Learning in The Thick of It by Marilyn Darling, Charles Parry, and Joseph Moore

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After-action reviews identify

past mistakes but rarely Learning in the Thick
of It
enhance future performance.
Companies wanting to fully
exploit this tool should look to
its master: the U.S. Army’s
standing enemy brigade, by Marilyn Darling, Charles Parry, and
where soldiers learn and
improve even in the midst of Joseph Moore

Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article:

1 Article Summary
The Idea in Brief—the core idea
The Idea in Practice—putting the idea to work

2 Learning in the Thick of It

10 Further Reading
A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further
exploration of the article’s ideas and applications

Reprint R0507G
Learning in the Thick of It

The Idea in Brief The Idea in Practice

Like many managers, you probably con- To improve your AAR process: meetings—monthly or quarterly—may be
duct after-action reviews (AARs) to extract sufficient to identify and correct emerging
Build your AAR regimen slowly
lessons from key projects and apply them problems.
Rather than applying the AAR process across
to others. But in most companies, AARs
the board, begin using it selectively—on Focus on your own team’s learning
don’t fulfill their promise: Scrapped
projects where the payoff is greatest and lead- Lessons must first and foremost benefit your
projects, poor investments, and failed safety
ers have committed to working through sev- team, so resist any urge to create an AAR doc-
measures repeat themselves—while
eral AAR cycles. ument specifically for some other corporate
hoped-for gains rarely materialize. One
use. Focus team members on improving
manufacturing executive, reading an AAR Focus on efforts critical to your team’s mission,
their own learning and, as a result, their own
report for a failed project that had stum- so people will be motivated to participate.
bled twice before, realized with horror that
Conduct a before-action review (BAR)
the team was “discovering” the same mis- Your people may generate a lesson during the
Before embarking on an important project,
takes all over again. AAR process, but they won’t have learned the
answer these questions:
lesson until they’ve changed their behavior. It
How to transform your AARs from diag-
• “What are our intended results and met- takes multiple iterations to produce solutions
noses of past failure into aids for future suc-
rics?” Does your team want to improve that stand up under any conditions.
cess? Realize that looking for lessons isn’t
product quality? Accelerate its response to
the same as learning them. View the AAR as
emergencies? Improve sales win/loss ratio?
an ongoing learning process—rather than
a one-time meeting, report, or postmor- • “What challenges do we anticipate?” Do
tem. Set the stage for AARs with rigorous you expect shortages of certain resources?
before-action planning—articulating your A turn in customers’ preferences?
intended results, anticipated challenges,
• “What have we or others learned from
and lessons from previous similar situations.
similar projects?” Be candid about past fail-
Conduct mini-AARs after each project mile-
ures—focusing on improving performance,
stone—holding everyone accountable for

not placing blame.

applying key lessons quickly in the next
project phase. • “What will enable us to succeed this time?”
What practices helped you succeed in earlier
Companies that master this process gain—
efforts? What worked before that should be
and sustain—competitive advantage. They
tested under different circumstances?
avoid repeating the kinds of errors that
gnaw away at stakeholder value. And in- Responses to these questions align team
stead of merely fixing problems, they adapt members’ objectives and set the stage for ef-
more rapidly and effectively than rivals to fective AARs as your project unfolds.
challenges no one even imagined.
Conduct mini-BARs and AARs
Break big projects into smaller chunks, book-
ended by short BAR and AAR meetings con-
ducted in task-focused groups. You’ll establish
feedback loops that maximize project perfor-
mance and foster an ongoing learning culture.

But tailor your process to fit each project and

project phase. For example, during periods of
intense activity, use brief daily AAR meetings
to help teams coordinate and improve the
next day’s work. At other times, less frequent

page 1
After-action reviews identify past mistakes but rarely enhance future
performance. Companies wanting to fully exploit this tool should look
to its master: the U.S. Army’s standing enemy brigade, where soldiers
learn and improve even in the midst of battle.

