1
samples shall be collected at closer interval, one each at the centre of the grid of
50mx5Om size. Bore samples are
to be collected for the entire depth of sediments.
The Superintending Engineer/ Deputy Chief Engineer in charge of the project
shall assess the quantity of sediments based on sounding levels, and on the basis
of test results of the sedimental samples, work out the quantity of each component
materials such as sand, silt, clay etc. and assess the estimate cost of each
component material! Estimated cost of extraction processing, separation and
packing etc. of each component material and to submit the report to the Technical
Committee through the Chief Engineer concerned to vet and accept the quantity
as well as estimated cost of each component material/ estimated cost for
extraction, processing, separation and packing etc. of each component material for
Method 1- Turn Key method and Method 2- Work Contract Method respectively.

Method -I: - Estimated cost of each component material = Quantity of each

component material in m 3x (unit rate of each component material as per current
DSR minus Unit rate for extraction, processing, separation, packing etc. of each
component material.

Method 2:- Estimated cost for extraction, processing, separation and packing etc,
of each component material = Quantity of each component material in m 3
x unit
rate for extraction, processing, separation and packing etc. of each component

(iv) Vetting and acceptance of the estimated quantity

by a competent technical body
Technical Committee is to be constituted as follows:-

In the case of Reservoirs under Inigation Department; the Technical•

Committee shall comprise following members:-
I. The Chief Engineer (I&A)-Chairman

The Chief Engineer in charge of the Project-Convenor.

The Chief Engineer (Mechanical), PWD-Member

The Director, Mining and Geology Department —Member

The Chief

6. The Superintending Engineer in charge of the project- Member

For the works connected with the Reservoirs under KSEBL, the Technical
Committee shall comprise the following members:-

Page 2
The Director (Civil), KSEBL-Chafrman

The Chief Engineer(Civil), Dam Safety, KSEBL-Convenor

The Chief Engineer (Mechanical),pwrJMe mber

The Director, Mining & Geology Department- Member

The Chief Hydrographer Member

The Deputy Chief Engineer, Dam Safety Organization, KSEBL- Member

The Empowered Committee is to be constituted as follows

The Additional Chief Secretary, Finance - Chairman

The Additijnal Chief Secretary Water Resource Department -Convenor

The Additional Chief Secretary Power- Member

The. Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue- Member

S. The Additional Chief Secretary, Forest & Wild life

The role of Empowered Committee are as listed below:-

1. Scrutiny of the DPR in consultation with the Chief Technical Examiner. -

Decide and approve the bidding method (Method 1- Turn key Method or
Method 2- Work contract) to be adopted for a particular project in consultation
with Chief Technical Examiner.

Fixation of installment amount to be paid to the Government for Method

1-Turn key Method.

Approval of variation in the estimated quantity of total sediments and

realised total quantity in consultation with the Chief Technical Examiner.

Monitoring the progress and redressal of disputes, if any, arised during

execution of work.

The Technical Committee shall give approval

for Estimated quantity of
components in the deposited sediments
as well as estimated cost of each

Page 3
component material!
Estimated cost for extraction, processing and packing etc. of
each component material.

The Chief Engineer of concerned project shall submit a detailed project report
with a cost benefit analysis along with recomnendation of Technical Committee
to the Government for Administrative Sanction. The Administrative Sanction shall
be issued by the Administrative Department concerned with the recommendation
of the Empowered Committee and seeking concurrence from Finance Department
(including - Chief Technical Examiner's advice).

Based on the Administrative Sanction, Chief Engineer concerned project shall

issue Technical Sanction and Superintending Engineer/ Deputy Chief Engineer in
charge of the Project shall tender the work after getting the approval for the
methodology of bid to be followed from the Empowered Committee. The Chief
Engineer concerned shall ensure that the LMR justification for the tendered work
is ready before opening the tender.

The Empowered Committee comprising Government Secretaries shall scrutinize

the DPR for each project, recommend Administrative Sanction and monitor the
progress at regular intervals.

Technology to be used for desilting of reservoir and its subsequent separation

The desilting of reservoirs shall be carried out using pneumatic

de-silting pumps.

The sediments shall be removed by suction method using de-silting pumps

and transported through pipelines to the processing yard for separation and the
debris (plastic, glass etc) shall be disposed strictly adhering to the safety,
conditions stipulated by the Department and without polluting the environment in
any manner. The pipeline system shall be the own responsibility of the bidder.

The de-silted sediment in slurry form shall be separated into usable

components such as boulder, gravel, sand, clay, silt, organic matter etc by using
suitable sediment separators (wet method). No harmful chemicals/floccu lat ion
agents shall be added during the separation phase.

The separation plant shall be located at the most technically feasible

distance. The land shall be provided by the Government on lease subject to
availability or arranged by the contractor, which will be decided at the time of

Page 4
bidding. If the land is not provided by the Government, the bidder has to mention
in the bid document about the details of the land along with location map.

The area required for the separation yard will depend on the size of the
reservoir and the quantity of sediments and will be specified in the bid document.

Separation of components shall be done in such a manner that the

properties of the separated materials are strictly in accordance with the market
requirements and IS specifications for construction materials, for which
specifications will be included in the bid document.
(vi) Issues related to turbidity of water during desiltation

Most of the reservoirs in the state are utilized for drinking water supply
also, so the entire de-silting process shall be carried out with rhinimum turbidity
caused to the reservoir water and without polluting the water for drinking water
supply. The turbidity of water near intake structure as well as the treated
discharged water after sediment separation shall not exceed 200NTU. Kerala
Water Authority shall be informed by the Project authority before starting
desiltation so that they shall monitor the compliance of the above in all the dams
during the desilting process. Baseline water quality data (physical, chemical and
microbial properties) of the reservoir water shall be analyzed before the
desiltation process. The parameters shall be analyzed at regular intervals during
desiltation to check if there is any deterioration in water quality due to the

Standards of Kerala State Pollution Control Board shall be followed in

relation to the treated water to be released to natural streanis/ reservoir. The test
required for ensuring water quality and other statutory norms shall be carried out S
by the bidder as per the departmental direction.
Environmental concerns due to the impact of the entire chain of activities -
desilting, separation of components, packing of components, disposal of

Before desilting is undertaken, a comprehensive Environmental Impact

Assessment (ETA) study by a nationally accredited agency shall be undertaken. The
agency shall develop an Enviromnent Management Plan (EMP) covering the following

1. Potential environmental impacts of desilting- Upstream, downstream and within

the reservoir - flora and fauna, fish habitat, other aquatic habitats, vegetative
cover etc.

Page 5
Potential environmental impacts of silt transportation network.

