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Content Writing in Kuwait

Good content is productivity, and content marketing can carry rich brand and product
information, so it has increasingly become the real core strategy of enterprise business.

Only when marketing content is authentic, interesting, and differentiated can it move people's
hearts and drive business growth. So how do companies do content marketing?

1. Basic content marketing strategy

1. Evergreen content, content that reflects the deep value of the enterprise
Enterprise evergreen content includes enterprise product content, or content after in-depth
understanding of the industry, etc. The direction of evergreen content includes the following

The content of the core products of the enterprise, product introduction, user experience,
tutorials for solving problems, etc.
Classic Case.
Frequently asked questions about products.
White papers, in-depth research and analysis on industry-specific topics.
Toolbox, the common tools that users need to use to complete their work, or the basic skills that
users need to possess.
Getting started guide.
Aggregated list of year or subject classes.
The combing of evergreen content should be authoritative or representative. Enterprises need to
carry out a detailed copy search and sorting out on a topic, start from a higher starting point on
the basis of the work that others have already done, and consider cutting in from different
perspectives for the long-lasting topics that others have already written. Bring out the mind and
fill the gaps in knowledge.

2. Content handles, skills from content to sales

Carry out targeted content marketing based on the psychological characteristics of consumers in
the purchasing stage, which can be published on self-owned media platforms in the form of
graphics or videos, and promoted and disseminated.

The psychology and content of consumers at different stages of purchase can be referred to as

Cognitive stage:

Psychological characteristics: early emergence of needs, understanding of background,

exploration of possible solutions.
Purpose: Interpretation of pain points, consumer education, popularization of industry changes.
Content direction: knowledge popularization, consumer education, demand discovery and
strengthening, new product introduction.
Consideration stage:
Psychological characteristics: actively search, compare, pay attention to details, be
recommended or influenced by others.
Purpose: to explain, to dispel doubts, to demonstrate superiority, authority, and credibility.
Content direction: product mechanism analysis, animation interpretation, product lectures,
comparison presentation, question answering, opinion leader endorsement, recognition and
Purchase stage:

Psychological characteristics: A little hesitation, need to buy information, some longing, need
to visualize benefits.
Purpose: Introduce in detail, use scenarios, dispel doubts, and stimulate imagination.
Content direction: actual use demonstration, successful cases, testimonials of satisfied
consumers, unboxing.
Enthusiasm stage:

Psychological characteristics: continuing education, brand identity, sense of community, being

respected, sharing.
Purpose: Enrich the use of skills, deepen brand impression, recognition and emotional
connection, and make fans feel honored.
Content direction: advanced skills, multiple use scenarios, corporate culture and values,
consumer sharing, fan display, community cohesion.
3. Content marketing based on hot spots and festivals
(1) Festival marketing

Enterprises can interpret the festival in the mind of the brand by focusing on different
dimensions to achieve the effect of festival content marketing.

The specific method includes analyzing the framework of festival marketing, including core
festival theme/ceremony, symbols, extended festival theme and anti-mainstream five

At present, the festival solar term posters of major brands are a mode of festival marketing.

(2) Hot marketing

Hot content marketing is a powerful tool for content marketing. Creative hot content marketing
can bring a lot of traffic to a brand in a short period of time.

Hot content marketing Determining the content direction can be started from the following two

On the first aspect, in terms of cognition, everyone will be eager to learn more information,
such as the ins and outs of the incident, behind-the-scenes factors, and future impact.
Such as: has been killed! The latest developments in the case of a 21-year-old girl who lost
contact during a morning run! What happened to her on the day of the accident? The platform
has received 100,000+ views for "Student Safety".

The second aspect is emotional. Unexpected events usually trigger people's strong positive or
negative emotional reactions. Content related to such emotions and expectations will attract

The direction of the content can be in the direction of triggering empathy, expressing emotions,
strengthening emotions, relieving, and stabilizing.

The systematization of enterprise hot marketing transformation is divided into three steps:
Decision-making: Blindly following hot trends can have negative consequences, so determine
whether hot spots are worth following:

Are hot events in line with corporate values?