Learning in the Thick

of It
by Marilyn Darling, Charles Parry, and
Joseph Moore

Imagine an organization that confronts con- called Blue Force, or BLUFOR, for the duration
stantly changing competitors. That is always of the exercise—is numerically and technologi-
smaller and less well-equipped than its oppo- cally superior. It possesses more dedicated re-

nents. That routinely cuts its manpower and sources and better, more rapidly available data.
resources. That turns over a third of its leaders It is made up of experienced soldiers. And it
every year. And that still manages to win com- knows just what to expect, because OPFOR
petition after competition after competition. shares its methods from previous campaigns
The U.S. Army’s Opposing Force (commonly with BLUFOR’s commanders. In short, each of
known as OPFOR), a 2,500-member brigade these very capable BLUFOR brigades is given
whose job is to help prepare soldiers for combat, practically every edge. Yet OPFOR almost al-
is just such an organization. Created to be the ways wins.
meanest, toughest foe troops will ever face, Underlying OPFOR’s consistent success is
OPFOR engages units-in-training in a variety of the way it uses the after-action review (AAR), a
mock campaigns under a wide range of condi- method for extracting lessons from one event
tions. Every month, a fresh brigade of more or project and applying them to others. The
than 4,000 soldiers takes on this standing en- AAR, which has evolved over the past two de-
emy, which, depending on the scenario, may cades, originated at OPFOR’s parent organiza-
play the role of a hostile army or insurgents, tion, the National Training Center (NTC). AAR
paramilitary units, or terrorists. The two sides meetings became a popular business tool after
battle on foot, in tanks, and in helicopters dodg- Shell Oil began experimenting with them in
ing artillery, land mines, and chemical weapons. 1998 at the suggestion of board member Gor-
Stationed on a vast, isolated stretch of Cali- don Sullivan, a retired general. Teams at such
fornia desert, OPFOR has the home-court ad- companies as Colgate-Palmolive, DTE Energy,
vantage. But the force that’s being trained— Harley-Davidson, and J.M. Huber use these re-

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 2

Learning in the Thick of It

views to identify both best practices (which pany told us about an after-action review for a
they want to spread) and mistakes (which they failed project that had already broken down
don’t want to repeat). twice before. Having read reports from the ear-
Most corporate AARs, however, are faint lier attempts’ AARs—which consisted prima-
echoes of the rigorous reviews OPFOR per- rily of one-on-one interviews—she realized
forms. It is simply too easy for companies to with horror after several grueling hours that
turn the process into a pro forma wrap-up. All the team was “discovering” the same mistakes
too often, scrapped projects, poor investments, all over again.
and failed safety measures end up repeating A somewhat different problem cropped up
themselves. Efficient shortcuts, smart solu- at a telecom company we visited. A team of
tions, and sound strategies don’t. project managers there conducted rigorous
For companies that want to transform their milestone reviews and wrap-up AAR meetings
AARs from postmortems of past failure into on each of its projects, identifying problems
aids for future success, there is no better and creating technical fixes to avoid them in
teacher than the technique’s master practitio- future initiatives. But it made no effort to
ner. OPFOR treats every action as an opportu- apply what it was learning to actions and deci-
nity for learning—about what to do but also, sions taken on its current projects. After sev-
more important, about how to think. Instead eral months, the team had so overwhelmed
of producing static “knowledge assets” to file the system with new steps and checks that the
away in a management report or repository, process itself began causing delays. Rather
OPFOR’s AARs generate raw material that the than improving learning and performance, the
brigade feeds back into the execution cycle. AARs were reducing the team’s ability to solve
And while OPFOR’s reviews extract numerous its problems.
lessons, the group does not consider a lesson to We also studied a public agency that was
be truly learned until it is successfully applied running dozens of similar projects simulta-
and validated. neously. At the end of each project, team lead-
The battlefield of troops, tanks, and tear gas ers were asked to complete a lessons-learned
is very different from the battlefield of prod- questionnaire about the methods they would
ucts, prices, and profits. But companies that or would not use again; what training the team
adapt OPFOR’s principles to their own prac- had needed; how well members communi-
tices will be able to integrate leadership, learn- cated; and whether the planning had been ef-
ing, and execution to gain rapid and sustained fective. But the projects ran for years, and
competitive advantage. memory is less reliable than observation. Con-
sequently, the responses of the few leaders
Why Companies Don’t Learn who bothered to fill out the forms were often
An appreciation of what OPFOR does right be- sweepingly positive—and utterly useless.
gins with an understanding of what businesses Those failures and many more like them
do wrong. To see why even organizations that stem from three common misconceptions
focus on learning often repeat mistakes, we about the nature of an AAR: that it is a meet-
analyzed the AAR and similar “lessons ing, that it is a report, or that it is a postmor-
learned” processes at more than a dozen cor- tem. In fact, an AAR should be more verb than
porations, nonprofits, and government agen- noun—a living, pervasive process that explic-
cies. The fundamentals are essentially the itly connects past experience with future ac-
Marilyn Darling (mdarling@signet- same at each: Following a project or event, tion. That is the AAR as it was conceived back
consulting.com), Charles Parry team members gather to share insights and in 1981 to help Army leaders adapt quickly in
(cparry@signetconsulting.com), and identify mistakes and successes. Their conclu- the dynamic, unpredictable situations they
retired Colonel Joseph Moore sions are expected to flow—by formal or infor- were sure to face. And that is the AAR as
(jmoore@signetconsulting.com) are re- mal channels—to other teams and eventually OPFOR practices it every day.
searchers and consultants with Boston- coalesce into best practices and global stan-
based Signet Consulting Group. Moore dards. More than a Meeting
is a former commander of the 11th Ar- Mostly though, that doesn’t happen. Al- Much of the civilian world’s confusion over
mored Cavalry Regiment, the Opposing though the companies we studied actively look AARs began because management writers fo-
Force at the U.S. Army’s National Train- for lessons, few learn them in a meaningful cused only on the AAR meeting itself. OP-
ing Center in Fort Irwin, California. way. One leader at a large manufacturing com- FOR’s AARs, by contrast, are part of a cycle

