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A Happy Ending

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 113
“Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit
your way to the Lord; trust in him. . . . Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for
him” (Psalm 37: 4-5,7).

A couple taught in a school for children of missionaries, but being surrounded by

children all day did not satisfy their longings. The wife especially wanted the
blessing of children of their own.

Prayerfully they discussed with friends the wisdom of starting a family later in life.
They acted on the advice they received and began exploring adoption. Not one but
two would enter their home. Days in court were hard, expensive, and time
consuming, but now, after several years of parenting, the children have become
legally theirs. In a beautiful way God “settles the barren woman in her home as a
happy mother of children” (Psalm 113:9).

Two believers who are committed to God in their life service for Him also turned
over their inner desires to Him. They waited and followed His leading - now their
desires are fulfilled and their home is filled with exceeding joy.

We never need to conceal our heart desires from God. He knows them and will
work out His will for us as we delight in Him.

INSIGHT: Joy comes when we get what we really want and have waited for God to
provide it His way in His time.

The Real Joy Giver

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 42
“Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight. I will praise you
with the harp, O God, my God” (Psalm 43:4). “With joy you will draw water from the
wells of salvation” (Isaiah 12:3).

David knew joy as well as deep turmoil and sorrow. He experienced both fear and
joy protecting sheep as a young shepherd. He had slain the enemy giant Goliath
and had led many military coups. The music of his harp had quieted the tormented
King Saul, but the king later chased him and forced him to hide in caves. While
being taunted by his enemies, his thoughts turned to the joy he felt when
worshiping God in Jerusalem.

The simile in the first two verses of Psalm 42 pictures our deep need to find God
and to enjoy a personal relationship with Him. Imagine a deer's desperate search
for water, a need that often takes it across busy highways. Just as the animal
craves, searches, and finds water, so we need to crave, aggressively pursue, and
find God. Our need for God is far greater than a deer's need for water.

A popular praise song from these verses identifies Jesus as the Joy Giver. We
know the source of joy. Will we pursue joy or only gather information about its

INSIGHT: The “heavenly container” of joy is bottomless. Don't believe the lie that
joy is only for some people. Draw on your heavenly supply today.

Our Ever-Present Help

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 46
“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will
not fear. . . .The Lord Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our fortress” (Psalm
46: 1-2, 11).

Our cowardly hearts yearn for a life without trouble. But God does not guarantee
that. What He does promise is that He will be our refuge and strength while we are
experiencing trouble. When we learn to count on His promise, we will not be
gripped by terror even in time of disaster.

Services we depend on - telephone, electricity, water, fire and police protection -

may all fail. One resource remains untouched by catastrophe: God. Nothing can cut
us off from Him.

The psalm-writer describes the worst: natural disasters on land and sea,
international crisis of war and political upheavals. Even when the catastrophe is
beyond human intervention, and we are surrounded by total chaos and devastation,
God is there. His promise is not that He will come when we call on Him in
desperation, but that He is already there even as the disaster strikes. And He is
there, not as an onlooker nor even as a compassionate rescue-worker. He is there
to be our personal refuge and strength.

INSIGHT: Don't wait for a disaster to strike before you count on God to be your
ever-present help. He is your refuge today.

Strength for Today

Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 40:25-31
“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. . . . Those
who hope in the Lord will renew their strength” (Isaiah 40:29, 31).

God's man trembled on the brink - of what? That was part of the problem. He had
no way of guessing what could possibly be ahead for him.

The man was Moses. God was sending him back to Egypt to lead a nation of slaves
out of bondage. “Who am I for such a task?” Moses gasped. He was unknown by
the slaves, and he was a wanted man in the court that was holding the slaves in
their misery. The assignment seemed to defy logic.

God answered, “I will be with you.” Moses' inadequacy was not a problem to God.

Moses then asked, “And who are You?”

God replied, “I am who I am” (Exodus 3:14).

Though the exact meaning of this name is hidden in mystery, we know it refers to
God's eternal, dependable nature. Promises He gave Moses were based on His
never-changing character.
We too can know the reality of God’s presence. He has promised us strength for
today to accomplish the work He has for us to do. We can count on His strength
because we can count on Him.

