Desiel Cycle

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The compression-ignition (CI) engine is one in which the air is compressed to a temperature
that is above the auto ignition magnitude of the fuel, and combustion starts on contact as
the fuel is injected into the hot air. Therefore, the spark plug and carburetor are replaced by a
fuel injector in diesel engines. An additional volumetric ratio here is the so-called cutoff
ratio which is the ratio between the volumes at the end and beginning of the heat addition

This cycle can operate with a higher compression ratio than the Otto cycle
because only air is compressed and there is no risk of auto-ignition of the
fuel. Although for a given compression ratio the Otto cycle has higher
efficiency, because the Diesel engine can be operated to higher
compression ratio, the engine can actually have higher efficiency than an
Otto cycle when both are operated at compression ratios that might be
achieved in practice.
In the diesel engine, air is compressed adiabatically with a compression ratio typically between 15
and 20. This compression raises the temperature to the ignition temperature of the fuel mixture
which is formed by injecting fuel once the air is compressed.

The ideal air-standard cycle is modeled as a reversible adiabatic compression followed by a constant
pressure combustion process, then an adiabatic expansion as a power stroke and an isovolumetric
exhaust. A new air charge is taken in at the end of the exhaust.

Difference from otto cycle

The Diesel cycle is very similar to the Otto cycle in that both are closed cycles commonly used to
model internal combustion engines. The difference between them is that the Diesel cycle is a
compression-ignition cycle instead of a spark-ignition cycle like the Otto cycle. Compression-ignition
cycles use fuels that begin combustion when they reach a temperature and pressure that occurs
naturally at some point during the cycle and, therefore, do not require a separate energy source
(e.g. from a spark plug) to burn. Diesel fuels are mixed so as to combust reliably at the proper
thermal state so that Diesel cycle engines run well


Dual cycle, or limited pressure cycle, is a thermodynamic cycle that combines the Otto cycle and the
Diesel cycle. In the dual cycle, combustion occurs partly at constant volume and partly at constant

t can be used to describe internal combustion engines. The pressure-volume diagrams of actual
internal combustion engines are not described well by the Otto and Diesel cycles. An air standard
cycle that can be made to approximate the pressure variations more closely is the air-standard dual
cycle. A more capable approach would be to model the combustion process in both Otto and Diesel
engines as a combination of two heat-transfer processes, one isochoric process, and one isobaric

Compared to an Otto cycle, which assumes an instantaneous heat addition (isochoric heat addition),
heat is added partly at constant volume and partly at constant pressure in a dual cycle. Therefore
the advantage is that more time is available for the fuel to combust completely. On the other hand,
the use of a dual cycle is slightly more complex. The thermal efficiency lies between Otto and Diesel

The dual cycle combines the Otto cycle and the Diesel cycle.

Dual Cycle – Processes

In a dual cycle, the system executing the cycle undergoes a series of five processes: two isentropic
(reversible adiabatic) processes alternated with two isochoric processes and one isobaric process:
Isentropic compression (compression stroke) – The gas is compressed adiabatically from state 1 to
state 2, as the piston moves from intake valve closing point (1) to top dead center. The surroundings
do work on the gas, increasing its internal energy (temperature) and compressing it. On the other
hand, the entropy remains unchanged. The changes in volumes and their ratio (V1 / V2) are known
as the compression ratio. The compression ratio is smaller than the expansion ratio.

Isochoric compression (ignition phase) – In this phase (between state 2 and state 3),
there is a constant volume (the piston is at rest ) heat transfer to the air from an external
source while the piston is at rest at the top dead center. This process is similar to the
isochoric process in the Otto cycle. It is intended to represent the ignition of the fuel-air
mixture injected into the chamber and the subsequent rapid burning. The pressure rises,
and the ratio (P3 / P2) is known as the “explosion ratio”.

Isobaric expansion (power stroke) – In this phase (between state 3 and state 4), there is
a constant pressure (idealized model) heat transfer to the air from an external source
(combustion of the fuel) while the piston is moving toward the V4. During the constant
pressure process, energy enters the system as heat Qadd, and a part of the work is done
by moving pistons.
Isentropic expansion (power stroke) – The gas expands adiabatically from state 4 to
state 5 as the piston moves from V3 to the bottom dead center. The gas works on the
surroundings (piston) and loses an amount of internal energy equal to the work that
leaves the system. Again the entropy remains unchanged.
Isochoric decompression (exhaust stroke) – In this phase, the cycle completes by a
constant-volume process in which heat is rejected from the air while the piston is at the
bottom dead center. The working gas pressure drops instantaneously from point 5 to
point 1. The exhaust valve opens at point 5. The exhaust stroke is directly after this
decompression. As the piston moves from the bottom dead center (point 1) to the top
dead center (point 0) with the exhaust valve opened, the gaseous mixture is vented to
the atmosphere, and the process starts anew.

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