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 3

Learning in the Thick of It

that starts before and continues throughout defeated or cut off from their supplies.”
each campaign against BLUFOR. (BLUFOR The commander shares these orders with
units conduct AARs as well, but OPFOR has his subordinate commanders—the leaders in
made a fine art of them.) OPFOR’s AAR regi- charge of infantry, munitions, intelligence, lo-
men includes brief huddles, extended plan- gistics, artillery, air, engineers, and communi-
ning and review sessions, copious note taking cations. He then asks each for a “brief back”—
by everyone, and the explicit linking of lessons a verbal description of the unit’s understand-
to future actions. ing of its mission (to ensure everyone is on
The AAR cycle for each phase of the cam- the same page) and its role. This step builds
paign begins when the senior commander accountability: “You said it. I heard it.” The
drafts “operational orders.” This document con- brief back subsequently guides these leaders
sists of four parts: the task (what actions subor- as they work out execution plans with their
dinate units must take); the purpose (why the subordinates.
task is important); the commander’s intent Later that day, or the next morning, the
(what the senior leader is thinking, explained commander’s executive officer (his second in
so that subordinates can pursue his goals even command) plans and conducts a rehearsal,
if events don’t unfold as expected); and the end which includes every key participant. Most re-
state (what the desired result is). It might look hearsals take place on a scale model of the bat-
like this: tlefield, complete with hills sculpted from
Task: “Seize key terrain in the vicinity of Tiefort sand, spray-painted roads, and placards denot-
City…” ing major landmarks. The rehearsal starts with
Purpose: “…so that the main effort can safely a restatement of the mission and the senior
pass to the north.” commander’s intent, an intelligence update on
Commander’s Intent: “I want to find the enemy positions and strength, and a break-
enemy’s strength and place fixing forces there down of the battle’s projected critical phases.
while our assault force maneuvers to his flank Each time the executive officer calls out a
to complete the enemy’s defeat. The plan calls phase, the unit leaders step out onto the ter-
for that to happen here, but if it doesn’t, you rain model to the position they expect to oc-
leaders have to tell me where the enemy is and cupy during that part of the action. They state
which flank is vulnerable.” their groups’ tasks and purposes within the
End State: “In the end, I want our forces in larger mission, the techniques they will apply
control of the key terrain, with all enemy units in that phase, and the resources they expect to
have available. After some discussion about
what tactics the enemy might use and how
units will communicate and coordinate in the