Potential environmental impacts of silt treatment plants

Recommended mitigation measures for impacts of desilting

Recommended mitigation measures for impacts of silt transportation plans

Recommended mitigation measures for impacts of silt treatmeht plants

Allocation of resources and responsibilities for plan implementation

S. General obligations of the desilting contractor with respect to EMY

Withdrawal of sediments shall only be carried out from the stipulated

locations of reservoir area, as per the work plan approved by the tendering

Locating the pipeline routes shall be done taking into account

development patterns of the area, roads, rail crossings, etc. Booster pump
locations, if required, shall be selected to minimize the inconvenience and•
potential noise impacts.

Stacking/processing of desilted materials shall be carried out as per

departmentaj direction and supervision only.

It is highly reconmiended that.the separated components are packed and•

transported, so as to reduce the chances of pollution. Packing shall be done within
the separation plant. In case materials are not packed, the trucks shall be well
covered during transportation to reduce pollution problems.

After the entire process is completed, debris shall be moved to the areas
approved by the Department.

In case of plastic and other debris, the bidding authority shall decide the
mode of disposal which shall be specified in the bid document

User agency shall apply for permission from Forest Department for laying
pipelines and for stacking of sediments within forest area. Either the bidder
through the department, or the department themselves shall be made as the user
agency and shall apply for the necessary clearances from Forest Department.

Page6 -
General laws and rules applicable to the local area where the desiltation
and separation processes are to be carried out shall also be strictly adhered to.

The depth up to which desilting can be done has to be specified along with
the quantity of sediments to be removed after sedimentation studies. DesiRing
shall not be permitted beyond the original bed levels of the reservoir and only the
accumulated sediments are to be removed.

(viii) Process involved in the chain of activities and the necessary pre-requisite to
ensure each activity is undertaken smoothly iheluding among others land where
desjlted material shall be stored, space to be allotted for the separation activity

Reservoir de-siltation Jrocess in brief shall include the following phases,

Phase I: Removal of sediment material from the reservoir

Phase 2: Transportation to separation plantlstacking yard

Phase 3: Separation and washing of cobble, pebble, sand, clay, and other

Phase 4: Sand and clay packing and debris disposal

The de-silted sediment in slurry form shall be separated into usable components
by wet method. The area for sediment stacking and processing yard shall be
selected taking into account the following factors:

The area shall be sufficient to store the separated materials for the
proposed stacking period

Areas considered as environmentally sensitive such as wetlands• and

streams, historical sites, river floodway etc. shall be avoided

For economy, the site shall be located at technically feasible distance

towards the downstream side of the reservoir.

The site shall be isolated from populated areas where the pipelineá and
other equipments may be considered a nuisance, a èafety hazard,
aesthetically unpleasant etc.

The long-term impacts of wind-blown silt that can originate from the
disposal area after it dries shall also be considered

The site shall provide the operational flexibility needed for the job, such as
the ability to discharge the dredged material at different points as it moves
• The site shall be suitable for future reuse

Disposal of untreated water sucked with the dredged material and subsequently

The sucked water which is discharged after sediment separation shall be treated
and reverted to natural streams/pipelines/ reservoir as per the direction of the
depmentai officers àoncemed. The water discharged to the natural streanis shall
strictly adhere to the standards specified by the Kerala State Pollution Control
Board. Untreated water shall not be discharged into the rivers/streaI reservoir
under any circumstance. The required test will have to be carried out by the bidder
as per the departm'entaj direction.

Environmental and social impacts of transportation of massive quantities of the

desilted and separated components through fragile communities with limited
road access given the remote location of reservoirs

The process of pumping the entire materials from reservoirs directly to the
separating & packing plants through pipelines will ensure minimum
enviromental and social disturbance. The bidder shall ensure that the jipeline
conveyance of de-silted material shall not affect the environment as well as the
people residing in the area. Any damages to road, gates, fence, side protection
works etc. due to any of the above processes, shall be maintained by the bidder.

Roles and responsibility of various stakeholders/officiah involved in the process

to ensure transparency and accountability

Responsibility of the bidder

- It shall be the responsibility of the bidder to
remove the sediments in accordance with this Standard Operating Procedure and
strictly adhering to the safety conditions and logistical guidelines stipulated by the
Government. The program for desittation shall be completed within a total period
of_ months based on the quantity of sediments to be removed (Below 2Mm3 -
12 months, 2Mm3 to 5Mm3 - 24 months, 5Mm
3 to 10Mm3 - 36 months, above
10Mm3 - 60 months). The time of completion may be extended if needed later
while carrying out pilot studies. The sediments are to be measured by weight. All

statutory norms are to be ensured and royalty if any needs to be paid by the
authority/ bidder who disposes off.the separated materials.

Responsibility of the officials:

Estimation of quantity of sediments and soil sample analysis with the help
of any State Government agency like KERI, KHRI etc.

The concerned Project officials shall take necessary steps for tendering
-d and arranging the work

The concerned Disfrjcf Collector shall • take over the usable materials and
monitor the process of packing and selling of the same

(xii) T'pes of bids to be floated for work related to desiltation

Tendering may be carried out by Method 1 -Turn key Method and Method 2- Work
Contract Method with the prior approval of Empowered Comthittee.

The Superintending Engineer/ Deputy Chief Engineer in charge of the concerned

project shall be delegated to tender the work as PQ Mode costing more than Rs.
crore or Non-PQ Mode in the case of costing less than or equal to Rs. 5
The acceptance of bids shall be as per the guidelines issued by Finance
Department. In the case of Turn Key Method for outright sale of sedinients, the
departmental officers are delegated with powers to accept the bid above the value.
of the component material based on prevailing PWD LMR only.

Method 1: Turn-key method

The Project authority shall assess the Probable Amount of Contract based on the
methodology specified in the note below. The Project authority shall tender for
outright sale of extracted components. The bidders shall quote a lumpsum amount
to be paid to the Government. The bidder who quotes the maximum amount will
be the successful bidder. The successfUl bidder shall pay the amount to the
Government in advance in installments as decided by the Empowered Cothniittee
pecified under clause (iv) and shall carry out the entire desiltation process as well
as separation and sale of the components.

The department shall work out the cost for the entire process including the separa tion
and packing stage. The value of the separated components shall also be worked out
based on current DSR in in3.

Method 2: Work Contract method

After assessing the Probable Amount of Contract based on the cost incurred for
extraction and separation of sediments as per the note below, the Project authority
shall tender the work of extracting the sediments and separating components
including packing as specified in the bid. The bidder shall quote unit rate (per
cubic meter) for the total sediment for the work. The bidder who quotes the
lowest rate will be the successffil bidder. After separation of components, the
products shall be handed over to the District Collector concerned for disposal. The
quantity of work eligible for payment shall be the total quantity of all separated
components (sand + inorganic clay ± organic clay + debris). As the sediment
removal and separation are continuous processes, the entire process shall be
treated as a single work and hence shall be awarded to a single bidder or a
consortium of bidders.
Note: The department
shall work out the cost for the entire process including the separation
and packing stage in in3.

