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Sometimes I wonder, this world is an unusual place. Think of you, you were born a couple years ago.

And there is no way you have ever known that life would take you here, for who you are right now. And
when you think of it from the other side, we never know, where life will take us, in future! And when
you think of it more and more further down the rabbit hole, you see that you are not the same as you
were before. And then you question yourself, what changes me? Is it the fact that I have grown up? Is it
the fact that people just change out of the blue with time? And I am here today to answer every one of
these questions

Ladies and Gentlemen, yes, people changes, and that’s not with time, its with the experiences you gain
with time! Experiences, is such a deep word you can use to describe life. Experiences can be really
memorable and Joyful! But on the other end it can be as traumatic as you could ever imagine! And
weirdly enough, in most cases, it is still memorable! Experiences can help you remember “ Oh! This is
what happened the last time I tried this before!” Yes! Experiences, they lead you towards success!

Let me give you an example, or as you may call it an ‘Experience’, of myself. When I was in 5 th Grade, I
would never have thought that I could sing. But as it was a Primary Grade, we used to have ‘Singing
Periods’ on our time schedule. And I woukd always look upto this everyday! And one day, I just went
there, and started singing with my classmates as usual, but I realised something, I can magically sing
fairly well! And now when I think about this, this has changed my whole life up until now, and its just
cause I kept attending ‘Singing Periods’ as just a normal 5 th grade student.

Now moving from that, let me tell you another experience of mine. I used to be a very carefree person!
And you could say I still am! But as a Kid I never used to follow this sort of ‘Method’ which was taught to
us by our teachers on ‘How to cross the road’. And I never followed it! One day, this carelessness could
have led me to possibly dying! But then Iearn’t from my mistake, and changed.

And this makes me wonder more, ‘Are experiences and mistakes related?’ What are Mistakes?
According to google, an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong. When you make a mistake, it gives
you an experience of an act which you never intended or should’nt have happened, and this leaves you
with a ‘Lesson’, and we call these ‘Life lessons’. Life teaches you through experience, and helps you grow
and correct your initial mistakes.

And this takes us closer and closer towards the conclusion, if experience teaches you to correct your
past mistakes, doesn’t that make experience the best teacher? Not only that,experience teaches you
everything, everything is an experience, which you gain in your journey of life. And yes, if you ask me
who is the best teacher I ever had`, that is experience!

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