INSIGHT: God will always give us the strength to do what He asks us to do. We can
count on that.

My Shepherd
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 23
“The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green
pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul” (Psalm 23:1-2).

As a teenager I traveled by train across Canada from Ontario to Alberta. Wide-eyed

with excitement, I sat with my nose pressed against the window. Even during the
night I peered into the darkness, hoping to capture every possible glimpse of the
pristine northland and the sweeping prairies.

My companion missed the beauty because she was occupied with getting
organized. Throughout the three-day trip, she packed and repacked her carry-on
luggage, expecting that soon she could sit back and enjoy the view. She never did.

Like this woman, we may become fretful when life does not conform to our tidy
plans. When we focus only on our frustrations, we miss the thrill of a spiritual
adventure with our Shepherd.

As you read Psalm 23, notice its constant reference to the present. Right now you
can have fellowship with the Lord. There is no need to wait till you put your life
together. He accepts you as you are and is available to care for you, no matter how
cluttered and out of control your circumstances may be.

INSIGHT: Do you believe that the Lord is your Shepherd today? Trust Him and
place yourself in His care.
This or That?
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 25
“I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in
the way you should go” (Isaiah 48:17).

My six months in Philadelphia was a high point in my spiritual life. The church I
attended there throbbed with vitality. The congregation grew week by week. The
offering baskets overflowed as we emptied our wallets to pour out our love and
gratitude to God. The preaching was uplifting, and our sense of the unity of Christ's
body thrilled us.

Sunday evening we always sang together, “Take the Name of Jesus with You.”
Then we left the church to go our separate ways. Some of us wished we could have
set our spiritual instruments on automatic pilot so we could have lived as we had

But we couldn’t. Each of us had to make many personal choices throughout the
week. Should we do this or that? Should we go here or there? Should we speak or
be silent? The pastor could not be there to remind us of God's Word. Nor at the
moment of decision did we have time to search the Scripture for direction. But God
was there. He promises to give us moment-by-moment direction as we need it.

INSIGHT: This or that? God will do His part to give us direction. Our part is to keep
alert, to be ready to listen and obey.

Grace to Cope
Scripture Focus:

Hebrews 4:14-16
“Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive
mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need” (Hebrews 4:16).

Failure! That word can be stamped across the lives of the Children of Israel. Not
failure to perform, but failure to believe. God promised spiritual fulfillment, but when
the Israelites heard His Word they did not listen with faith. They failed to enter into
the blessing God had for them.

We too may fail, but we do not need to. God promises to bless us. When we hear
His Word, we need to listen with faith to receive what God is saying. In this matter
of our inner response, we may deceive ourselves, but we do not deceive Him. His
Word is the divine clarifier. It constantly monitors our hearts, sifting our deepest,
most subtle thoughts and attitudes.

God’s knowledge of us need not produce fear. We have Jesus Christ our High
Priest, who stands in heaven on our behalf. He represents us as One who has a
keen awareness of our need. He knows how feebly the flame of our faith burns. We
are aware that we may fail, as did the Israelites of old. Jesus knows our
weaknesses, and He never turns away from us but reaches out to help us.

INSIGHT: Christ invites us to come to Him with confidence so that we can receive
mercy and find grace to cope in our moment of need.

Secret Nourishment
Scripture Focus:

Jeremiah 17:7-8
“He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and
whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers” (Psalm 1:3).

By all standards God had crowned Helen's 25 years in a Christian ministry with
unusual success. But each high seemed to have been counterbalanced with a low.
She suffered personal loss and deep disappointment. Yet through the years her
friends found her testimony amazingly consistent.

No matter what occurred, Helen gave evidence of a close relationship with God.
When good things happened, she gave thanks, taking no credit to herself. When
setbacks came, she still gave thanks, knowing she could count on His resources.
Behind every shadow Helen discerned that God's good hand had not been
withdrawn. In time of drought she nourished the hearts of all around her.

One did not have to be near Helen long to discover the secret of her spiritual vitality.
She was saturated in God's Word. She read it, memorized it, and wove it into her
conversations. She constantly sent the rootlets of her soul to feed on its
nourishment. By tapping God's never-failing source of sustenance, she was fruitful
in all seasons.