Learning to Be OPFOR thick of battle, the executive officer calls out

the next phase and the process is repeated.
The 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment cently gave up its home-court advantage As a result of this disciplined preparation,
(ACR), which has played the Opposing and traveled to BLUFOR’s home base the action that follows becomes a learning ex-
Force (OPFOR) for more than a decade, when that unit-in-training’s deployment periment. Each unit within OPFOR has estab-
is a brigade of regular U.S. Army sol- date was moved up. lished a clear understanding of what it intends
diers. In the current environment, every Nonetheless, the Army is satisfied that to do and how it plans to do it and has shared
Army unit that is deployable has been this new OPFOR—now one year into its that understanding with all other units. The
activated—including the 11th ACR, role—is successfully preparing combat units have individually and collectively made
which is now overseas. units for deployment to the Middle East. predictions about what will occur, identified
It will return. In the meantime, a Na- It has managed that, in large part, by le- challenges that may arise, and built into their
tional Guard unit that fought side by veraging the after-action review (AAR) plans ways to address those challenges. So
side with the 11th ACR for ten years has regimen it learned from the 11th ACR. It when OPFOR acts, it will be executing a plan
assumed the OPFOR mantle. This new is difficult to imagine a more dramatic but also observing and testing that plan. The
OPFOR faces even greater challenges change than the wholesale replacement early meetings and rehearsals produce a test-
than the regular brigade did. It is of one team by another. That the new able hypothesis: “In this situation, given this
smaller. It comprises not professional OPFOR has met this challenge is power- mission, if we take this action, we will accom-
soldiers but weekend warriors from such ful evidence of the AAR’s efficacy to help plish that outcome.” OPFOR is thus able to se-
companies as UPS and Nextel. And it re- an organization learn and adapt quickly. lect the crucial lessons it wants to learn from

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 4

Learning in the Thick of It

each action and focus soldiers’ attention on our actual results? What caused our results?
them in advance. And what will we sustain or improve? For ex-
Such before-action planning helps establish ample:
the agenda for after-action meetings. Con- Sustain: “Continual radio commo checks en-
versely, the rigor of the AAR meetings im- sured we could talk with everyone. That be-
proves the care and precision that go into the came important when BLUFOR took a different
before-action planning. As one OPFOR leader route and we needed to reposition many of
explained to us: “We live in an environment our forces.”
where we know we will have an AAR, and we Sustain: “We chose good battle positions.
will have to say out loud what worked and That made it easier to identify friends and foes
what didn’t. That leads to asking tough ques- in infantry.”
tions during the planning phase or rehearsals Improve: “When fighting infantry units, we
so that you know you have it as right as you need to keep better track of the situation so we
can get it. No subordinate will let the boss waf- can attack the infantry before they dismount.”
fle on something for long before challenging Improve: “How we track infantry. We look for
him to say it clearly because it will only come trucks, but we need to look for dismounted sol-
out later in the AAR. As a consequence, AAR diers and understand how they’ll try to deceive
meetings create a very honest and critical envi- us.”
ronment well before they begin.” One objective of the AAR, of course, is to de-
The reference to AAR meetings—plural—is termine what worked and what didn’t, to help
important. While a corporate team might con- OPFOR refine its ability to predict what will
duct one AAR meeting at the end of a six- work and what won’t in the future. How well
month project, OPFOR holds dozens of AARs did the unit assess its challenges? Were there
OPFOR treats every at different levels in a single week. Each unit difficulties it hadn’t foreseen? Problems that
holds an AAR meeting immediately after each never materialized? Yes, it is important to cor-
action as an opportunity significant phase of an action. If time is short, rect things; but it is more important to correct
such meetings may be no more than ten- thinking. (OPFOR has determined that flawed
for learning—about minute huddles around the hood of a Humvee. assumptions are the most common cause of
what to do but also, more It is common for OPFOR’s AARs to be facili- flawed execution.) Technical corrections affect
tated by the unit leader’s executive officer. Vir- only the problem that is fixed. A thought-pro-
important, about how to tually all formal AAR meetings begin with a re- cess correction—that is to say, learning—af-
think. iteration of the house rules, even if everyone fects the unit’s ability to plan, adapt, and suc-
present has already heard them a hundred ceed in future battles.
times: Participate. No thin skins. Leave your
stripes at the door. Take notes. Focus on our is- More than a Report
sues, not the issues of those above us. (The par- At most civilian organizations we studied,
ticipants’ commanders hold their own AARs to teams view the AAR chiefly as a tool for cap-
address issues at their level.) Absolute candor is turing lessons and disseminating them to
critical. To promote a sense of safety, senior other teams. Companies that treat AARs this
leaders stay focused on improving perfor- way sometimes even translate the acronym as
mance, not on placing blame, and are the first after-action report instead of after-action re-
to acknowledge their own mistakes. view, suggesting that the objective is to create
The AAR leader next launches into a com- a document intended for other audiences.
parison of intended and actual results. She re- Lacking a personal stake, team members may
peats the mission, intent, and expected end participate only because they’ve been told to
state; she then describes the actual end state, or out of loyalty to the company. Members
along with a brief review of events and any don’t expect to learn something useful them-
metrics relevant to the objective. For example, selves, so usually they don’t.
if the unit had anticipated that equipment OPFOR’s AARs, by contrast, focus on im-
maintenance or logistics would be a challenge, proving a unit’s own learning and, as a result,
what resources (mines, wire, ammo, vehicles) its own performance. A unit may generate a
were functioning and available? lesson during the AAR process, but by OP-
The AAR meeting addresses four questions: FOR’s definition, it won’t have learned that les-
What were our intended results? What were son until its members have changed their be-