Is the target group of the enterprise interested in hot events?
Can brand themes and practice themes be linked?
Can the team realize the idea in a short time?
If our four answers are "yes", then we need to follow up hot content marketing.

Action: After determining the follow-up hotspots, we must first refine the practice theme,
keywords, and determine the creative strategy.

Follow up the strategies and methods used in hot marketing, and you can associate the brand
theme with the event theme, such as exactly, as expected, take a slanted sword, start a new
topic, etc. to quickly determine the strategic direction.

Communication: Determine the communication channel, own social platform, website, Weibo,
third-party platform Zhihu, actively contact the media to submit articles, etc.

4. Story Strategy in Content Marketing

As we all know, a wonderful story can attract the audience's attention, whet the appetite, gain
fame, and produce a profound emotional experience, and the story strategy, some uplifting,
some tearing, but in any case, it has reached the goal of using the story to convey the enterprise.
purpose of thought.

Storytelling is the most beneficial way to convey information. Many well-known companies
have used the power of stories to complete a successful business strategy.

For example, companies known for innovation often have a successful origin story from the
founders if they want to build a successful brand. The story of Apple, for example, began in
1976 when Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak desperately wanted to build a home computer in
their garage.

If a business has a strong origin story, and the core values of the story are consistent with the
brand, then it will be the first story that the brand is remembered by consumers.

5. User Generated Content Strategy

Use the marketing content produced by users themselves or the interactive content of brand
activities to cultivate the first batch of users for the product and increase the sales conversion

For example, in the early days of the WeChat public account, the large number would
determine the topic selection through the community, etc., and create content together.

In addition, the China Film Association adopted the method of user co-creation in the poster
design of the 34th China Film Golden Rooster Award, and launched a collection of poster
design works for the Golden Rooster Award. The competition collected 1,610 works and
attracted many domestic designers. At the same time, the popularity of the Golden Rooster
Award has been expanded.

6. Content marketing and brand community

Brand community is an important means to build user stickiness and loyalty in corporate brand

In the age of social media, the establishment and maintenance of (online) brand communities
cannot be separated from the power of content. When an enterprise conceives the content
marketing strategy of the brand community, it should not only consider its own content, but
also encourage different members of the community to contribute to content creation, so as to
make the brand connotation richer, more authentic and more credible , so as to build a strong
brand community.

Brand communities such as Xiaomi in the early days, and now the private domain operation
pools of major brands all fall into this category.

2. Advanced content marketing strategy

Advanced content marketing skills, through impactful picture marketing, infographic
marketing, effect-oriented video marketing, humor strategy in marketing, brand-oriented live
broadcast marketing, creative marketing, black technology marketing, voice marketing, social
media branding Interactive marketing model.

1. Humor strategy in marketing

Humor strategy content marketing must have a clear brand purpose, not just humor. Humor is
not suitable for conveying too many or complicated brand information, but more suitable for
marketing purposes such as increasing brand awareness, deepening brand emotional connection
or increasing brand love.

Perform preliminary artistic presentation of the video script proposed by the creative team,
listen to opinions in a small area, and evaluate it from four dimensions: understandability, fun,
positive emotion, and goal attainment.

2. Creative strategy of content marketing

Today's social media is a red ocean of content. Outstanding creativity is an effective means for
enterprise content marketing to stand out from the encirclement. So how to do content
marketing ideas? Here's a creative pathway model.

At the level of content theme selection, enterprises should look for new ideas and directions
under the core product content theme, or refine novel content themes by focusing on the general
needs of users.

At the creative level of content works, content marketers need to refine unique ideas, or make
novel interpretations, or try extraordinary concept combinations, or make concepts presented
from different perspectives, or render ideas through art-these five methods are Very effective
way to be creative.

3. The voice strategy of content marketing

There is a new marketing trend of ASMR about sound in the sound content marketing path.

ASMR refers to a quiet, peaceful, and pleasant psychological feeling that people experience
after hearing a rhythmic and soothing sound-like someone gently combing your scalp with
feathers, from the top of the head along the spine. The blissful thrill that is passed down can
bring about specific sound types of ASMR, such as a whisper or a crackle, or the sound of
chewing gum, or the sound of opening a beer can...