The Agreement authority shall ensure that total estimated quantity of component material
(Sand, Silt, clay etc) shall matches with the realised total quantity of component material
(Sand, Silt, Clay-etc) i.e. Input quantity matches with Output quantity. If there are any
differences during execution of work, the same shall be immediately referred to the
Empowered Committee substantiating with proper study report and duly reconjinended
by the Technical Committee for approval of variation.

For awarding the work to a bidder, two-cover system shall be followed.

The technical bids and financial bids shall be submitted in two se,arate sealed
covers. An amount of Rs. 2.5%
of Probable Amount of Contract shall be furnished
as Earnest Money Deposit along with the bid document. Technical bids shall be
opened first. Then the financial bids of those qualified bidders only will be
opened and the work shall be awarded to the successful bidder. The bid amount
once quoted shall be final and binding on the bidder.

(xiii) Monitoring, auditing and accounting mechanism during the process life
ensure accountability èycle to

Page 10
The accumulated sediments shall be removed only from within the
boundary and sectors earmarked by Department. De-silting adjacent to the dam
structure shall be under the close monitoring of Kerala Dam Safety Authority It
will be the responsibility of the bidder to convince the Department about the
quantum of sediments removed by using Integrated Bathymetric Study and Sub
Bottom Profiling also.

Where ever tendering is carried out followthg the second method as per
para (xii), GPS enabled vehicles shall be used for the transport of separated
components. Also CCTV surveillance systems shall be installed at the separation
yard for monitoring the activities. The concerned District Collectors shall post an
Inspector at the separation site for monitoring.

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JUNE 2023
1. Background .......................................................................................................................... 1
2. Pre activities of Desiltation Project........................................................................................ 1
2.1 Estimation of quantity of deposited sediments in the reservoir .................................................. 1
2.2 Estimation of quantity of components in the deposited sediments ............................................ 2
2.3 Preparation of Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP)............................................. 2
2.4 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) .............................................................................. 2
2.5 Competent Authority for Project Approval .................................................................................. 3
2.5.1 Technical committee ............................................................................................................... 3
2.5.2 Empowered committee ........................................................................................................... 3
2.6 Administrative Sanction................................................................................................................ 4
2.7 Technical Sanction ........................................................................................................................ 4
3. Methodology for Desiltation ................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Removal of sediments and Transportation to processing yard.................................................... 4
3.2 Separation and disposal of components ...................................................................................... 4
4. Environmental Safeguard Requirements ............................................................................... 5
5. Dam Safety Aspects .............................................................................................................. 5
6. Land Requirements............................................................................................................... 5
7. Reservoirs in Forest Land ...................................................................................................... 5
8. Reservoirs in Revenue Land .................................................................................................. 6
9. Revenue from Desiltation ..................................................................................................... 6
10. Method of Contracting.......................................................................................................... 6
11. Probable Amount of Contract ............................................................................................... 6
12. Project Duration ................................................................................................................... 6
13. Amendments ........................................................................................................................ 7
14. Responsibilities .................................................................................................................... 7
14.1 KSEBL ............................................................................................................................................ 7
14.2 Bidder............................................................................................................................................ 7
14.3 Contractor ..................................................................................................................................... 8
15. Flow Chart ............................................................................................................................ 8
Annexure 1 - Flow Chart for Desiltation of Reservoirs................................................................... 9
Appendix A - Basic Data of KSEBL Reservoirs ................................................................................ 9
Appendix B - ASL of KSEBL Reservoirs ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix C - SOP for Desiltation of Reservoirs ................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix D - Revised SOP for Desiltation of Reservoirs ...................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Appendix E - G.O. - Exemption of Payment of Royalty ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.

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1. Background
Reservoirs created in sediment carrying streams gradually becomes silted up leading to
reduction of their storage. Loss of active storage volume of the reservoirs due to
sedimentation will adversely affect the intended benefits from reservoirs including the
benefits from hydro power generation, irrigation releases, drinking water supply etc.
Adequate measures need to be taken at the appropriate time to manage sediment induced
problems in reservoirs by the way of controlling the entry of sediments into reservoirs and
desilting the reservoirs by adopting appropriate methodologies. Apart from the primary
benefit of improving the storage of reservoirs, desiltation process derives revenue from the
sale of usable materials extracted from deposited sediments depending upon the
characteristics and distribution of components of sediment deposits as secondary benefit.
Majority of the dams of KSEBL had been constructed four to five decades ago (Appendix A –
Basic Data of KSEBL Reservoirs). A study report published by Central Water Commission (CWC)
on Siltation of Reservoirs in India (2015) reveals that, reduction in volume due to
sedimentation in the reservoirs in Kerala is very less compared to that in the reservoirs of
other States. Even though the reduction in storage in reservoirs due to sedimentation is
comparatively less, desiltation shall be carried out after assessing the quantity of sediments
and prioritising the reservoirs on the basis of Annual Storage Loss (ASL) (Appendix B – ASL of
KSEBL Reservoirs).
A Standard Operating Procedure, prepared based upon the best practices developed on
scientific knowledge and adapted upon Govt. SOP’s as per Appendix C & D, is framed for
streamlining the methodology to be adopted for successful implementation of various
activities involved in a desiltation project for the reservoirs of KSEBL. The SOP is modified as
2. Pre activities of Desiltation Project
The pre-activities in desiltation of reservoirs include;
1. Estimation of quantity of deposited sediments in the reservoir.
2. Estimation of quantity of components in the deposited sediments based on the results of
core sampling, analysis and classification of components.
3. Preparation of Transport Environment and Social Management Plan (ESMP).
4. Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR) & approval of DPR by the competent
5. Administrative Sanction by the competent authority.
6. Procurement for desiltation of reservoir.
2.1 Estimation of quantity of deposited sediments in the reservoir

The quantity of deposited sediments in the reservoir is to be estimated after assessing the
present day storage capacity of reservoirs either by conducting bathymetric survey,

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topographical survey or by a combination of both methods depending upon the status of
reservoirs at the time of survey and comparing it with the original storage.
2.2 Estimation of quantity of components in the deposited sediments

Estimation of the quantity of components in the deposited sediments is needed to arrive at

the expected revenue from desiltation of reservoirs. Analysis of the sediment samples is
necessary to estimate the components in the deposited sediments. Representative samples
from the reservoir are to be collected for the analysis.
The grid size of estimation of quantity and composition of sediments shall be from 50mx 50m
to 200m x 200m depending upon the specific characteristics of reservoirs.
Core samples are to be collected for the entire depth of sediments. If the sediments are visibly
homogenous along the vertical profile, sub samples are taken at top, 1 m, 2 m and so on. If
the vertical profile is heterogeneous, the sub samples of sediment are to be taken at the levels
wherever there is a heterogeneity and analysed.
The method of taking core samples shall be selected depending upon the nature and depth
of the samples to be collected so as to get the distribution of the components over the entire
depth of deposition.
Sampling, analysis and classification of deposited sediments and estimation of quantity of
each component shall be done through reputed agencies like Govt. Engineering Colleges,
NCESS, KHRI, KERI, IIT Palakkad, NIT Kozhikode etc. with whom MOUs/Agreements/Work
Orders shall be established.
2.3 Preparation of Transport and Environment Management Plan