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 5

Learning in the Thick of It

havior in response. Furthermore, soldiers need tion from observation points to plan effective
to see that it actually works. OPFOR’s leaders artillery missions—in the dark, against a mov-
know most lessons that surface during the first ing target. The next challenge would be to test
go-round are incomplete or plain wrong, repre- their assumptions to see first, if they could lo-
senting what the unit thinks should work and cate and target infantry sooner; and second,
not what really does work. They understand what difference that ability would make to
that it takes multiple iterations to produce dy- them achieving their mission.
namic solutions that will stand up under any OPFOR’s need to test theories is another
conditions. reason the brigade conducts frequent brief
For example, in one fight against a small, AARs instead of one large wrap-up. The sooner
agile infantry unit, OPFOR had to protect a a unit identifies targeting infantry as a skill it
cave complex containing a large store of muni- must develop, the more opportunities it has to
tions. BLUFOR’s infantry chose the attack try out different assumptions and strategies
route least anticipated by OPFOR’s command- during a rotation and the less likely those les-
ers. Because scouts were slow to observe and sons are to grow stale. So units design numer-
communicate the change in BLUFOR’s move- ous small experiments—short cycles of “plan,
ments, OPFOR was unable to prevent an at- prepare, execute, AAR”—within longer cam-
tack that broke through its defense perimeter. paigns. That allows them to validate lessons for
OPFOR was forced to hastily reposition its re- their own use and to ensure that the lessons
serve and forward units. Much of its firepower they share with other teams are “complete”—
didn’t reach the crucial battle or arrived too meaning they can be applied in a variety of fu-
late to affect the outcome. ture situations. More important, soldiers see
OPFOR’s unit leaders knew they could ex- their performance improve as they apply those
tract many different lessons from this situation. lessons, which sustains the learning culture.
“To fight an agile infantry unit, we must locate Not all OPFOR experiments involve correct-
and attack infantry before soldiers can leave ing what went wrong. Many involve seeing if
their trucks” was the first and most basic. But what went right will continue to go right under
they also knew that that insight was not enough different circumstances. So, for example, if
to ensure future success. For example, scouts OPFOR has validated the techniques it used to
would have to figure out how to choose patrol complete a mission, it might try the same mis-
routes and observation positions so as to quickly sion at night or against an enemy armed with
and accurately locate BLUFOR’s infantry be- cutting-edge surveillance technology. A consult-
fore it breached the defense. Then staffers ing-firm ad displays Tiger Woods squinting
would need to determine how to use informa- through the rain to complete a shot and the
headline: “Conditions change. Results shouldn’t.”
That could be OPFOR’s motto.
In fact, rather than writing off extreme situ-

