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Topic 1: In many towns and cities, large shopping malls are replacing small local shops. What is
your opinion on this? Do you think this is a positive development?

Keywords: towns and cities, large shopping malls, small local shops, positive development, buyers, products,
supermarkets, negative impacts, rural areas, price.

Topic 2: Some people point that experiential learning (i.e. learning by doing it) can work well in
formal education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think
experiential learning CAN WORK WELL in high schools or colleges?

Keywords: experiential learning, formal education, traditional form of teaching, high schools or colleges,
skills, future jobs, practical activities, learning by doing, students, well-prepared lesson plans, valuable
knowledge, teachers.

Topic 3: Should parents be held legally responsible for the actions of their children. Do you agree
with this opinion? Support your position with your own study, experience or observations.

Keywords: parents, actions of their children, position, study, experience, observations, teachers, great
impacts, children’s behaviors, duty of parents, bad things, self-education, proper punishments, mistakes,

Topic 4: The world’s governments and organizations are facing a lot of issues. Which do you
think is the most pressing problem for the inhabitants on our planet and give the solution?

Keywords: world’s governments and organizations, a lot of issues, the most pressing problems, inhabitants,
our planet, solution, climate change, natural disaster, greenhouse effect, lives on Earth, environment, public
transportation, emission from vehicles, alternative energy, fossil fuels, renewable energy.

Topic 5: Nowadays, it is increasingly more difficult to maintain the right balance between work
and other aspects of one’s life, such as leisure time with family members. How important do you
think is this balance? Why do people find it hard to achieve?

Keywords: right balance between work and other aspects, leisure time with family members, mental health,
stress, stronger relationships, money, children’s future, living standards, working promotion, further career

Topic 6: In the past 100 years, there have been many inventions such as antibiotics, airplanes, and
computers. What do you think is the most important invention of them? Why?

Keywords: inventions, antibiotics, airplanes, computers, important invention, multi-functional device,

entertainment, smart equipment, vital role, long-distance travelling, vaccine, inventors, scientists,

Topic 7: Marketing for consumer goods companies like clothing and food should focus on
reputation or on short term strategies like discount and special offers? Why?
Keywords: marketing, consumer goods companies, clothing and food, reputation , short-term strategies,
discount and special offers, profit, buyers, sales, products, quality and price

Topic 8: Nowadays television has become an essential part of life. It is a medium for
disseminating news and information, and for some people it acts as a companion. What is your
opinion about this?
Keywords: television, essential part of life, a medium for disseminating news and information, companion,
movies, TV programs, channels, game shows and talk shows

Topic 9: Nowadays, more and more people engage in dangerous activities, such as sky diving and
motorcycling. Are you in favour of them? Use examples to support your opinion.

Keywords: Dangerous activities, sky diving and motorcycling, extreme sports, skills, physical health, risks,
expensive equipment, skills, dangers

Topic 10: It is often argued that studying overseas is overrated. There are many scholars who
study locally. To what extent do you agree with this?

Keywords: studying overseas, scholars, studying locally, different culture, personal skills, language,
qualified education, new environment, degrees for future jobs, studying abroad.

Topic 11: It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is foolish. To
what extent do you agree or disagree?

Keywords: marriage, finishing school, getting a job, getting married, family, financial stability, healthcare,
education for children, responsibilities, self growth, support, optimal health, young adults, married couples.

Topic 12 There are both problems and benefits for high school students study plays and works of
theatres written centuries ago. Discuss and use your own experience.

Keywords: benefits, plays and works of theaters, centuries, cultures, traditions, lifestyles, positive
personality traits, bravery, compassion, drawbacks, wrong perception, subjects, society, history lessons,
writing, modern life.

Topic 13 Many education systems assess students using formal written examinations. Those kinds
of exams are a valid method. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give examples with your
own experience.

Keywords: Formal written examinations, valid method, education systems, performance, revision,
knowledge, students, schools and institutions, curriculum, communication or teamwork skills, generic skills,
companies, interview process, assignments.