The successful bidder shall prepare a transport and Environment Management Plan through
an accredited agency and obtain approval from KSEBL.
The Transport & Environment Management Plan shall be prepared after assessing the
potential impacts due to the various activities involved in the implementation of the
desiltation project. The plan shall recommend the mitigation measures to be taken to
minimise the adverse impacts.
The mitigation measures shall include but not restricted to that for the impacts due to;
- Safe and ecologically sound removal of deposited sediments from reservoir.
- Transportation of materials to the processing yards.
- Processing for separation of components.
- Safe disposal of unusable materials.
2.4 Preparation of Detailed Project Report (DPR)

A detailed project report shall be prepared for the implementation of desiltation from
The DPR shall include but not restricted to;
- Estimation of quantity of deposited sediments.
Page | 2
- Estimation of quantity of components of deposited sediments based on the sampling,
analysis and classification of sediments.
- Methodology for removal of sediments, transportation, separation and disposal of
- Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP).
- Method of contracting.
- Schedule of Payment to be made by the contractor.
- Estimated cost of the Project.
- Estimated benefit from the sale of usable material.
- Probable Amount of Contract.
- Timeline for project execution.
2.5 Competent Authority for Project Approval

There will be two committees for review, accord approval and monitor progress of the
Project, Technical Committee (TC) and Empowered Committee (EC).
2.5.1 Technical committee

• To review the Detailed Project Report and submit the DPR with their
recommendation for approval to EC.
• To review and recommend the Bid Evaluation report for approval by EC.
• To review the variations in contract and recommend for approval by EC.
• To monitor the progress of works once in three months.
• To provide technical support to EC for taking appropriate decisions during
execution of Project.

a. Director – Generation (Civil), KSEBL - Chairman

b. Chief Engineer (Civil – Dam Safety & DRIP), KSEBL – Convener
c. Chief Engineer (Mechanical), PWD – Member
d. Director, Mining & Geology Department – Member
e. Chief Hydrographer - Member
f. Technical Examiner (Civil), Finance Department, Govt. of Kerala - Member
g. Deputy Chief Engineer, Dam Safety Organization, KSEBL- Member
2.5.2 Empowered committee

• Scrutiny and approval of the DPR recommended by the TC.

• Recommending DPR for Administrative Sanction.

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• Approval of Bid Evaluation Report (BER).
• Approval of variations in the contract.
• Review the progress of works once in six months.
• Redressal of disputes in contract.
• Issue permissive sanction to the KSEBL/ Contractor for utilising the land on lease,
required for temporary use for transporting and processing the deposited
sediments and to access the process yard, in case the land identified falls under
Forest Land.

a. The Chief Secretary – Chairman

b. The Chairman & Managing Director, KSEBL - Convener
c. The Additional Chief Secretary, Power Department – Member
d. The Additional Chief Secretary, Revenue Department – Member
e. The Additional Chief Secretary, Forest and Wildlife Department – Member
f. The Director (Finance), KSEBL - Member
2.6 Administrative Sanction

Administrative sanction to the Project shall be issued by the Department of Power, Govt. of
Kerala based on the recommendation of the Empowered committee.
2.7 Technical Sanction

Technical Sanction shall be issued by the Chief Engineer (Civil – Dam Safety & DRIP), KSEBL
after obtaining Administrative sanction for the proposals.
3. Methodology for Desiltation
3.1 Removal of sediments and Transportation to processing yard

Sediment deposits from reservoir bed shall be removed primarily by suction method using
pneumatic desilting pumps and the dredged material shall be transported through pipeline.
Removal of sediment deposits from the area above water surface shall be done using suitable
excavation methods. Any other method approved by TC/CWC/other competent agency shall
be admissible.
3.2 Separation and disposal of components

The sediment extracted is separated into cobble, pebble, sand, clay and residue etc. at the
processing yard using suitable sediment separator. No harmful chemicals/flocculation agents
shall be added during the separation phase.
Separation of dry materials shall be done with suitable dry separation methods.
The unusable materials shall be disposed off suitably.

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4. Environmental Safeguard Requirements
• Water in the reservoirs is used for Power generation as well as drinking water purpose.
Quality standards of the water shall be maintained within the allowable limit throughout
the process of dredging.
• Route selected for laying pipelines for transporting materials shall not cause significant
impact to the infrastructure and inhabitation in that area.
• Location for installing booster pumps if any, required for transporting the extracted
sediment shall be selected with minimum noise impact to the surrounding inhabited
• Sites for disposal of unusable materials shall be so selected that the impact due to
disposal shall be minimal.
• The polluted water discharged from the processing plant for separation of sediments
shall be treated before releasing to natural streams/reservoirs.
• Environmentally sensitive areas shall be avoided while selecting land for transportation
and processing yard.
• Environmental safeguard measures stipulated in the ESMP shall be complied with.
5. Dam Safety Aspects

• The desiltation process shall not interfere with the safety of dams and operation of
• Dredging shall not be done beyond the specified limits.
• Dredging shall not be permitted beyond the original bed levels of the reservoir and only
the accumulated sediments shall be removed.
6. Land Requirements

• Reservoirs of KSEBL are largely located either in Revenue land or in the land diverted/
leased from Forest Department.
• Land is required for temporary use for transporting and processing the deposited
sediments and to access the process yard for a period of 3-4 years depending upon the
extent of siltation and characteristics of the reservoirs. Land, if available, with KSEBL shall
be permitted for temporary use on lease.
• If the land required for transportation and processing of sediments is forest land, forest
department is required to provide permissive sanction for the use of land on lease.
7. Reservoirs in Forest Land
For the reservoirs in Forest Land leased to KSEBL, KSEBL shall assess the quantity of
sediments to be removed and inform the quantity to be removed to the Forest

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Forest Department shall permit/ undertake itself the desiltation of the reservoir without
affecting the safety and operational performance of the Project in coordination with
Forest Department shall execute the desiltation or arrange to remove and dispose the
sediments in reservoirs in a time bound manner.
8. Reservoirs in Revenue Land
KSEBL shall carryout the desiltation of reservoirs in the land owned by KSEBL and in the
land under Revenue Department under the authority of the EC.
9. Revenue from Desiltation

• The income generated from the desiltation of reservoirs carried out by KSEBL shall be
wholly the revenue of KSEBL.
• Remittance of Royalty or any associated charges under the Mines and Minerals
(Development and Regulation) Act 1957 on account of desiltation of reservoirs is
exempted in line with GO (Ms) No 2/2020/WRD dated 07.01.2020 (Appendix E).
10. Method of Contracting

