Lesson Plan Hazards and Risk - 094728

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Grade 8 - Bread and Pastry Production / Exploratory

The learner demonstrates understanding in practicing occupational health and safety
procedures in bread and pastry production.
The learner independently practices occupational health and safety procedures in bread
and pastry production.
Identify hazards and risks
Learning Competencies Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify and explain the workplace hazard and risks.
2. Describe and determine workplace hazards and risks and their corresponding indicators
3. Recognize contingency measure in accordance with workplace policies


Hazards and Risks in the workplace
K to 12 Bread and Pastry Learning Module G7/8,
TLE – H.E.- BREAD AND PASTRY PRODUCTION Quarter 1-4 Module 7, page 7 - 10
Learning Outcome:
Identify hazards and risks
Value Focus:
Safety, Cleanliness, Recognize, Awareness, Prevention
Instructional Materials:
Printed pictures, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, TV, Activity Sheets, Activity cards
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity Teacher’s Note
A. Pre-Activity
1. Prayer
 Everybody stand for the prayer - Every students will pray
 The teacher will play
music/video for a short prayer.

2. Greetings
 Good Morning everyone!! Good Morning/Afternoon Ma’am

3. Checking of Attendance
 Is there any absent in the class? -No ma’am
 If yes, Ms./Mr. Secretary kindly - Secretary of the class will take note
take note who is absent today the absent if there is an absent for

4. Recalling Of The Classroom Rules

 I would like to remind everyone
about the classroom rules and

 Please read! Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

1. Be prepared
2. Be Positive
3. Be Productive
4. Be Restpecful
5. Be Participant
B. Developmental Activities PPST INDICATOR #1: Apply knowledge of content
1. Review within and across curriculum teaching areas.

PPST INDICATOR #2: Use a range of teaching

strategies that enhance learner achievement in literacy
and numeracy skills.
 What can you say about this - It is very dirty
picture? - It is messy Very Good!!
- It is not arranged and organized

 How about this picture?

- It is clean Very Good!!

- It is organize

 Why do you think that the 2nd picture - Because they use cleaning materials
is clean and organize? to clean the kitchen. Very Good!!

 What are the Natural Cleaning - Vinegar

Materials/Disinfectant? - Lemon Juice Very Good!!
- Baking Soda
- Bacteria - free sponge
- Borax
- Tea tree Oil
 Now, we will find out what are the
needed ratio in making cleaning

 What is the ratio of vinegar and - 1 part of water to 1 part vinegar Very Good!!
water in making a cleaning solution?

 How about in making lemon juice - 1 cup olive oil with 1/2 cup lemon Very Good!!
solution? What is the ratio? juice.

 That’s good to hear that you still

remember the natural
cleaning/disinfectant and the ratio.

 Now, we will proceed discover new


2. Unlocking of Difficulties
PPST INDICATOR #1: Apply knowledge
 In order to understand our new of content within and across curriculum
lesson, let us discover new words. teaching areas. (ENGLISH)

Let us read and identify their meanings. PPST INDICATOR #2: Use a range of
teaching strategies that enhance learner
a) First aid – the provision of initial
achievement in literacy and numeracy
care for an illness or injury. skills.
b) Injury- damage or harm of the
structure or function of the body
caused by an outside force, which Student’s read the new words
may be physical or chemical. Very Good!!
c) PPE – (Personal Protective
Equipment) refers to devices worn
by workers to protect them against
hazards in the work environment
including but not limited to safety
helmet, safety spectacles, face
shields etc
d) Occupational hazards - refer to
various environmental factors or
stresses that can cause sickness,
impaired health
e) Safety – free from danger, risk or
f) Sanitation – the practice or
measure to create an environment
conducive to good health
g) Workplace – refers to the office,
premises or worksite where a worker
is temporarily assigned.
h) Elimination - the act, process or an
instance of eliminating.(Merriam webster dictionary)
i) Substitution - the act, process, or
result of substituting one thing for
another.(Merriam webster dictionary)

3. Motivation
 Let’s have a short game. Student’s
 4 PICS 1 WORD. - Identify the 4 participate
pictures and unscrambled letter to
spell it in a word.
Very Good!!


