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Performance Content Standard Institutional

Unit Topic Content Competencies/Skills Resources Assessments Activities
Standard (PS) (CS) Core Values

The learner The learner A. Pronoun and its A. Applying pronoun in English Writing Skills Brainstorming
composes a short demonstrates Types constructing sentences Communication Commitment
but powerful understanding of A1. Know the importance Arts and Skills
persuasive text how world literature of pronoun in the Through World Service
using a variety of and other text types sentences Literature
persuasive serves as ways of Honesty
techniques and expressing and B. Reflexive and B. Determine what is the Writing Skills
devices. resolving personal Intensive Pronoun use of reflexive and English Openness
conflict, also how to intensive in the sentences. Communication
use strategies in Arts and Skills Honesty
linking textual Through World
Small Group
information, C. Greek Art and C. Understand and Literature Circle the Integrity
repairing, enhancing Literature appreciate the Greek Questions
communication literature Tolerance
public speaking, C1. Show appreciation to
emphasis markers in the listening text Trust
persuasive texts,
different forms of Responsibility
modals, reflexive D. Graphic D. Apply graphic organizer English in social moral
Writing Skills
and intensive Organizers to understand the topic Communication ,moral,
Oral Drill
pronouns. well Arts and Skills spiritual and
Through World academic
E. Noting Routines E. Generalize the routines Literature matters
Writing Skills Reading Drill
when listening or in reading and writing

F. Listening and F. Analyzed how English

reading Effectively important to listen and Communication
Oral Drill Peer review writing
read with comprehension Arts and Skills
Through World
G. Homer and Literature
Mythological G. Express their Optimist/Pessimist TTW
Background of Iliad appreciation in sensory

H. The Iliad H. Use their listening skills

WH Questions
summary and recognize their ideas Board Work
on the reading materials

I. Farewell between I. Determine the signals by

WH- Question
Hector and the speaker to highlight English Writing Skill
Andromache the Communication
significant point Arts and Skills
Through World
J. Priam Ransoms J. Explain how the
the body of Hector elements specific genre Board rotation
Writing Skills
contribute to the theme

K. Direct and K. Single out direct and

Indirect Speech indirect signals by the
Oral Drill 3-2-1

L. Gods and L. Know the god and

goddesses goddesses and their
Circle the
questions Oral Drill

M. Techniques in M. Employ the techniques

public Speaking in public speaking in Oral Drill
Board Work
sample public situation

N. Speech
N. Know the purpose of Quiz Group Discussion
speech English
N1. Express their ideas in Communication
learning speech Arts and Skills
O. Conjunction Through World Writing Skill Writing Drill
O. Determine the roles of Literature
conjunction in the

P. Persuasive Text Writing Skill Group Discussion

P. Compose a persuasive
text of 2 paragraphs
expressing ones English
P1. Using variety of Communication
persuasive techniques and Arts and Skills
devices Through World
Q. Writing a Literature Writing Skill Exit Slips
laboratory Report Q. Examine an experiment
and write a laboratory
Writing Skills Writing Drill
R. Writing a
Summary R. Apply how to use a
S. Modals S. Apply modals in Writing Skills check
constructing sentences

T. Writing Effective T. Compose a persuasive

Persuasive Text text of three paragraphs Peer Review
Exit slips
expressing ones stand Writing Task

U. Deliver a U. Deliver a persuasive

Oral Drill Pick a Winner
persuasive Speech speech Fluently

Performance Content Standard Institutional

Unit Topic Content Competencies/Skills Resources Assessments Activities
Standard (PS) (CS) Core Values

The learner The learner A. Linking Verb A. know the usage og English Writing Skills Brainstorming Commitment
proficiently delivers demonstrates linking verb in the Communication
an argumentative understanding of sentence Arts and Skills Service
speech emphasizing how world A1. Recognize the words Through World
how to resolve literatures and other given it is linking verb or Literature Writing Skills Honesty
conflicts among text types serve as main idea
individuals or vehicles of A2. Compose sentences Openness
groups. expressing and using linking verb
resolving conflicts English Honesty
Small Group
among individuals or B. know the usage of Communication Circle the
groups; also how to B. Theme linking verb in the Arts and Skills Questions Integrity
use strategies in sentence Through World
critical reading, B2. identify what is the Literature Tolerance
listening, and theme on the given
viewing, and literary piece Trust
affirmation and B3. explain how the English
Writing Skills Oral Drill
negation markers to elements to a selection Communication Responsibility
deliver impromptu build its theme Arts and Skills in social moral
and Through World ,moral,
Writing Skills Reading Drill
extemporaneous Literature spiritual and
speeches. C. Nibelungelied C. Make a summary of the academic
story matters
C1. Share the moral of the
Oral Drill
D. Song of Roland D. make a reflection paper
Peer review writing
D1. Show appreciation to English
the story being read Communication
Arts and Skills
E. Figure of Speech E. identify the different Through World WH Questions
figure of speeches Literature TTW
E1. Construct figure of
speech using different English
types Communication
E2. Know the importance Arts and Skills
of figurative language Through World
E3. Identify examples for Literature
each figures of speech
WH- Question
F. Beowulf F. make a summary of the Oral
story being read English
F1. Share the lesson of the Communication
story Arts and Skills
Through World Writing Skills
G. Don Quixote G. analyze the lesson
being imparted in Writing Skill
individual life
G1. Create a reflection
paper base on the story Oral Drill
Circle the
H. Our Lady Juggler H. Express their questions Group Discussion
appreciation in sensory
H1. Make a reaction paper
base on the story listen
Oral Drill
Writing Skill
Circle the
I. Clauses I. identify the different questions
kinds of clause
I1. Compose clauses in
paragraph form
Oral Drill
English Circle the
Communication questions
Group Discussion
J. Impromptu and J. Define impromptu and Arts and Skills
Extemporaneous extemporaneous Through World
Speech speeches Literature

