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1. Is it used everyday?

Yes it is
2. Is it can we take anywhere? Yes it is
3. Is it expensive? No it is not
4. Is it edible? No it is not
5. Is it in a house? Yes it is Andini
6. Is it square shaped? No it is not Deby
7. Is it from kitchen? Yes it is Ariel
8. Is it a kitchen toolset? Yes it is Raphael
9. Is it made from wood? No it is not
10. Is it small object? No it is not
11. Is it sharp object? No it is not
12. Is it made from metal? No it is not
13. Is it tube shaped? Yes it is
14. Is it for fashion? No it is not
15. Is it medium sized? Yes it is
16. Is it heavy? No it is not
17. Is it light? Yes it is
18. Is it have a lid? Yes it is
19. Is it washable? Yes it is
20. Is it a tableware? Yes it is
21. Is it water container? Yes is it
22. Is it colorful? Yes it is
23. Is it for drink? Yes is it
24. Is it made from plastic? Yes it is
25. Is it recycable? Yes it is

Good Morning Mr. Yaddy and all of my friends my name is Moch. Ariel Syahrul
Romadhan. I'm trying to guess what Raphael thinking about. What Raphael thinking
about? The thing is used everyday. We can take it anywhere. And is it from our house.
It is from kitchen and a kitchen toolset, it is tube shaped and have a tube shape, it is a
light thing. It is have a lid and washable. It is tableware and contains water, it is
colorful and its use as a container for drinking, it is made from plastic and recycable.
So, we come to our conclusion that is must be a Bottle.

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