Topic 14 In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of extreme or adventure

Keywords: Extreme or adventure sports, mental and physical health, energy, happy hormones, sense of
achievement, confidence, opportunities to socialize, dangerous and risky sports, bungee jumping,
equipment and gears, safety reasons.

Topic 15 Imagine you have been assigned on the study of the climate change. Which area of
climate change will you choose and why? Use examples.

Keywords: study of the climate change, area of climate change, greenhouse effects, emission of fumes and
gasses, human health and well-being, global warming, rising global temperature , animal habitats and
their existence, glaciers meltdown.

Topic 16: Global problems are related to governments and international organizations. What are
the problems and what is your solution?

Keywords: Global problems, governments, international organizations, pollution levels, population, exhaust
fumes, air and water pollution, ecosystem, severe illnesses, environmental campaigns and programs, public
transport, emissions, atmosphere.

Topic 17 Climate change is a concerning global issue. Who should take the responsibilities,
governments, big companies or individuals?
Keywords: Governments and big companies, responsibilities, climate change, environmental laws,
chemicals, global warming, concerning global issue, solar energy, fossil fuels, emissions, atmosphere,
individuals, authorities, planet.

Topic 18: Television serves many functions. Watching TV makes us relax. We can gain knowledge
and information from TV programs. Besides, TV can also be seen as a companion for lonely
people. To what extent do you agree with this? Explain it with your own experience.

Keywords: television, functions, knowledge, information, films and TV shows, viewers, sedentary lifestyle,
obesity, TV programs, inappropriate content, entertainment, companion for lonely people, elder people,
health problems

Topic 19: In our technological world, the number of new inventions has been increasing. Please
describe a new invention, and determine whether it will bring advantages or disadvantages

Keywords: Internet,invention, technological world , advantages, social networking sites, research, new
knowledge, drawbacks, security threats, online hackers, scammers, information, depression, anxiety.

Topic 20: The disadvantages of tourism in less developed countries are as great as the advantages.
What is your opinion ?

Keywords: disadvantages, tourism, less developed countries, advantages, local economy, job opportunities,
locals, poor nations, sustainable livelihood, income security, environment, government, landscape,
traditional culture, cultural ethnicity, pollution.

Topic 21: Some people think human behavior can be limited by the law, while others think the
law has little effect. What is your opinion?

Keywords: human behaviors, laws, activities, conducts, personalities, crime, criminals, effects, society, rights,
law enforcement, punishment, rules and regulations, wrongdoings.

Topic 22: Should marketing in companies which produce consumer goods like food and clothing,
place emphasis on reputation of the company or short-term strategies like discount and special
offers? Why?

Keywords: marketing, consumer, goods and services, food and clothing, reputation of the company, short-
term strategies, discount and special offers, sales, profit, product quality, advertisements, brand bulding,

Topic 23: Effective study requires time, comfort and peace. Study and employment distract one
from another. So it is unrealistic to combine studying and employment. To what extent do you
think the statements are realistic? Give your opinion with examples.

Keywords: effective study, time, comfort and peace, study and employment, jobs, part-time jobs, distraction,
stress and deadlines, combination, poor results, poor performance, health problems, assignments, career
path, low salary, companies.

Topic 24: In a cashless society, people use more credit cards instead of cash. Cashless society
seems to be a reality. How realistic do you think it might be? What are the benefits and problems
of this phenomenon?

Keywords: cashless society, credit cards, cash, banks, payments, money, reality, benefits and problems of
this phenomenon, payment methods, investment, saving, financial issues, shopping, transactions, online

Topic 25: With the increase of digital information available online, the role of the library has
become obsolete. Universities should only procure digital materials rather than constantly
textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of this position and give your own
point of view.
Keywords: increase of digital information, online information and news, role of library, libraries, universities,
textbooks, education, online platforms, resource, online materials, assignments and essays, Internet, mobile

Topic 26: Tourism is good for some less developed countries, but also has some disadvantages.