• KSEBL shall prepare the bid document for desiltation of reservoirs based on Turnkey
Contract Method.
• The Bid shall be invited by the Chief Engineer (Civil – Dam Safety & DRIP), KSEBL.
• A two - cover system shall be followed for bidding. The bid shall be invited in e-
procurement platform.
• Earnest Money Deposit of the bid shall be 2.5% of PAC as stipulated in the revised SOP of
Irrigation Dept.
• The work shall be awarded to the bidder who quotes the highest amount for desiltation.
11. Probable Amount of Contract

• KSEBL shall determine the expenditure for implementation of the project by estimating
the cost for all the activities involved.
• KSEBL shall determine the revenue from sale of the components of sediments separated
from the extracted sediments. Cost of components shall be worked out based on the
estimated quantity of components. The unit rate for each component shall be as per the
prevailing DSR.
• The Probable Amount of Contract (PAC) for the work shall be worked out as the
difference between the Revenue and Expenditure arrived at as above factoring all taxes.
12. Project Duration
The Project duration shall be assessed based on program chart with respect to the site
condition, transportation plan, EMP and other factors which are to be considered. However,

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duration of the project is tentatively fixed according to the quantity of deposited sediment to
be removed as detailed;
Quantity of Duration
sediments to be (Month)
removed (Mm3)

0-5 36
5 - 15 42
> 15 48
13. Amendments
The Empowered Committee (EC) has the full delegation for making any amendments in the
SOP. Minutes of meeting of the EC shall be considered as Government decisions for
proceeding with the desiltation project activities.
14. Responsibilities
14.1 KSEBL

• Assessment of quantity of sediment deposit in the reservoir.

• Estimation of components of deposited sediments.
• Preparation of ESMP through an accredited national agency.
• Estimation of PAC of the Project.
• Preparation of DPR.
• Obtaining approval of DPR from competent authorities.
• Bidding and award of Project.
• Analysing baseline water quality before the desiltation process.
• Monitor the quality of water in the reservoir as per standards at regular interval.
• Supervision of work and monitoring the progress.
• Receiving remittance from the Contractor.
• Auditing, accounting and final settlement of payment & closure of contract.
• Close supervision of removal of sediment from the nearby vicinity of the dam and
appurtenant structures.
14.2 Bidder

• Shall ascertain the quantities of deposited sediments in the reservoir and estimate the
components if they require, before making their quote and submitting the bid.
• Identify the location and extent of land required for transportation of extracted
sediments and processing the deposited sediments.
• Submit a layout sketch of the land required along with the bid.

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14.3 Contractor

The responsibilities of the contractor include but not restricted to;

• Prepare a transport and Environment Management Plan and obtain approval from KSEBL.
• Submit a breakdown of the activities and timeline for the execution of the Project.
• Remit the payment to KSEBL in advance in stipulated instalments as per the contract
• Submit request to the Empowered Committee for permissive sanction within seven days
for utilising the land required for transportation of extracted sediments and processing
of it etc. along with a layout sketch of the land with the recommendation of KSEBL.
• Shall arrange private land required for the project by his own, if land from Forest
Department is not available to spare for the project.
• Obtain necessary permission from the departments concerned.
• Initiate action for taking temporary possession of the land on lease, allocated for
desiltation process and take over the land within the scheduled time.
• Remittance of lease of land taken over from Forest Department.
• Desiltation shall be done by resorting suction/ other approved method.
• Removal of deposited sediments shall be carried out from the reservoir area as per the
work plan approved by KSEBL.
• Desilting shall not be done beyond the original reservoir bed.
• Undertake the mitigative measures as stipulated in the ESMP.
• Shall ensure that the polluted water discharged from the processing plant for the
separation of components of sediments are treated before releasing to natural
• Shall conduct bathymetric survey jointly with KSEBL after completing the desiltation to
ensure that all the deposited materials are removed up to the specified level.
• Remove the plants and temporary structures erected in the land taken over for the
implementation of the Project.
• Remove the temporary bunds etc. constructed.
• Remove the unwanted materials resulted from desiltation lying within the reservoir
• Complete the Project in all respects in compliance with terms and conditions of contract.
15. Flow Chart
A typical Flow chart for the desiltation of reservoirs is presented under Annexure 1.

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Annexure 1 - Flow Chart for Desiltation of Reservoirs (Turnkey method)

Estimation of Components (60 days)

Preparation of DPR for desiltation by KSEBL or through external agency by inviting bid (60 days)

Evaluation of Bid by TC and Award of Contract for preparing DPR (60 days)

Preparation of DPR by the successful bidder (90 days)

Review and Acceptance of DPR by TC (30 days)

Approval of DPR by EC (15 days)

Administrative Sanction (7 days)

Sanction from EC
for use of Land (15
Technical Sanction & Bidding (150 days) days)

Approval of BER by EC (15 days)

Award of Contract (7 days)

Remittance of Payment by Contractor in monthly/ quarterly instalments

Removal of Sediments by Dredging /Dry Excavation

Transportation/Separation of sediments in compliance with EMP

Final Survey (15 days)

Removal of bunds & temporary structures (1 month)

Closure of Contract

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Annexure I

Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

1 Clause iii, Original In order to estimate the components of Clause Sampling, analysis and classification In the 9th Empowered Committee Sampling, analysis and Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
SOP deposited sediment, bore samples shall 2.2, last of deposited sediments and meeting on desiltation held on classification is the key
be collected by officials of KERI,Peechi para, estimation of quantity of each 04.12.2020, it was recommended factor in desiltation process.
or KHRI or any other reputed central or page 2 component shall be done through to take the technical assistance Hence the quality of
State Govt Institutions in the presence reputed agencies like Govt. from NITs & IIT Palakkad for various analysis has to be assured
of Engineer-in- Charge of the Project Engineering Colleges, NCESS, KHRI, tasks of desiltation. Hence it is by fixing reputed agencies.
and analysed by the said Institutes. KERI, IIT Palakkad, NIT Kozhikode recommended to amend the list by Can be agreed.
etc. adding IIT Palakkad & NIT
Kozhikode also.