Five Ways to Put AARs to Work at Work ations as onetime exceptions, OPFOR em-
braces them as learning opportunities. OP-
The U.S. Army’s standing enemy brigade reason to participate. And customize the FOR’s leaders relish facing an unusual enemy
(referred to as OPFOR) applies the after- process to fit each project and project or situation because it allows them to build
action review (AAR) process to everything phase. For example, during periods of in- their repertoire. “It’s a chance to measure just
it does, but that’s not realistic for most tense activity, brief daily AAR meetings how good we are, as opposed to how good we
companies. Business leaders must act se- can help teams coordinate and improve think we are,” explained one OPFOR com-
lectively, with an eye toward resources the next day’s activities. At other times, mander. Such an attitude might seem antithet-
and potential payoffs. Don’t even think meetings might occur monthly or quar- ical to companies that can’t imagine purposely
about creating an AAR regimen without terly and be used to identify exceptions in handicapping themselves in any endeavor. But
determining who is likely to learn from it volumes of operational data and to under- OPFOR knows that the more challenging the
and how they will benefit. Build slowly, stand the causes. The level of activity game, the stronger and more agile a competi-
beginning with activities where the pay- should always match the potential value tor it will become.
off is greatest and where leaders have of lessons learned. On the next page are
committed to working through several some ways you can use AARs, based on More than a Postmortem
AAR cycles. Focus on areas critical to a examples from companies that have used Corporate AARs are often convened around
team’s mission so members have good them effectively. failed projects. The patient is pronounced

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 6

Learning in the Thick of It

The AAR in practice The payoff

1 >> Survey past emergencies to identify types

of events and learning challenges.
>> Avoid similar emergencies in
the future.
Emergency >> Ask team members to take notes during >> Improve the speed and quality
the response process to facilitate the of your responses and damage
upcoming AAR. control.
>> Conduct AARs during the response >> Improve the long-term
process (if possible) or immediately effectiveness of your solutions.
afterward to begin building procedures
and long-term solutions.
>> Periodically review past AARs to identify
potential systems improvements.

2 >> Start each phase of product development

with a before-action review (BAR).
>> Improve quality, reduce cost,
and shorten time to market.
Product >> Conduct AARs to identify insights >> Anticipate customers’ changing
development to feed from one phase of product expectations.
development into the next—and then
into the next project.
>> Periodically conduct AARs on the
product-planning process to identify
potential improvements.

3 >> Launch business planning with a BAR

to re e ct on past lessons.
>> Apply lessons from past successes
and failures to improve results on
new ventures.
Entering a >> Conduct AARs throughout the launch

Copyright © 2005 Harvard Business School Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.
process to test lessons and create
new business innovative solutions.
or market >> Conduct a wrap-up AAR to improve
performance on the next venture.

4 >> Build AARs into the sales process,

focusing as much on learning from wins
as from losses.
>> Improve the win/loss ratio.
>> Re ne the value proposition
Sales for a new product.
>> Conduct AARs on customer defections
to competitors’ products.

5 >> Build AARs into strategy, negotiation,

due diligence, and execution phases
to continually reveal, test, and modify
>> Ensure that transactions deliver
promised value to stakeholders.
Mergers and
assumptions about the deal.
acquisitions >> Wrap up each M&A activity by compar-
ing it with previous efforts to identify
problems and good ideas.