3. Summary
At present, content marketing has become the core marketing position of enterprises, which can
help enterprises to determine brand positioning, change consumers' perceptions, change
consumers' prejudices about brands, promote the growth of enterprises, and even help
enterprises expand their markets.

However, content marketing also has its own disadvantages. Compared with the simple and
crude effect of traditional advertising, content marketing needs to calmly attract consumers
through valuable content. In order to gain the attention of consumers, it is unlikely that the
brand will become popular overnight.

In addition, content marketing is a marketing tool with high technical content. Practitioners
need to have strong market acumen and skilled content marketing skills. They often need to
keep trying to find an effective content strategy.

Therefore, enterprises should be patient in the initial stage of content marketing, and consider
cooperating with other marketing methods, such as traditional advertising, sales promotion,
discount promotions, offline activities, etc., so as to achieve faster and better performance and
significantly improve the overall value of the enterprise. marketing strategy.

Article reference: Dou Wenyu "Content Marketing: A New Era of Digital Marketing"

This article was originally published by Shuizhiqing Marketing and Operation on Everyone is a
product manager, and may not be reproduced without permission.

The title picture is from Unsplash, based on the CC0 protocol

The so-called "content is king" - "Content is King", in today's world, in order to promote a
brand or company and attract customers' consumption support, it is indispensable to create
valuable content. Especially starting in 2020, the epidemic has caused consumers to spend more
time at home reading blog articles, watching YouTube videos, listening to podcasts, and
absorbing new knowledge on social media. Valuable content has become more and more
influential. It has become an important publicity method other than rigid advertising.
This article will go from simple to deep, and share with you the whole strategy of content
marketing - starting from not knowing how to start, until teaching you how to make wonderful
content to attract customers, as well as the practices and benefits of different content formats,
will fully teach you .
What is content marketing?
According to the definition of the well-known content marketing institute:

Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing

valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience — and,
ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.
The method of content marketing is not limited to writing articles, but can also start from
different media, such as popular YouTube, podcast radio programs, as well as traditional blog
articles, email marketing, etc., are all good channels for content.

Why do content marketing?

Content marketing is one of the methods of marketing promotion. Its biggest feature is that,
contrary to online advertising, it does not push advertising content to the market in a "push-
broadcasting" style, but uses valuable content to attract potential customers to actively
understand and then consume. This approach has many advantages. First, the cost is cheaper
than advertising. In addition, since customers come through the content you create, their
purchase intentions will be relatively better, and the conversion rate will be higher.

In the long run, recruiting through real content information can also slowly build up word-of-
mouth for the brand in the industry, creating a virtuous circle, and more customers will trust
your products and consume again.

Content Marketing Method One — Blogging

Blogging is a traditional but effective content marketing technique. At the reader-oriented level,
articles that introduce certain products or services, share personal experience and reviews, etc.,
can provide potential consumers with comprehensive and objective consumption suggestions.
On a technical level, the more important function of blogging lies in its SEO (Search Engine
Optimization), that is, the role of search engine optimization.

The so-called SEO is to optimize and improve the content of the webpage, so that when search
engine users enter specified keywords, your webpage will appear in a more prominent place on
the result pages of search engines such as Google, thereby increasing their click-through rate.
website opportunities. Although most of the first results on the results page of the search engine
are advertisements, for customers, the nature of advertisements is relatively hard-selling and not
objective, while the natural search results generated by SEO are more objective and credible.
Whether it's a small e-commerce store owner, a content site, or a large brand, SEO is a big
reason to ignore content marketing.

To give a simple example, now you understand the importance of SEO better, so you search for
SEO experts on Google, hoping to find someone to handle your company's SEO for you, who is
most attractive to you? Naturally the highest ranked result of course! This also means that the
SEO expert has considerable skill and ability to appear in a high position on the search result
page and attract your attention. In the same way, whether your company is a B2B or B2C
business, attracting customers with SEO is just as effective!
On the HSBC Jihui platform, there are many excellent content marketing experts, especially in
SEO, who have a deep understanding. The following are some articles for you:

[Self-study SEO] Lay the basic SEO by yourself

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tutorial for Beginners

In addition, we also invited SEO experts in the industry, Ringo Li from Owlish Online and
Bernie from Social Stand Limited to share the importance of blogging and SEO considerations
when writing.

