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Departamento de Educación

English IV
Final Project-Interview

Study guide-Questionnaire for interview

Dear Students, thank you for the hard work you have done this semester. This is a study guide with
questions from the instructor. It is advised to be ready to answer any of them. You will be asked 4-5
questions in total. Don’t forget to check the evaluation rubric below.

Past Simple Vs Present Perfect

1. Can you tell me about a book you have recently read? What was it about and did you enjoy it?
2. Have you ever participated in a sports competition? Which sport was it, and how did you
3. Have you ever met a famous person? Who was it, and how did you feel about the experience?
4. Can you describe a memorable event from your childhood? What happened and how did it affect

Narrative Tenses
5. Describe a recent vacation or trip you took using the past simple, past continuous, and past
perfect tenses.
6. Can you share a recent achievement or accomplishment? What did you accomplish, and how did
it make you feel?
7. Can you tell me about a fun day you had recently using the past simple, past continuous, and past
perfect tenses?
8. Describe a memorable encounter with a friend or family member using the past simple, past
continuous, and past perfect tenses.

Be Going to/ Will, Present Continuous, and Might

9. What are your plans for the upcoming weekend? Will you be going to any events or activities, or
might you just relax at home?
10. Do you have any long-term goals or aspirations for your career? Are you going to pursue further
education or might you explore different job opportunities?
11. What are your plans for the summer vacation? Will you be traveling to a specific destination, or
might you consider exploring local attractions?
12. Do you have any health and fitness goals you want to achieve? Are you going to start a new
workout routine, or might you seek guidance from a personal trainer?

Past unreal conditionals (hypothetical conditional about the past)

13. If you had won the lottery, what would you have done with the money? How would your life
have changed if you had become a multimillionaire?
14. If you had been born in a different country, how do you think your life would have been
15. If you had learned to play a musical instrument when you were younger, which instrument would
you have chosen and why?
16. If you had met your favorite actor/singer, what would you have asked them and why?
Rubric for the interview

Interview Evaluation Rubric

Category Descriptor Score Comments

Correct Use The student demonstrates accurate and __/ 5

of Grammar: appropriate use of grammar structures,
displays a solid understanding of verb
tenses, sentence structure, and word order,
and minimizes grammatical errors, with
few or no mistakes that hinder

Fluency when The student communicates ideas and __/5

Answering responses confidently and smoothly,
Questions demonstrates a natural flow of speech with
minimal hesitations or disruptions, and
uses appropriate intonation, rhythm, and
pace to convey meaning effectively.

Recycling The student appropriately incorporates __/4

Content from and references relevant content from
Previous previous units or lessons, uses recycled
Units content to enhance understanding, support
arguments, or provide examples.
Shows evidence of a comprehensive grasp
of previously taught concepts and their

Pronunciation The student demonstrates clear and __/4

intelligible pronunciation of words and
sounds, produces accurate pronunciation
of vowels, consonants, and stress patterns,
shows awareness of common pronunciation
challenges and makes efforts to overcome

Dos and The student shows a clear understanding __/2

Don'ts for an of appropriate interview etiquette and
Interview: behavior, follows appropriate etiquette
when answering and asking questions
during the interview.

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