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 7

Learning in the Thick of It

dead, and everyone weighs in on the mistakes we’ll see writ large in a few weeks. We really do
that contributed to his demise. The word “ac- need to take lessons from these fights, realizing
countability” comes up a lot—generally it that we’ll have a far more mobile attack unit.
means “blame,” which participants expend Deception will be an issue. Multiple routes will
considerable energy trying to avoid. There is a be an issue. Our job is to figure out common
sense of finality to these sessions. The team is targets. We need to rethink how to track move-
putting a bad experience behind it. ment. How many scouts do we need in close to
“Accountability” comes up a lot during OP- the objective area to see soldiers? They will be
FOR’s AARs as well, but in that context it is for- extremely well-equipped. So one thing I’m
ward-looking rather than backward-looking. challenging everyone to do is to be prepared to
Units are accountable for learning their own discard your norms next month. It’s time to sit
lessons. And OPFOR’s leaders are account- down and talk with your sergeants about how
able for taking lessons from one situation you fight a unit with a well-trained infantry.”
and applying them to others—for forging ex- Immediately after the AAR meeting breaks
plicit links between past experience and future up, commanders gather their units to conduct
performance. their own AARs. Each group applies lessons
At the end of an AAR meeting, the senior from these AAR meetings to plan its future ac-
commander stands and offers his own assess- tions—for example, repositioning scouts to
ment of the day’s major lessons and how they better track infantry movements in the next
relate to what was learned and validated dur- battle.
ing earlier actions. He also identifies the two or OPFOR also makes its lessons available to
three lessons he expects will prove most rele- BLUFOR: The groups’ commanders meet be-
vant to the next battle or rotation. If the units fore rotations, and OPFOR’s commander al-
focus on more than a few lessons at a time, lows himself to be “captured” by BLUFOR at
they risk becoming overwhelmed. If they focus the conclusion of battles in order to attend its
on lessons unlikely to be applied until far in AARs. At those meetings, the OPFOR com-
the future, soldiers might forget. mander explains his brigade’s planning as-
At the meeting following the infantry battle sumptions and tactics and answers his oppo-
described earlier, for example, the senior com- nents’ questions.
mander summed up this way: “To me, this set Beyond those conferences with BLUFOR,
of battles was a good rehearsal for something formally spreading lessons to other units for
later application—the chief focus of many cor-
porate AARs—is not in OPFOR’s job descrip-
tion. The U.S. Army uses formal knowledge
Doctrine and Tactics systems to capture and disseminate important
lessons to large, dispersed audiences, and the
The lessons produced and validated by inform the Army’s other class of organi- National Training Center contributes indi-
the U.S. Army’s Opposing Force (OPFOR) zational knowledge: doctrine. Doctrine— rectly to those. (See the sidebar “Doctrine and
and the units it trains at the National which rarely changes and is shared by the Tactics.”) Informal knowledge sharing among
Training Center (NTC) in Fort Irwin, Cali- entire Army—establishes performance peers, however, is very common. OPFOR’s
fornia, contribute to the Army’s two standards for the kinds of actions and leaders, for example, use e-mail and the Inter-
classes of organizational knowledge. One conditions military units commonly face. net to stay in touch with leaders on combat
class, known as Tactics, Techniques, and For example, many of the steps in the duty. The OPFOR team shares freshly hatched
Procedures (TTP), focuses on how to per- doctrine for a brigade-level attack (such insights and tactics with officers in Afghanistan
form specific tasks under specific condi- as planning for mobility, survivability, and Iraq; those officers, in turn, describe new
tions. It is the responsibility of each unit and air defense) began life as lessons and unexpected situations cropping up in real
leader to build her own library of TTP by from the NTC and other Army training battles. And, of course, OPFOR’s leaders don’t
learning from other leaders as well as by centers. stay out in the Mojave Desert forever. Every
capturing good ideas from her subordi- The difference between doctrine and year as part of the Army’s regular rotation,
nates. Two unit leaders in the same bri- TTP is a useful one for businesses, some one-third move to other units, which they seed
gade may need to employ different TTP of which draw few distinctions among with OPFOR-spawned thinking. Departing
to address different conditions. the types of knowledge employees gener- leaders leave behind “continuity folders” full of
Sufficiently weighty, widely applicable, ate and about how widely diverse lessons lessons and AAR notes for their successors.
and rigorously tested TTP may ultimately should be applied and disseminated. In an environment where conditions change