2. Very Good!!


Very Good!!
 Now, we have the word HAZARD,

PPST INDICATOR #1: Apply knowledge
 Next, we are going to identify what is of content within and across curriculum
the correct coordinating conjunctions teaching areas. (ENGLISH)
and preposition to make it a topic.
PPST INDICATOR #2: Use a range of
teaching strategies that enhance learner
achievement in literacy and numeracy


 Are you familiar with these word?

 What do you think is the topic for

today? AND

 So, it is all about HAZARDS AND Very Good!!


 We are here today to identify

hazards and risks in the workplace.

 Before that, let us read the

objectives for today’s topic.
 Identify and explain the IN
workplace hazard and risks.
 Describe and determine
workplace hazards and risks
and their corresponding - YES
 Recognize contingency - HAZARD AND RISK IN THE Very Good!!
measure in accordance with WORKPLACE.
workplace policies

Very Good!!

Very Good!!

(Every student read the objective)

C. Lesson Proper
C. 1 Activity Student’s
 The class will be divided into into six GROUP 1 participate
 Each group will be given an activity
envelope, wherein they need to Very Good!!
solve the jigsaw puzzle and
rearrange the letters to identify what
hazard in the workplace.
 Paste your activity on given manila
paper GROUP 2
 Each group will be given 10 minutes BIOLOGICAL HAZARD
to finish the activity
 Work silently and cooperatively with Very Good!!
your group.

PPST INDICATOR #1: Apply knowledge

of content within and across curriculum CHEMICAL HAZARD
teaching areas. (Science)

PPST INDICATOR #4: Plan, manage

and implement developmentally
sequenced teaching and learning Very Good!!
processes to meet curriculum
requirements and varied teaching

Very Good!!


C.2 Analysis
 What is Hazard?
Very Good!
- Hazard is a term used to describe
something that has the potential to
cause harm or adverse effects to
individuals, organizations property or
 What are the type of hazards in the equipment.
workplace? Very Good!
PPST INDICATOR #3: Apply a range of
teaching strategies to develop critical and 1. Safety hazards: Inadequate and
creative thinking, as well as other higher - insufficient machine guards,unsafe
order thinking skills. workplace conditions, unsafe work Very Good!
2. Biological hazards: Caused by
organisms such as viruses,bacteria, Very Good!
fungi and parasites.
3. Chemical hazards: Solid, liquid,
vapor or gaseous substances, dust,
fume or mist. Very Good!
4. Ergonomic hazards: Anatomical,
physiological, and psychological
demands on the worker, such as
repetitive and forceful movements,
vibration, extreme temperatures, and
awkward postures arising from
improper work methods and improperly
designed workstations, tools, and Very Good!
5. Physical hazards: Noise, vibration,
energy, weather, electricity, radiation Very Good!
and pressure.
6. Psychological hazards: Those that
 What are the example of hazards? are basically causing stress to a
worker. Very Good!
Workplace Example Example
Hazard of Hazard of Hazard
Thing Knife Cut
Substance Benzene Leukemia
Material Asbestos Mesothelioma
Source of Shock,
Energy electrocution
Condition Wet floor Slips, falls
Process Welding
fume fever
Hard rock
Practice Silicosis Very Good!
 What is risk?
- Risk is the chance or probability that
a person will be harmed or experience
an adverse health effect caused by a
 What are the factors that influences Very Good!
the degree of risk?
 how much a person is exposed to
a hazardous thing or condition
 how the person is exposed (e.g.,
breathing in a vapor, skin contact),
 how severe are the effects under
 What are the process in risk the conditions of exposure.
assessment? Very Good!
 identify hazards;
 analyze or evaluate the risk
associated with that hazard; and
 determine appropriate ways to
eliminate or control the hazard.
Hazards Risks Safety
measure/actions Very Good!!
Manual Back Teach and
handling injury remind
of hand workers of
tools Repetitive correct
(knives) strain lifting and

Lifting Back Teach and
heavy injury remind
objects workers of
incorrectly Repetitive correct
strain lifting and

Repetitive Back/ limb Teach and
movements injury remind
bending workers of
and Repetitive correct
awkward strain lifting and
working carrying
positions techniques

Trip Injury Warn
hazards volunteers

Do not
tools on
path ways.