INSIGHT: We can be fruitful if we tap the secret source through regular time alone
with God. Our hearts will be nourished, and we will bring blessings to others.

Help, Lord!
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 34
“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their cry;
the face of the Lord is against those who do evil” (Psalm 34:15-16).

Right now, this very moment, a cruel and evil enemy is on the prowl. And you may
be its intended victim. “Be alert,” God warns, “your enemy the devil prowls around
like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

Temptation comes in many forms and in unrelenting frequency. The struggle

demands our full concentration. Our resistance weakens just as our enemy
planned. We wear down, and it seems too hard to say that big NO one more time.

Help is at hand. First, we have the Lord’s word that “the One who is in you is
greater than the one who is in the world” (1 John 4:4). We do not have to be

Then we have our Lord’s reassurance that His eyes are on us constantly. His ears
are always tuned in to our cry. He's there for us. There's no panic to get through on
heaven's 911 emergency number, no need even to state our dilemma. He hears
and will see us through our time of trouble, if we put our trust in Him.

INSIGHT: We do not have strength to withstand temptation. That's why God wants
us to call for help, believing that He will never let us down.

Scripture Focus:
Psalm 125
“As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now
and forevermore” (Psalm 125:2).

Think of yourself as a pilgrim moving through a territory that no map. You come to a
mountain range and must deal with life-threatening danger. At times it seems that
it's all over. You will never make it to the other side.

But you do, and you descend to a beautiful valley where you are warmed and
sheltered from the violent winds. You are protected by the mountains that surround

In somewhat the same way Jerusalem was surrounded by natural mountains. The
psalm-writer saw this as a picture of God's strong arms reaching out to protect and
shelter His own.

We cannot avoid the experiences of life that buffet us. Troubles come to us, as they
do to all people of every time and place. We cannot avoid stress and pain. Still we
are protected. The Lord, who loves us, has placed us in a protected valley. He
surrounds us with His strong love. The storms come, but we are sheltered in the
warmth and safety of His love for us.

INSIGHT: The choice is yours and mine today. Let's stop struggling and start relying
on the warmth of the Lord's protection.

Enfolded in Love
Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 54:1-10
“`Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love
for you will not be shaken` . . says the Lord, who has compassion on you” (Isaiah

She is known as Julian of Norwich, a gentle lady born in 1342 who lived in a cell
attached to St. Julian's Church in Norwich, England.

What could a person so far removed from our world have to say to us today?
Simply this. During a severe illness, Lady Julian's heart was opened to receive
insights into God's character, insights that transcend time and culture. God's love so
filled and overwhelmed her that she devoted the rest of her life to sharing what she
had seen and learned.

“He is our clothing,” she wrote. “In His love He wraps and holds us. He enfolds us
for love, and He will never let us go.”

God’s never-failing, all-encompassing love is not subject to the winds that so

quickly affect human love. Friends may grow distant. Family members may allow
differences to become barriers. The one dearest to you may betray a commitment
made in God's presence, but God will never vary in His commitment to you. God's
love will never fail. His promises can never be withdrawn.

INSIGHT: God's compassion is based on His character, not on your conduct. He

enfolds you in His love today.

Living in Love
Scripture Focus:

John 15:9-17
“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. If you
obey my commands, you will remain in my love” (John 15:9-10).

When Jesus speaks of love, He speaks in the past, present, and the future.

Past: As My Father has always love Me, so have I loved you.

Present: So live today in that sphere of perfect love. And as you obey My
commandments today,

Future: You will continue to live in that sphere of My love.

Present: I have told you this so that My joy may constantly pervade your life. Love
each other,

Past: As I have loved you.

What a beautiful blending of past, present, and future, of receiving love, giving out
love, and enjoying new capacities to give and receive love!

Jesus gives us two responsibilities if we will live in His love. First, to obey His
commands, and second, to reach out and love others. We may start by taking time
to listen or by running an errand for another. But when we obey and take that first
step, we will sense that the warmth of His love is filling our beings.

INSIGHT: Our love-hungry hearts long to enjoy Christ's love to the full. We taste it
when we obey Him and love others.

God's Searchlight
Scripture Focus:

2 Chronicles 16
“For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose
hearts are fully committed to him” (2 Chronicles 16:9).