2 Clause Vii, of The grid size of estimation of quantity Clause Sediment samples shall be From the sampling done in the According to the modified The clause is modified as
Revised SOP and composition of sediments shall be 2.2, para collected at the rate of 20 numbers ongoing desiltation project at SOP sanctioned vide GO suggested.
from 50mx 50m to 200 m x 200 m. 2, page 2 per each one Sq. Km. of the Mangalam Reservoir of Irrigation (MS)No. 14/2019/WRD The modified clause is;
submergence area at FRL. Dept., it is experienced that dated 14.05.20219, the grid
Minimum number samples to be significant time and cost size of estimation of The grid size of estimation of
collected for the analysis shall be involvement is there in collecting quantity and composition of quantity and composition of
Ten (10) from a reservoir. A and analyzing samples at the sediments shall be from sediments shall be from 50mx
variation of +/- 10 percent from the intervals specified in the Revised 50mx 50m to 200 m x 200 50m to 200m x 200m depending
estimated number of samples as SOP of Irrigation dept. m. For accurate estimation upon the specific characteristics
above shall be admissible if of reservoirs.
Hence the number of samples to be of the components, samples
necessary depending upon the collected for estimation purpose is shall be collected at closer
shape and other special interval.
characteristics of the reservoirs.
Moreover it is specified in clause
14.2, that the bidder shall ascertain
the quantities of deposited
sediments in the reservoir and
estimate the components if they
require, before making their quote
and submitting the bid.
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

3 Clause iii, line 7 of Bore Samples are to be collected for the Clause If the sediments are visibly For better clarity, the clause is Modified clause is Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
original SOP entire depth of sediments 2.2, para homogenous along the vertical modified. satisfactory.
3, line 1, profile, sub samples are taken at
page 2 top, 1 m, 2 m and so on. If the
vertical profile is heterogeneous,
the sub samples of sediment are
taken at the levels wherever there
is a heterogeneity and analyzed.
The method of taking core samples
shall be selected depending upon
the nature and depth of the
samples to be collected so as to get
the distribution of the components
over the entire depth of deposition.

4 Clause iv, Page 2 For the works connected with the Clause Constitution of Technical It is recommended to modify the Technical committee has a Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
(last para) & page Reservoirs under KSEBL, the Technical 2.5.1, Committee; constitution of TC by including key role for approving the
3 of Original SOP committee shall comprise of the page 3 a. Director – Generation (Civil), Technical Examiner (Civil), Finance DPR. Hence members
following; KSEBL - Chairman Department, Govt. of Kerala as included are satisfactory.
b. Chief Engineer (Civil – Dam member of the committee, as
1. The Director (Civil), KSEBL –
Safety & DRIP), KSEBL – consultation with the Technical
Convener wing of Finance department is
2. The Chief Engineer (Civil), Dam
c. Chief Engineer (Mechanical), required for the approval of DPR
Safety, KSEBL – Convener
PWD – Member
3. The Chief Engineer (Mechanical),
d. Director, Mining & Geology
PWD – Member
Department – Member
4. The Director, Mining & Geology
e. Chief Hydrographer - Member
Department – Member
f. Technical Examiner (Civil),
5. The Chief Hydrographer – Member
6. The Deputy Chief Engineer, Dam Finance Department, Govt. of
Kerala - Member
Safety Organization, KSEBL-
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
g. Deputy Chief Engineer, Dam
Safety Organization, KSEBL-

5 Clause 2, of Chief Secretary – Chairman Clause Constitution of Empowered It is recommended to modify the As per revised SOP of Constitution of the committee is
Revised SOP The Additional Chief Secretary, Water 2.5.2, Committee; constitution of the committee by Irrigation Department modified with the Chief
page 4 The Additional Chief Secretary, adding The Chairman & Managing Empowered committee is Secretary as Chairman of the
Resource Department - Convener a.
Director, KSEBL and The Director headed by Chief Secretary. committee.
Department of Power -
The Additional Chief Secretary, Finance (Finance), KSEBL in the committee.
Chairman The modified constitution of the
Department – Member
b. The Chairman & Managing The Additional Chief Secretary, committee is;
The Additional Chief Secretary, Power Finance and the Additional Chief
Director, KSEBL – Convener a) The Chief Secretary –
The Director (Finance), KSEBL - Secretary,
Department _ Member Water Resource
Department, are removed from the Chairman
The Additional Chief Secretary, Member b) The Chairman & Managing
Revenue Department - Member d. The Additional Chief Secretary, list as they do not have significant Director, KSEBL - Convener
Department of Revenue - role as far as desiltation of KSEBL
The Additional Chief Secretary, reservoirs is concerned. c) The Additional Chief
Forest and Wildlife Department - Secretary, Power
e. The Additional Chief Secretary,
Member Department - Member
Forest and Wildlife Department d) The Additional Chief
- Member Secretary, Revenue
Department – Member
e) The Additional Chief
Secretary, Forest and
Wildlife Department –
f) The Director (Finance), KSEBL
- Member
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

6 Clause iv, page 3 The role of Empowered Committee and Clause 2.5 2.5.1 Technical committee Roles and responsibilities of each Satisfactory Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
and 4 of SOP Technical Committee. & 2.6, Responsibility: committee for recommending/
page 3 & 4 according sanction for the various
• To review the Detailed Project activities involved in the desiltation
Report and submit the DPR with process is defined clearly.
their recommendation for
In order to streamline the review
approval to EC.
and approval process and to reduce
• To review and recommend the the time required for the
Bid Evaluation report for approval multistage approvals, it is
by EC. suggested to adopt the review and
• To review the variations in approval process of DPR as follows;
contract and recommend for KSEBL shall prepare the draft DPR
approval by EC. including all the components of
• To monitor the progress of works desiltation and submit the draft
once in three months. DPR to TC for the technical review.
TC shall review the DPR and if any
• To provide technical support to
comments are there, KSEBL shall
EC for taking appropriate
modify the DPR after complying the
decisions during execution of
comments of TC. The modified DPR
will be submitted to TC and TC will
2.5.2 Empowered committee submit the DPR to EC with their
Responsibility: recommendation. EC shall
scrutinize and approve the DPR and
• Scrutiny and approval of the DPR
recommend to the Power
recommended by the TC.
Department for Administrative
• Recommending DPR for Sanction.
Administrative Sanction.
• Approval of Bid Evaluation Report
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
• Approval of variations in the
• Review the progress of works
once in six months.
• Redressal of disputes in contract.
• Issue permissive sanction to the
KSEBL/ Contractor for utilizing the
land on lease, required for
temporary use for transporting
and processing the deposited
sediments and to access the
process yard, in case the land
identified falls under Forest Land.
2.6 Administrative Sanction
Administrative sanction to the
Project shall be issued from the
Department of Power, Govt. of
Kerala based on the
recommendation of the
Empowered committee.