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 8

Learning in the Thick of It

Instead of producing constantly, knowledge is always a work in project will likely require different levels of
progress. So creating, collecting, and sharing preparation, execution, and review. However,
static “knowledge assets” knowledge are the responsibility of the peo- we have distilled some best practices from the
ple who can apply it. Knowledge is not a staff few companies we studied that use AARs well.
to file away in a
function. For example, leaders should phase in an AAR
management report or regimen, beginning with the most important
The Corporate Version and complex work their business units per-
repository, OPFOR’s It would be impractical for companies to form. Teams should commit to holding short
AARs generate raw adopt OPFOR’s processes in their entirety. BAR and AAR meetings as they go, keeping
Still, many would benefit from making their things simple at first and developing the pro-
material that the brigade own after-action reviews more like OPFOR’s. cess slowly—adding rehearsals, knowledge-
feeds back into the The business landscape, after all, is competi- sharing activities and systems, richer metrics,
tive, protean, and often dangerous. An organi- and other features dictated by the particular
execution cycle. zation that doesn’t merely extract lessons from practice.
experience but actually learns them can adapt While companies will differ on the specifics
more quickly and effectively than its rivals. they adopt, four fundamentals of the OPFOR
And it is less likely to repeat the kinds of errors process are mandatory. Lessons must first and
that gnaw away at stakeholder value. foremost benefit the team that extracts them.
Most of the practices we’ve described can be The AAR process must start at the beginning
customized for corporate environments. Sim- of the activity. Lessons must link explicitly to
pler forms of operational orders and brief future actions. And leaders must hold every-
backs, for example, can ensure that a project is one, especially themselves, accountable for
seen the same way by everyone on the team learning.
and that each member understands his or her By creating tight feedback cycles between
role in it. A corporate version, called a before- thinking and action, AARs build an organiza-
action review (BAR), requires teams to answer tion’s ability to succeed in a variety of condi-
four questions before embarking on an impor- tions. Former BLUFOR brigades that are now
tant action: What are our intended results and deploying to the Middle East take with them
measures? What challenges can we antici- not just a set of lessons but also a refresher
pate? What have we or others learned from course on how to draw new lessons from situa-
similar situations? What will make us success- tions for which they did not train—situations
ful this time? The responses to those questions they may not even have imagined. In a fast-
align the team’s objectives and set the stage for changing environment, the capacity to learn
an effective AAR meeting following the action. lessons is more valuable than any individual
In addition, breaking projects into smaller lesson learned. That capacity is what compa-
chunks, bookended by short BAR and AAR nies can gain by studying OPFOR.
meetings conducted in task-focused groups, es-
tablishes feedback loops that can help a project Reprint R0507G
team maximize performance and develop a To order, see the next page
learning culture over time. or call 800-988-0886 or 617-783-7500
Every organization, every team, and every or go to www.hbrreprints.org

harvard business review • july–august 2005 page 9

Learning in the Thick of It

Further Reading
CASE ecutives must play to make learning a day-
Major Steckleson at the National to-day reality in their organizations.
Training Center (A)
by Scott Snook, Jeremy Schneider, and
Putting the Learning Organization to
Robert Kaderavek
Work: Learning After Doing
Harvard Business School Case
by David A. Garvin
January 5, 2004; revised August 26, 2004
Harvard Business School Publishing
Product no. 9-404-089
May 20, 1996
The U.S. Army originated the concept of Product no. 7099A
the AAR process. In this Harvard Business
When you apply the AAR process effectively,
School case, Captain James Steckleson is
you enable your company to profit from its
an “observer-controller” at the U.S. Army’s
experiences—repeating past successes while
National Training Center, located deep in the
avoiding past failures. This video shows how
heart of California’s Mojave Desert. It’s his job
the U.S. Army uses AAR to capture lessons
to make sure that the 3rd Armored Cavalry
learned after every operation and systemati-
Squadron leaves its two-week combat train-
cally share those lessons throughout its vast
ing a better unit than when it arrived. On the
organization. This program also demonstrates
squadron’s seventh day of simulated combat,
how you can immediately apply the Army’s
mistakes are made—big mistakes. Captain
simple yet powerful methodology to your
Steckleson steps in to help the unit learn—
own company.
applying the AAR process in ways that can
help any organization boost its performance
amid rapid change and uncertainty.

Learning in Action: A Guide to Putting
the Learning Organization to Work
by David A. Garvin
Harvard Business School Press
February 2003
Product no. 1903

This book includes guidelines on applying

the AAR process to enhance organizational
learning. Garvin describes the basic steps in
every learning process—acquiring, interpret-
ing, and applying knowledge—then exam-
To Order ines the critical challenges facing managers
at each of these stages and various ways to
For Harvard Business Review reprints and meet those challenges. He then introduces
subscriptions, call 800-988-0886 or three modes of learning—intelligence gath-
617-783-7500. Go to www.hbrreprints.org ering, experience, and experimentation—
and shows how to deploy each mode effec-
For customized and quantity orders of tively. Detailed case studies of learning in ac-
Harvard Business Review article reprints, tion at organizations such as Xerox, L.L. Bean,
call 617-783-7626, or e-mai the U.S. Army, and GE are included. Garvin
customizations@hbsp.harvard.edu also discusses the leadership role senior ex-

page 10

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