Ringo Li's full video content, welcome to this article to continue watching: Exclusive SEO
Tips: Website SEO Optimization Steps + Blog SEO Tips!

Bernie shared the content in full, welcome to this article to continue watching: How does
content marketing help business? Take you directly to content marketing skills + practical

After watching the above articles and videos, if you are ready to make a big splash in the world
of content marketing, start preparing your first article on HSBC Jihui immediately! The HSBC
Jihui platform often publishes useful articles through members, and has also established a
certain degree of strength in SEO. If you publish articles through the platform, there is a good
chance that you will be ranked at the forefront of the search engine results page!

If you find the above content useful and would like to receive more new information about
content marketing in the future, subscribe to our newsletter now!

Content Marketing Method 2 - Video Marketing

Video marketing is a very popular marketing method nowadays, especially under the epidemic
situation, many people have to stay at home and work, and spend more time watching
multimedia content.

The main function of brand shooting videos is to introduce products in an interactive form.
Some high-end products, such as mobile phones, computers, and designer handbags, are not
only expensive, but also not necessarily easy to use. Consumers usually prefer to go into details
first. Buy after knowing the product details. In order to avoid being "overlooked and delayed"
by shop assistants when shopping in stores, watching product videos online has become an easy
and comfortable way to help complete the shopping experience.

In addition to product-related videos, video content can also be applied to some teaching and
informational scenarios. For example, the business member "Start Hong Kong Holding
Limited" on the HSBC Jihui platform often shares some information videos and videos related
to creative thinking and business intelligence. value. The importance of video marketing lies in
the fact that you can have more personalized interactions with your potential customers through
images, making the content more interesting and easier for the audience to absorb, so as to
gradually create a unique brand image and leave a deeper impression in the minds of customers.
deep impression.

More advanced video marketing can also target business customers. The foreign website
Skillshare is the best example, taking into account the needs of both B2C and B2B unique
customer groups. Skillshare is a video learning platform. Professionals from different industries
impart knowledge in various fields, which is not limited to personal skills, but also includes
knowledge that is differently applied to commercial organizations such as business knowledge,
creative media, and computer programming. Broad and deep film with a touch of content

In order to let readers know more about how to use video marketing to promote brand sales, we
invited SEO and digital marketing expert Ivan So to explain the precautions for video sales:

For the complete video content taught by experts, welcome to this article to continue watching:
6 Frequently Asked Questions Dismantling Video Sales Skills!

The third method of content marketing - voice marketing

Using pure voice as a marketing channel is the newest approach in the market. As mentioned
above, under the epidemic, consumers absorb more multimedia content, among which Podcast
radio programs and the latest Clubhouse real-time discussion space are also what many
marketers want. In the field of offense, what are the characteristics of this new approach?

First, take radio programs as an example. The subject matter, length, and depth of programs are
more flexible than videos and texts. For example, some programs are "5-minute broadcasting
school", while others are full two hours of in-depth discussions, depending on the content of the
program. Depends on the theme and the preferences of the moderator. At the same time, since
there is no need to see the appearance of real people, only recording is required, and the
threshold for producing radio programs is lower than other forms of cost. Most of the radio
programs adopt a more relaxed way of talking, and the host does not need to write a long
speech first like making a video. He only needs to find a topic that he is interested in or has a
deep understanding of, and he can make a good use of it.

But what about the marketing aspect? Generally speaking, most radio programs focus on an in-
depth discussion on a topic, rather than promoting products directly in the program. However,
the discussion in the program can actually revolve around the main points related to products or
brands. For example, if you run a skin care and makeup brand, you can discuss informative
topics such as "how to choose skin care products/cosmetics that suit you", "how to maintain
skin while sleeping", and softly discuss between programs. Sexually introduce your brand
Similarly, if you provide professional services, such as video editing services, you can also
think about topics such as "How to produce movie-level special effects at low cost", etc.,
focusing on bringing out high-quality content and indirectly introducing your brand Serving to
attract audience. Compared with direct hard selling, providing information and value can
improve brand customer loyalty and repurchase opportunities.