7 Clause v, para 4, The land shall be provided by the Clause 6, Land Requirements; Modifications are made as most of Modifications are Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
line 2, page 4 of Government on lease subject to point 3, If the reservoirs of KSEBL are either in satisfactory/ may be
the land required for
SOP availability or arranged by the page 5 Forest/Revenue land. accepted
transportation and processing of
contractor, which will be decided at the sediments is forest land, forest The EC shall secure participating
time of bidding. If the land is not department is required to provide department’s sanction if it is forest
provided by the Govt., the bidder has to permissive sanction for the use of property or the land leased to
mention in the bid document about the land on lease KSEBL.
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
details of the land along with location Clause 2.5.2 Empowered committee
map. 2.5.2, Responsibility:
point 7,
page 4 Issue permissive sanction to the
KSEBL/ Contractor for utilizing the
land on lease, required for
temporary use for transporting and
processing the deposited
sediments and to access the
process yard, in case the land
identified falls under Forest Land

Clause 8, Reservoirs in Revenue Land

page 6 KSEBL shall carryout the desiltation
of reservoirs in the land owned by
KSEBL and in the land under
Revenue Department under the
authority of the EC.

Clause Responsibility of contractor; Responsibility is defined clearly

14.3 Submit request to the Empowered
Point 4 & Committee for permissive sanction
5, page 8 within seven days for utilising the
land required for transportation of
extracted sediments and
processing of it etc. along with a
layout sketch of the land with the
recommendation of KSEBL.
Shall arrange private land required
for the project by his own, if land
from Forest/ Revenue department
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
is not available to spare for the

8 Clause vi of SOP, Most of the reservoirs in the State are Clause 4, Water in the reservoirs is used for As the reservoirs of KSEBL are Modifications are Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 5 Utilized for drinking water supply also, Point 1, Power generation as well as meant for power demand, the satisfactory
so the entire de-silting process shall be page 5 drinking water purpose. Quality water quality shall be such that it
carried out with minimum turbidity standards of the water shall be shall not affect the performance of
caused to the reservoir water and maintained within the allowable machines also.
without polluting the water for drinking limit throughout the process of
water supply. dredging.

Clause 14.Responsibilities Responsibly for maintaining the

14.1, 14.1 KSEBL water quality is clearly defined.
Point 8 &
Analysing baseline water quality
before the desiltation process.
Monitor the quality of water in the
reservoir as per standards at
regular interval.

9 Clause vii, para 1, Before desilting is undertaken, a Clause A transport and Environment and Modified for clarity SOP of Irrigation The clause is modified as per
Page 5 of SOP comprehensive Environmental Impact 2.3, page Social Management Plan (ESMP) Department is mere GO.(M.S.)No. 49/2019/WRD
Assessment (EIA) study by a nationally 2 shall be prepared after assessing suitable. dated 08.11.2019 as follows;
accredited agency shall be undertaken. the potential impacts due to the The successful bidder shall
The agency shall develop an various activities involved in the prepare a transport and
Environmental Management Plan implementation of the desiltation Environment Management Plan
covering following issues. project. The ESMP shall through an accredited agency
recommend the mitigation and obtain approval from KSEBL.
measures to be taken to minimize
the adverse impacts. The Transport & Environment
Management Plan shall be
prepared after assessing the
potential impacts due to the
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
The mitigation measures shall various activities involved in the
include but not restricted to that for implementation of the
the impacts due to; desiltation project. The plan shall
recommend the mitigation
- Removal of deposited sediments
measures to be taken to
from reservoir.
minimize the adverse impacts.
- Transportation of materials to
The mitigation measures shall
processing yard.
include but not restricted to that
- Processing for separation of for the impacts due to;
- Safe and ecologically sound
- Disposal of unusable materials. removal of deposited
The ESMP shall be prepared by a sediments from reservoir.
national accredited agency. - Transportation of materials
to the processing yards.
- Processing for separation of
- Safe disposal of unusable
Same is included as point 1 of
Clause 14.3 also.

10 Clause vii, , page 6 Withdrawal of sediments shall only be Clause Removal of deposited sediments To progress the desiltation in It’s the clients right to The clause is modified as
of SOP carried out from the stipulated 14.3, shall be progressed sector wise as accordance with the requirements specify the requirements suggested.
locations of reservoir area, as per the Point 10 per the sequence of operation of KSEBL for the removal of The modified clause is
work plan approved by the tendering stipulated in the contract. deposited sediments. As the
authority Desiltation process extends ‘Removal of deposited sediments
through different seasons, shall be carried out from the
sector vise desiltation reservoir area as per the work
seems to be not viable. plan approved by KSEBL’.
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

11 Clause vii, last Either the bidder through the Clause The responsibilities of the Bidders may not be able to apply In case of clearance from Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
para page 6 of department or the department 14.3 contractor include but not for clearances from Forest Forest Department, Bidders
SOP themselves shall be made as the user restricted to, Department. may not be able to apply.
Point 4
agency and shall apply for necessary Clearance certificate is not
clearances from Forest Department. necessary in case of
Submit request to the Empowered Irrigation Dams as the Dams
Committee for permissive sanction are in Irrigation Land. If
within seven days for utilizing the transportation is required
land required for transportation of through forest land, KSEB
extracted sediments and SOP is more suitable.
processing of it etc. along with a
layout sketch of the land with the
recommendation of KSEBL.

12 Clause vii, para 11, The depth up to which dredging can be Clause Desilting shall not be done beyond Included under proper head, Bottom profile fixing for Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 7 of SOP done has to be specified along with the 14.3, the original reservoir bed responsibility of Contractor desiltation process is the
quantity of sediments to be removed point 11 one of the key stages of
after sedimentation studies. processing steps that has to
be marked correctly
otherwise, impermeable
layer could be damaged.
Same as in the SOP of
Irrigation Department.

13 Clause viii, page 7 Reservoir desiltation process in brief Clause 3, Methodology for Desiltation Contents in the clause viii of SOP is Modification is satisfactory Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
of SOP shall include the following phases page 4 classified and streamlined.
The criteria for selection of area
Clause 4 Environmental Safeguard
shall not be limited to general
Page 5 Requirements
terms. The area shall be selected in
compliance with the ESMP
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

14 Clause viii, para 2, The entire reservoir area shall be Clause Removal of deposited sediments Classified and included under Modification is satisfactory Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 4 of Revised divided into various sectors by the 14.3, shall be progressed sector wise as proper head, Responsibility of Modified as per the comments
SOP tendering authority in which the total Point 10. per the sequence of operation contractor.
under Sl. no. 10.
quantity of sediments will be more or stipulated in the contract.
less the same. The size of each sector
and the duration of de-siltation in each
segment shall be by the bidding

15 Clause ix, page 8 Disposal of untreated water sucked Clause Shall ensure that the polluted water Classified and included under Modification is satisfactory Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
of SOP with the dredged material and 14.3, discharged from the processing proper head, Responsibility of
subsequently separated point 13. plant for the separation of contractor.
components of sediments are
treated before releasing to natural

16 Clause x, page 8 of Environmental and social impacts of Clause Sediment deposits from reservoir Classified and included under Modification is satisfactory Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
SOP transportation of massive quantities of 3.1, para bed shall be removed primarily by respective heads.
the dredged and separated 1, page 4 suction method using pneumatic
components through fragile desilting pumps and the dredged
communities with limited road access material shall be transported
given the remote location of reservoirs. through pipeline

Clause 4, Route selected for laying pipelines

point 2 & for transporting materials shall not
6, page 5 cause significant impact to the
infrastructure and inhabitation in
that area.
Environmentally sensitive areas
shall be avoided while selecting
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
land for transportation and
processing yard.