Keywords: tourism, tourists, less developed countries, developing countries, , local economy, job
opportunities, locals, poor nations, sustainable livelihood, income security, environment, government,
landscape, traditional culture, cultural ethnicity, pollution.

Topic 27: Do you think the design of buildings affects positively or negatively where people live
and work?

Keywords: design of buildings, life and work, negative effects, positive effects, architecture, architect,
workplaces, working environment, houses, recreational places, green space, mental health, emotions,

Topic 28: Information revolution brought about by modern mass media has both positive and
negative consequences to individuals and society.

Keywords: information revolution, modern mass media, learning material, daily news, fake news, scammers,
counterfeit goods, hackers, bank accounts, inappropriate content, violent content.

Topic 29: As cities expand, some people claim governments should try to create better networks
of public transportation available for everyone rather than building more roads for vehicle
owning population. What’s your opinion? Give some examples or experience to support your

Keywords: public transportation, governments, roads, means of transports, trains and buses, environment,
pollution, urban areas, vehicle owning population, traffic, accidents, distance, timetable, networks of public

Topic 30 : Some universities deduct marks from students' works if they are given in late. What is
your opinion and suggest some alternative actions?
Keywords: universities, marks, students’ works, actions, deduction, challenges, deadlines, submission,
students, solutions, learning, punishment, assignments, examination, semester, tutorials, rules

Topic 31: Employers should get their employees involved in the decision making process. What
are the pros and cons of such a policy about products and services?
Keywords: employers, employees, decision-making process, pros and cons, policy about products and
services, experienced staff, companies, sales and profit, operation, management, productivity

Topic 32: Nowadays, people spend too much time at work to the extent that they hardly have
time for their personal life. How widespread do you think it is? Discuss the problems caused by
the shortage of time.

Keywords: time, work, personal life, family and friends, social relationships, hobbies, widespread problem,
stress, deadlines, burnout, personal activities, shortage of time

Topic 33: Medical technology will extend human’s life expectancy. Do you think it is a blessing or
a curse?

Keywords: medical technology, human’s life expectancy, blessing or curse, technological advances,
healthcare system, diseases, aging population, financial pressure, health and well-being

Topic 34: Despite all the advancement made by mankind, some people still argue that gender
equality is a myth. What is your opinion?

Keywords: advancement made by mankind, gender equality, myth, men and women, males and females,
discrimination, inequality, workplaces, modern society, development, equal rights for both sexes
Topic 35: Experience is the best teacher. Some people believe it is more effective than formal
school study and books, what do you think?

Keywords: experience, formal school study, books, education, qualifications, future jobs, employers, working
experience, practical knowledge, teachers, classes, theories, subjects.

Topic 36: Mass media, such as TV, radio and newspapers, has an influence on people, particularly
on younger generations. It plays a pivotal role on shaping the opinions of people, especially
teenagers and young people. Do you agree with this? Please give examples

Keywords: mass media, TV, radio and newspapers, influence, younger generations, pivotal role, opinions of
people, teenagers, young people, Internet, social medias, trends, newspapers, entertainment, news and

Topic 37: Animal rights have been a subject of debate since the 1970s. Are zoos helping or
hurting animals?
Keywords: animals, animal rights, subject of debate, zoos, animal conservation, animal protection, wild
animals, endangered species, environmentalists, habitat, food and water, living conditions

Topic 38: Nowadays, people devote too much time to their job. This leaves very little time for
their personal life. How widespread is the problem? What problem will this shortage of time
cause? (topic 32)

Topic 39: Some believe travel is overrated. People argue whether travel is or is not a component
of a quality education. What is your opinion?

Keywords: Studying overseas, travel, qualified education, component of a quality education, studying
abroad, degree, modern facilities, professors, international students, cultures and traditions, foreign
language, career path

Topic 40: The means of communicating in society today has changed greatly over the last ten
years. Give your opinion.

Keywords: means of communicating, modern society, social medias, the Internet, phone calls and texts,
traditional ways of communication, speed and convenience, e-mails, business and personal

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