Much as giant beads of light pierce the darkness as searchlights pan the area,
God's eyes constantly roam the earth searching out hearts that are fully committed
to Him. And into those hearts He promises to pour His strength.

Note the context in which this promise is given. King Asa had led the people of
Judah to remove all evidence of idol worship and to fortify their cities. They sought
God with all their hearts, and He was found by them. Then Asa compromised.
When the King of Israel began to provoke war, Asa sent treasures from the temple
to the king of Syria, with a terse appeal, “Break your treaty with the King of Israel,
so he will leave me alone.”

Asa made a critical blunder. God’s prophet spoke. “God promises to strengthen
those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. Yet you chose to solve your
problem in your own strength.”

Asa’s heart was unyielding toward God. From that point on, his reign skidded
downhill. The choice was his, as it is ours today.

INSIGHT: Will we trust our own resources or count on God's ever-available

strength? As His eyes scan the earth today, may He find our hearts ready to receive
His help.
Known and Loved
Scripture Focus:

John 10:1-18
“I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me - just as the
Father knows me and I know the Father - and I lay down my life for the sheep”
(John 10:14-15).

The envelope had my name and address neatly typed, and it was graced with a
commemorative stamp instead of a meter imprint. I opened it and began to read the
letter. After greeting me by my first name, the writer began, “Because of your keen
interest in. . . .”

Ah, I thought, he remembered our conversation of a few weeks ago and was
sending me the information I had requested. To the contrary! I quickly recognized
that the letter had been computer-generated. My name was used, but I was not

How different it is with our Good Shepherd. He speaks to the real person within. He
knows our deepest hungers, our highest aspirations. He knows our bitter regrets,
our frustrated hopes, and our secret dreams. He knows the best and the worst
within us, and still He loves us.

As our Good Shephered, Christ commits Himself to our care. He speaks to us

personally and provides for us according to our individual needs and capacities.

INSIGHT: We can never know ourselves better than Christ knows us. He will never
give us tasks that are beyond us nor withhold the gifts we need.

Our Unseen Companion

Scripture Focus:

Matthew 28:16-20
“Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

Jesus has given us a job to do. We are not left on earth solely to enjoy the benefits
of our relationship with Him. He asks us to be busy serving Him, spreading His
Good News throughout our planet.

Some of us are mobile and can go. As we fulfill our mission, we experience Jesus'
promise to be with us every step as we go. But what about those of us who are not
mobile and cannot go to other parts of the world? Are we to live outside the
circumference of His promised presence?

There is a geography of the heart. It’s possible to be so committed to obeying the

Master that we direct our whole lives to the goal of spreading the Gospel. Our time
and resources, our priorities, our hearts' desires are all focused on obedience. Our
prayer interests and what delights our hearts are all related to Christ's kingdom.

For all of us - those who go and those who stay - if our hearts reach out in
obedience, we each can know the personal presence of the Master. He knows our
deepest desires.

INSIGHT: Ask the Lord to help you give the spread of His Gospel a high priority.
Then you will know His personal presence in a new way.

The Joy of Our Hearts

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 119:97-112
“How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! . . . Your
statutes are my heritage forever; they are the joy of my heart”
(Psalm 119:103, 111).

Reading Psalm 119 is almost like stealing a look at a love letter. The writer of this
beautiful psalm is almost euphoric in expressing his love for God's Word. He feasts
on it, yet hungers for more. He bathes in its fathomless wisdom, yet craves to return
to it. It satisfies him, yet it increases his desire to learn more.

The knowledge he acquires from the Word has given him wisdom that exceeds the
knowledge of his teachers. That alone would seem to be enough. But he goes on to
tell of blessings that go far beyond the satisfaction of knowing his intellectual needs
have been met. Loving God's Word is more valuable than accumulating gold. It's
sweeter than the finest of honey. It's better than an inheritance or a generous
pension plan. It provides a joy that fills his heart.

The psalm-writer would find it inconceivable for a person to be chronically unhappy

and at the same time be filled with God's Word. When we read it with an open
heart, the Living God speaks through its pages. And when we respond, He gives

INSIGHT: How's your appetite? As you feast on God's Word, you will experience
the joy of knowing that He is speaking to you through it.