17 Clause xi of SOP, Responsibility of the bidder – Clause 12 Project Duration – Classified and included under the Project duration can be Modified as suggested by KWRD.
para 1, Page 8 ……The program for desiltation shall be , page 6 Duration of the project is fixed head Project Duration. assessed only based on The modified clause is;
program chart with respect
completed within a total period of according to the quantity of Duration of projects for removing
to the site condition, EMP The Project duration shall be
_months based on the quantity of deposited sediment to be removed sediments upto 5 Mm3 as per the
and other factors which is to assessed based on program chart
sediments to be removed. as detailed; SOP of Irrigation department was
be considered. The with respect to the site
12 months.
(Below 5Mm3 – 12 months, 5 Mm3 to Quantity of Duration
modification based on condition, transportation plan,
sediments to be (Month)
15 Mm3 – 24 months, 15Mm3 to The project duration for the quantity to be desilted is EMP and other factors which are
30Mm3 – 36 months. Above 30Mm3 – (Mm3) desiltation of Mangalam reservoir not satisfactory. According to be considered.
48 months). 0-5 36 as per the bid document is 36 to the transportation plan However, duration of the project
5 - 15 42 months. Quantity to be removed as the duration of project may is tentatively fixed according to
> 15 48 per the bid for desiltation of be vary. According to the the quantity of deposited
Mangalam reservoir is 2.95 Mm3 Transportation plan of sediment to be removed as
which is less than 5 Mm3. Mangalam dam, the detailed;
Hence the project duration for duration was fixed as 36 Quantity of Duration
removing sediments for a quantity months. sediments to be (Month)
upto 5 Mm3 is modified to 36 removed
months from 12 months. In line 0-5 36
with the above, duration for other 5 - 15 42
range of quantities also modified. > 15 48

18 Clause xi of SOP, Responsibility of the Officials; Deleted Turnkey method of contracting is Turnkey method is suitable Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
para 2, point 3, The concerned District Collector shall proposed to be adopted and hence for desiltation project.
Page 9 this point is not relevant. Hence the clause in
take over the usable materials and
Irrigation Department SOP
monitor the process of packing and
is not essential for turnkey
selling of the same
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

19 Clause xii, para 1, Tendering may be carried out by Clause 10, Irrigation Department, Govt. of The procedure involved in Work Turnkey method is suitable Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 9 of SOP Method 1 – Turn Key method and para 1, Kerala has invited bid for desiltation Contract method is cumbersome for desiltation project. Modified based on the
Method -2 – Work contract method page 6 of Mangalam Reservoir on Turnkey and requires more manpower for
suggestions of KWRD as follows;
with the prior approval of Empowered Contract Method and work is in supervision etc. Hence it is
Committee progress. KSEBL shall prepare the proposed to adopt Turnkey KSEBL shall prepare the bid
bid document for desiltation of method. document for desiltation of
reservoirs with reference to the bid reservoirs based on Turnkey
document of Mangalam Reservoir Contract Method.
of Irrigation Department, Govt. of

20 Clause xii, last The successful bidder shall pay the Clause 9, Revenue from Desiltation; The modification is made because; It is solemnly the power of Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
para, line 5, page amount to the Government in advance point 1, The income generated from the The land will be on long term lease KSEBL.
9 of SOP in installments as decided by the page 6 desiltation of reservoirs carried out and the income shall be revenue to
Empowered Committee by KSEBL shall be the revenue of KSEBL.
KSEBL. More over KSEBL will have to incur
expenditure for carrying out the
Clause Receiving remittance from the
pre activities including conducting
14.1, Contractor.
bathymetric survey, estimation of
point 11,
quantity of each component of
Page 7
deposited sediments, preparation
of ESMP, preparation of DPR etc.
Further, KSEBL is inviting the bid
and arranging the work and the
work will be implemented under
the supervision of KSEBL.

21 Clause xiii, para 1, The accumulated sediments shall be Clause Removal of deposited sediments Classified and included under the It is solemnly the power of Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 11 of SOP removed only from within the 14.3, shall be progressed sector wise as head, Responsibility of contractor. KSEBL. Modified as per the comments
boundary and sectors earmarked by Point 10 per the sequence of operation under Sl. no. 10.
Department. stipulated in the contract.
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019

22 Clause xiii, para 1, De-silting adjacent to the dam structure Clause Responsibility of KSEBL; It may not be practically possible to Dam Safety Authority is Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
line 2, page 11 of shall be under the close monitoring of 14.1, have a close monitoring of responsible of all DAMs in As KDSA does not exist now,
Close supervision of removal of
SOP Kerala Dam Safety Authority point 13 & desiltation near dam structure by the State. However this Point no. 14 is deleted.
sediment from the nearby vicinity
14, page 7 Kerala Dam Safety Authority as it clause may be fixed as per
of the dam and appurtenant
may require a good number of days KSEBL’s direction.
for desilting near dam structure.
Shall bring relevant issues before Hence the clause is modified.
the Kerala Dam Safety Authority,
which requires their mandate.

23 Clause xiii, para 2, Where ever tendering is carried out Deleted Turnkey method of contracting is Turnkey method is suitable Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 11 of SOP following the second method as per proposed to be adopted, and hence for desiltation project.
para(xii), GPS enabled vehicles shall be this point is not relevant.
used for the transport of separated

24 Clause 7, Reservoirs in Forest Land Most of the reservoirs of KSEBL are Modifications are Agreed to the remarks of KWRD.
page 5 & 6 in Forest/Revenue land. Hence satisfactory.
For the reservoirs in Forest Land
these points are added.
leased to KSEBL, KSEBL shall assess
the quantity of sediments to be
removed and inform the quantity to
be removed to the Forest
Forest Department shall permit/
undertake itself the desiltation of
the reservoir without affecting the
safety and operational
performance of the Project in
coordination with KSEBL.
Forest Department shall execute
the desiltation or arrange to
Sl Reference in the Clause as per SOP of Irrigation Reference Clause as per SOP of KSEBL Reason for modifications Remarks furnished by KSEBL’s Comments and
No. Original SOP Department in the SOP KWRD (Ref: Letter No. modifications made in SOP.
GO (MS) No.17 of KSEBL 104/B2/21/PD dated
/2017/WRD date 07.04.2022)
/Revised SOP of
date 14.05.2019
remove and dispose the sediments
in reservoirs in a time bound

Clause 8, Reservoirs in Revenue Land

page 6
KSEBL shall carryout the desiltation
of reservoirs in the land owned by
KSEBL and in the land under
Revenue Department under the
authority of EC

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