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PRIVACY - ability of individual to seclude themselves

- personal, subjective condition

ONLINE PRIVACY - Controlling what information to reveal about themselves over the


1 Online Tracking
-utilizes a numerical identifier, rather than your real name

Online Tracking Tools

1 COOKIES– information sent by a web server to a user's browser.

2 FLASH COOKIES – sent by web server to a client
3 FINGERPRINTING – summary of the software and hardware settings collected
from a computer or other device.
4 CROSS-DEVICE TRACKING – companies try to connect a consumer’s activity
across their smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, and other connected

2 Mobile Apps
APP - is a program you can download and access directly using your mobile device
- can collect all sorts of data and transmit it to the app-maker
Tracked Data
1 Phone and E-Mail Contacts
2 Call Logs
3 Internet Data
4 Calendar Data
5 Device Location
6 Device Unique IDs
7 App Usage Information

3 Privacy Policies
-One way to protect your privacy online is to understand how a site or app will
use and share your personal information.

4 Accessing the Internet

The internet can be accessed using the following services:
1 Internet Service Provider (ISP)
2 Mobile (Cellular) Phone Carrier
3 Wi-Fi Hotspot

Connecting to the internet provides you an IP (Internet Protocol) address.

The IP address can be static or dynamic.

5 Passwords
-first line of defense

6 Wireless Networks and Wi-Fi

-WIRELESS NETWORK offers the significant advantage of enabling you to build a
computer network without stringing wires.

Protecting Privacy over Wi-Fi

1 Virtual Private Network (VPN)
2 Secure Surfing/Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
3 Change Wi-Fi settings
4 Disable file sharing
5 Firewall
6 Security Updates

CYBER SECURITY - is the practice of defending computers


1. BOTNETS- Networks of multiple computers that can coordinate specific tasks.

2. HACKING – Activities that seek to compromise digital devices and even entire
3. PHARMING - Redirecting anyone using the URL of a secure, legitimate website to
a fake site.
4. PHISING - The use of fake emails, websites and text messages with the purpose
of stealing personal information about you.
5. MALWARE - Malicious software that cyber criminals can place on your device.
6. TROJAN HORSES- A malicious file embedded or disguised within authentic
software and will run automatically.
7. SPYWARE- Spyware is unwanted software that infiltrates your computing device,
stealing your internet usage data and sensitive information.
8. RANSOMWARE - A form of malware which restricts access to the infected
device(s) until they (the perpetrator) release the lock.

CYBERCRIME- It is a criminal activity that either targets or uses a computer

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