Clean - Really Clean

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 32:1-5
“If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves. . . . If we confess our sins, he
is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all
unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-9).

Grandma was our resident stain expert. Whatever had soiled our garments or table
linens was brought under her scrutiny. After analyzing the stain with her practiced
eye, she prescribed the remedy and treatment. Her only requirement was, “Bring it
to me right away. Don't wait, and don't try to treat it yourself before showing it to me.
Your remedy may just set the stain and make it impossible to remove!”

Grandma was right. And her advice closely parallel's God's remedy for the sin that
soils our hearts.

The psalm-writer describes the problems that result from living with unconfessed
sin. While he would not even acknowledge it, his dishonesty “set” the stain. He was
miserable with the unresolved transgression until he finally admitted the sin and
stopped trying to conceal it from God (Psalm 32:5). Immediately God's forgiveness
washed over his soul, bringing cleansing and restoring his joy.

INSIGHT: As we confess our sins, God is faithful. He can be counted on to forgive

and cleanse us - every single time.
Taste and See
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 34:1-14
“Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. .
. . The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who week the Lord lack no good
thing” (Psalm 34:8,10).

Behind our congenial greetings and polite smiles often lies an ancient and dark
question. It is ancient because it originated in the Garden of Eden. It is dark
because it raises doubts about the One who loves us best of all.

“Is God really good?” The question was originally raised by the serpent with the first
woman. And it has been whispered in the hearts of each generation to this day.

It may be whispered again in a phone call with unhappy news, in a disappointment,

in a gone-bad business deal, or in a devastating medical report. Any of these may
lead us to one conclusion: God has abandoned one of His children!

But the psalm-writer challenges us. When things are at their worst, when the enemy
has pushed our backs to the wall and God seems far away, that is the time to take
refuge in Him. That is the time to take Him at His word. “Taste and see,” and in so
doing we will find that, contrary to the evidence around us, God is there, and He is

INSIGHT: God is good. If you would know it from personal experience today, set
your heart to take refuge in Him.

So Very Close
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 34:15-22
“The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears them; he delivers them from all their
troubles. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed
in spirit” (Psalm 34:17-18)

After waiting for nearly an hour for takeoff, our frustration mounted as the flight
attendant announced that our flight had been canceled. We would have to
disembark and find alternate arrangements to get to our destination.

As I chatted with the passenger seated next to me, I noticed that the change in
travel arrangements had shaken her deeply. She began to pour out the pain that
gripped her heart. “If only the airline knew how desperately I need to arrive on
schedule - to be at the hospital and see my mother before it is too late. If only they
could understand and care even a little!”

How I longed to point her to the One who is right there at the place where the hurt is
deepest. And if the Lord Himself is near, then all that is good and right is near. He is
not at hand either to judge or to make light of the pain, but to bring healing and
restoration in His closeness.

What causes you pain today? He waits to draw close and touch your hurt with

INSIGHT: “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3).
He heals broken hearts with Himself.

My Shield
Scripture Focus:

Psalm 3
“But you are a shield around me, O Lord; you bestow glory on me and lift up my
head. To the Lord I cry aloud, and he answers me from his holy hill”
(Psalm 3:3-4).

There may be periods in our lives when we fit so comfortably with a group of
believers that their joy becomes our joy, their faith our faith. Then disaster strikes.
We suffer hurts and losses so devastating and so personal that the group faith
alone no longer holds us up. We need - oh how we need - a deep and intimate
faith-relationship with the Lord. We need a shield to protect us from the pain and
humiliation. We need a shield that is tailor-made to the particular battle we are in.
But who can make a customized, personalized, made-to-order shield in our

God can! In fact, He personally becomes your shield. You have Him all to yourself
to meet your particular needs. He is available to you as if you alone were the object
of His love and care, which you are indeed, if you are trusting Him. His promises
are yours today. His goodness and bountiful gifts are available. His heart of love will
meet your needs. In His good time He will bring help, and you can give all glory to

INSIGHT: God is closer to you than your need. Look to Him alone to be your shield
and protector.

His Seeking Heart

Scripture Focus:

Luke 15:1-10
“In the same way, I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God
over one sinner who repents” (Luke 15:10).