J1. identify the passage

whether it is impromptu
and extemporaneous

J2. compose impromptu

and extemporaneous

Performance Content Standard Institutional

Unit Topic Content Competencies/Skills Resources Assessments Activities
Standard (PS) (CS) Core Values

The learner skilfully The learner A. Argumentation A. recognize the following English Brainstorming
delivers a speech for demonstrates and Debate steps in a process of Communication Group activity Commitment
a special occasion understanding of argumentation and Arts and Skills Writing Skills
through utilizing how world literature debate Through World Creativity Service
effective verbal and and other text types A1. Identify the correct Literature
non-verbal serve as sources of process of argumentation Honesty
strategies and ICT wisdom in and debate
resources. expressing and A2. Arrange the steps Openness
resolving conflicts according to how it should English
among individuals, happen first Communication Small Group Honesty
groups and nature; B. Pronoun Arts and Skills Differentiated
also how to use Antecedent B. state the function of Through World Writing Skills Work Integrity
evaluative reading, antecedent Literature
listening and viewing B1. Identify the pronoun Tolerance
strategies, special and antecedent of the
speeches for given sentence Trust
occasion, pronouns C. Advertisement Circle the Oral
and structures of C. identify the use of English Questions Present Responsibility
modification. advertisement Communication Advertisement in social moral
C1. Present an Arts and Skills ,moral,
advertisement in the class Through World spiritual and
D. Syllogism Literature Think-Pair-Share academic
D. identify the corrct matters
premise of the correct
premise oof the given
Writing Analysis
E. Tree statements Peer review
Diagramming/ writing task
Labelling Phrases E. draw the tree
diagramming to the given English
sentences and phrases Communication
Arts and Skills
F. Elements of the Through World Writing Drill
story F. apply the elements of Literature Writing Creativity
the story on the given
G. Variety of
Informative, Oral
persuasive and G. Identify informative, Writing Creativity Present
Argumentative persuasive and Advertisement
Writing techniques argumentative
G1. Use a variety of
informative, persuasive
and argumentative writing English
H. Delivering techniques Communication
Welcome and Arts and Skills Writing Creativity Oral Drill
Closing Remarks H. organize the proper Through World Group Discussion
delivering welcome and Literature
closing remarks
I. Structure of
Modification Think-Pair-Share
I. Use structure of Writing Skill
J. Adios Cordera
Writing Drill
J. role play the story using Writing Skill
creativity English
J1. Share the class the Communication
moral being portray in the Arts and Skills Thinking
K. Sensory Language story Through World Writing Skill/Sense Collaborative
Literature of Imagery
K. State the importance of
sensory language in
literary composition
K1. compose a poem
using sensory image

Performance Content Standard Institutional

Unit Topic Content Competencies/Skills Resources Assessments Activities
Standard (PS) (CS) Core Values

The learner The learner A. Verbal Analogies A. Recognize the types of English Writing Skills Brainstorming
competently demonstrates verbal analogies Communication Commitment
performs in a full- understanding of A1. Identify verbal Arts and Skills
length play through how Anglo-American analogies Through World Service
applying effective literature and other Literature
verbal and non- text types serve as Honesty
verbal strategies and means of preserving B. Idiomatic B. explain the function of Writing Skills
ICT resources based unchanging values in Expressions idiom Openness
on the following a changing world; B1. Identify the correct English
criteria: Focus, also how to use the meaning of the given Communication Honesty
Voice, Delivery and features of a full- idiomatic expression Arts and Skills
Small Group
Dramatic length play, tense Through World Circle the Integrity
Conventions. consistency, modals, C. Changing C. change direct and Literature Questions
active and passive Questions to indirect discourse in the Tolerance
constructions plus Indirect Discourse given questions
direct and indirect C1. Show appreciation to Trust
speech to enable the listening text English
him/her Communication Responsibility
Writing Skills Oral Drill
competently D. Poetry D. differentiate the types Arts and Skills in social moral
Creativity Reading Drill
performs in a full- and style of poetry Through World ,moral,
Oral Drill Peer review
length play. D1.compose a poem with Literature spiritual and
writing task
creativity academic
Board Wo

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