On the other hand, the popular Clubhouse is also a sound-based social platform. Since the
program is live broadcast, and participants also have the opportunity to interact with the host, it
is very suitable for some member-only communication programs to enhance a closer social
relationship. group effect. And depending on your brand's unique customer groups and
consumer targets, whether it's radio programs or clubhouse live broadcasts, you can also
produce some business or professional service-oriented content. For example, on the Apple
Podcast application, there are also categories specially designed for business, including
programs on management, digital marketing, investment, etc., which are not necessarily aimed
at retail consumers, but at the public. Business managers or bosses.

Bernie Wong of Social Stand Limited is also well versed in the radio marketing approach and
here is his insight into this new approach:

For the complete video content, welcome to this article to continue watching: How to make
Podcasts at low cost to promote traffic and increase sales?

Content Marketing Method 4 - Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most traditional online marketing methods and the most
commonly used content marketing method today. Emails about promoting the brand are usually
sent to the audience who have become customers, or those who have subscribed to the
newsletter from different channels, so its importance is mainly to interact with existing
customers, provide them with special offers, etc. Email marketing can also be used to attract
new customers, such as allowing existing customers to enjoy discounts by introducing new

E-mail is a tool we often use in our daily life, but also because we are exposed to various
situations such as life and work, it is easy to ignore marketing e-mails by the audience. For
example, we are used to checking our emails every morning when we wake up. Usually, work-
related emails are easier to attract attention, while promotional emails are automatically
ignored. Therefore, to do a good job in email marketing, it may pay more attention to creativity
and personal characteristics than film and video, writing articles, etc.

There are many ways and formats to use email to interact with existing customers. The most
common is the brand's monthly and weekly e-newsletter, which is used to introduce new trends
or products of the brand to customers. In addition, if you are doing an online store, you can also
use emails to send member exclusive discount information, so as to attract more repurchase.
As an example of B2B, HubSpot, a well-known foreign content management system and digital
marketing expert, uses email marketing to regularly send new industry information and
business skills to subscribers, giving enterprises more opportunities to use HubSpot's services.

In the same way, HSBC Jihui weekly e-newsletter will also send useful articles, new activities,
promotional offers, etc. provided by business members on the platform to subscribers via email.
As long as you become our business member, you will have the opportunity to receive This free
marketing method!

There are many different uses and benefits of email marketing. The following articles may help
you learn more:

Why do you still need email marketing?

Content Marketing Method 5 - Influencer Marketing

Strictly speaking, online celebrity marketing is not a method of content marketing, but a
marketing platform. By recruiting celebrities or experts from different fields in the market to act
as media circles, using social platform posts, short videos, articles, etc., to promote products
and brands into the supporters of different Internet celebrities, so as to develop new customer
groups, Improve conversion rate, promote brand reputation and other multiple effects.

At a glance, KOL marketing is actually no different from finding celebrity spokespersons to

promote products, but in fact the subtle difference between the two is that KOL (Key Opinion
Leader) does not necessarily need to have outstanding achievements in film and television or
performing arts . They may just have outstanding expertise in certain fields, or even simply
attract the audience to follow their personal characteristics, and they can already become
excellent KOLs.

In the field of Internet celebrities, there are further categories such as "mainstream Internet
celebrities" and "micro Internet celebrities" that are distinguished by the number of fans. The
two have different characteristics. For example, mainstream Internet celebrities have a large
number of fans and are easier to create. Brand reputation, while micro-influencers are more
likely to bring about product conversion because of their deeper communication and emotions
with fans.

In particular, there are also many Internet celebrity marketing experts on the HSBC Jihui
platform, such as Cloudbreakr, etc., who often bring special promotions to companies that need
to use KOL services. Find the right business partner to carry out digital marketing!

In addition to logging into the HSBC Express website to read articles and offers, you can also
subscribe to our weekly e-newsletter for free, exciting articles, events and offers will be sent to
you proactively! 🔗

If you want to know more about the characteristics of online celebrity marketing, and how to
use this method to promote as a brand manager.

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