Ten-year-old Holly listened as her Sunday School teacher told Jesus' story of the
shepherd who would not rest until he found his one lost sheep. “Jesus is like that
strong, caring shepherd,” her teacher said. “He is seeking His lost ones. It doesn't
matter how small the sheep is or how far it has wandered away. Each one is
valuable to Him.”

Then the teacher asked how we know that Jesus loves each lost sheep. Holly
answered, “Well, when the shepherd found the sheep, he scooped it up and carried
it all the way home. I did that with my dog when it was lost. I was just so happy to
find it.”

“Jesus is seeking lost sheep today,” the teacher explained. “He wants each to be
safe in His arms. When He finds one, He is very happy, and so are the angels.
Draw a picture of what you think it's like in heaven when the Shepherd finds a lost
boy or girl.”

Holly thought carefully. Then she picked up her colored markers and began to work
intently. I treasure her drawing. Her angels are exuberantly doing what Holly likes
best to do - gymnastics!
INSIGHT: Take time today to thank Christ for loving you and constantly seeking to
save each lost person.

Waiting for You

Scripture Focus:

Revelation 3:14-22
“Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the
door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).

God has every right to enter our lives. After all, He created us for Himself. In making
us in His own image, He gave us an immense capacity to know Him and
communicate with Him.

But we were born into the human race that is estranged from God. Our
wrongdoings have built a barrier that separates us from the One who made us for
Himself. God's immense love caused Him to provide the way for us to be reconciled
to Him. And at what a great price! His own Son gave His life for us so that we might
become His children.

There can be no question about His right to enter our lives. We belong to Him both
by His act of creating us and by His act of purchasing our redemption with Jesus'
blood. Still, He does not force His way into our lives. He waits for us to invite Him in.

According to our verse for today, Jesus Christ is in one of two places in your life. He
is either standing at the door and knocking, or, in response to your opening the
door, He has entered your life and you are enjoying personal fellowship with Him.

INSIGHT: Jesus Christ has made His choice: He desires fellowship with you. What
is your choice?

Read My Heart, Lord

Scripture Focus:
Romans 8:26-27
“We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us
with groans that words cannot express. . . . The Spirit intercedes for the saints in
accordance with God’s will” (Romans 8:26-27).

My heart is overflowing today as I present my prayer requests to the Lord. My list

includes people for whom I care most deeply. I carry them on my heart and in my
mind, but I honestly do not know how to pray for some of them. They represent
staggering needs and complex problems.

I don’t know how to pray and can only cry, “Lord, do whatever will accomplish Your
good purposes.” Or “Pour out Your love, Your wisdom, Your resources.” Or “Glorify
Your name, Lord, in this situation that is so filled with despair.”

“Well,” you counter, “that certainly isn’t presenting your requests to the Lord.”

I agree. Sometimes the needs are so bewildering that I do not know how to
formulate my desires. Furthermore, I'm too weak, too foolish, too earthbound to
know what to say. The Holy Spirit is right there to meet this most intimate of needs.
He listens to our hearts and knows how deeply we want God's will, but are limited in
knowing what it is. He interprets our desires and presents them to our Father.

INSIGHT: The Holy Spirit is listening to your heart right now and is interceding for
you. Thank Him!

The God Who Is Enough

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 62
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock
and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken” (Psalm 62:5-6).

Do you know someone you would characterize as a godly person? Have you

how amazingly simple his or her lifestyle is? The person may have a full schedule
with many heavy responsibilities. Trials may be almost overwhelming. Still, instead
of stress and tension, you see calmness and simplicity.

The reason is apparent as we reflect on today's verse. When we look to God to be

the source of our rest and the solution to our fears, we discover that He is enough!
We do not have to be slaves to worry. We can stop searching for people who will
listen to our problems and offer their weak sympathy. We can look to God alone and
discover day by day that our trust has not been misplaced.

Something is lost. Tell Him. Suffering from burnout. Tell Him. Disappointments
shatter dreams. Tell Him. Does this seem too simplistic? Try making the Lord your
source of inner rest and strength. See if He does not prove to be far more than you
could have thought or even desired.

