Exercise Chapter 3

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Exercise Chapter 3

1. Read the situation below. Then, answer the following questions.

Gajen likes to eat burgers. Every day, he eats burger for dinner. He
assumes apiece of burger is a balanced diet.

a) Is Gajen’s assumption true?Explain.


b) As a best friend, suggest a healthy lifestyle that can help to solve Gajen’s weight

2. Compare the differences between physical and chemical digestion.

Physical digestion Chemical digestion

3. State one enzyme that can be found in mouth. Explain how the enzyme in mouth

4. Susan loves to eat spicy food but she will interspersed with drinking water when
eating the food. Her mother does not like it and refuse the habit. Why?

5. The high-cholesterol food intake will cause cholesterol deposited in the blood
vessels. Diagram 1.2 shows the normal blood vessel while diagram 1.3 shows the
changes in the blood vessel structure after the taking of high-cholesterol food is

(i) Explain the difference of blood flow in the two blood vessel.

(ii) Amin is a health conscious person. He wants to open a fitness centre to encourage
people to exercise and practice a healthy lifestyle. Using the reasonable reason, justify
Amin’s intention.

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