where one
walks, and

Mark tools
 What is an adverse health effect? fluorescent Very Good!
- any change in body function or the
structures of cells that can lead to
 What are the adverse health effect? disease or health problems.
Very Good!
- Bodily injury
- Disease
- Change in the way the body
functions, grows, or develops
- Effects on a developing fetus
- Effects on children, grandchildren,
- Decrease in life span solvents
- Effects on the ability to accommodate
C. 3 Abstraction additional stress
 Is there difference between hazard Very Good!
and risk? Why?
- Yes
Very Good!
- because hazard is refers to anything
that has potential to cause harm while
risk is probability that harm will occur.
 Who can give an example?
HAZARD: - A hot tempered Very Good!
supervisor screaming at staff HAZARD: - an extension cord running
RISK: - A mental health issue for a across a frequently used hallway.
staff member. RISK: - an injury will happen.

 How to prevent hazard and risk in Very Good!

our workplace?
1. First aid - in every workplace area
PPST INDICATOR #3: Apply a range of there must be first aid to prevent an Very Good!
teaching strategies to develop critical injury and be safe always.
and creative thinking, as well as other
2. Wear your PPE always especially Very Good!
higher - order thinking skills
doing your work to avoid accident.
3. There must be a sign or symbols in
the workplace and it must be readable Very Good!
and recognize by everyone.
4. Always practice cleanliness and Very Good!
sanitation before and after working.
5. Eliminate the unnecessary things
that can cause harm and substitute or
D. 4 Application replace it with new things. Student’s
Group one:
 Identify the hazard that is given to PPST INDICATOR #4: Plan, manage and implement
Very Good!
developmentally sequenced teaching and learning
your group.
processes to meet curriculum requirements and varied
 Practice a short skit within 5 minutes Psychological Hazard
teaching contexts.
 Perform the skit for only 3 minutes
 Give an explanation at least 3 PPST INDICATOR #1: Apply knowledge of content
sentences and how to avoid this within and across curriculum teaching areas. (MAPEH)
Group two:
 Draw in a 1/4 illustration board the
hazard that is given to your group. Very Good!
 Describe this hazard and determine
the workplace and give an example. Chemical Hazard

 Let us now examine your work. In

order to properly check your
presentations. We will used the
following scoring rubrics.

IV. Evaluation:
Directions: Read and understand the questions below. ENCIRCLE the letter of the correct answer. (2
points each)
PPST INDICATOR #5: Design, select,
organize and use diagnostic, formative
1. It is the chance or the probability that a person will be harmed
and summative assessment consistent
with curriculum requirements.
a. Risk
b. Hazard
c. Workplace
d. Indicator

2. Caused by organism such as viruses, bacteria fungi and parasites.

a. Physical hazard
b. Psychological hazard
c. Biological hazard
d. Ergonomic hazard

3. It is a source of potential damage, harm or adverse health effects.

a. Indicator
b. Hazard
c. Workplace
d. Risk

4. Those that are basically causing stress.

a. Safety hazard
b. Chemical hazard
c. Physical hazard
d. Psychological hazard

5. Awkward posture arising from improper work methods.

a. Psychological hazard
b. Ergonomic hazard
c. Physical hazard
d. Chemical hazard

V. Assignment:
Make a 1 poster of warning signs on dangerous and risky area.

Rubrics for Scoring

Criteria Excellent (20) Very Good Good (10) Fair (5) Total
Use of Color:
Pleasing color
color use
readability and
Space was used

and writing were
not crowded
and the layout
was easy
to follow.
Interesting use
of materials,
color and/or
design that
added to the
impact of the
Poster was free
of smudges,
had been
assembled with
care, and writing
was neat

Prepared by:
Fairy Joy E. Delada LPT
Scoring Rubrics for Group 2 (APPLICATION)

Exceptional Admirable Acceptable Attempted
Explanation 30 % A complete response Good solid Explanation is Misses key
with a detailed response with a unclear points
explanation clear
Creativity 20 % Slogan is Slogan is Slogan is The slogan
exceptionally creative and a creative and does not
creative. A lot of good amount of some thought reflect any
thought and effort thought was put was put into. degree of
was used to make into decorating creativity.
the banner. it.
Craftmanship 30 % The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is
exceptionally attractive in acceptably distractingly
attractive in terms of terms of attractive messy.
neatness. Well neatness. Good though it may
constructed and not construction be a bit messy.
messy and not very
Cooperation 20 % All members Some members Few members One person
contribute contribute contribute does all the

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