INSIGHT: Have you tried to lean on the Lord while you are also relying on earthly
props? Ask God to reveal Himself to you as the God who is enough.

The Light of My Life

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 27
“The Lord is my light and my salvation - whom shall I fear? The Lord is the
stronghold of my life - of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1).

For reasons that are hotly debated, our country is heading for power shortages. We
are advised to be prepared for periods of blackouts.

In today’s verse we find David praising God for being his never-failing power
source. Equally in times of calm and in times of turbulent storms, the Lord is his
light and his salvation, to be counted on.

What, then, is there to fear? David’s confidence is so great that he almost issues
the challenge, “Bring on your worst! You can't scare me! I'm confident that God will
save me.”

As a shepherd boy, he had bravely faced and conquered Goliath. Before that, he
had experienced God's power when he faced a ferocious bear and a killer lion.
Frankly, for me that would have been more than enough danger for a lifetime. But
David knew God and the resources that were available in time of need. He could
sing, “You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord turns my darkness into light” (2 Samuel

INSIGHT: Are you shrinking from life's challenges because you are uncertain of
your ever-ready, never-failing power source? Let God turn your darkness into light.

Last Resort
Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 30:1-18
“Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion. For the
Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!” (Isaiah 30:18).

Judah was in trouble. Sennacherib of Assyria was intent on crushing the nation. His
army had swept through the land, taking cities, gathering spoil and captives. Only
Jerusalem was left unconquered.

When King Hezekiah refused to admit defeat, Sennacherib waited outside the
walled city to starve the people into submission. In time, Hezekiah gave in. He paid
Sennacherib off by stripping his city, including the temple, of much of its riches.

Sennacherib returned to Assyria with his spoil and captives, but Hezekiah feared
another attack. He sent a secret delegation to Egypt, begging for an army to be
sent to Judah in the event of Sennacherib's return.

Hezekiah's negotiations were not so secret. God knew, and sent Isaiah with a
strong warning. Trouble awaited them because they had looked to Egypt as their
last resort and did not look to God for help. Security was not in an alliance with
Egypt, but “in repentance and rest.” Their strength lay “in quietness and trust” (v.
15). Though Judah had turned from God, His heart of compassion had not

INSIGHT: God has a prescription for times of trouble: repentance and rest,
quietness and trust. If we follow it, we will experience His graciousness and
Which Way, Lord?
Scripture Focus:

Isaiah 30:19-26
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you,
saying, ‘This is the way; walk in it.’” (Isaiah 30:21).

Imagine trying to drive through a strange city at rush hour. You know your
destination, but not how to reach it. You try to read the map and then to identify
street names as you approach intersections. Sometimes they match up, but most of
the time they don't. You can write total frustration over that page in your travel diary.

Then imagine that a local resident joins you. Immediately you sense the difference.
“Take a right here,” your guide tells you. “Then at the next light take a left.” The
jumble of roads is still as confusing, but now you move with confidence.

God provides that kind of guidance. He doesn't relieve you of the responsibility of
making your way through the maze of life, which can be incredibly complex and
confusing sometimes, but He promises to be right there beside you.

Though the promise in today’s verse is addressed to Israel, we know that God will
not leave His obedient child in doubt. “Turn here,” He whispers to our listening
hearts. And we move ahead with confidence.

INSIGHT: Praise God for giving you the direction as you need it through life's maze.
“If the Lord delights in a man's way, he makes his steps firm” (Psalm 37:23).

New Every Morning

Scripture Focus:

Lamentations 3:19-40
“Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never
fail. They are new every morning; Great is your faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:22-

God was disciplining His wayward people. Feelings of hopelessness brought the
prophet Jeremiah to the brink of despair, but one truth kept him from giving in. He
knew that though God was punishing His people, He was acting in love. God had
not for one moment abandoned them. He could have given up on them completely,

for they had done nothing to deserve His patience. However, His compassion for
His sinning people caused Him to deal with them in love. Though they sinned
against Him daily, new proofs of His compassion came every morning.

God has not changed. He still disciplines His own because He loves us. He never
throws us aside as worthless, and He never turns away from us. His discipline is for
the purpose of turning us back to Him. The psalm-writer recognized this when he
wrote, “Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I obey Your Word. You are
good, and what You do is good; teach me Your decrees” (Psalm 119:67-68).

INSIGHT: Is God disciplining you today? Thank Him for His love and that His
compassions are new every morning.

Eternal Glory
Scripture Focus:

2 Corinthians 4:7-18
“Our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far
outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen”
(2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

In medieval times scientists were occupied with alchemy, trying desperately to

achieve the transmutation of base metals into gold.

The apostle Paul discovered that God is the true alchemist. He can take the
afflictions that threaten to defeat and even destroy us and turn them into eternal
glory that far outweighs our suffering.

Paul felt keenly the distresses that tortured his body, mind, and emotions. There
was no concealing of his weakness, but he did not lose heart. Within his body lived
an eternal spirit that was being renewed every day. What kept him going was the
certainty that God was actively at work transforming his stresses, perplexities, and
pain into something of eternal significance. God was taking the negative
experiences of earthly life and transforming them into positive facets of glory. God
was changing Paul into the image of Jesus Christ!

The same God is working in your suffering today to prepare you for eternity. Praise
Him for being the divine alchemist.

INSIGHT: Your burdens, weaknesses, your difficult relationships, your losses - all
these are the materials God is using to conform you into the image of His Son.

Joy in His Presence

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 16
“You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your
presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand” (Psalm 16:11).

David wrote Psalm 16 as his personal celebration. He was expressing the joy he
had in his fellowship with God.

We could read the psalm as simply a reflection of his experience, but let's read it
with eyes of faith, knowing that our unchanging God, who gave David a song, can
also fill our hearts with sweet melody.

David entered joy in God’s presence by making a deliberate choice. He trusted God
to be his portion in life and to preserve him in death. As a result of this choice, he
discovered that apart from the Lord, he had nothing of lasting value (v. 2).

The psalm comes to a climax as David sings the words of today's verse. God has
shown him a way of life. In His presence alone can be found the true joy that his
heart craved. And in closeness to God are pleasures that nothing can diminish or

David wrote from personal experience. That experience can be yours. Pleasures
that can never fade are to be found at God's right hand. It was true for David. It's
true for you.

INSIGHT: Where are you searching for the happiness your heart craves? What
promises are you pursuing? True joy awaits you in God's presence.
He Is Able
Scripture Focus:

Ephesians 3:14-21
“To him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according
to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ
Jesus” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

In her book, Disciplines of the Heart, Anne Ortlund raises and answers the
question, “Why do so many Christians live gray, struggling, carnal lives? Because
they haven't yet comprehended the vastness of the power within them and what to
do with it.”

We want to feel we’re in control of our lives, that we can set our goals and enjoy the
satisfaction of achieving them. Could it be that we're setting those goals too low,
that we're content to live colorless lives?

The context in today’s verse has to do with Jews and Gentiles functioning together
harmoniously. Paul was confident that when God's power and love was released in
each believer, the miracle would occur. That same power and love is at work in you.
Do you feel, though, that the gap between this Scripture and your experience is as
vast as the space between heaven and earth? Commenting on this passage,
Bishop Moule quoted his godfather, “You have your Bible, and you have your
knees; use them.”
INSIGHT: Study the promises God is making you. Pray that He will show you how
to make them your own.

Faithful to the End

Scripture Focus:

Psalm 108:1-6
“For great is your love, higher than the heavens; your faithfulness reaches to the
skies. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens, and let your glory be over all the
earth” (Psalm 108:4-5).
Are you a child of God through faith in His Son? Then He has promised to be your
ever-present help. He cannot fail, because He is God.

Celebrate God’s faithfulness

The Word of the Lord is right and true;

He is faithful in all He does.
The Lord loves righteousness and justice;
the earth is full of His unfailing love.

The Lord is faithful to all His promises

and loving toward all He has made.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord his God…
The Lord, who remains faithful forever.

God’s unfailing promise to you

I will maintain My love to him forever,

and My covenant with him will never fail…
I will not take My love from him,
nor will I ever betray My faithfulness.

Psalms 33:4-5; 145:13; 146:5-6; 89:28-33

INSIGHT: We've done nothing to deserve God's faithfulness to us, but we can
praise Him for every proof of His unfailing love.

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